Curriculum Vitae

Arie Nadler ,Ph.D
December 2009
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Training and Places:
B.A Bar-Ilan University,Israel (1971)
Major: Psychology Minor: Sociology
M.Sc. Purdue University ,U.S.A (1973)
Major: Social-Personality Psychology
Minor: Industrial Psychology
Ph.D. Purdue University,U.S.A (1976)
Social-Personality Psychology
1. Academic Appointments:
1977-1980 Lecturer of Psychology
1980-1983 Senior Lecturer of Psychology
1983-1988 Associate Professor of Psychology
Visiting professor of Psychology, CUNY - Graduate and Research Center
1988Full Professor of Psychology- Tel Aviv University
University Professor of Psychology- Invited- University of Washington, Seattle
2000Incumbent- Argentina Chair for the Social Psychology of Conflict and Cooperation
(donated by the Argentinean Friends of Tel Aviv University)
2. Main Academic Positions:
1984-1988 Department Head- Department of Psychology, Tel-Aviv University
1989-1991 Chairperson of Doctoral Studies - Faculty of Social Sciences- Tel Aviv University
1993- 1998 Dean - Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University
1992- 2002 Chair- Academic committee- Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research
1998-2001 Founder and first Head of: The Institute for Diplomacy and Regional
Cooperation- Tel Aviv University (together with the Peres Center for Peace)
1985-2003 Senior Academic Advisor for the Development of Psychology- Open University
3. Main Public Positions (voluntary positions)
1995-1998- Chair of Executive Committee- ISEF (Israeli Sepharadic Education Foundation)
1998-2001- Chairperson- "Yeladim" – The Israeli Council for the Child in Placement.
Professional Affiliations:
American Psychological Association (Elected Fellow)
American Psychological Society (Elected Fellow)
Society of Experimental Social Psychology
Israeli Psychological Association
European Association of Social Psychology
2. Publications
Nadler,A., Fisher,J.D.,Streufert,S., (1974).The donor's dilemma: Recipient's reactions to aid from
friend or foe Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 4 , 265-275
Fisher,J.D., Nadler,A.,(1974).The effects of similarity between the donor and the receipient on the
recipient's reactions to being helped Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 4,
Nadler,A., (1975).Delay of gratification: Review of the literature and suggestions for future research
JSAS Catalog for Selected Documents in Psychology, 5, (Ms. #1010).
Weller,L., Nadler,A., (1975). Authoritarianism and job preferences Journal of Vocational Behavior,
, 6,9-14.
Nadler,A., Fisher,J.D., Streufert,S., (1976). When helping hurts: Recipient's level of self esteem
and donor-recipient similarity as determinants of recipient's reactions to being helped.
Journal of Personality, 44,392-409.
Fisher,J.D., Nadler,A., (1976). Getting help from the rich and the poor: The effects of donor's level
of resources on the recipient's self perceptions and subsequent self help behavior
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 12,139-150.
Nadler,A., Porat,I., (1978). When names do not help: Effects of anonimity and locus of need
attributions on help seeking behavior Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
Fisher,J.D., Harrison,A., Nadler,A., (1978). Exploring the generalizability of donor-recipient
Similarity effects Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 4,627- 631
Nadler,A., Romek,I., Shapira-Freidman,A., (1979).Giving in the Kibbutz: Pro-Social behavior of city
and Kibbutz children, as affected by social responsibility and social pressure Journal
of Cross Cultural Psychology, 10,57-72.
Nadler,A., Altman,A., Fisher,J.D., (1979). Effects of
positive and negative information about the
self on recipient's reactions to aid Journal of Personality, 47 ,616-629.
Gross,A.E., Fisher,J.D., Nadler,A., Stiglitz,E., & Craig,C., (1979). Initiating contact with women's
counseling service: Some correlates of help utilization, Journal of Community
Psychology, 7 ,42-49.
Nadler,A., Jazwinski,C., Lau,S., & Miller,A., (1980). The cold glow of success: Responses to social
rejection as affected by attitude similarity between chosen
and rejected
individuals, European Journal of Social Psychology, 10,279-289.
Nadler,A, (1980). Good looks do not help: Effects of helper's attractiveness and expectations for
future interactions on help seeking behavior Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin 6 , 378-384.
