25 - Inmetro

1. ------IND- 2005 0696 SI- EN- ------ 20051221 --- --- PROJET
Pursuant to the fifth paragraph of Article 16, the fifth paragraph of Article 17 and the first paragraph
of Article 77 of the Veterinary Practice Act (OGRS, 33/01, 110/02–ZGO-1, 45/04–ZdZPKG and
62/04–Constitutional Court decision), the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food hereby issues
on Veterinary Conditions for the Import of Non-Harmonised Animals into the Republic of
Slovenia, Trade in Non-Harmonised Animals and Products, and the Non-Commercial
Movement of Non-Harmonised Pet Animals
Article 1
(1) These Rules lay down veterinary conditions for the trade in non-harmonised animals and
products under veterinary control (hereinafter: products), the import of non-harmonised animals and
products, and the non-commercial movement of non-harmonised pet animals from EU member
states (hereinafter: member states) and from third countries to the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter:
(2) These Rules were adopted in line with the procedure for the provision of information under
Directive 98/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 laying down a
procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations (OJ L
204 of 21 July 1998, p. 37), with amendments.
Article 2
(1) These Rules shall not be applied to the trade, import or non-commercial movement of dogs, cats
and ferrets.
(2) These Rules shall not affect the implementation of Council Regulation (EC) 338/97 of 9
December 1996 on the protection of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein (OJ L 61 of 3
March 1997, p. 1, with all amendments – hereinafter: Regulation 338/97) or the provisions of
regulations in the field of protection of wild animal species in the RS.
Article 3
(meaning of terms)
The terms used in these Rules shall have the following meanings ascribed to them:
1. non-harmonised animals or products are those for which no EU veterinary regulations exist, with
the veterinary conditions applying to them being determined by each member state separately;
2. consignments are products or animals of the same species included in the same document or
documents and carried by the same means of transport from the same country or same part of the
3. according to these Rules, birds are those not mentioned in the rules governing veterinary
conditions for trade in poultry, day-old chicks and hatching eggs in the territory of the European
Union and import from third countries (Council Directive 90/539 of 15 October 1990 on animal
health conditions governing intra-Community trade in, and imports from, third countries of poultry
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and hatching eggs (OJ L 303 of 31 October 1990, p. 6, with all amendments)) or the rules governing
veterinary conditions for trade in the territory of the EU and import from third countries of animals,
animal semen, ova and embryos for which conditions have not been determined in other veterinary
regulations (Directive 92/65);
4. freshwater ornamental fish are ornamental fish of species susceptible to infectious salmon
anaemia (ISA), viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN),
spring viraemia of carp (SVC), bacterial kidney disease of carp (BKD), infectious pancreatic
necrosis (IPN) or gyrodactylus (G salaris);
5. tropical ornamental fish are ornamental fish that are not freshwater ornamental fish;
6. a circus is a travelling exhibition and the showing of one or more animals at a fairground;
7. circus animals are species of animal mentioned in the rules governing veterinary conditions for
trade in the territory of the EU and the import from third countries of animals, animal semen, ova
and embryos for which conditions have not been determined in other veterinary regulations
(Directive 92/65) and which are intended for the requirements of the entertainment industry or for
educational purposes;
8. an official veterinarian, authorised veterinarian and official inspector of a third country are an
official veterinarian, authorised veterinarian or official inspector recognised as such by competent
authorities in the third country;
9. isolation is the physical isolation of animals from their arrival at the holding of destination, for
the period and in the manner determined in Community regulations;
10. bee products are bee products as laid down in Commission Decision 2002/349/EC laying down
the list of products to be examined at border inspection posts under Council Directive 97/78/EC (OJ
L 121 of 8 May 2002, p. 6, with all amendments).
Article 4
(non-commercial movement)
(1) The non-commercial movement of pet animals is the movement of up to five adult pet animals
of the same species accompanied on the journey by the owner or custodian upon change of
residence or participation at an event.
(2) The provisions of the regulations governing trade in or import of animals (Council Directive
92/65/EEC of 13 July 1992 laying down animal health requirements governing trade in and imports
into the Community of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements
laid down in specific Community rules referred to in Annex A (I) to Directive 90/425/EEC (OJ L
268 of 14 September 1992, p. 52, with all amendments – hereinafter: Directive 92/65/EEC)) shall
be applied to the movement of more than five adult pet animals.
Article 5
(veterinary or health certificates and commercial documents)
(1) Every consignment must be accompanied by a veterinary or health certificate drawn up in
accordance with the requirements from Annex 1, which is a constituent part of these Rules.
(2) In addition to information attesting to the fulfilment of the health conditions from these Rules, a
certificate must also contain the following information:
a) the country of origin and competent authority;
b) a unique veterinary certificate number;
c) reference to the CITES certificate (where required);
d) the name and address of the holding of origin;
e) the personal name or name of the company, and the address of the consigner;
f) place of loading;
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g) means of transport;
h) country of destination, which is always the Republic of Slovenia;
i) name of place of destination and address of holding of destination;
j) species, sex, age and identification mark of animal;
k) certificate on completion of an inspection to verify fulfilment of the conditions of the rules
governing the conditions for and method of transporting animals (Council Directive 91/628/EEC of
19 November 1991 on the protection of animals during transport and amending Directives
90/425/EEC and 91/496/EEC (OJ L 340 of 11 December 1991, p. 17, with all amendments –
hereinafter: Directive 91/628/EEC).
(3) The following must be enclosed with the veterinary or health certificate:
- the results of the laboratory tests required for an individual consignment of animals or products;
- the declaration of the owner or representative of the owner of the animals from Annex 2, which
is a constituent part of these Rules. The declaration may also be a constituent part of the
veterinary certificate.
(4) The Veterinary Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: VURS) shall publish on
the VURS website specimens of the certificates and commercial documents that must accompany
consignments according to these Rules.
