Trustworthy Computing - School of Computer Science

Trustworthy Computing
Jeannette M. Wing
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
31 August 2004
A computing system that is trustworthy is reliable, secure, privacy-preserving, and usable.
Whereas much research over the decades has focused on making systems more reliable and more
secure, we still have systems that fail and that are vulnerable to attack. Moreover, as our systems
keep growing in size, functionality, and complexity, as the environments in which they operate
are more unpredictable, and as the number of attackers and sophistication of attacks continue to
increase, we can count on having unreliable and insecure systems for the foreseeable future.
Recall this axiom from the security community, which I rename the Trustworthy Axiom:
Trustworthy Axiom: Good guys and bad guys are in a never-ending race.
It’s not a matter of achieving trustworthiness and declaring victory; it’s a matter of trying to stay
ahead of the bad guys.
Addressing privacy and usability of a computing system is even far less understood from a
technical, let alone formal viewpoint, than reliability and security. Yet, both are as important to
ensure for a system to be trustworthy, if in the end we want humans to use our systems, to have
trust in the computing systems they use.
Let’s look at each of these properties of trustworthy computing in turn.
1. Reliability
By reliable, I mean the system computes the right thing; in theory, reliable means the system
meets its specification—it is “correct”; in practice, because we often do not have specifications at
all or the specifications are incomplete, inconsistent, imprecise, or ambiguous, reliable means the
system meets the user’s expectations—it is predictable and when it fails, no harm is done.
We have made tremendous technical progress in making our systems more reliable. For
hardware systems, we can use redundant components to ensure a high-degree of predictive failsafe behavior. For software systems, we can use advanced programming languages and tools and
formal specification and verification techniques to improve the quality of our code. What is
missing? Here are some starters:
Science of software design. While we have formal languages and techniques for
specifying, developing, and analyzing code, we do not yet have a similar science for
software design. To build trustworthy software, we need to identify software design
principles (e.g., Separation of Concerns) with security in mind and to revisit security
design principles (e.g., Principle of Least Privilege) with software in mind.
Compositional reasoning techniques. Today’s systems are made up of many software
and hardware components. While today’s attacks exploit bugs in individual software
components, tomorrow’s attacks will likely exploit mismatches between independently
designed components. I call these “design-level vulnerabilities” because the problem is
above the level of code: even if the individual components are implemented correctly,
when put together emergent abusive behavior can result. We need ways to compose
systems that preserve properties of the individual components, or when put together,
achieve a desired global property. Similarly, we need way to detect and reason about
emergent abusive behavior.
Software metrics. While we have performance models and benchmark suites for
computer hardware and networks, we do not for software. We need software metrics that
allow us to quantify and predict software reliability. When is a given system “good
enough” or “safe enough”?
Notably, the Computing Research Associates Grand Challenges in Trustworthy
Computing Workshop (, held in November 2003,
formulated the following grand challenge: Within 10 years, develop quantitative
information-systems risk management that is at least as good as quantitative financial risk
2. Security
By secure, I mean the system is not vulnerable to attack. In theory, security can be viewed as
another kind of correctness property. A system, however, is vulnerable at least under the
conditions for which its specification is violated and more subtly, under the conditions that the
specification does not explicitly cover. In fact, a specification’s precondition tells an attacker
exactly where a system is vulnerable.
One way to view the difference between reliability and security is given by Whittaker and
Thompson in How to Break Software Security, Pearson 2004, in this Venn diagram:
The two overlapping circles combined represent system behavior. The left circle represents
desired behavior; the right, actual. The intersection of the two circles represents behavior that is
correct (i.e., reliable) and secure. The left shaded region represents behavior that is not
implemented or implemented incorrectly, i.e., where traditional software bugs are found. The
right shaded region represents behavior that is implemented but not intended, i.e., where security
vulnerabilities lie.
As for reliability, for security we think in terms of modeling, prevention, detection, and recovery.
We have some (dated) security models, such as Multi-Level Security and Bell-LaPadula, to state
desired security properties and we use threat modeling to think about how attackers can enter our
system. We have encryption protocols that allow us to protect our data and our communications;
we have mechanisms such as network firewalls to protect our hosts from some attacks. We have
intrusion detection systems to detect (though still with high false positive rates) our systems are
under attack; we have code analysis tools to detect buffer overruns. Our recovery mechanisms
today rely on aborting the system (e.g., in a denial-of-service attack) or installing software
We need more ways to prevent and protect our systems from attack. It’s more cost-effective to
prevent an attack than to detect and recover from it. There are two directions in which I would
like to see the security community steer their attention: (1) design-level, not just code-level
vulnerabilities and (2) software, not just computers and networks.