Bar-Tal,D., Nadler,A., & Blechman,N., (1980). The relationship between children's perceptions of
parents' socialization practices and helping behavior, Journal of Social Psychology,
Fisher,J.D.,Nadler,A., Hart,E., Whitcher,S.J., (1981). Helping the needy helps the self, Bulletin of
the Psychonomic Society, 17,190-192.
Nadler,A., Goldberg,M., & Jaffe,Y. (1982). Effects of self differentiation and anonimity in group on
De-individuation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 1127-1136.
Nadler,A., Shapira,R., Ben-Itzhak,S.(1982). Good looks may help: Effects of sex of helper and
physical attractiveness of helper on males and females help seeking behavior Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 90-99.
Fisher,J.D., Nadler,A., Whitcher-Alagna,S., (1982). Recipient reactions to aid: A conceptual review,
Psychological Bulletin, 91, 27-54. (footnote in the body of the paper: "The first
authorship of Fisher & Nadler is alphabetical" ).
Nadler,A., Bar-Tal,D., & Drukman,O., (1982).Density does not help: Help giving, help seeking and
Help reciprocating of students living in high rise and lower dormitories Population
and Environment: Behavioral and Social Issues, 5, 26-42.
Dror,Y., & Nadler,A., (1982). Mirrors and reserve duty: The effects of increasing self awareness on
the willingness to serve in active reserve duty, Megamot, 27, 304- 310. (Hebrew).
Nadler,A., Fisher,J.D., Ben - Itzhak,S., (1983).With a little help from my friend: Effects of single or
multiple act aid as a function of donor and task characteristics. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology,44,310-321.
(Reprinted in Contemporary Readings in Social Psychology (1985) D.A Schroeder,
D.E. Jhonson, & T.D Jensen (Eds.). Chicago: Nelson - Hall publishers).
Nadler,A., (1983). Effects of physical attractiveness on non-sexual behavior, Medical Aspects of
Human Sexuality, 17, 18-23
Nadler,A. (1983). Objective self awareness, self esteem and causal attributions for success and
failure, Personality and Individual Differences ,4, 9-16.
Nadler,A. Maler,S., & Friedman, A., (1984). Effects of helper's sex, subject's androgyny and self
evaluation on males' and females' willingness to seek and receive help, Sex Roles,
,10,327 - 340.
Kav Venaki,S., Nadler,A. & Gershoni,H. (1985). Patterns of communication in families of
Holocaust survivors: A comparison between partisans and
prisoners of concentration camps. Annals for Research on the Holocaust, 3, 179-192
Nadler,A., Mayseless, O., Peri, N. Chemerinski, A.,(1985). Effects of self esteem and ability to
reciprocate on help seeking behavior, Journal of Personality , 53,23 - 36.
Nadler, A. Kav Venaki, S., Gleitman, B., (1985). Externalization - internalization of aggression
in sons and daughters of holocaust survivors, Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 53, 365 - 370.
Kav Venaki, S., Nadler, A., & Gershoni,H., (1985). Sharing the holocaust experience:
Communication Behaviors and their consequences in families of ex -partisans and ex
prisoners of concentration camps, Family Process, 24, 273-281.
Nadler,A., & Fisher, J.D., (1986).The role of threat to self esteem and perceived control in recipient
reactions to aid: Theory development and empirical validation. In L. Berkowitz
(Ed.): Advances in Experiemntal Social Psychology (Vol.19) New - York: Academic
Press, pp. 81- 124.
Nadler, A. (1986). Self esteem and help seeking and receiving: Empirical and theoretical perspectives
In B.A. Maher (Ed.):Progress in Experimental Personality Research, (Vol. 14). New
York: Academic Press, 115-165.
Nadler, A. (1986). Help seeking as a cultural phenomenon: Differences between city and
Kibbutz individuals, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 57 , 976-983.
Hobfoll, S.E., Nadler, A. & Lieberman, J.,(1986).Satisfaction with social support during crisis:
Intimacy and self esteem as critical determinants. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 51, 296-304.
Nadler, A. (1987). Determinants of help seeking behavior: The effects of helper's similarity,
task centrality and recipient's self esteem. European Journal of Social Psychology.
17, 57-67.