A. Trade in animals and products
Article 6
A consignment of non-harmonised animals or products sent from a member state to the RS for the
purposes of trade must be accompanied by a commercial document completed by the consigner.
This document must contain at least the following information:
– the country of origin and the consigning country;
– the veterinary approval reference number or the registration number of the holding or
– the personal name or name of the company, and the address of the consigner;
– the veterinary approval reference number or the registration number of the consigner, if the
consigner is not the holding or establishment of origin;
– the personal name or name of the company, and the address of the recipient;
– consignment type;
– a statement from the competent authority that inspects this type of consignment in the
consigner's country;
– a statement from the consigner that the consignment does not come from a holding,
establishment or area under official quarantine owing to the appearance of a disease that presents
a danger to human beings or animals.
Article 7
(1) In addition to the information from the preceding Article, a commercial document that
accompanies a commercial consignment of birds must also contain information that shows that:
– the birds do not originate or come from a holding at which cases of avian influenza were
diagnosed in the 30 days prior to shipment;
– the birds do not originate or come from a holding at which restrictive measures for the
suppression of atypical chickenpox have been applied;
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– the birds do not come from a holding at which psittacosis (Chlamydia psittaci) has been
diagnosed and have not been in contact with animals from such a holding;
– the birds are marked with an irremovable ring, which must bear a unique number.
(2) A commercial document must be signed by an official veterinarian or the approved veterinarian
responsible for the holding of origin.
Article 8
(large skin-on wild game)
Consignments of large skin-on wild game must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which
the official veterinarian confirms that:
a) the large skin-on wild game was caught in a hunting area and inspected in an approved
establishment for the treatment of wild game that is not located in a region or area in which
animal health restrictions apply, and has been assessed as fit for human consumption according
to a veterinary inspection carried out in accordance with the rules governing conditions for the
collection of large skin-on wild game, veterinary inspections, meat production and the placing of
wild-game meat on the market (Council Directive 92/45/EEC of 16 June 1992 on public health
and animal health problems relating to the killing of wild game and the placing on the market of
wild-game meat (OJ L 268 of 14 September 1992, p. 35, with all amendments – hereinafter:
Directive 92/45/EEC));
b) the means of transport, the containers and the conditions for the loading of the consignment
accord with the hygiene requirements laid down in the directive from the preceding point;
c) the large skin-on wild game was inspected in accordance with the provisions on the inspection
of large skin-on wild game contained in the rules governing the conditions for the collection of
large skin-on wild game, veterinary inspections, meat production and the placing of wild-game
meat on the market (point 3 of Article 5 of Directive 92/45/EEC).
Article 9
(veterinary inspections)
The provisions of the rules governing veterinary inspections of animals and animal products in the
territory of the EU (Council Directive 90/425/EEC of 26 June 1990 concerning veterinary and
zootechnical checks applicable in intra-Community trade in certain live animals and products with a
view to the completion of the internal market (OJ L 224 of 18 August 1990, p. 29, with all
amendments)) or the rules governing veterinary inspections of products of animal origin in trade in
the territory of the EU (Council Directive 89/662/EEC of 11 December 1989 concerning veterinary
checks in intra-Community trade with a view to the completion of the internal market (OJ L 395 of
30 December 1989, p. 13, with all amendments)) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the
movement of and trade in non-harmonised animals and products to ensure non-discriminatory
B. Non-commercial movement of non-harmonised pet animals
Article 10
The non-commercial movement of pet animals listed in List C of Annex I of Regulation (EC)
998/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on the animal health
requirements applicable to the non-commercial movement of pet animals and amending Council
Directive 92/65/EEC (OJ L 146 of 13 June 2003, p. 1, with all amendments – hereinafter:
Regulation 998/2003) from other member states and from the countries listed in List B2 of Annex II
of Regulation 998/2003 to the Republic of Slovenia shall not be subject to veterinary control and it
shall not be necessary to hold veterinary documents on these animals.
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Article 11
The non-commercial movement of pet animals of carnivorous species not listed in Annex I of
Regulation 998/2003 from other member states and from the countries listed in List B2 of Annex II
of Regulation 998/2003 to the Republic of Slovenia shall be permitted if the animals in question
have been vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the vaccine manufacturer's instructions and
equipped with a microchip that complies with the ISO 11784:1996 (E) standard or Annex A of the
ISO 11785:1996 (E) standard. If the animals are equipped with a microchip that does not comply
with these standards, the owner of the animal must provide a device for the reading of the
Article 12
(public events)
Non-harmonised animals from other member states and countries listed in List B2 of Annex II of
Regulation 998/2003 taking part in exhibitions, competitions or other public events must be
accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian confirms that:
a) at the time of the examination, carried out not more than five days prior to consignment, the
animals were healthy and did not show any clinical signs of disease communicable to other
members of the species in question;
b) the animals were assessed during the examination as being suitably fit to travel the planned
route in accordance with the provisions of the rules governing the conditions and method of
transport of animals (Directive 91/628/EEC).
Article 13
(general conditions for import)
(1) The import of non-harmonised animals or products from third countries shall be permitted if the
third country in question appears in the lists from Annex I or Annex II of Council Decision
79/542/EEC of 21 December 1976 drawing up a list of third countries or parts of third countries,
and laying down animal and public health and veterinary certification conditions, for importation
into the Community of certain live animals and their fresh meat (OJ L 146 of 14 June 1979, p. 15,
with all amendments), unless these Rules determine otherwise.
(2) A consignment of non-harmonised animals or products must, upon import, be accompanied by a
veterinary or health certificate in accordance with these Rules issued by the official veterinarian or
official inspector of the third country. The certificate shall be valid for ten days. In the event of
carriage by sea, validity shall be extended to cover the duration of the voyage.
