Social Justice Principle 1: Participation in decision

First Quarter Progress Report on Implementation of the Social Justice Charter
The following report represents the outputs of the Social Justice Charter over the period of July-Sept 2013. Future data will be drawn from PARS
and reports from members of the Social Justice Working Group who are responsible for delivering the Social Justice Action Plan.
Social Justice Principle 1: Participation in decision-making and Council processes
Goal: For as many people, from different backgrounds and situations within the Port Phillip community, to be able to have
a say about political and civic processes
Provide clear and open
communication and
engagement that is
valued by the
community (1.1)
Build and facilitate a
network of active and
informed communities
 Continue to improve
community consultation
practices to support open
and inclusive decision making
 Continue to improve
Council’s engagement
practices to reach diverse
 Develop and support
community reference
committees in providing
advice to Council
Measure of success
 Maintained or improved
community satisfaction with
Council’s engagement in
decision making on key local
 Maintained or increased
proportion of the population
who agree they feel proud of,
connected to, and enjoy their
 The final progress report for the 2010-13
Communications and Engagement Strategy is being
developed and work on a new strategy will
commence in 2014.
 Reviewing standard terms of reference for
Community Reference Committees to ensure it
aligns with adopted Council Plan.
 Reviewing processes to ensure that Assembly of
Councillor forms are completed for all Community
Reference Committees.
Social Justice Principle 2: Partnership with our Indigenous community
Goal: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents of Port Phillip can achieve equality in all aspects of life
Continue to pursue
reconciliation with our
Indigenous community (2.1,
Key Action 5)
 Build effective working relationships
with the area’s Traditional Owners,
the Yalukit Wilam clan of the Boon
 Recognise the valuable contribution
to the Port Phillip region made by
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
 Create opportunities to build the
capacity of the local Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander community to
self-determine their future.
Measure of success
 Delivery of the
Reconciliation Action
Plan 2012-2015
All events are on track, with planning for
Yalukit Wilum Ngargee currently underway.
The Festival is to be held on February 1 2014,
and program details to be released in early
The Aboriginal Employment Strategy has been
progressed and is currently in final stages of
Council has finalised an Aboriginal history
study which will be developed into a
community information resource.
Council continues to work with Department of
Health to advance 'gathering' in the region.
Council has commenced documentation of all
Indigenous protocols.
The City of Port Phillip was also chosen to host
the Aboriginal Justice Advisory Forum.
An annual report of Port Phillip's
Reconciliation Plan has been sent to
Reconciliation Australia.
Social Justice Principle 3: Equality of access to information, facilities and services
Goal: To provide equal access to information, services, community spaces, transport and lifelong learning
Provide clear and open
communication and
engagement that is valued
by the community (1.1)
Achieve a reputation for
organisational and service
excellence (1.5)
 Provide seamless and
information to the
community about
Council’s policies and
 Improve awareness of
Council’s services to
ensure people can
access what they
Measure of success
 Maintained or improved
community satisfaction with
Council’s engagement in
decision making on key local
 Maintained or improved
community satisfaction with the
service performance of
customer contact services
Foster a community that
values lifelong learning,
strong connections and
participating in the life of
the City (2.4)
 Improve access to a
diversity of high
quality lifelong
learning opportunities
 Ensure Council’s
community facilities
are accessible and
relevant to
community needs
 Maintained or increased
proportion of the population
who feel they have
opportunities to participate in
affordable local community
events and activities of their
Ensure people can travel
with ease using a range of
convenient, safe, accessible
 Plan for and respond
to the changing
transport needs of a
 Reported community use of
sustainable options as their
main mode of transport
 Council website content is under continual review
and content owners are contacted if content is out of
 An Online strategy will be developed in 2014 to
improve Council's website accessibility.
 Service Principle workshops for the organisation are
scheduled for completion on 9 October. Anticipated
commencement February/March 2014 as part of the
Community First strategy.
 Project has commenced and a review of current
communication methods and future requirements
has been undertaken. Refinement and development
of materials has commenced.