Nadler, A. (1987). The validity of trans-generational effects of Holocaust survivors: A reply to
Silverman. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55,
Nadler, A. & Ben Shushan, D. (1989). 40 years later: Long term consequences of the holocaust on
Kibbutz and city survivors. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,
Nadler, A., Lewinstein, E. & Rahav, G. (1991). Acceptance of retardation and help seeking:
Correlates of help seeking preferences of mothers and fathers of retarded children,
Mental Retardation , 29.
Nadler, A., (1991). Help seeking behavior: Psychological costs and instrumental benefits. In
Clark, M.S. (Ed.) Review of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 12), N.Y.:
Sage Inc, 290-312.
Nadler,A. & Dotan, I. (1992). Commitment and rival attractiveness: Their effects on male and
female reactions to jealousy arousing situations. Sex Roles, 26, 293-311.
Nadler, A. (1992). "Siege mentality in Israel": Fact, fiction or what?, Ongoing Production on Social
Representations: Threads of discussion, 1 , 73-79.
Shapira, R. & Nadler, A. (1992). An interdisciplenary meeting in the "Cuckoo's Nest", Studies in
Education ,57-58, 113-121 (Hebrew).
Nadler, A. (1993). Deviance in primary groups: The social negotiation of personal change. In M.
Hewstone & W. Stroebe (eds.): European Review of Social Psychology, Vol. 4, 187223.
Nadler, A. (1996). Fifty years later: Shifts in psychological outlook on holocaust survivors between
1945 and 1955, Geronotologia. (Hebrew)
Ellis, S. & Nadler, A. (1997). Applying SYMLOG theory to the study of political leadership,
Leadership Quarterly, 10, 254-270.
Friedland, N. & Nadler, A. (1999). Intuitive Economists in a Social Environment: A Reexamination
of the Effect of Interaction Outcomes on Interdependent Behavior
Group Processes and Inter-group relations, 2, 79-93.
Nadler, A. (2001). The Victim and the Psychologist: Changing Perceptions of Israeli Holocaust
Survivors by the Mental Health Community in the Past Fifty History of
Psychology. 4, 25-55.
Dafni, N., Nadler, A. (2002). Perceptions of in-group and out-group members by mental health
professionals: Psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, Megamot (Hebrew).
Nadler, A. (2002). Inter-group helping relations as power relations: Helping relations as affirming or
challenging inter-group hierarchy. Journal of Social Issues, 58 , 487-503.
Nadler, A., Ellis, S. & Bar R. (2003). To seek or not to seek: The relationship between help seeking
and job performance as affected by task relevant expertise. Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 33, 91-110.
Nadler, A., & Liviatan, I. (2006). Intergroup Reconciliation: Effects of Adversary's Expressions of
Empathy, Responsibility, and Recipients ' Trust. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
32, 459-470.
Nadler, A. & Halabi, S. (2006). Intergroup Helping as Status Relations: Effects of Status
Stability, Identification, and Type of Help on Receptivity to High Status
Group’s Help. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 97-110.
Saguy, T., & Nadler, A. (2006). Social psychology and the process of trust building:
Interviews with Israelis and Palestinians involved in joint projects. Megamot.
Tamir, Y. & Nadler, A. (2007). The Role of Personality in Social Identity: Effects of FieldDependence and Contexton Reactions to Threat to Group Distinctiveness,
Journal of Personality, 75, 927-954.
Shnabel, N. & Nadler, A. (2008). A Needs-Based Model of Reconciliation: Satisfying the
differential emotional needs of victim and perpetrator as a key to promoting
reconciliation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94, 2008.
Halabi, S., Dovidio, J.F. & Nadler, A. (2008). When and how high status groups offer
help: Effects of social dominance orientation and status threat. Political
Psychology , 29, 841-858.
Shnabel, N., Nadler, A., Nissim-Canetti, D. & Ulrich, J. (2008). The Role of Acceptance
and empowerment in promoting reconciliation from the perspective of the
Needs-based Model of Reconciliation. Social Issues and Policy Review, 2,
Shnabel, N., Nadler, A., Ulrich, J., Dovidio, J.F., & Carmi, D. (2009). Promoting
Reconciliation through the Satisfaction of the Emotional Needs of Victimized and
Perpetrating Group Members: The Needs-Based Model of Reconciliation. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin , 35, 1021-1030.
