Minutes IS Department Accountability Meeting Wednesday 9 February 2011, 10.30 Restaurant Meeting Room Attendees Mark Eade chair (ME), David Bird (DB), Andy Luczkowski (AL), Grahame Leggett (GLt), Paul Holder (PHd), Catherine Michie (CM), Malcolm Naftel (MN), Emma Parsons (EP), Frances Jeffery (FJ), Christine Mood (CMd), Graham Gamm (GGm), Dan Salter (DS), Simon Wales (SW), Bernadette Barrett (BB), Sarah Akehurst (SA), Sue Haffenden - minutes. Apologies Gary Lane (GL)), Andrew Grinsted (AG), Martin Goodman (MG), Daniel Conti (DC), Lee Kielty (LK), Paul Hollister (PH), Mark Vale (MV) 1. - 2. Minutes of previous meeting Minutes of the previous DAM meeting held on 12 January 2011 were agreed as accurate. Presentation of Operational Dashboard 2a) Scorecard - A new scorecard with amendments to the content to take into account things that are no longer relevant and added some to link into the department plan and objectives. There will be more work in this area over the coming months. HR - PDRs – EP will be obtaining reports and all managers should be booking in and completing PDRs for closure by the end of March. - ME reminded all to tick the completed training button when training courses had been taken. Finance - Revenue - Year to date under spend of £82k, 0.77% and the forecast is a £237K, 1.77% under spend. - Capital - Year to date £375k under spent, 16.63% and forecasting a £679k under spend which is 20.41%. - The swing this month is due to Command and Control revenue effects budget. - Finance have advised that we will not be required to do any more forecasting this year and EP reminded all to make sure that invoicing is in ASAP and any orders should be placed to allow payment before the end of the financial year. - Slippage for this year is waiting for authority from the SPA. . - Overtime - Errors on SAP records will effect the payment of overtime on the new electronic system and should be cleared. ME advised all to think about overtime and mileage and to use Fleet vehicles where possible. - AL advised that the car for AST OPs is being underused and EP will be making recommendations on how we make best use of the Fleet. The Fleet department are looking at a pool system for HQ but EP did not know how this would work as our business support team will no longer be available to control the bookings. New Business Commissioned Work - Low numbers compared to this time last year and ME and SH have had a discussion how we report on the figures. Projects - Remote Access and MDTs – Both of these projects are managed by CDD. - BB mentioned that several projects are due to close at the end of the year. - Neighbourhood Portal - will be delayed until April. - IVR - is being piloted at the moment with reasonable results. GLt has added departments this morning and GGm will send an email to test. The system should recognise ranks. Author: - Sue Haffenden V0-1 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 1 of 5 Vetting – Levels of contractor vetting had been raised at team leaders meeting and PH has an action from SMT to discuss with the Force Vetting Manager. - Carbon Emissions – We have just started using the report but are seeing an increase in the power used by air conditioning. At present it is difficult to account for this increase. There has been a decline in server equipment and the dirigent servers have been de-commissioned this month. Discussion took place on the how the measuring worked and DS expects to see improvements over the next few months. - Customer Survey – it was agreed that we need to run this again in March 2011. 2b) Dashboard Service Desk – SW provided detailed graphs and documentation on the drop in password reset figures which has affected the first time fix rate. Passwords used to run at 800 per month and in December 2010 were down to 100. – There is always a huge password spike in January but this did not happen this year. This is a good example of efficiencies and improvements and a really positive move. It may now be possible to take some actions in other areas to improve the first time fix rate. – Calls received have dropped dramatically and SW is analysing these figures. – ME thanked SW for the level of understanding he has for the figures. Change – Failed changes – Socrates Upgrade which is under formal review will come back to CAB. Whilst classed as a failure this was managed effectively and backed out. – Compass Gazetteer – Which was caused by confusion over the software version, lessons learned are to ensure that tests are run on the current version of software. – Impactive Change - is XC server move. – Unauthorised Changes – Network Security Audit picked up in January and lost in the volume of other work. – VPFPO – raised but not sent for approval. – CM stated that this is a common error where a log is raised and it is assumed that it has gone through approval. Another common mistake is that only part approval is gained and the RFC is not returned to CAB for release. – CM reminded all to close open calls. – Downtime – PNC – planned upgrade work and issues with the gateway servers. DS has raised a problem record for PNC HQ hardware and the resolution is to virtualise as soon as possible. – NSPIS –An ongoing issue and a major incident report will be discussed at DAM. – NFLMS – downtime due to PNC. – Security Alerts - all are looking at what is needed for the process. – AL queried the alert showing for AST OPs for the last three months, this may be due to a missed alert which has now been cleared but not removed from the report. AL will discuss this with GGY outside of the meeting. - 3. Review of Barriers to Performance 3a) Top Impactive Problems for Service Desk - F0425346 - Exchange - agreed to move this into AST INV team as this is due to disc space issues. - F0416270 – Forcewide browser compatibility issues – a known issue and work is progressing slowly. 