(3) Non-harmonised animals or products being imported may not be unloaded or reloaded onto
another means of transport in a third country or part of a third country that does not appear in the
lists from the first paragraph of this Article.
(4) Non-harmonised animals or products being imported must originate from a holding or
establishment approved or registered by the European Commission, or where there is no uniform
EU list, by the competent authority of the exporting country in accordance with the national
legislation of that country.
(5) If there is no uniform EU list and the holding or establishment is approved by the competent
authority of the exporting country alone, the competent authority of the exporting country must
send the list to the VURS. The VURS shall approve the list if it is able to establish that the
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regulations, standards and controls in the exporting country are at least equal to those of the RS and
that at least the same level of consumer protection is ensured.
(6) Upon their entry into the territory of the EU, non-harmonised animals or products must be
inspected in accordance with the rules governing veterinary inspections of animals upon their entry
into the territory of the EU from third countries (Council Directive 91/496/EEC laying down the
principles governing the organization of veterinary checks on animals entering the Community (OJ
L 268 of 24 September 1991, p. 56, with all amendments)) or the rules governing veterinary
inspections of products upon entry into the territory of the EU from third countries (Council
Directive 97/78/EC laying down the principles governing the organisation of veterinary checks on
products entering the Community from third countries (OJ L 24 of 30 January 1998, p. 9, with all
(7) Non-harmonised animals may not be transported using means of transport used to transport
animals whose health status is insufficient for entry into the RS or another member state, or using
means of transport used to transport animals not destined for the RS or another member state.
(8) Animals must be sent directly to the holding of destination, where they must be placed in
isolation for at least seven days in accordance with the rules governing the import of live animals,
following successful completion of border veterinary inspection. During the isolation period the
owner of the animals must inform the official veterinarian at the relevant regional office of the
VURS of any pathological changes in the imported animals.
(9) The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to live snails and frogs intended for
direct human consumption, or to freshwater and tropical ornamental fish.
(10) The importer of animals or products under these Rules must keep documentation that
accompanies animals or products for at least three years.
(11) In the event of an outbreak of an animal disease in a third country, protective measures adopted
by the European Union in relation to that third country shall be applied.
A. Import of non-harmonised animals
Article 14
(1) The import of land mammals of carnivorous species shall be permitted if the animals in question
have been individually equipped with a microchip that complies with the ISO 11784:1996 (E)
standard or Annex A of the ISO 11785:1996 (E) standard. If the animals are equipped with a
microchip that does not comply with these standards, the owner of the animal must provide a device
for the reading of the microchip.
(2) Animals must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian
confirms that:
1 . the animals originate or come from a country in which:
- instances of rabies must be reported to the competent authority;
- official rabies control is performed;
- official measures for the control and elimination of rabies, including measures upon import,
are carried out;
2. the animals were born on the holding of origin and lived there from birth, or were transported
to the holding of origin at least six months prior to consignment;
3. the animals originate or come from a holding:
- that has been approved by a competent authority;
- is under veterinary control;
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- is laid out in such a way that animals at the holding cannot come into contact with wild
- is located in an area around which, to a radius of at least 30 km and in the last six months,
there have been no cases of rabies and, in the last 12 months, no outbreaks of infectious
diseases from the OIE List to which the animals in question are susceptible;
- at which no restrictions on the movement of animals for health reasons have been
the animals were inspected by a veterinarian on the day of consignment and did not show any
clinical signs of disease or suspected disease associated with the species of the animals in
question, and the veterinarian confirmed by examination that the animals were fit to travel in
accordance with the requirements of the rules governing the conditions and method of
transporting animals (Directive 91/628/EEC);
all animals that were taken to the holding of origin or consigning holding were in isolation and
under veterinary control for at least 15 days after arrival at the holding such that, during
isolation, they were unable to come into contact with other animals on the holding;
all animals that died on the holding of origin or consigning holding were subjected to a
systematic postmortem examination, postmortem and diagnostic examinations were carried out
in laboratories approved by the competent authority of the country of origin, and the
examination of the animals did not show the suspected presence of clinical signs of disease or
the results of the postmortem examination did not confirm the presence of signs of
communicable disease, including zoonoses;
the animals were:
- isolated at the holding of origin or holding of consignment away from other animals at the
holding for at least 15 days prior to consignment;
- examined for the presence of salmonella using faecal samples and found to be negative (the
laboratory results must be enclosed with the certificate) not more than 15 days prior to
- treated against internal and external parasites at least twice in the 40 days prior to
the animals are being transported in means of transport and cages that comply with
international standards concerning the transport of animals, with special emphasis on the
animal welfare aspects;
prior to loading, the means of transport and the cages used for the carriage of the animals were
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using products approved by the competent authority of the
consigning country, and are arranged in such a way that feed, litter and animal excretions
cannot escape therefrom.
