Angina is commonly associated with? A. Meningitis B. Measles C. Tuberculosis D. Leucosis E. Hypertension ANSWER: E An increase in the amount of erythrocytes is the highest in: A. Patients with erythromia B. After transfusion of erythrocytes C. In patients with emphysema of the lungs D. In patients with heart failure E. People who live in mountains ANSWER: E Of the following anemias hyperchromic is: A. B-12 deficiency B. Metaplasmatic C. Hemolytic D. Post-hemmorhagic anemia E. Iron-deficiency anemia ANSWER: E Megalowblastic hyperplasia of bone marrow arises because of hypovitaminosis of: A. A B. В-1 C. C D. PP E. B-12 ANSWER: E The most characteristic cells of blood in bone marrow during B-12 deficient anemia are: A. Poikilocyte B. Megalowblasts C. Hypochromatic erythrocytes D. Normoblasts E. Anyzocytes ANSWER: E Leucosis-systemic tumor diseases: A. Lymphoid tissue B. Mesenchymal tissue C. Endothelial tissue D. Epithelial tissue E. Hemopoetic tissue ANSWER: E Acute leucosis is characterized by prolipheration of: A. Developed healthy cells B. Undifferentiated or patially differentiated blast cells C. Erythrocytes D. Leucocytes E. Endothelium ANSWER: E Bone marrow is red juicy, sometimes a gray tint during: A. Undifferentiated form of leukosis B. Jewler’s form of leucosis C. Lymphogranulamatosis D. During a child’s form of leucosis E. Early form of leucosis ANSWER: E Acute leucosis is more commonly seen in A. children B. women C. older people D. young people E. Men ANSWER: E During chronic lympho leucosis the liver is A. Shrunken B. Atrophic C. Infiltrated by scar tissue D. Cirrhotic E. Enlarged, gray-brown color ANSWER: E To the group of paraprotein leucosis belong disease of A. Hodgkins B. Beresovskyy C. Cokolovskyy D. Chornodybov E. Mielomic ANSWER: E Blood vessels affected in atherosclerosis are which of the following: A. Aorta only B. Large arteries and large veins C. Large veins D. Aorta and arterioli E. Aorta and large arteries ANSWER: E Blood vessels affected in systemic hypertension are which of the folowing: A. Aorta and large arteries only B. Aorta only C. Large arteries and large veins D. Venules E. Arterioli ANSWER: E The cells accumulating cholesterol or cholesterol esters in atherosclerotic plaque are which of the following: A. Neutrophils. B. Lymphocytes and macrophages. C. Mesenchymal cells D. Giant cells. E. Macrophages and smooth muscle cells ANSWER: E Material accumulated in macrophages and smooth muscle cells in atherosclerotic plaque is which of the following: A. Glycogen B. Lipohyaline C. Triglycerides D. Lipoproteids E. Cholesterol or cholesterol esters ANSWER: E The clinical syndrome of malignant hypertension includes all ofthe following symptoms, except: A. Retinal hemorrhages B. Diastolic pressure >120 mmHg C. Renal failure D. Papilledema E. Systolic pressure >120 mmHg ANSWER: E Secondary hypertension may be caused by all of the following diseases, except: A. Acute glomerulonephritis B. Gushing's syndrome C. Pheochromocytoma D. Coarctation of aorta E. Lobar pneumonia ANSWER: E The typical pathologic proces in arterioles and small arteries in systemic hypertension is referred to as: A. Hyaline atrophy B. Hyaline hyperplasia C. Fibroelastic hyalinosis D. Hyaline atherosclerosis E. Hyaline arteriolosclerosis ANSWER: E All of the following are stages of the atherosclerotic plaque development, except: A. Fibrous plaque B. Fibrofatty plaque C. Atheromatous plaque D. Fibrolipid plaque E. Fibrinous plaque ANSWER: E The major nonmodifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis are all of the following, except: A. Increasing age B. Male gender C. Family history D. Genetic abnormalities E. Increased water resorption ANSWER: E The potentially controllable risk factors for atherosclerosis are all of the following, except: A. Hyperlipidemia B. Hypertension C. Cigarette smoking D. Diabetes mellitus