4 Transmission of Data - Care Pathways and Packages Project

Care Pathways and Packages Project
Learning Disability Work Stream
Guidance Manual for
Version 1.1
Care Pathways and Packages Project
Developing currencies for mental health payment by results
Document Control
Purpose of this document
This document describes extraction criteria, formats and other technical information
relating to the CP&P Learning Disability dataset. It does not describe the dataset
itself, which is contained in a different document.
Version Control
Update comments
B. Scorer
Initial draft
B. Scorer
Updated validation section
B. Scorer
Finalised ready for circulation
for further comments
B. Scorer
Further update following
national event
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This document describes various technical elements regarding the extraction,
construction and transmission of the dataset which will support the Care
Packages and Pathways Learning Disability work stream.
This document does not describe the dataset itself but should be read in
conjunction with LD CPPP Dataset Draft v1.1.xlsx specification referred to as
‘the dataset specification’ throughout this document.
Data Extraction
Each organisation is responsible for developing appropriate data collection
systems and extraction routines from their source system(s). Trusts must ensure
that all data extracted is valid and adheres to the format specified in the dataset
The extraction criteria for the dataset can be found in the general table guidance
on each tab of the dataset specification.
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Participating provider organisations will be provided with a blank 2003 format
Microsoft Access database consisting of predefined tables for populating with
data. These tables will be constructed to match the schema as defined in the
dataset specification.
It is intended that this database is to be populated by provider organisation’s
information departments directly from their source systems and not to be used
by end-users for the purpose of data entry and collection. No support will be
provided for local direct data entry processes as these will need to be tailored to
local circumstances.
There will be no need to add or modify the tables and/or rename the tables. Any
database that is submitted where modifications have been made will result in
rejection of the data.
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File Naming Convention
A blank IDB will be provided to all sites (LDCPPP_IDB_V1_1.mdb) referred to as
‘the IDB’ throughout this document.
The IDB database (.mdb) files should be named as:
LDCPPP_IDB_<Version>_<Trust Code>_<Year>_<Month>.mdb
e.g. for data submitted by NTW (RX4) in August 2014 containing data for July
would be named:
and the zip file will follow the same naming convention:
Data Submission
Data should be encrypted to the NHS standard AES-256 and sent via the NHS
Secure File Transfer (SFT) facility currently available on the Connecting for
Health website. Each Trust will be required to register and will be provided with
2 passwords. One password will be used when encrypting the zip file and the
other password will be used when uploading the file via SFT.
Trusts are required to make bi-monthly submissions during the project and may
wish to resubmit their data during the open window should there be any
significant data quality issues locally identified or the submission is rejected.
See section 4 of this guide for further information.
MHMDS name
The data specification document contains a column entitled “MHMDS name”.
This is to highlight where fields have the same definition as the Mental Health
Minimum Data Set (MHMDS) v4.1. Not all fields will have a corresponding
MHMDS field name, or are used in a slightly different way to the MHMDS. In this
case, “N/A” is used to signify that there is not a directly corresponding MHMDS
IDB Field Name
The data specification document contains a column entitled “IDB Field Name
which will match with the field names in the IDB and Trusts MHMDS name”.
Priority Status - M/R/O (Mandatory/Required/Optional) Fields
Within each tab of the dataset specification there is a column which identifies the
priority status of data to be supplied for each field.
Where M (Mandatory) is specified, then this data item must always be supplied
in the dataset for each row otherwise the data will fail validation and will be
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Fields that are marked as R (Required) should be supplied if collected by the
provider Trust / Organisation.
Where fields are marked O (Optional) there is no requirement to populate this
data item where the table is populated, however, the provision of this data will
greatly assist analysis and organisations should provide this wherever possible.
However, missing optional data will not cause any validation errors or issues.
Lookup values
Any pick list / lookup value data item submitted that contains a value that is not a
valid pick list item will result in the submission being rejected. For example
Patients Marital Status (MPI table) must contain one of the permissible values
from the list.
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The following rules will be applied to the dataset to ensure that all Trusts provide
information in a consistent format:
All tables - Local ID (LPTID)
A local patient identifier is required to act as a unique identifier which will form
the foreign key between all tables in the extract.
To ensure that the key remains unique when submitted Trusts are required to
prefix the local key value with their 3 character Trust code and dash.
For example, patient ID: 12345 submitted by NTW with an organisation code of
RX4 would be submitted as RX4-12345.
Trust’s local policies for pseudonymisation should be adhered to.
Trusts should note that though no major changes are expected to be made to
the dataset during the collection, coding tables may be changed either in
response to DSCNs where national codes are used or where required to support
the project, where local codes have been defined. Trusts should ensure that
their local systems will allow for coding tables to be updated during the project.
Basic format and data validation checks will be performed on all tables
All Mandatory
fields in tables
Present and correct format
All lookup values
Valid (any supplied value in any table that has a list of permissible
values will be checked to ensure they are valid, this includes valid
scores (i.e. 0 to 4))
Local id
Matches local id in demographics.
Dates fields in all
Adhere to extract criteria date range (where applicable)
A deeper level of validation will be undertaken on the LDMHCT table as
described below:
Assessment date
Must be on or after 01.06.14 and is in date range of either IP spell
or community episode.
Cluster allocation
Relates to appropriate super class (1-9 Non-psychotic, 10-17
Psychotic, 18-27 organic)
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Transmission of Data
Trusts are required to submit data bi-monthly to the central project team as
described in this section.
Please click on the following link to register for the SFT
Submitting organisations will enter their email address and SFT PIN (as used
when registering).
Email Address 1 of 10 will be entered as ntw.ds@nhs.net
Date of deletion will be the last option in the list (i.e. the maximum date)
File password will be the 2nd password issued to you by the central team
Disable download sharing: ensure this box is ticked
Timing and Frequency
Trusts are required to submit their data for the preceding month by the end of
the submission window.
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Submissions are required in bulk format and will be cumulative. Ie. Trusts are
required to submit all data extracted that meets the criteria in section 2.2. This
means that on each occasion, data for the preceding submission will be
submitted along with a refresh of the previous data already extracted.
Data for
Submission Open Window
01/08/2014 - 28/08/2014
01/10/2014 - 31/10/2014
01/12/2014 - 31/12/2014
01/02/2015 – 28/02/2014
01/04/2015 – 30/04/2014
01/07/2015 – 31/07/2015
Files will not be processed after submission window has closed.
Files will be processed within 3 working days during the open window
Version control
All Trusts should submit data using the IDB and in the conjunction with the
dataset specification.
Security and Encryption
The data set will be encrypted at source and whilst in transit. The zip file will be
encrypted using the 1st password issued to you by the central team.
Key Contacts
This section contains contact details of key personnel that can be contacted in
the event of a query or an issue in relation to the transfer of data to the central
Pilot Registration
In order to register for the pilot, an email needs to be sent to the central team as
Send Email to: ntw.ds@nhs.net
Subject: Register for LD CPPP dataset submissions
The email needs to contain the following information please:
Organisation Code:
Organisation Name:
Main Contact Name:
Main Contact Tel No:
Main Contact email address:
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Second Contact Name:
Second Contact Tel No:
Second Contact email address:
Please note that the contact names given should be the lead contacts for data
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