Article 15
(Rodentia, Dermoptera and Insectivora)
(1) Species of animals from the classes Rodentia (rodents), Dermoptera (flying lemurs) and
Insectivora (insect-eaters) must be accompanied, upon import, by a veterinary certificate in which
the official veterinarian confirms that:
1. the animals were born on the holding of origin and lived there from birth, or were transported to
the holding of origin at least 30 days previously;
2. the animals originate or come from a holding:
- that has been approved by a competent authority;
- is under veterinary control;
- is constructed in such a way that animals from the holding cannot come into contact with
wild animals;
- is located in an area around which, to a radius of at least 30 km and in the last six months,
there have been no cases of rabies and, in the last 12 months, no outbreaks of infectious
diseases from the OIE List to which the animals in question are susceptible;
- at which no restrictions on the movement of animals for health reasons have been
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the animals were inspected by a veterinarian on the day of consignment and did not show any
clinical signs of disease or suspected disease associated with the species of the animals in
question, and the veterinarian confirmed by examination that the animals were fit to travel in
accordance with the requirements of the rules governing the conditions and method of
transporting animals (Directive 91/628/EEC);
at the holding to which the animals are being consigned:
- an official systematic programme of control of zoonoses, primarily rabies, tularaemia,
lymphocytic choriomeningitis and leptospirosis, is carried out;
- clinical tests, post-mortem examinations and laboratory tests for diseases form part of the
control programme and the examinations do not show the suspected presence of clinical
signs of disease or the results of the post-mortem examination did not confirm the presence
of signs of communicable disease, including zoonoses;
all animals that were taken to the holding of origin or consigning holding were in isolation and
under veterinary control for at least 15 days after arrival at the holding such that, during
isolation, they were unable to come into contact with other animals at the holding; these
animals were subjected to clinical laboratory tests for the detection of diseases communicable
to this species, in particular zoonoses;
the animals were:
- isolated on the holding of origin or consigning holding away from other animals on the
holding for at least 15 days prior to consignment;
- examined for the presence of salmonella using faecal samples and found to be negative (the
laboratory results must be enclosed with the certificate) not more than 15 days prior to
- treated against internal and external parasites at least twice in the 40 days prior to
the animals are being transported in means of transport and cages that comply with
international standards concerning the transport of animals, with special emphasis on the
animal welfare aspects;
prior to loading, the means of transport and the cages used for the carriage of the animals were
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using products approved by the competent authority of the
consigning country, and are arranged in such a way that feed, litter and animal excretions
cannot escape therefrom.
(2) Species of animal from the class Rodentia (rodents) imported as laboratory animals and
intended directly for research institutions must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which
the official veterinarian confirms that:
the animals were examined and, upon loading, did not show any signs that could give rise
to a suspicion of the presence of a disease associated with the species in question;
the place of origin of the animals has been free of tularaemia for at least one year;
there have been no cases of brucellosis or myxomatosis in the consigning country or part of
the consigning country in the last six months;
the animals are free of salmonellosis and leptospirosis;
the means of transport were disinfected prior to loading;
the animals were assessed during examination as being suitably fit to travel the planned route
in accordance with the provisions of the rules governing the conditions and method of
transport of animals (Directive 91/628/EEC).
(3) Species of animal from the class Rodentia (rodents), free of specific pathogenic organisms
(hereinafter: SPF), being imported as laboratory animals and intended directly for research
institutions must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian
confirms that:
the animals were examined and, upon loading, did not show any signs that could give rise
to a suspicion of the presence of a disease associated with the species in question;
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the means of transport were disinfected prior to loading;
the animals were assessed during examination as being suitably fit to travel the planned route
in accordance with the provisions of the rules governing the conditions and method of
transport of animals (Directive 91/628/EEC).
Article 16
(ornamental fish and other aquarium and terrarium animals)
(1) The import of ornamental fish and other aquarium and terrarium animals shall be permitted from
the countries listed in Annex 1 of Commission Decision 2003/858/EC of 21 November 2003 laying
down the animal health conditions and certification requirements for imports of live fish, their eggs
and gametes intended for farming, and live fish of aquaculture origin and products thereof intended
for human consumption (OJ L 324 of 11 December 2003, p. 37, with all amendments), and from
countries or parts of countries listed in Annex 3, which is a constituent part of these Rules.
(2) A consignment must be accompanied by a health certificate in which the official inspector or
official veterinarian confirms that the following conditions have been met:
1. freshwater ornamental fish:
were examined in the 24-hour period prior to the signing of the health certificate and showed
no clinical signs of disease;
were not intended for destruction or slaughter in order to eradicate a disease;
originate from a territory in which the following diseases must be reported to the competent
authority: epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS), epizootic haematopoietic necrosis (EHN),
infectious salmon anaemia (ISA), viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious
haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), spring viraemia of carp (SVC) and koi herpes virus (KHV);
are kept in water whose quality does not alter their state of health;
are being transported under conditions that do not alter their state of health, in accordance
with the rules governing the conditions and method of transport of animals (Chapter V of
Directive 91/628/EEC);
are being transported in sealed and impermeable containers that are new or that have
previously been cleaned and disinfected using an approved disinfectant, and that are legibly
marked on their exterior with a sticker bearing information that identifies the consignment
and the following declaration: "Freshwater ornamental fish intended solely for ornamental
purposes in the Republic of Slovenia";
2. tropical ornamental fish:
were examined in the 24-hour period prior to the signing of the health certificate and showed
no clinical signs of disease;
were not intended for destruction or slaughter in order to eradicate a disease;
are kept in water whose quality does not alter their state of health;
are being transported under conditions that do not alter their state of health, in accordance
with the rules governing the conditions and method of transport of animals (Chapter V of
Directive 91/628/EEC);
are being transported in sealed and impermeable containers that are new or that have
previously been cleaned and disinfected using an approved disinfectant, and that are legibly
marked on their exterior with a sticker bearing information that identifies the consignment
and the following declaration: "Tropical ornamental fish intended solely for ornamental
purposes in the Republic of Slovenia";
3. other aquarium and terrarium animals:
every animal in the consignment was examined and, upon loading, did not show any signs that
could give rise to a suspicion of the presence of a disease associated with the species in
the animals originate from holdings that are under veterinary control and free of diseases that
must be reported and may be carried by the species in question.
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(3) The transport of ornamental fish must be conducted in accordance with the standards governing
the transport of animals.
(4) The owner must prevent the release of ornamental fish and other aquarium and terrarium
animals into the aquatic ecosystem and do everything in their power to prevent contamination of
ecosystems with the water in which the ornamental fish were transported.