Nadler, A., Harpaz-Gorodeisky, G., Ben-David, Y. (2009). Defensive helping: Threat to
group identity, ingroup identification, status stability and common group identity as
determinants of intergroup helping, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97,
Halabi, S., Nadler, A., & Dovidio, J.F. (in press). Reactions to Receiving Assumptive Help: The
Moderating Effects of Group Membership and Perceived Need for Help. Journal of Applied
Social Psychology.
2. Books and Chapters
a. Edited Books
Fisher,J.D., Nadler,A., & DePaulo,B.M., (Eds.) (1983).New Directions in Helping (Vol. 1): Recipient
Reactions to Aid, New - York: Academic Press,
DePaulo,B.M., Nadler,A., & Fisher J.D., (Eds.) (1983).New Directions in Helping (Vol. 2): Help
Seeking, New-York: Academic Press.
Nadler,A., Fisher,J.D., & DePaulo,B.M., (Eds.)(1983).New Directions in Helping (Vol. 3): Applied
Perspectives on Help Seeking and Receiving, , New-York: Academic Press.
Klar, Y., Fisher, J.D., Chinsky, J., & Nadler, A. (1992). Initiating changes: Social - Psychological
and Clinical Perspectives, New York: Springer- Verlag.
Dajani, M.S. & Nadler, A. (Eds.). Social and Psychological Factors in Conflict and its Resolution :
The Mid-Eastern and European Experience (Proceedings of a Dialogue workshop,
Brussels- June 7-8, 2002). Brussels: European Commission- Directorate General for
Research 164 pages
Nadler, A., Maloy, T., & Fisher, J.D. (Eds.) (2008). The social Psychology of Intergroup
reconciliation, New York: Oxford University Press.
b. Chapters
Fisher,J.D., DePaulo, B.M., & Nadler,A., (1981). Extending altruism beyond the altruistic act: The
mixed effects of aid on the help recipient. In J.P.Rushton & R. Sorrentino (Eds.)
Altruism and Helping Behavior, Hilsdale N.J. Erlbaum, 367-423.
Nadelr,A., Sheinberg,L., & Jaffe,Y. (1981). Coping with stress by help seeking: Help seeking and
Receiving behaviors in male paraplegics. In C. Spielberger, I. sarason & N. Milgram
(Eds.):Stress and Anxiety (Vol.8), Washington,D.C.: Hemisphere publishing,
Fisher, J.D., Nadler,A., (1982). Determinants of recipient reactions to aid: Donor-recipient similarity
and perceived dimensions of problem. In T.A. Wills (Ed.) Basic Processes in Helping
Relations, New York: Academic Press, , 131- 151.
Fisher,J.D., Nadler,A., Whitcher- Alagna,S (1983). Four theoretical approaches for conceptualizing
reactions to aid. In J.D. Fisher, A. Nadler, & B.M. DePaulo (Eds.) New Directions in
Helping (Vol. 1): Recipient Reactions to Aid, New-York:
Academic Press,
52 - 86.
(footnote in the body of the paper: "The first authorship of Fisher & Nadler on the
present manuscript is alphabetical").
Nadler,A., & Mayseless,O., (1983). Recipient self esteem and reactions to help. In J.D. Fisher, A.
Nadler B.M. DePaulo (Eds.): New Directions in Helping (Vol 1): Recipient
Reactions to Help, New-York: Academic Press, 167 - 189.
Nadler, A. (1983). Personal characteristics and help seeking .In B.M. DePaulo, A. Nadler &J.D.
Fisher (Eds.) New Directions in Helping (Vol 2): Help Seeking, New - York:
Academic Press, 303-341.
Nadler,A. (1983). Social Psychology and Social Issues: Research and theory on help seeking and
receiving in applied settings. In A. Nadler, J.D. Fisher & B.M. DePaulo (Eds.) New
Directions in Helping (Vol. 3): Applied Perspectives on Help Seeking and
Receiving, New - York: Academic Press, 3-19.
Nadler,A, Fisher,J.D., (1984). Effects of Donor - recipient relationships on recipient's reactions
to being helped. In E. Staub, D. Bar-Tal, J. Reykowski & J. Karylowski (Eds.)
Development and Maintanance of Pro - Social Behavior: International Perspectives,
New York: Plenum, 391-421.