E. Genetic abnormalities ANSWER: E The gene defects in enzymes involved in aldosterone metabolism in systemic hypertension lead to all of the following effects, except: A. Adaptive increase in aldosterone secretion B. Increased salt resorption C. Increased water resorption D. Plasma volume expansion E. Increased lipoprotein resorption ANSWER: E Rheumatic diseases - a group of chronic diseases characterized by systemic lesion: A. joints B. the circulatory system C. circulatory D. Kidney E. connective tissue and blood vessels ANSWER: E What is rheumatic disease - (a group of chronic diseases characterized by systemic lesion): A. joints B. the circulatory system C. -D. kidney E. connective tissue and blood vessels ANSWER: E To belong to pathogenetic mechanisms of rheumatic diseases: A. streptococcal septicemia B. oll ansvers - right C. staphylococcus septikopiemii D. gipertermicheskim reactions E. allergic reactions of immediate and delayed-type ANSWER: E In rheumatic diseases the main pathogenetic plot are: A. stagnant around the plethora of small joints B. ishemizatsiya capillary bed C. Hypertrophy of left heart Divisions D. -E. progressive disorganization of the connective tissue ANSWER: E Disruption of connective tissue in rheumatic diseases includes:: A. mukoidny ekzema B. hyaline droplets dystrophy C. amyloidosis D. hydropic dystrophy E. mukoid edema ANSWER: E Disruption of connective tissue in rheumatic diseases includes:: A. cell reaction (granulematoz) and sclerosis B. hyaline droplets dystrophy C. amyloidosis D. vakuolnuyu dystrophy E. Hyalinosis ANSWER: E In rheumatism sensitizing factor antibodies: A. B-hemolytic streptococcus, type B B. B-hemolytic streptococcus type AB C. B-hemolytic staphylococcus type A D. oll ansvers - right E. B-hemolytic streptococcus typeА ANSWER: E B-hemolytic streptococci type A has affinity with antigens аntibodies against A. -B. kidney C. tonsils D. connective tissue of mediastinum E. connective tissue of heart ANSWER: E In rheumatoid arthritis in patients with damage mainly to the connective tissue: A. heart B. kidney C. renal capsule D. -E. capsule of the joints ANSWER: E The decisive factor for the development of scleroderma is a violation of the synthesis: A. keloid B. fibrin C. fibrinogen D. keloid E. collagen ANSWER: E Bekhterev disease - a chronic rheumatic disease with the damage: A. articular apparatus B. large joints C. small and large joints D. articular apparatus E. glenoid spine-connected device ANSWER: E Microscopical features of acute appendicitis are all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Diffuse neutrophil infiltration B. Absesses formation within the appendicular wall C. Ulceration of the mucosa D. Foci of hemorrhages E. Epithelioid cell infiltration ANSWER: E The cell types in the corpus gastric glands are all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Mucous cells B. Parietal cells C. Chief cells D. Endocrine cells E. Hurtle cells ANSWER: E The gastric mucosal protection from autodigestion is possible due to all of the following factors, EXCEPT: A. Mucus secretion B. Bicarbonate secretion C. Epithelial barrier D. Mucosal blood flow E. Gastrin receptor activation ANSWER: E Chronic infection of the gastric mucosa is associated with which of the following bactertia: A. Escherichia coli B. Campilobacter jejuni C. Enterococcus falcium D. Escherichia chaffeensis E. Helicobacter pylori ANSWER: E Chronic gastritis may be characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT: A. Lymphocyte infiltration B. Plasma cell infiltration C. Intestinal metaplasia D. Atrophy E. Suppurative inflammation ANSWER: E Acute gastritis is commonly caused by all of the following factors, EXCEPT: A. Excessive use of aspirin B. Heavy smoking C. Excessive alcohol consumption D. Treatment with cancer chemotherapeutic drugs E. Genetic abnormalities ANSWER: E Acute