March 6, 2012 - Town of West Point

Pursuant to Wisconsin State Statute 19.84, the Town of West Point Area Historical
Society held a meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at the West Point Town Hall.
The meeting was posted in the three designated places in the town and on the
town’s web site. It is also placed on the Historical Society web site, Facebook and
Agenda #1 - Call to Order –President Joan Ryan called the meeting to order at
7:09 p.m. Members present were Joan Ryan, Karon Hamilton, Kristine Lehman,
Della Ryan, Chris Ryan, Mary Ann Johnson, Jim Peters and Donna Kessnich.
Sharon Richmond and Terri Hancock were absent.
Agenda #2 – Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda #3- Correspondence: The “Columns Newsletter” from the Wisconsin
Historical Society had an article about the donation of the sign on the first
successful Culver’s restaurant franchise in Baraboo. The Wisconsin Magazine of
History included an insert about Craig Culver being the Chair of the Wisconsin
State Historical Society’s “Forward Campaign.”
A donation of $100 in memory of Vila Horton Wilkinson was received by our
society. Mary Ann Johnson will write a thank you note to the family.
An email received on our account saying how wonderful our society website was
and applauding those who worked so hard to make it a great site to visit.
The memory cards were installed into the desk top computer at a cost of $59.85
and there was not as much memory as was thought but the addition of the two new
ones did speed up the computer.
Joan discussed her purchase of a new scanner “Flip-pal”. She explained that it had
a small scanning area (4 x 6), portable; battery operated and didn’t need a laptop
computer. Large pictures require multiple overlapping scans of the image and then
the software will “stitch it back together.” Once scanning is completed you
remove SD memory card and open in computer like you would a camera memory
Agenda #4 – Public input for future agendas: None
Agenda #5 – Approval of Minutes for February 7, 2012
The minutes had been emailed to the Historical Society members prior to the
meeting for their review. A motion was made by Karon Hamilton to approve the
minutes of February 7, 2012, 2nd by Kristine Lehman – motion carried
March 6, 2012
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Agenda #6 – Treasurer’s report
There is a balance of $2100.27 in our treasury as of March 6, 2012. There is
$47.56 left in the Town’s Budget. Della Ryan and Sharon Richmond were going
to verify calendar sales. A motion was made by Kristine Lehman to approve the
amount of $2100.27 for the treasury balance, 2nd by Mary Ann Johnson - motion
carried unanimously.
Agenda #7 – Donation toward the West Point out door shelter project –
The Town of West Point is still working on plans for the new shelter. There are
no figures yet and Mary Ann Johnson made a motion to postpone any donation
amount until the Town of West Point has plans in place with a dollar amount for
cost, 2nd by Karon Hamilton – motion carried unanimously.
Agenda #8 – Possible change of Annual Meeting Date and time for 2013.
It has been suggested we change our Annual meeting date from the first Saturday
in May at 1:30p.m. to the first Tuesday of May at 7:00 p.m. This would have to be
discussed and determined at our Annual Meeting on May 5, 2012.
Agenda #9 –2013 Calendar progress report.
Joan Ryan gave the society members a handout with the target deadlines for
calendar completion. March, we should have the bottom portion “calendar” done.
April, we should have finalized our 13 pictures. May, we should have contacted
all the sponsors. June, we should be ready with the final draft and by the end of
the month have it sent it to the printers. A possible cover page showing a frozen
Lake Wisconsin was discussed and rough drafts for the 12 months passed around
for comments. Everyone was reminded to get certain projects completed as soon
as possible to keep the pages moving along.
Agenda #10 Next Commission meeting – May 1, 2012
Agenda #11- Annual Meeting – May 5, 2012 at 1:30 p.m.
Agenda #12 – Next Society Meeting – June 5, 2012
Adjourn Meeting #13. A motion was made by Kris Lehman to adjourn the
meeting at 8:40 p.m., 2nd by Karon Hamilton - motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Mary Ann Johnson,
Secretary of the West Point Area Historical Society
March 6, 2012
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