 A draft Building Connected Neighbourhoods 10 Year
Strategic Plan has been developed outlining a vision,
strategic goals, objectives and key broad actions to
a. All people have access to the services,
programs, spaces and opportunities for
participation that meet the diversity of
community needs
b. Key community places engage and nurture the
communities around them, building healthy,
inclusive, connected, vibrant and sustainable
 South Melbourne and Port Melbourne have been
identified as priority areas for a parking capacity study
this year.
and sustainable travel
choices (4.4)
high density
 Advocate for
improved public
transport accessibility
and connections
Measure of success
 Completion of a number of capital works projects to
close identified gaps from the STPPs including Market
Street (South Melbourne), York Street (St Kilda West),
McGregor Street/Canterbury Street (Middle Park),
Bridport Street/Madden Street and Bridport
Street/Faussett Street (Albert Park).
 A new parking restriction change process has been
developed and is due for a decision on adoption at a
Council Meeting on 22 October 2013.
 Council has written to the Minister for Public
Transport and Roads expressing support for the
Melbourne Metro project.
Social Justice Principle 4: Respect - Valuing diversity
Goal: A respectful community where difference is understood, sought after and celebrated, and where people are valued
for their individuality and free to be themselves
Ensure our City is
a welcoming and
safe place for all
Enable an inclusive
community that welcomes
diversity and works to
eliminate discrimination
Pursue social justice for all
people in our community
Promote and celebrate
equal rights and
opportunities for people
who identify as gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transgender and
Seek to make the City a
more welcoming, accessible
and safe place for older
Foster a community where
people from diverse
cultural and linguistic
backgrounds feel supported
and safe
Foster a city where people
living with disability can
participate in community
life without barriers
Measure of success
 Maintained or increased
proportion of the population
who believe that Port Phillip
is a welcoming and
supportive community for
 Maintained or improved
community perception of
safety and security
 Over this period the Social Justice Action Plan has been
completed and has been formally ratified by Council on 8
October 2013. A Social Justice Project Officer was appointed
to drive the delivery of 27 Actions aimed at advancing Social
Justice in Port Phillip. Council has completed work on a small
film entitled "Social Justice in Port Phillip: What is already
 Considerable progress has been made in attaining the
Rainbow Tick accreditation. Staff survey has been completed
and staff training scheduled. A community based survey is in
progress and a Reference Group has been established and is
meeting monthly to inform and guide the process. All
departmental information and documentation is being
 Research has been completed as stage one of the Age
Friendly City Framework and Action Plan project.
Relationships with key peak bodies have been strengthened.
Council has been involved in the development of the
Australian Age Friendly Cities Network. A consultant has been
contracted to manage consultation with key stakeholders in
the community and provide a detailed report of outcomes,
against the eight domains of the World Health Organisation's
Age Friendly Cities Guide, to Council.
 The City of Port Phillip hosted the Multicultural Women's Day
celebration on the 27 September 2013, with 240 women from
all corners of the world in attendance.
 The City of Port Phillip Access Network was officially launched
at the Access: Port Phillip Launch on 4 July 2013.
Social Justice Principle 5: Addressing the rising cost of living - Reducing disadvantage
Goal: People from all walks of life have access to affordable housing and homelessness support
Support the delivery of
affordable housing to
meet community
needs (2.1, Key Action
Promote a range of affordable housing
models and projects applicable to public,
community and private housing that
address the housing needs of low to
moderate income residents (Housing
Strategy 2007-2017, Objective 6)
To expand the supply, distribution and type
of social (public and community) housing
available for the benefit of current and
future residents of Port Phillip
(HS 2007-2017, Objective 7)
Enhance community understanding of
homelessness (Homelessness Action
Strategy 2008-2013, Objective 1)
Actively advocate and support the
Homelessness Service system (HAS 20082013, Objective 2)
Facilitate integrated planning in the
provision of supportive housing
(HAS 2008-2013, Objective 3)
Coordinate planning and facilitate research
(HAS 2008-2013, Objective 4)
Integrate Council’s own responses to
homelessness (HAS Objective 5)
Prepare a five year Homelessness Action
Strategy (2014-2019)
Measure of success
Delivery of CoPP Housing
Strategy (2007-2017)
Delivery of the
Homelessness Action
Strategy 2008-2013
Homelessness Action
Strategy (2014-2019) is
developed, endorsed by
Council and made available
to the public
Delivery of Year 1 and 2 of
Homelessness Action
Strategy (2014-2019)
 A review of the current Homelessness
Action Strategy 2008-2013 included the
following tasks and outputs:
a. An evaluation of the progress and
outcomes of the Homelessness
Action Strategy 2008-2013
b. A review of other Government
Homelessness Strategies and policies
to identify current and emerging
best practice
c. Stakeholder consultation to inform
the review process and the
development of the draft
Homelessness Action Strategy 201419.