gastritis is commonly associated with all of the following factors, EXCEPT: A. Uremia B. Severe stress C. Systemic infections D. Ischemia and shock E. Delayed gastric emptying ANSWER: E Acute catarrhal gastritis is morphologically characterized by aU of the following features, EXCEPT: A. Moderate edema of lamina propria B. Vascular congestion of lamina propria C. Neutrophil infiltration D. Abundant mucus amount on the gastric epithelium E. Atrophy of the mucosa ANSWER: E The major etiologic associations of chronic gastritis are all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Chronic Helicobacter pylori infection B. Autommune factors C. Toxic factors D. Bile reflux E. Ischemia and shock ANSWER: E The major etiologic associations of chronic gastritis are all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Helicobacter pylori infection B. Radiation injury C. Granulomatous diseases D. Autoimmune reactions E. Salmonella infections ANSWER: E All of the following complications may be found in chronic peptic ulcer, EXCEPT: A. Perforation B. Bleeding C. Malformation D. Penetration E. Caseation ANSWER: E Clinically, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Normal weight B. Anti-islet cell antibodies in the serum C. Ketoacidosis D. Decreased blood insulin level E. Normal or increased blood insulin level ANSWER: E Clinically non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is characterized by all of the following , EXCEPT: A. Obesity B. Absence of anti-islet-cell antibodies C. Absence of ketoacidosis D. Normal or increased blood insulin level E. Decreased blood insulin level ANSWER: E Secondary diabetes may accompany all of the following diseases, EXCEPT: A. Cytomegalovirus infection B. Down syndrome C. Pituitary tumors D. Adrenal endocrinopathy E. Bacterial infection ANSWER: E The causes of morbidity and death from diabetes are the long-term complications developing in all of the following organs, EXCEPT: A. Blood vessels B. Kidneys C. Eyes D. Nerves E. Liver ANSWER: E Diabetic nephropathy is microscopically characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Diffuse glomerulosclerosis B. Diffuse increase of the mesangial matrix C. Mesangial cell proliferation D. Basement membrane thickening E. Amyloid masses within mesangial matrix ANSWER: E Diabetic microangiopathy is most evident in the capillaries of all of the following organs, EXCEPT: A. Skin B. Sceletal muscle C. Retina (eye) D. Kidney E. Liver ANSWER: E Diabetic microangiopathy may be seen in all of the following internal organs, EXCEPT: A. Kidney B. Brain C. Skin D. Lung E. Lens ANSWER: E Type I diabetes is clinically characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT: A. Polyphagia B. Poliuria C. Weight loss D. Polydipsia E. Obesity ANSWER: E The pheochromocytoma may be associated with all of the following clinical symptoms, EXCEPT: A. Tachycardia B. Headache C. Sweating D. Tremor E. Hyperpigmentation of the skin ANSWER: E Pituitary adenomas include all of the following variants, EXCEPT: A. Growth hormone cell adenoma B. Prolactin cell adenoma C. ACTH cell adenoma D. TSH cell adenoma E. Catecholamine cell adenoma ANSWER: E Hypothyroidism may be caused by all of the following disorders, EXCEPT: A. Hashimoto thyroiditis B. Immune block of TSH receptors C. Iodine deficiency D. Pituitary lesions reducing TSH secretion E. Diffuse hyperplasia of thyroid in Graves disease ANSWER: E Lobar pneumonia – in 95 % cases A. streptococcus B. staphylococcus C. chlamydiae D. coli bacteria E. Franklyn’s pneumococcus ANSWER: E At croupous pneumonia A. black B. red C. yellow D. grey E. ferruginous ANSWER: E is caused by: in the red hepatization color of sputum is: Pulmonary complications of croupous pneumonia can be: A. pneumofibrosis B. acute bronchitis C. fibrous alveolitis D. meningitis E. carnification ANSWER: E Extrapulmonary complication of