Article 17
(reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates)
(1) Reptiles and amphibians must, upon import, be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which
the official veterinarian confirms that:
the animals were examined by a veterinarian in the 72 hours prior to consignment and showed
no clinical signs of disease or suspected disease associated with the species of the animals in
question, and the veterinarian confirmed by examination that the animals were fit to travel in
accordance with the requirements of the rules governing the conditions and method of
transporting animals (Directive 91/628/EEC);
the animals come from a holding approved by the competent authority at which no healthrelated prohibitions on animal movement have been introduced and no cases of diseases that
must be reported in accordance with the latest OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code have been
reported in the last six months;
animals that were captured in their natural environment were placed in isolation under official
control at the holding for at least 15 days prior to consignment and no cases of the diseases
from the preceding two points were reported in this period;
the animals are being transported in means of transport and cages that comply with
international standards concerning the transport of animals, with special emphasis on the
animal welfare aspects.
(2) Laboratory reptiles and amphibians imported as laboratory animals and intended directly for
research institutions must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official
veterinarian confirms that:
every animal in the consignment was examined and, upon loading, none showed signs of the
suspected presence of a disease associated with the species in question;
the animals originate from holdings that are under veterinary control and free of diseases that
must be reported and may be carried by the species in question.
(3) Invertebrates must, upon import, be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official
veterinarian confirms that:
the animals come from holdings approved by the competent authority;
the animals do not belong to a species that may be associated with pathogens, including exotic
diseases, communicable to human beings or animals.
Article 18
(rabbits and hares)
(1) The consigning country of a consignment of rabbits and hares must appear in the column for
rabbits in the Annex of Commission Decision 2004/432/EC on the approval of residue monitoring
plans submitted by third countries in accordance with Council Directive 96/23/EC (OJ L 154 of 30
April 2004, p. 44, with all amendments – hereinafter: Decision 2004/432/EC), with all amendments,
and marked with an "X".
(2) Rabbits and hares must, upon import, be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the
official veterinarian confirms that:
the animals were born on the holding of origin and lived there from birth, or were transported
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to the holding of origin not less than 30 days previously;
the animals come from a holding that:
has been approved by the competent authority;
is under official veterinary control;
the animals come from a holding in which no cases of myxomatosis, haemorrhagic disease
virus, salmonellosis, tularaemia, brucellosis or rabies have been reported in the last six
the animals come from a holding that has the status of a holding officially free of
Encephalitozoon Cuniculi and dermatophytosis (Microsporum spp and Trichophyton spp);
the animals were isolated for 15 days prior to consignment under official veterinary control at
the holding, and:
no clinical signs or suspected signs of disease communicable to this species of animal
(including pasteurellosis, colibacillosis, clostridiosis and staphylococcus) or zoonoses
(salmonellosis, dermatophytosis, encephalitozoonosis) were detected;
in this period all dead animals were subjected to a post-mortem examination, with
virological, bacteriological and parasitological tests, that yielded negative results and
were carried out in a laboratory approved by the competent authority;
serological tests for Encephalitozzon cuniculi and skin tests for dermatophytosis were
carried out, all with negative results;
the animals come from a holding in which vaccination against myxomatosis and rabbit
haemorrhagic disease has been carried out in the last six months;
the animals were treated against internal and external parasites at least twice in the 40 days
prior to consignment;
animals that enter the human food chain have not been treated with substances which are
prohibited by EU regulations or whose use is not permitted;
the animals are being transported in means of transport and cages that comply with
international standards concerning the transport of animals, with special emphasis on the
animal welfare aspects;
prior to loading, the means of transport and the cages used for the carriage of the animals
were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using products approved by the competent authority
of the consigning country, and are arranged in such a way that feed, litter and animal
excretions cannot escape therefrom;
the animals were inspected by a veterinarian on the day of consignment and did not show any
clinical signs of disease or suspected disease associated with the species in question, and the
veterinarian confirmed by examination that the animals were fit to travel in accordance with
the requirements of the rules governing the conditions and method of transporting animals
(Directive 91/628/EEC).
Article 19
(land snails, frogs and crabs)
The import of live land snails and live frogs directly intended for human consumption shall be
permitted if:
a) they come from:
- third countries listed in Part VI (snails) and Part VII (frogs) of Commission Decision
2003/812/EC drawing up lists of third countries from which Member States are to authorise
imports of certain products for human consumption subject to Council Directive
92/118/EEC (OJ L 305 of 22 November 2003, p. 17, with all amendments – hereinafter:
Decision 2003/812/EC), or from third countries listed in Parts I or II of Commission
Decision 97/296 of 22 April 1997 amending Decision 97/296/EC drawing up the list of third
countries from which the import of fishery products is authorised for human consumption
(OJ L 122 of 14 May 1997, p. 21, with all amendments);
- establishments whose list is approved by the VURS, which may also use lists from other
member states, upon an application from the competent authority of the exporting country;
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b) they are accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian
1. with regard to consignments of land snails directly intended for human consumption, confirms
the snails were examined on the day of consignment and did not show any clinical signs of
disease or suspected disease associated with the species in question;
prior to loading, the means of transport and the cages used for the carriage of the animals
were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using products approved by the competent authority
of the consigning country, and are arranged in such a way that their contents cannot escape;
the snails originate or come from an establishment approved by the competent authority and
listed in the list of approved establishments, which must be sent to the Veterinary
Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in advance;
the snails were not treated with chemical additives or colourings and do not contain remnants
of phytopharmaceutical substances or anti-parasitics;
the snails are fit for human consumption;
2. with regard to consignments of frogs directly intended for human consumption, confirms that:
the frogs were examined on the day of consignment and did not show any clinical signs of
disease or suspected disease associated with the species in question;
prior to loading, the means of transport and the cages used for the carriage of the animals
were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using products approved by the competent authority
of the consigning country, and are arranged in such a way that their contents cannot escape;
the frogs originate or come from an establishment approved by the competent authority and
listed in the list of approved establishments, which must be sent to the Veterinary
Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in advance;
the frogs were not treated with chemical additives or colourings and do not contain remnants
of phytopharmaceutical substances or anti-parasitics;
the frogs are fit for human consumption;
3. with regard to consignments of live crabs for breeding and repopulation purposes, confirms that:
the crabs come from an area or fish farm approved by the competent authority, or were
transported to an approved fish farm or area at least 30 days previously;
the crabs were examined on the day of consignment and did not show any clinical signs of
disease or suspected disease associated with the species in question, and the veterinarian
confirmed by examination that the animals were fit to travel in accordance with the
requirements of the rules governing the conditions and method of transporting animals
(Directive 91/628/EEC);
the place of consignment of the live crabs, which is under official veterinary control, accords
with the provisions of the last edition of the Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals
(OIE) and that, in accordance with the provisions of Parts A and C, no cases of diseases that
must be reported in accordance with the latest OIE Aquatic Animal Health Code have been
reported in the last six months;
the animals are being transported in means of transport and cages that comply with
international standards concerning the transport of animals, with special emphasis on the
animal welfare aspects;
prior to loading, the means of transport and the cages used for the carriage of the animals
were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using products approved by the competent authority
of the consigning country, and are arranged in such a way that the water in which the crabs
are being transported cannot escape.