Fisher, J.D., Goff, B.A., Nadler, A., & Chinsky J.M. (1988). When will people seek social support ?:
Implications for interventions. In B.H. Gottlieb (Ed. ), Marshalling social support:
Formats, processes and effects. Beverely Hills CA.: Sage,
Nadler, A. (1990). Help seeking as a coping resource. In M. Rosenbaum (Ed.): Learned
Resourcefulness: On coping skills self control and adaptive behavior. N.Y.:
Nadler, A. & Fisher J.D., (1992). Personal change in an interpersonal perspective: The social
negotiation of change. In Y.Klar, J.D. Fisher, J. Chinsky & A. Nadler (eds.)
Initiating changes: Social Psychological and Clinical Perspective New York:
Springer- Verlag.
Klar, Y., Nadler, A., & Malloy, T. (1992). Opting for change: Students' preferences for personal
change.In Y.Klar, J.D. Fisher, J. Chinsky & A. Nadler (eds.) Initiating changes:
Social Psychological and Clinical Perspective New York: Springer- Verlag.
Nadler, A. (1995). Leibowitz and the Israeli society: The intellectual negotiation between minority
and majority. In A. Sagi (ed.): Yeshayau Leibowitz: His World and Theorizing, Tel
Aviv: Keter, 239-252 (Hebrew).
Nadler, A. (1997). Autonomous and Dependent Help Seeking: Personality characteristics and the
seeking of help, In Sarason, B., Sarason, I., & Pierce, R.G. (eds.) Handbook
of Personality and Social Support, New York: Plenum, 258-302.
Nadler, A., Ellis, S. & Rabin, A. (1997). Perceived leadership as a function of right-wing and
left-wing political affiliation. In P. Hare & S. Hare (eds.).SYMLOG: Research and
Theory, New York: Plenum.
Nadler, A. (1998). Esteem, relationships and achievement explanations of help seeking behavior. In
S.A. Karabenick (ed.). Strategic help seeking: Implications for learning and teaching.
N.J.: Erlbaum. 61-96.
Nadler, A. (1998). Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination: The case anti-Semitism. In D. Porat,
(ed.): Anti-Semitism Worldwide 1997/98, Tel Aviv: Ramot.
Nadler, A. (1998). A Social Psychological analysis of political murder: The murder of Itzhak
Rabin, In C. Liebman (ed.): Politically Motivated Murders, Tel Aviv: Am Oved
Nadler, A. (1999). Communication and public opinion. In A. Susser (ed.): Six Days- Thirty Years:
New Perspectives on the six-day war. Tel Aviv: Am-Oved (Hebrew).
Nadler, A. (2001). Academic freedom and academic identity: A social-psychologist’s view. In N.
Cohen & A. Heldrich (eds.): Academic Freedom, Munich, Herbert Utz Verlag
Nadler, A. (2002). Angels in Inferno: Social psychological analyses of rescuers of Jews during the
Nazi era: Implications for issues of international responsibility in the modern world.
In M.Keren, Sylvan, D. & J. Uleman (eds.) : Local sovereignty and international
responsibility, London: John Cass Publishing (pp. 55-72).
Nadler, A. (2002). Social-psychological analysis of reconciliation: Instrumental and SocioEmotional routes to reconciliation. In G. Salomon, & B. Nevo, (Eds.): Peace
education worldwide: The concept, undrelying principles, the research, Mawheh,
N.J.: Erlbaum.
Nadler, A. (2002). Incitement: A social-psychological analysis. In M. Konfino (ed.) Patterns of
political discourse: Incitement and freedom of speech. Tel Aviv: Am Oved.
Nadler, A. (2003). Inter-group Conflict and Its Reduction: A Social-Psychological Perspective on
the Work of Neve Shalom/Wahat al-Salam. In R. Halabi & N. Sonnenschein (eds.):
Inter-Group Dialogue the Neve Shalom/Whaht al-Salam Model. Brunswick, N.J.:
Rutgers University Press.
Nadler, A. & Liviatan, I. (2004). Inter-group reconciliation: Theorertical analysis and empirical
findings. In In N.R. Branscombe & B. Doosje (Eds.) Collective guilt: International
perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Nadler , A. & Saguy, T (2004). Trust building and reconciliation between adversarial groups: A
social psychological perspective. In Harvey Langholtz and Chris E. Stout (eds.): The
Psychology of Diplomacy. NYC: Praeger. (pp. 29-47).