croupous pneumonia can be: A. abscess of the lung B. empyema of pleura C. gangrene of the lung D. bronchitis E. meningitis ANSWER: E Extrapulmonary complication of croupous pneumonia can be: A. abscess of the lung B. empyema of pleura C. gangrene of the lung D. carnification E. peritonitis ANSWER: E Acute bacterial infection of an entire lobe is often referred to as which of the following: A. Bronchopneumonia B. Emphysema C. Tuberculosis D. Bronchial asthma E. Lobar pneumonia ANSWER: E The stages of lobar pneumonia include all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Congestion B. Red hepatization C. Grey hepatization D. Resolution E. Yellow hepatization ANSWER: E Exudate in lobar pneumonia may consist of all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Fibrin B. Neutrophils C. Erythrocytes D. Macrophages E. Plasma cells ANSWER: E Complications of pneumonia include all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Abscess formation B. Empyema C. Organization of the exudate D. Bacteremic dissemination E. Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery ANSWER: E The most characteristic feature of viral pneumonia is which of the following: A. Presence of acute suppurative inflammation B. Emphysema formation C. Coalescent granulomas formation D. Suppurative destruction of the lung parenchyma E. The interstitial nature of the inflammatory reaction ANSWER: E Mycobacterium tuberculosis is characterized by all of the following features, EXCEPT: A. Aerobic B. Non-spore-forming C. Nonmotile D. Red colored in acid-fast staining E. Pili-forming ANSWER: E Complications of tuberculosis osteomyelitis include all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Tuberculosis arthritis B. Sinus tract formation C. Cold abscess formation D. Amyloidosis E. Caseation in the lung ANSWER: E The liver may be affected in which of the following forms of tuberculosis: A. Secondary tuberculosis B. Cavernous fibrocaseous tuberculosis C. Dormant tuberculosis D. Primary tuberculosis complex E. Miliary tuberculosis ANSWER: E The intestine may be affected in which of the following forms of tuberculosis: A. Secondary tuberculosis B. Cavernous fibrocaseous tuberculosis C. Dormant tuberculosis D. Miliary tuberculosis E. Primary tuberculosis complex ANSWER: E Healed lesions in primary tuberculosis include all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Fibrous incapsulation B. Fibrocalcific scar C. Foci of ossification D. Focal pleural adhesions E. Caseous pneumonia ANSWER: E Caseating destructive secondary tuberculosis includes all of the following lesions, EXCEPT: A. Caseation in the lung B. Cavities in the lung C. Caseation in the lung lymph nodes D. Extrapulmonary caseation E. Miliary extrapulmonary lesions ANSWER: E Primary complex in tuberculosis may directly transform in all of the following pathologic conditions, EXCEPT: A. Fibrocalcific scars B. Latent pulmonary lesions C. Latent extrapulmonary lesions D. Progressive primary tuberculosis E. Miliary tuberculosis ANSWER: E Tuberculous salpingitis can be found in which of the following forms of tuberculosis: A. Secondary tuberculosis B. Cavernous fibrocaseous tuberculosis C. Dormant lesions D. Primary tuberculosis E. Miliary tuberculosis ANSWER: E The cells playing the most important role in chronic tuberculous inflammation are which of the following: A. Leukocytes B. Eosinophils C. Erythrocytes D. Plasma cells E. Macrophages ANSWER: E The granuloma in tuberculosis is composed predominantly of which of the following cells: A. Fibroblasts B. Eosinophils C. Plasma cells D. Neutrophils E. Epithelioid cells ANSWER: E The miliary lung tuberculosis is characterized by which type of inflammation: A. Serous B. Fibrinous C. Suppurative D. Hemorrhagic E. Granulomatous ANSWER: E Most forms of chronic renal failure produce increased serum levels of all of the following