3b) Problem Reports - The next one will be for the NSPIS major incident. 3c) Other Performance / delivery barriers - None. 4. Risk - An incorrect version of the risk register had been sent out with the minutes and a link to the correct version is included. http://sharepoint/personal/haffe_s/Planning%20%20Performance/Performance%20Statistics/2011/41%20January%2020 11/Risk%20Register%20.xls - ME explained strategic risks and those internal to the department. - ITD 857 – MG is completing work around service orders and licences. - ITD 848 – The introduction of Storm has mitigated this risk. - ITD 854/855 – The IS Skills and Resources is trying to address these risks. - ITD 858 – Currently we are working with CDD to prioritise and manage expectations and there will be some work on capacity planning this year. - ME asked all to review the risk register and continue to raise risks at relevant meetings. - The issue of contractor vetting was raised as a risk and ME will add this to the risk register. 5. Security 5a) WSUS report - DS gave an update on the immense amount of work recently on the patching process where a number of issues have been discovered and DS is refining the process. - All patches listed have been approved for installation. - The amount of outstanding patches for the Network Team was queried and this is to be discussed outside of the meeting. - GLt mentioned available down time for some of his. A discussion took place on the design of the system and this needs to be investigated. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 2 of 5 - 6. DS stated that if we can identify any servers that are manual and could be changed to auto this would help. SST offered to taken on patching work on behalf of other teams. Feedback / Updates 6a) Update from Team Leaders Meeting - There is a need to discuss the security alerts procedure - Contractor vetting had been escalated to SMT from the Team Leaders meeting. 6b) Update from Project Managers Meeting - BB gave an update on the need to prioritise the work coming in as the business will need an early heads up on how long a piece of work will take and when it could be scheduled. Teams will have more engagement with project managers over work. 7. - Any Other Business None. Meeting closed at 11.40 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 3 of 5 Action log Action Response Owner No Date Meeting 09 / 02 / 11 09/02 MR Action Update Status ME to check arrangements for reduction in the flexi pots with HR. 12/01 ME has contacted HR but has not received a response yet. Ongoing. 09/02 ME has tried to check arrangements but no answer has been received and he will chase again. 09/02 09/03 09/03 09/03 09/03 MN MN to discuss the issue of customers reporting faults directly to the teams with LK with a view to producing a Forcewide communication. 09/02 Some discussion has taken place. Ongoing. AL AL to discuss the outstanding security alert for AST OPs with GGy ME ME to add contractor vetting to the risk register. PH/DS PH and DS to discuss the outstanding patches for the Network Team. MN/GLt MN and GL to discuss downtime for patching on the voice related servers. Action Update Status LK to arrange for the following to be added to the availability report ANPR and MDT 12/01 No update provided Completed Completed Actions Action Response Owner No Date Meeting 09 / 02 / 11 09/02 LK 09/02 Completed. STORM only OIS Search tool NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 4 of 5 Action log Action No Response Owner Date 09/02 09/02 09/02 09/02 09/02 09/02 09/02 09/02 09/02 Action Update Status DS / MN DS and MN to devise a plan or the SQL work and report back to DAM 09/02 Waiting for database repair job to be scheduled in. Completed. FJ FJ to discuss the service provision from the NPIA with LK (in light of recent NSPIS patch and PNC downtime). 09/02 Completed. Completed. 09/02 Completed Completed 09/02 New Agenda Completed. 09/02 Sent to whole department. Completed 09/02 Completed Completed 09/02 WSUS report now part of the agenda. Completed ME SH ME ME ME ME to channel the focus of the next meeting on risk. SH to remove Security Update from the Agenda of this meeting. ME to circulate a departmental wide communication in relation to the new InfoSec process. ME will write an article in relation to MH for the newsletter. ME to ensure that power consumption appears on the agenda as part of the dashboard. GLt GLt will investigate the out of date patching of the voice recording server. 09/02 Completed Completed DS DS to provide a list of all AST owned servers to FJ. 09/02 Completed Completed. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Page 5 of 5