Equine Science- 3rd Trimester Randy Adams Spring 2013 Week 1 Date Learning Targets: I can… Activities Assessment 2/25 1. Describe class expectations for behavior and work ethic 2. Understand class activities and competencies to be gained 3. Identify opportunities to get involved in FFA 1. Create a classroom notebook 2. Develop a SAE Project and keep records Unit 1: History of the Horse - Icebreaker - Overview of the Syllabus and Competencies (post it notes and then posters over units) - Class Materials needed - Classroom Expectations - Develop a table of contents for notebook - SAE Calendar Pages Return syllabus agreement and Explore Bowhunting Agreement by Friday 8/17 Notebook Checks four times per semester Evolution of the Horse Worksheet 2/28 Describe the Four Foundations Theory Differentiate between early uses of the use and Current Day Uses Horse Trends Exit Slip 3/1 Identify the various breeds of horses Horse Breeds Assignment Project Assignment 2/26 2/27 Week 2 Date Learning Targets: I can… Activities Assessment 3/4 Identify the various breeds of horses Horse Breeds Assignment and Presentation Project Assignment 3/5 Identify the various breeds of horses Horse Breed Presentations Student Presentations 3/6 Describe long eared breeds of horses Describe current trends in the equine industry in the United States Animal Genetics Comparison PPT Quiz on Horse Breeds 3/7 Identify the parts of the horse Describe the basic body parts, colors, coat colors, and markings on horses Horse Anatomy Packet Parts Quiz 3/8 Age a horse by examining its teeth Teeth Drawings and Chart Quiz on horse markings Week 3 Date Learning Targets: I can… 3/11 No School - PD 3/12 Activities Assessment Review for the Intro to Equine Science Exam Study Guide Completion 3/13 Complete the Into to Equine Science Exam Exam Exam 3/14 Unit 2: Conformation Identify the parts of the horse Horse Drawing ID Game 3/15 Identify common markings on horses and determine age Teeth Observation Matching Game Week 4 Date Learning Targets: I can… Activities Assessment 3/18 Identify the common markings on horses Heartgirth Measurement Worksheet 3/19 Identify the parts of the horse skeleton Pasta Horse Model Pasta Skeleton 3/20 Identify the parts of the horse skeleton Pasta Horse Model Pasta Skeleton 3/21 Age a horse by examining its teeth Teeth Chart Age Explanations 3/22 Describe the gaits and movements of the Topic 9 Key Terms and Discussion horse Questions Completion