Article 20
(poultry and hatching eggs)
(1) The import of up to 20 poultry animals shall be permitted in accordance with the conditions laid
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down in that part of Commission Decision 96/482/EC of 12 July 1996 laying down animal health
conditions and veterinary certificates for the importation of poultry and hatching eggs, other than
ratites and eggs thereof, from third countries, including animal health measures to be applied after
such importation (OJ L 196 of 7 August 1996, p. 13, with all amendments – hereinafter: Decision
96/482/EC) that governs conditions for the import of live poultry for breeding and use.
(2) The import of up to 20 hatching eggs shall be permitted in accordance with the conditions laid
down in that part of Decision 96/482/EC governing conditions for the import of hatching eggs.
(3) The temporary import of poultry, excluding pigeons, for fairs, exhibitions and competitions
shall be permitted from those countries or parts of countries listed in Part I of Annex I of Decision
96/482/EC, accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian confirms that:
the animals were examined on the day of consignment and showed no clinical signs of
the animals were assessed during the examination as being suitably fit to travel the planned
route in accordance with the provisions of the rules governing the conditions and method of
transport of animals (Directive 91/628/EEC);
the birds come from a country in which no outbreaks of atypical chickenpox or avian
influenza have been reported in the last 12 months;
there has been no confirmed case of a disease communicable to birds at the consigning
holding in the last 30 days;
all birds in the consignment are marked with an irremovable ring, which must bear a unique
(4) The temporary import of pigeons for fairs, exhibitions and competitions shall be permitted from
those countries or parts of countries listed in Part I of Annex I of Decision 96/482/EC, accompanied
by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian confirms that:
the pigeons come from a country in which no outbreaks of atypical chickenpox or avian
influenza have been reported in the last 12 months;
the pigeons come from holdings at which no restrictions related to animal health were in place
at the time of consignment;
the pigeons were examined prior to consignment and showed no clinical signs of disease;
the pigeons were not intended for destruction as part of a national disease eradication
the pigeons were vaccinated against atypical chickenpox using an officially approved vaccine;
the pigeons are in a fit state to travel according to international standards concerning the
transport of animals, with special emphasis on the animal welfare aspects;
all pigeons in the consignment are marked with an irremovable ring, which must bear a
unique number.
Article 21
(1) The import of primates, including primates for experimental purposes, shall be permitted if the
animals are directly intended for institutes, institutions or centres approved in accordance with
Commission Regulation (EC) 1282/2002 of 15 July 2002 amending the Annex to Council Directive
92/65/EEC laying down animal health requirements governing trade in and imports into the
Community of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to animal health requirements laid
down in specific Community rules referred to in Annex A (I) to Directive 90/425/EEC (OJ L 187 of
16 July 2002, p. 3, with all amendments – hereinafter: Regulation 1282/2002). Import shall be
approved by the director of the VURS for each consignment separately, upon application from the
(2) Primates must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian
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confirms at least the information stated in the sample veterinary certificate from Part 3 of Annex E
of Regulation 1282/2002.
(3) Following import, primates must be isolated in an area set aside for the purpose, and for a period
determined for each case of import separately on the basis of a risk assessment.
Article 22
(circuses and zoo animals)
(1) The import of circus animals shall be permitted under these Rules if the animals are
accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian confirms that:
1. the animals were inspected by a veterinarian on the day of consignment and did not show any
clinical signs of disease or suspected disease associated with the species in question, and the
veterinarian confirmed by examination that the animals were fit to travel in accordance with the
requirements of the rules governing the conditions and method of transporting animals
(Directive 91/628/EEC);
2. the animals are being transported in means of transport and cages that comply with
international standards concerning the transport of animals, with special emphasis on the
animal welfare aspects;
3. prior to loading, the means of transport and the cages used for the carriage of the animals were
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using products approved by the competent authority of the
consigning country, and are arranged in such a way that feed, litter and animal excretions
cannot escape therefrom.
(2) The return of circus animals that originate from a member state and are being returned from a
third country shall be permitted on the basis of the veterinary certificate with which the animals
entered the third country and documents prescribed by Community legislation. The veterinary
certificate or an annex thereto must confirm that the animals were under veterinary control while in
the third country.
(3) The import of circus animals intended for approved establishments, institutes or centres shall be
conducted in accordance with Regulation 1282/2002 and using the sample veterinary certificate
published in Part 3 of Annex E of Regulation 1282/2002. In the columns of the veterinary
certificate in which the origin of the animal is specified, the third country of origin shall be entered
instead of the member state of origin.