Nadler, A. (2004). Reconciliation between enemy nations: A social-psychological analysis. In N.
Dahdich (ed.) Towards a more peaceful world: International and Indian perspectives.
Jaipur, India: AALEKH publications, 104-119.
Nadler, A. (2008). Removing Emotional Barriers on the Road to Ending Conflicts Between Nations:
Social Psychological Analysis of Reconciliation. In R. Gritti, P. Laurano & M. Bruno
(eds.). Oltre l'orientalismo e l'occidentalismo: La rappresentazione dell'altro nello
spazio euro-mediterraneo (Between East and West: Representation of the Other in
the European-Mediterranean Region). Guerini, Milano.
Fisher, J. D., Nadler, A., Little, J. S. & Saguy, T. (2008). Help as a vehicle to
reconciliation, with particular reference to help for extreme health needs. In A.
Nadler, T. E. Malloy, & J. D. Fisher (Eds.), Social Psychology of Inter-Group
Reconciliation. (pp. 447-468). New York: Oxford University Press.
Nadler, A. & Shnabel, N. (2008). Instrumental and Socio-emotional Intergroup Reonciliation: The
Need Based Model of Reconciliation. In Nadler, A., Maloy, T., & Fisher, J.D. (Eds.).
Social Psychology of Intergroup Reconciliation, (pp. 37-56).NewYork: Oxford
University Press.
Nadler, A., Halabi, S. & Harpaz-Gorodeisky, G. (2009). Intergroup Helping as Status Organizing
Processes: Creating, Maintaining and Challenging Status Relations through Giving,
Seeking and Receiving Help. In Demoulin, S., Leyens, J.P. & Dovidio, J.F. (Eds.):
Intergroup misunderstandings: Impact of divergent social realities. Washington (pp.
311-331), D.C.: Psychology Press.
Saguy, T., Pratto, F. Dovidio, J.F. & Nadler, A. (2009). Talking about Power:
Group Power and Preferences for Intergroup Interactions. In Demoulin, S., Leyens,
J.P. & Dovidio, J.F. (Eds.): Intergroup misunderstandings: Impact of divergent social
realities (pp. 213-232) . Washington, D.C.: Psychology Press.
Halabi, S. & Nalder, A. (2009). Helping between groups from the recipient's perspective. In S.
Strumer & M. Snyder (eds.). Intergroup Helping. Oxford: Blackwell.
Nadler, A. (2009). Interpersonal and intergroup helping as power relations: Implications for real
world helping. In S. Strumer & M. Snyder (eds.). Intergroup Helping. Oxford:
Nadler, A., Halabi, S., Harpaz-Gorodeisky, G. & Ben-David, Y. (2009). Helping relations as status
relations. In M. Mikulnicer & P. Shaver (eds.): Pro-social behavior. Washington,
D.C.: Psychology Press.
Shnabel, N. & Nadler, A. (2009). The needs based model of reconciliation: Theoretical
perspectives and empirical support. In M. Mikulnicer & P. Shaver (eds.): Pro-social
behavior. Washington, D.C.: Psychology Press, pp. 409-429.
Nadler, A. (in press). Settlement, Resolution and Reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Reconciliation the missing link?. In C. Rubenberg (ed.): Encyclopedia of the
Palestinian-Israeli Conflict . Boulder, CO.: Lynn Reiner Publishing
Nadler, A. & Shnabel, N. (in press). Promoting intergroup reconciliation in conflicts of structural and
direct violence: Implications of the Needs Based Model. In L.R. Tropp & R. Malett
(Eds.) Beyond prejudice reduction: Pathways to positive intergroup relations.
Washington D.C.: Psychology Press.
Nadler, A. (in press). Reconciliation: Instrumental and socio-emotional aspects. In Cristie, D.J. (Ed.):
Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
Nadler, A. (in press). Social psychology of helping: Behavior and relationships. In Snyder, M., &
Deaux, K. (Eds.): The Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology. Oxford
University Press.
3. Major Presentations/Invited Lectures (since 1996).
Nadler, A. (1996). The roots and consequences of prejudice in social life. Keynote Address at
The Inauguration of the Anne-Frank Institute, The Anne Frank Institute, Curacao,
Dutch Antilles.