substances, EXCEPT: A. Aldosterone B. Phosphate C. Parathormone D. Renin E. Calcium ANSWER: E Uremia is associated with all of the following abnormalities, EXCEPT: A. Peripheral neuropathy B. Gastritis C. Pericarditis D. Diffuse alveolar damage E. Polycythemia ANSWER: E Glomerular injury caused by circulating complexes occurs in all of the following disorders, EXCEPT: A. Syphilis B. Goodpasture's syndrome C. Hepatitis B D. Systemic lupus erythematosus E. Lung cancer ANSWER: E The factor least likely to cause acute pyelonephritis is which of the following: A. Pregnancy B. Nephrolithiasis C. Catheterization of the bladder D. Prostatic hypertrophy E. Septicemia ANSWER: E Mesangial cells can be characterized by all of the following properties, EXCEPT: A. Ingestion of macromolecules B. Connection with Lacis cells C. Ability to contract D. Production of basement membrane proteins E. Production of renin ANSWER: E Immunologicaly mediated glomerulonephritis all of the following cells contribute to the glomerular injury, EXCEPT: A. Macrophages B. Platelets C. Neutrophils D. Mesangial cells E. Mast cells ANSWER: E Renal diseases producing systemic hypertension include all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Acute glomerulonephritis B. Chronic glomerulonephritis C. Chronic pyelonephritis D. Renal vasculitis E. Renal amyloidosis ANSWER: E Histologic features of malignant nephrosclerosis include all of the following, EXCEPT: A. Fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles B. Medial thickening of arterioles C. Renal artery thrombosis D. Focal renal parenchymal infarction E. Fibromuscular dysplasia of the renal artery ANSWER: E Hematuria is a characteristic clinical feature of all of the following diseases, EXCEPT: A. Glomerulonephritis B. Nephrolithiasis C. Renal cell carcinoma D. Bladder papilloma E. Malakoplakia ANSWER: E Ultrastructural changes in children primary nephrotie syndrome involve which of the following glomerular elements: A. Endothelium B. Mesangium C. Bloodvessels D. Basement membrane E. Podocytes ANSWER: E All of the following clinical features are likely to be found in nephrotic syndrome, EXCEPT: A. Proteinuria B. Hypoalbuminemia C. Hyperlipidemia D. Edema E. Hematuria ANSWER: E The defect of interventricular septum belongs to: A. fetopathy B. pathologies of placenta C. birth trauma D. perinatal pathology E. embryopathy ANSWER: E The Fallot's triad (defect of interventricular septum, stenosis of pulmonary artery, hypertrophy of right ventricle) belongs to: A. fetopathy B. pathology of placenta C. birth trauma D. perinatal pathology E. embryopathy ANSWER: E Agenesis of kidneys belongs to: A. fetopathy B. perinatal pathology C. birth trauma D. pathology of placenta E. embryopathy ANSWER: E Renal hypoplasia belongs to: A. fetopathy B. perinatal pathology C. birth trauma D. pathology of placenta E. embryopathy ANSWER: E Renal dysplasia belongs to: A. fetopathy B. perinatal pathology C. birth trauma D. pathology of placenta E. embryopathy ANSWER: E Cysts of lungs belong to: A. perinatal pathology B. birth trauma C. pathology of placenta D. embryopathy E. fetopathy ANSWER: E Innate emphysema belongs to: A. perinatal pathology B. birth trauma C. pathology of placenta D. embryopathy E. fetopathy ANSWER: E Dysplastic acetabulum belongs to: A. embryopathy B. perinatal pathology C. birth trauma D. pathology of placenta E. fetopathy ANSWER: E Polydactyly is multiplying the number of fingers, belongs to: A. embryopathy B. perinatal pathology C. birth trauma D. pathology of placenta E. fetopathy ANSWER: E The system hypoplasia A. embryopathy of muscular system belongs to: B. perinatal pathology C. birth trauma D. pathology of placenta E. fetopathy ANSWER: E Fetopathy A. from 71 B. from 73 C. from 74 D. from 75 E. from 72 ANSWER: E has for for for for for a period from: 280 day 280 day 280 day 280 day 280 day