

EDU 645-001, Fall 2015

Name: __________________________________

Partner School: _______________________________

Cooperating Teacher: ________________________________

Clinical/Professional Field Experience Activity Checklist

During your field placement in a local partner school, you will observe in diverse classrooms to ensure you work with a wide range of teachers, students, and classroom contexts. You will work with a range of grade levels, courses in your content area, and students with highly varied backgrounds with regard to race, culture, social class, language, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and other variations in social context/demographics. You are expected to take initiative and seek out ways in which you can do more than observe in these contexts with these individuals. You will be directed to work with your host teachers, assist them with day-day tasks, help their students when possible/appropriate, and teach content or help with classroom instruction when appropriate. The following describes “core” activities you should focus your field work during your Fall Field Practicum, and then describes “secondary” activities you may engage in when you are not involved in “core” activities.

NOTE: MIC Students who engage in non-field work during field placements will be subject to academic probation according to the College of Education’s standards for Functional Skills and

Dispositions in professional teaching.

To ensure you get the fundamental experiences necessary for success in your placement, complete the Field Placement Checklist described below. When complete, obtain the signature(s) of the host teacher(s) who can confirm that you completed the required tasks. This assignment will be graded on a pass/fail basis; it will be worth 30% of your final grade.

Core Activities:

These core activities should constitute the majority of your clinical field work in secondarygrades classrooms across your host school.


Observe classroom teaching. a.

Regularly spend time observing classes in action. Conduct observations in a focused and purposeful manner, including observing and analyzing teacher actions and behaviors, and observing/interpreting student responses, behaviors, and learning. In observation mode, the MIC student will sit to the side, observe, and take notes, but generally will not participate in whole class activities. During seat and group work, the observing MIC student may assist and interact with students when appropriate in collaboration with host teachers. Focused observation is a key activity in learning to teach at this phase of MIC student development.


Discuss classroom episodes with the cooperating teacher.

EDU 645-001, Fall 2015 a.

Learn about rationales, teacher decision-making, classroom management techniques, instructional methods, etc., by talking with the cooperating teacher.

Discussions may be as brief as 5 minutes.


Analyze the cooperating teacher’s lesson plans. a.

When possible, analyze samples of lesson and unit plans used in the classrooms where you do clinical work and observation in order to use them as models for instructional planning. b.

Study and review building and district level curriculum guides, including student handbooks, faculty/staff manuals, curriculum guides, scope & sequence curriculum maps, etc.


Co-plan lessons with the host teachers when appropriate.


Co-teach lessons with the host teachers when appropriate.


Teach mini-lessons on skills and strategies related to a lesson or unit, with the supervision of host teachers.


Teach full lessons with host teacher supervision when appropriate.

Secondary Activities

These secondary activities are additional important opportunities and significant experiences for

MIC students to engage in. Note that photocopying, grading worksheets and papers, and other administrative work should be minimized so that the MIC student may focus on major aspects of learning to teach.


Lead/coach selected cooperative/small learning groups.


Assist with class discussions and activities.


Lead class discussions with the supervision of the host teacher.


Assist students with classwork by circulating during class.


Tutor students, including both struggling students and students in need of enrichment.


Explain assignments to the class.


Develop assessment rubrics with host teacher supervision.


Grade student work with host teacher guidance and collaboration.


Supervise classroom routines.


Use/assist with technology in the classroom.


Take attendance.


Review and prepare instructional materials.

Clinical Field Placement Activity Checklist

Activities to be completed in the first two weeks of your Fall Field Placement Practicum:

Learn names of students in all your classes

Observe host’s/hosts’ teaching

Observe in the classrooms of at least two other teachers (social studies or other subjects)

Become familiar with the physical plan of the building

Become familiar with how to operate various pieces of equipment (OHP, computers, photocopy machine, Smart Board, etc.)

EDU 645-001, Fall 2015

Learn basic rules and procedures of the school (various forms to fill out, absentee and tardy procedures, what to do about fights and disruptions, etc.)

Assist with routine paperwork

Assist with grading

Work with individual students on a one-on-one basis and work with small groups

Become familiar with curriculum materials, available technology, other resources, etc.

Meet the principal, associate/assistant principal, office assistants (secretaries), other teachers in your content area, teachers who teach close to your room, and custodial staff

Meet counselors and learn what the counseling office can and will do for students

Assist with upkeep of classroom (room arrangement, bulletin boards, etc.)

Have frequent evaluation/feedback sessions with your host teachers

Help teach at least one class/lesson

Signature of Student Teacher

Standards Alignment:

KNTS 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9

NCATE/NCTE 1.1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1.1, 2.1.4, 2.5, 2.6.

EPSB Literacy, Diversity, Technology

Signature of Cooperating Teacher