B. Non-commercial movement of non-harmonised pet animals
Article 23
(return to RS)
(1) The return of non-harmonised pet animals to the RS after non-commercial movement to a third
country shall be permitted on the basis of the document on whose basis the animal entered the third
(2) The non-commercial movement of non-harmonised pet animals shall last for a maximum of 90
days, unless another regulation determines otherwise.
Article 24
(non-commercial movement from a third country to the RS)
(1) The non-commercial movement of non-harmonised pet animals from a third country to the RS
shall be permitted if the animal is accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official
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veterinarian confirms the following, in addition to information regarding the completion of in-house
quarantine for a period of 30 days prior to consignment:
1. that all ornamental fish, reptiles and amphibians are free of visible clinical signs of infectious
disease and in a fit state to travel;
2. that all small mammals are free of visible clinical signs of infectious disease and in a fit state to
3. for birds, that:
a) a virological test was carried out on a sample (cloacal swab or faeces) taken within 21 days of
the commencement of isolation, and was negative for avian influenza and atypical chickenpox;
b) the birds were free of visible clinical signs of infectious disease and in a fit state to travel when
examined not more than three days prior to consignment;
c) in the consigning country, avian influenza and atypical chickenpox are diseases that must be
reported, and the building in which in-house quarantine was carried out was not under
quarantine on account of any avian disease.
(2) The non-commercial movement of non-harmonised pet animals that originate from the Republic
of Croatia shall be permitted if the animals are accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the
authorised veterinarian confirms that:
1. the animals were healthy and did not show clinical signs of disease associated with the species
at the time they were examined, which was not more than five days prior to consignment;
2 . there was no confirmed case of a disease that can be carried by birds at the place of
consignment in the last 30 days.
(3) Control of the non-commercial movement of non-harmonised pet animals from third countries
shall be carried out by the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. Entry is permitted
at all registered international border customs posts.
C. Import of non-harmonised animals
Article 25
(special conditions)
(1) Imported non-harmonised products may only be placed on the market in the territory of the
Republic of Slovenia.
(2) If the exporting country is not the same as the country of origin, all the conditions from these
Rules must be met in relation to both countries.
Article 26
(eggs for consumption)
(1) The import of eggs for consumption shall be permitted from those countries or parts of countries
listed in Part IV of the Annex to Decision 2003/812/EC and marked with an "X" in the column for
eggs in the Annex to Decision 2004/432/EC.
(2) A consignment of eggs for human consumption must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate
in which the official veterinarian confirms that:
the eggs for consumption originate from a country that appears on the list contained in:
- Commission Decision 2003/812/EC;
- Commission Decision 2004/432/EC and in the Annex to this Decision, marked with an "X",
in the column for eggs;
the animals from whom the eggs originate are healthy and under official veterinary control;
at the time of consignment the flock from which the eggs originate did not show any clinical
signs or suspicion of the presence of the infectious poultry diseases laid down in Commission
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Decision 94/984/EC;
the eggs originate from poultry flocks that are free of salmonella;
the eggs originate from establishments approved or registered by a competent authority of the
EU or approved by a competent authority in accordance with national legislation, and in
which no restrictions related to animal health have been introduced;
the eggs are clean, fresh and suitable for human consumption with no health restrictions;
the eggs are transported in packaging that is not harmful to human or animal health, and the
means of transport were cleaned and disinfected with approved substances prior to loading.
Article 27
(honey and bee products)
(1) The import of honey and bee products intended for human consumption shall be permitted from
those countries or parts of countries listed in Part IX of the Annex to Decision 2003/812/EC and
marked with an "X" in the column for honey in the Annex to Decision 2004/432/EC.
(2) A consignment of honey and bee products for human consumption must be accompanied by a
veterinary certificate in which the official veterinarian confirms that:
the honey was produced by Apis mellifera bees and obtained from plants;
the honey meets the prescribed requirements of the exporting country for products intended
for human consumption;
the honey has been inspected in accordance with a programme for the monitoring of residues
approved by the European Commission and the inspection shows that the honey does not
contain harmful residues;
the honey:
originates from the exporting country;
or the honey was imported into the exporting country from another country in which it was
inspected in accordance with a programme for the monitoring of residues approved by the
European Commission, and further processed in an approved establishment in the exporting
or the consignment of honey was partly composed in the manner referred to in the preceding
Article 28
(soup concentrates)
(1) Until the adoption of a European Commission list of those countries, parts of countries and
establishments from which the import of soup concentrates of animal origin is permitted, the
decision on any import of soup concentrates shall be made by the director of the VURS on the basis
of an application lodged by the importer and following a prior risk assessment carried out by the
VURS for every exporting country separately.
(2) The consignment must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in which the official
veterinarian confirms that:
the soup concentrates of animal origin are manufactured from wholesome ingredients
obtained in approved establishments of member states, and that their traceability is ensured;
the soup concentrates of animal origin have been manufactured, packaged and stored under
veterinary control;
the soup concentrates of animal origin do not contain any pathogenic micro-organisms,
residues or other harmful substances in excess of the prescribed quantities according to a
national monitoring system, internal control sampling within the establishment or official
all foreseeable measures to prevent contamination were carried out after processing.
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D. Import of animal by-products
Article 29
(import of animal by-products)
(1) Animal by-products not listed individually and for which there is no prescribed veterinary
certificate in the Regulation (EC) 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3
October 2002 laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human
consumption (OJ L 273 of 10 October 2002, p. 1, with all amendments – hereinafter: Regulation
1774/2002) may be imported into the RS using sample certificate 8b from Annex X of Regulation
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the import of the skins of wild carnivores imported as
hunting trophies shall be permitted to take place without a veterinary examination and veterinary
certificate if the import of such hunting trophies into the EU from the exporting country is permitted
by the regulations governing trade in wild animal species (Regulation 338/97).
