“The Devil and Tom Walker” Study Guide (numbers denote pages of

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Study Guide
(numbers denote pages of story)
1. A few miles from Boston in a thick wood who supposedly buried a
large treasure beneath a tree? (1) Kidd the pirate
2. Who supposedly guards the treasure? (2) the Devil
3. The treasure is described as being obtained how (hyphenated
word)? (2) ill-gotten
4. Tom Walker and his wife lived near this thick wood. He and his
wife are described as miserly people. What does miserly mean?
(2) stingy
5. What did Tom’s wife do with the things she would acquire? (2)
Hide them from Tom.
6. Describe the Walker’s house and horse. (2) forlorn and
7. How are Tom and his wife described as inhabitants of their
house? (3rd paragraph pg. 2) inmates
8. Tom walks into the woods near his house. What kind of fort is said
to have been in those woods? (3) old Indian fort
9. What object did Tom find in the woods and what was stuck in it?
(3) skull with an Indian tomahawk stuck in it
A sooty-faced man spoke roughly to Tom. What was he
bearing on his shoulder? (3) ax
Whose name was scored into the bark of a tree in the
woods? (4) Deacon Peabody
It appeared that many trees had the names of great men
scored into its bark. What might this imply about how the men
had gotten their fortunes? (4) The made deals with the Devil.
The rough man tells Tom he goes by many names. What
name does Tom say he is commonly called? (4) Old Scratch
Because Tom was hard-minded and lived with a mean wife,
whom did he not fear? (5) the Devil/Old Scratch
The rough man offered Tom the riches he protected but put
conditions on Tom’s acquiring the riches. What did Tom have to
do to let us know the conditions were probably terrible? (5)
Think about it for awhile.
What did the rough man use as his signature and where did
he place it on Tom? (5) Thumbprint marked on Tom’s
Whose death let Tom know that the rough man was able to
deliver what he promised? (5) Absalom Crowninshield
In the matters of money, whom did Tom usually not
confide? His wife What did this person want Tom to do about
bargaining with the Devil and would he do it for her? She wanted
him to make the deal and he wouldn’t. Why or why not? (5-6)
Because she wanted him to make it, he wouldn’t. He didn’t
trust what she would do with the riches.
What did the woman decide to do about bargaining with the
Devil when Tom wouldn’t? (6) She went herself to bargain with
When the woman left for her second meeting with the devil,
why was her apron heavily laden (filled with something)? (6)
silver teapot, spoons, etc.
When the woman didn’t return, what concerned Tom the
most? (6) the missing silver
Who was seen carrying a bundle tied in a checked apron
coming from the swamp? (6) the Devil
Tom eventually finds his wife’s apron in a tree guarded by a
vulture. What was in the apron? (7) heart and liver
It looks as though Tom’s wife gave Old Scratch (the devil) a
good fight? How do we know this? (7) handfuls of hair and
What comforted Tom in knowing that he lost his
possessions that his wife had taken from the house? (7) she died
With his wife is dead, Tom begins to bargain with the Devil
for the pirate’s treasure. What doe it mean when it is said the
devil requires a person who accepts his bargain “should be
employed in his service?” (7) The person must engaged in an
evil business.
What is the first type of employment offered to Tom that
Tom resolutely refuses to do? (7-8) Slave Trade
Tom agrees to become a usurer. What is a usurer? Money
lender What is our common term a usurer? Loan shark Why
would he be good at being a usurer? (8) He likes money and he
doesn’t mind cheating people.
What were some of things people needed money for from
Tom? (8-9) gambling and business speculations
Tom grows wealthy, but in his old age he is concerned about
his bargain with the Devil. What does he do to keep himself out of
Hell? (9) He prays loudly, goes to church constantly, and
carries a small Bible in his pocket.
What book did Tom keep on his counting house desk and
why? (9) a large Bible so he won’t go to hell.
What strange thing did he do to one of his horses and why?
(10) He buried it upside down and put new horseshoes on it,
because he thought the world would be upside down when
the Devil came for him. The horse would be ready to ride
away from the Devil.
What fateful words does Tom utter when a man says Tom
has made a lot of money from him? (10) “ The Devil take me if
I’ve made a farthing.”
What happens to Tom once he utters those words? (10) The
Devil comes for him and takes him away.
Why weren’t the people of Boston not horror struck as to
what happened to Tom? (11) They are used to the Devil and
What did people find had happened to Tom’s fortune and
probably why did it happen to his fortune? (11) His fortune
turned to ashes and cinders. It probably happened, because it
was the Devil’s money and not meant for anyone who hadn’t
sold his soul to the Devil.