d. The draft Homelessness Action
Strategy 2014-19 is finalised and
scheduled for Council meeting 10
December 2013 for endorsement for
public comment.
Social Justice Principle 6: Enjoying the City - Being connected
Goal: All members of the community are able to take part in opportunities to enjoy and feel connected to the City
Build and facilitate a
network of active and
informed communities
Support our community
to achieve improved
health and wellbeing
Promote an improved
range of cultural and
leisure opportunities that
 Promote and support
a culture of active
citizenship and caring
for others
 Promote a healthy
and active lifestyle
for our community
 Enhance recreation
and sporting
activities that
support people of all
 Ensure our parks,
open spaces and the
built environment
encourage activity for
all ages
 Promote and deliver
a diverse program of
festivals and events
Measure of success
Maintained or increased the
proportion of the population
who agree they feel proud of,
connected to, and enjoy their
Number of community clubs,
organisations and groups
engaged in health and
wellbeing activities supported
by, and delivered in
partnership with Council
Local Health and Wellbeing
Reduction in the number of
health and wellbeing
concerns raised by members
of the community
 Maintained or increased the
proportion of the population
who agree Port Phillip has a
 Council has a number of community databases of active
citizens. Council will review and scope options to further
improve management of community databases in 2014.
 This year Council awarded a total of $291,825 in funding
to more than 114 community organisations undertaking a
wide range of community projects and programs aimed at
strengthening our diverse and inclusive community. In
addition nine organisations were successful in applying to
the new Toyota Equipment Fund for support with various
purchases for their community programs.
 Implementation of the Alcohol Action Plan 2008-13
a. Scoping internal Council initiatives and developing an
internal working group for drug and alcohol.
b. Initial meeting of external drug and alcohol agencies 19
September 2013
c. Coordination of The Port Phillip Liquor License Forum
(previously Accord) Forum 22 October
d. Development of the 2013-17 draft Drug and Alcohol
Plan is in progress and includes the development and
coordination of a Vibrancy Project for Carlisle Street.
 A draft Sport and Recreation Strategy has been completed
and will be distributed to City of Port Phillip. The draft is to
be presented to Council at the start of 2014.
 Several fundraising options are being explored and will be
trialled at the 2014 St Kilda Festival, to measure their
effectiveness as a future model.
foster a connected and
engaged community (2.5)
Ensure growth is well
planned and managed for
the future (4.2)
across the City
 Support programs
and partner with
others to build
connections and a
sense of community
in high density living
Measure of success
culture of creativity, learning
and physical activity
 Number of people
participating in the Leisure and
Lifestyle Program
 Number of grants provided to
arts and cultural programs
 Increased number of planning
permit applicants participating
in the Sustainable Design
Assessment in the Planning
Process (SDAPP ) program
within Port Phillip
 A consultant has been engaged to develop the City of Port
Phillip Event Strategy. Consultation has commenced, with
a draft discussion paper to be presented to Council at
briefing on 10 December 2013.
 The Annual Report on the Friends of Suai 2012/13
Program goes to Council for endorsement on 12
November 2013.
 A draft Building Connected Neighbourhoods 10 Year
Strategic Plan has been developed outlining a vision,
strategic goals, objectives and key broad actions to ensure:
a. All people have access to the services, programs,
spaces and opportunities for participation that meet
the diversity of community needs
b. Key community places engage and nurture the
communities around them, building healthy, inclusive,
connected, vibrant and sustainable neighbourhoods.