Nadler, A. (1996). Helping relationships as inter-group power relations. Society for Experimental
Social Psychology, Sturbridge, Mass.
Nadler, A. (1999). Social Identity and Inter-Group Helping. Society of European Experimental Social
Psychology, Oxford University, England.
Nadler, A. (1999). Shifting perspectives on holocaust survivors in the Israeli society: The processing
of massive social trauma, Thomas and Dian Mann Distinguished Symposium Series,
The Melton Center for Jewish Studies, Ohio State University.
Nadler, A. (1999). Reconciliation: Basic psychological processes and their implications to the IsraeliPalestinian case. Mershon Center- Ohio State University, Colombus, Ohio.
Nadler, A. (2000). Socio-emotional and instrumental reconciliation: Different routes in different
conflicts. International Meeting on Truth and Reconciliation, Ulcinij, Montengro
Nadler, A. (2000). A social psychological analysis of post-agreement peace building and
Reconciliation Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology,
Seattle, WA.
Nadler, A. (2001). Societal processing of collective trauma: The case of Israel and the Holocaust,
Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Cuernavaca,
Nadler, A. (2001). Reconciliation in the Middle-East and the Balkans: Similarities and differences.
Truth, Responsibility and Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslavia, Ulcinji,
Nadler, A. (2002). Invited keynote address: Inter-group reconciliation: A new area of research.,
Italian Association of Social Psychology, Bellaria, Italy.
Nadler, A. (2002). Help seeking: Instrumental costs and psychological benefits. Invited Inaugural
address of the University of Bari Center of Medical Psychology, Bari, Italy.
Dajani, M.S. & Nadler, A. (2002). Social and psychological factors in conflict and its
resolution: The Middle-Eastern and European experience (Proceedings of a
dialogue workshop, Brussels, June 7-8 2002). European CommissionDirectorate General for Research.
(ISBN 92-894-5271-4
Nadler, A. (2003). Roots of conflict and reconciliation: A social psychological perspective on
Emotions in conflict. Research/policy workshop on new dimensions of security and
conflict resolution. Co-organized by DG RDT and DG RELEX of the European
Nadler, A. (2003). Co-Organizer of the first meeting on The Social Psychology of
Reconciliation, Oct. 2003, University of Connecticut.
Nadler, A. (2003). Reconciliation between enemies: Moving beyond victimhood and
guilt in relations between groups and nations. Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzogovina.
Special meeting organized by the Council of Europe.
Nadler, A. (2004) Israelis and Palestinians: Is reconciliation possible? – One Israeli's point of
View. Williams College, Williamstown (USA). Sponsored by the Bronfman
Advisory Committee-Weiner Lecture Fund and the Jewish Studies program.
Nadler, A. (2004). The Social Psychology of Reconciliation: Moving beyond past of trauma
and victimization. Keynote Address: Annual Meeting of the Italian
Association of Health Psychology, Naples, Italy.
Nadler, A. (2005). Intergroup helping relations as status relations: Theoretical model and
empirical evidence. 18 Years On: Progress in Social Identity Theory. Exeter,
Nadler, A. (2005). Giving, Seeking and Receiving help affected by motivation to defend
against threat to social identity. European Association of Experimental Social
Psychology, Wurzburg, Germany.
Nadler, A. (2006). Helping relations as status relations: implications for real world helping.
SPSSI (society for the Social Psychological Study of Social Issues). Long
Beach, California.
Nadler, A. (2006). Need Based Model of intergroup Reconciliation: Implications for relations
between Israelis and Palestinians. International Meeting of Applied
Psychology, Athens, Greece
Nadler, A. (2006). Intergroup Helping: Humiliation and dominance or empowerment and
Equality. Invited Keynote Address, Meeting of the EAESP on Group Level
Helping, Kiel, Germany.
Nadler, A. (2008). Emotion and conflict: The social psychological perspective. Invited
Keynote address, The Inaugural Meeting of the Israeli Society for the Study of
Emotion: Haifa University, Haifa Israel
Nadler A. (2008). Helping and Power: Dependency relations and social inequality. Invited
Keynote address. Jena Meeting on the Study of Intergroup Relations,
University of Jena, Germany.
Nadler A. (2009). Psychological processes in reconciliation and social reconstruction. Invited
Keynote address, Bi-Annual Meeting of Croatian Psychological Association, Zagreb,