3. Privacy
By privacy, I mean the system must preserve users’ identity and protect their data. Much past
research in privacy addresses non-technical questions with contributions from policymakers and
social scientists. I believe that privacy is the next big area related to security for technologists to
tackle. It is time for the technical community to address some fundamental questions such as:
What does privacy mean?
How do you state a privacy policy? How can you prove your software satisfies it?
How do you reason about privacy? How do you resolve conflicts among different
privacy policies?
Are there things that are impossible to achieve wrt some definition of privacy?
How do you implement practical mechanisms to enforce different privacy policies? As
they change over time?
How do you design and architect a system with privacy in mind?
How do you measure privacy?
My call to arms is to the scientists and engineers of complex software systems to start paying
attention to privacy, not just reliability and security. To the theoretical community—to design
provably correct protocols that preserve privacy for some formal meaning of privacy, to devise
models and logics for reasoning about privacy, to understand what is or is not impossible to
achieve given a particular formal model of privacy, to understand more fundamentally what the
exact relationship is between privacy and security, and to understand the role of anonymity in
privacy (when is it inherently needed and what is the tradeoff between anonymity and forensics).
To the software engineering community—to think about software architectures and design
principles for privacy. To the systems community—to think about privacy when designing the
next network protocol, distributed database, or operating system. To the artificial intelligence
community—to think about privacy when using machine learning for data mining and data fusion
across disjoint databases. How do we prevent unauthorized reidentification of people when doing
traffic and data analysis? To researchers in biometrics, embedded systems, robotics, sensor nets,
ubiquitous computing, and vision—to address privacy concerns along with the design of their
next-generation systems.
4. Usability
By usability, I mean the system has to be usable by human beings. To ensure reliability, security,
and privacy, often we need to trade between user convenience and user control. Also, there are
tradeoffs we often need to make when looking at these four properties in different combinations.
Consider usability and security. Security is only as strong as the system's weakest link. More
often than not that weakest link involves the system's interaction with a human being. Whether
the problem is with choosing good passwords, hard-to-use user interfaces, complicated system
installation and patch management procedures, or social engineering attacks, the human link will
always be present.
Similarly consider usability and privacy. We want to allow users to control access, disclosure,
and further use of their identity and their data; yet we do not want to bombard them with pop-up
dialog boxes asking for permission for each user-system transaction.
Similar remarks can be made for tradeoffs between usability and reliability (and for that matter,
security and privacy, security and reliability, etc.).
Fortunately, the human-computer interaction community is beginning to address issues of usable
security and usable privacy. We need to design user interfaces to make security and privacy both
less obtrusive to and less intrusive on the user. As computing devices become ubiquitous, we
need to hide complicated security and privacy mechanisms from the user but still provide user
control where appropriate. How much of security and privacy should we and can we make
transparent to the user?
We also should turn to the behavioral scientists to help the computer scientists. Technologists
need to design systems to reduce their susceptibility to social engineering attacks. Also, as the
number and nature of attackers change in the future, we need to understand the psychology of the
attacker: from script kiddies to well-financed, politically motivated adversaries. As biometrics
become commonplace, we need to understand whether and how they help or hinder security
(perhaps by introducing new social engineering attacks). Similarly, help or hinder privacy?
This usability problem occurs at all levels of the system: at the top, users who are not computer
savvy but interact with computers for work or for fun; in the middle, users who are computer
savvy but do not and should not have the time or interest to twiddle with settings; at the bottom,
system administrators who have the unappreciated and scary task of installing the latest security
patch without being able to predict the consequence of doing so.
We need to make it possible for normal human beings to use our computing systems easily, but
with deserved trust and confidence.
5. Trustworthy Computing at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science
See attached spreadsheet of SCS faculty, centers, institutes, and research groups that cover the
four areas of trustworthy computing.
The term Trustworthy Computing is used by Microsoft Corporation. Whereas I define
trustworthy in terms of reliability, security, privacy, and usability, Microsoft’s Four Pillars of
Trustworthy Computing are reliability, security, privacy, and business integrity. I gained much
appreciation for the scope and difficulty of this initiative while on a one-year sabbatical at
Microsoft Research.