E. Import of semen of goats and rams
Article 30
(semen of goats and rams)
A consignment of semen of goats and rams must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in
which the official veterinarian confirms:
1. with regard to the country or part of the country:
a) the country or part of the country was free of foot-and-mouth disease for the two years
directly prior to the collection of the semen and up until the date of the consignment of
semen for export; no vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease was performed for 12
months prior to export; and the import into their territory of animals vaccinated less than one
year prior to import is not permitted;
b) the country or part of the country was free of cattle plague, bluetongue, contagious caprine
pleuropneumonia, peste des petits ruminants, epizootic haemorrhagic disease, sheep pox,
goat pox and Rift valley fever in the 12 months prior to collection of the semen and on the
day of consignment of the semen for export;
c) the country or part of the country was free of vesicular stomatitis in the 12 months prior to
the collection of the semen and on the day of consignment of the semen for export;
d) in the country in question, instances of scrapie must be reported, all affected animals must
be slaughtered and completely destroyed, an effective and permanent system of control must
be in place, and the feeding of animals with processed animal meal obtained from ruminants
must be prohibited and the prohibition enforced effectively;
2. with regard to an artificial insemination centre in which semen has been collected for export:
a) the centre is approved and under veterinary control in accordance with the conditions laid
down in the regulations governing trade in and import of animals (Annex D, Chapter I of
Directive 92/65/EEC);
b) the centre is located in an area free of foot-and-mouth disease, cattle plague, bluetongue,
contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, peste des petits ruminants, epizootic haemorrhagic
disease, sheep pox, goat pox, Rift valley fever and vesicular stomatitis to a radius of 20 km
and for at least three months prior to the date of collection of the semen and up until the day
of consignment of the semen;
c) no clinical or other signs of bluetongue or epizootic haemorrhagic disease in deer or roe deer
were recorded in the premises of the artificial insemination centre in the 12 months prior to
the first collection of semen for export and up until the day of consignment;
d) no clinical or other signs of tuberculosis, brucellosis (including Brucella abortus, Brucella
melitensis and Brucella ovis), pulmonary adenomatosis of sheep, John's disease, rabies,
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scrapie, Maedi-visna, viral arthritis/encephalitis syndrome in goats, mycoplasmosis
(including the infectious forms Mycoplasma agalactiae, Mycoplasma capricolum,
Mycoplasma mycoides spp. mycoides (large colony), Mycoplasma putrefasciens and
Mycoplasma mycoides spp. capri), contamination with Corynbacterium ovis, enzootic
abortion of sheep, Campylobacter fetus infection, leptospirosis or Border's disease
(hypomyelinogenesis congenita) were recorded at this centre in the 12 months prior to the
first collection of semen for export to the Republic of Slovenia and for the 28 days after the
last collection of semen;
3. with regard to animals in the artificial insemination centre:
a) they meet the conditions specified in the rules governing trade in or import of animals
(Annex D, Chapter II, point B of Directive 92/65/EEC);
b) they were examined by means of the tests specified in the rules governing trade in or import
of animals (Annex D, Chapter II, point B of Directive 92/65/EEC);
c) no symptoms of infectious or contagious disease were recorded in any animal at an artificial
insemination centre in which semen was collected for export during the collection of semen
for export to Slovenia;
d) no case of scrapie has been recorded in the last five years among donor animals, and these
animals are not the progeny of a father or mother infected with scrapie;
4. with regard to semen:
a) the semen for export was collected from donor animals that were conceived, born and raised
on the territory of the country or part of the country of export and lived there uninterruptedly
from birth or were imported into the country of origin from a member state or country listed
in Part I of the Annex to Decision 79/542/EEC not less than six months previously;
b) the semen was collected, acquired, conserved, stored and transported under conditions that
accord with the rules governing trade in or import of animals (Annex D, Chapter III of
Directive 92/65/EEC).
Article 31
These Rules shall enter into force on the eighth day after their publication in the Official Gazette of
the Republic of Slovenia.
No. 323-406/2005
Ljubljana, 2 December 2005
EVA 2005-2311-0063
Marija Lukačič
Minister of Agriculture,
Forestry and Food
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1. The representative of the competent authority of the consigning state that issues the veterinary
or health certificate and supervises the consignment of animals or products must sign the
certificate and ensure that it is equipped with an official stamp. If the certificate is made up of
several pages, the stamp should appear on every page.
2. Veterinary or health certificates must be written in the Slovenian language and one of the
official languages of the member state in which border veterinary control is to be exercised.
3. Upon entry into the EU, the consignment must be accompanied by the original of the veterinary
or health certificate.
4. A veterinary or health certificate shall be made up of the following:
(a) a single sheet of paper;
(b) two or more pages that are part of one single and indivisible sheet of paper;
(c) or a series of pages numbered in such a way that it is clear that they are part of a specific
closed series of pages (e.g. "page 2 of 4").
5. A veterinary or health certificate must bear a unique identification number. If the veterinary
certificate is made up of several pages, the identification number must appear on all pages.
6. A veterinary or health certificate must be issued before the consignment to which it relates
leaves the control of the competent authority of the consigning country.
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This declaration, which is signed by the owner or representative of the owner of the animal, must be
enclosed with the veterinary certificate, though it may form a constituent part of the veterinary
Reference to certificate no.: ................................................................................................................
I, the undersigned: ...............................................................................................................................
(name and surname in block capitals)
owner/representative of the owner(1) of the animal, hereby declare that:
a. the animals will be sent directly from the holding of origin to the holding of destination and will not be in
b. the animals will be transported in such a way that safeguards their health and welfare;
c. the animals were born on the holding of origin or were transported to the holding of origin not less than six m
Place and date....................................................
Signature of owner/owner's represen
Delete as appropriate.
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ISO code
People's Republic of China
Republic of Macedonia
Malaysia (peninsula, only eastern
Sri Lanka
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