The Odyssey– Vocabulary (Robert Fagles Translation) Book One Plundered (v): to take goods by force Seething (v): to get angry to the point of becoming violent Harangued (n): a long, public speech/tirade Exulted (v): to rejoice; to show joy Decree (n): a law or an order Supple (adj.): something that is easily bent; flexible Suitor (n): a man who courts/woos a woman Thwart (v): to obstruct; to frustrate Uncanny (adj.): something mysterious and eerie Gorging (v): swallowing greedily Reproach (v): to blame; to find fault with someone Revile (v): to speak abusively Chafing (v): to make sore, to irritate by rubbing; Wary (adj.): watchful; being on guard against danger Poised (adj.): someone who is composed and self-assured Insolent (adj.): someone who is rude and/or disrespectful Shrewdly (adverb): someone who is clever/sharp in practical affairs Books 2 and 3 Lavish (adj.): abundant;], generous 19. Reparations (noun): compensation, amends 20. Guile (noun): cunning, sly behavior 21. Ultimatum (noun): final demand 22. Pernicious (adj.): dangerous, harmful 23. Nonchalantly (adverb): casually, calmly 24. Libations (noun): liquid offering 25. Flotilla (noun): a fleet of ships Book 4 Burnished (adj.): polished, gilded 27. Gallant (adj.): brave, chivalrous 28. Ambrosia (noun): food/ nectar of the gods 29. Slaked (v): satisfy (thirst, revenge) 30. Muzzle (v): impose silence or restraint Books 5 and 6 convoy: (noun) group of ships, vehicles, etc. traveling together or under escort pungent: (adj.) having a sharp or strong taste or smell/sarcastic or biting, as in remark foiled: (verb) frustrated, baffled, defeated chided (verb) scolded, rebuked flayed (verb) stripped the skin off, especially by beating quarry (noun) object of pursuit blithe (adj) blissful, happy /or careless, casual beguiled (verb) charmed, amused/distracted, deluded trundled (verb) rolled or moved heavily or noisily scour (verb) to cleanse, brighten, scrub, wash,/hasten over, searching thoroughly in pursuit suppliants (noun, pl) applicants, petitioners, suitors ravenous (adj) very hungry, voracious brackish (adj) slightly salty Books 7 and 8 Ramparts (noun): battlements, fortifications, fortified walls Provisions (noun): supplies, necessities, food/water rations Furrow (noun): a groove, channel, crease on someone’s face or in the ground Prowess (noun): ability, skill, expertise Vied (past tense of verb to vie): competed, struggled, fought for Book 9 Mutinous (adjective): rebellious, insubordinate, revolutionary Unscathed (adjective): unharmed, intact, safe Ruddy (adjective): reddish, rosy, flushed, healthy-looking Gouge (verb): to scratch or chisel something or to extort or extract something Mete (verb): to distribute or dole out Book 10 Doting (adjective): fond, loving, devoted or foolish En masse: all together, as a group (in one mass) Potent (adjective): strong, powerful, forceful Cower (verb): to cringe, recoil, tremble in fear Rebuke (verb/noun): to reprimand or scold (verb); a reproach or reprimand (noun) Pyre (noun): a pile of wood typically used to burn a body as part of a funeral rite Book 11 Stealth – noun – the action of stealing or of entering or leaving a place undetected Sinews – noun – tendons taken out of an animal’s body and used for binding August – adjective – inspiring, majestic, revered Gird – noun – a strap or band of any kind; - verb – to encircle with a belt or a girdle Vagabonds – noun – people who wander without home or occupation; vagrants, rogues, loafers Ignominious – adjective – shameful or disgraceful, Blanching – verbal noun – the action of making something white; verb – to bleach Books 12 and 13 Regalia – noun – rights belonging to a ruler, royal powers or privileges Scourge – noun – a cause of a calamity or of a disaster; - verb – to whip severely, to flog Abyss – noun – the cavity of the lower world; the infernal pit; a bottomless gulf or void Shun – verb – to abhor, detest, loathe; to flee from; to avoid Concocted – verb – to have contrived, made up, or fabricated Vex – verb – to trouble, afflict, harass Ignoble – adjective – of low birth or humble station; mean, dishonorable, base Squalid – adjective – repulsive, loathsome, filthy Book 14 Cowed (v): to destroy the resolve or courage of ; also : to bring to a state or an action by intimidation —used with into <like too many Asian armies, adept at cowing a population into feeding them — Edward Lansdale> Brusquely (adj.): markedly short and abrupt; blunt in manner or speech often to the point of ungracious harshness Codger (n): an often mildly eccentric and usually elderly fellow <old codger> Gallant (n): a young man of fashion Foundered (v): to become disabled; especially : to go lame; to come to grief : fail Yarn (n): a continuous often plied strand composed of either natural or man-made fibers or filaments and used in weaving and knitting to form cloth Paltry (adj.): inferior, trashy, mean, despicable Books 15 and 16 Irreproachable (adj.): blameless Pensive (adj.): musingly or dreamily thoughtful Pondered (v.): to think about : reflect on Magnanimous (adj.): showing or suggesting nobility of feeling and generosity of mind Dumbfounded (adj.): to confound briefly and usually with astonishment Shirk (v.): to go stealthily, secretly; to avoid the performance of an obligation Book 17 Berth (n.): sufficient distance for maneuvering a ship; an amount of distance maintained for safety Treacherous (adj.): someone likely to betray Qualm (n): a sudden attack of illness, faintness Vagrant (n.): wanders idly from place to place without lawful or visible means of support Books 18 and 19 Coax (v.): to encourage Unguent (n.): an anointment put on wounds Raucous (adj.): rowdy or disorderly Contrive (v.): to plan, to invent, to plot Deft (adj.): to be very skilled at Evanescent (adj.): vanishing, fading away, fleeting Books 20 and 21 Portents (n.): an indication of something (usually bad) about to happen Wily (adj.): crafty, cunning Banter (n.): an exchange of lighthearted remarks; witty exchange Toils (n.): a difficult, laborious task Sardonic (adj.): a mocking, sneering, cynical remark/comment Snide (adj.): derogatory, nasty manner Charlatan (n.): someone who pretends to have more knowledge/experience than they actually have; a quack Succulent (adj.): juicy Wield (v.): to use (a weapon/instrument) effectively Mawkish (adj.): someone who is sickly sentimental; very emotional Limber (adj.): someone/something that is very flexible Gnarled (adj.): something (often a tree) that is bent/twisted; having a rugged appearance; as a person someone who is grumpy Pique (v.): to arouse an emotion or to provoke a reaction Books 22 and 23 Tottered (v.): to shake, tremble; to walk in a rocking motion Infernal (adj.): something hellish or fiendish Rummage (v.): to search thoroughly Callous (adj.): being insensitive, cruel and/or unsympathetic Broached (v.): to mention, to suggest something for the first time Book 24 Wraiths (n.): an apparition of a living person (supposed to be dead) Waned (v.): to decrease in strength or in intensity Sloth (n.): indolence or laziness Distraught (adj.): being deeply agitated, upset Affront (n.): an offense to one’s dignity, pride, an act of disrespect; (v.): to offend by a public display of disrespect