Ref: (For official use only) London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Twickenham Area Action Plan (AAP) Publication Stage Representation Form Publication consultation from Friday 6 July to Friday 31 August 2012 This is the final representations stage before the documents are submitted in autumn 2012 to the Secretary of State for independent examination (EiP) by a planning inspector. At this stage your comments should relate to issues of legal compliance and ‘soundness’ of the Twickenham Area Action Plan (AAP), including changes to the Proposals Map. The accompanying guidance notes on how to make comments, legal compliance and the ‘tests of soundness’ can be downloaded from the Council’s website at: All representations, which will be made available to the public, will be considered by an independent inspector at an Examination in Public, which is anticipated to be held early 2013. The inspector will test the ‘soundness’ of the Plan and issue a report to the Council. Following this the Council will make a formal decision whether to adopt the Plan. You can respond on the consultation documents in the following ways: Online at, where you can find a link to our online consultation portal and online representation form (you can also review the documents online); Email to the official representation form (a PDF and Word version of the form can be found on the Council’s web site at In the form in ‘Word’ format you can type in your response and return it as an email attachment. Send the form to Policy and Design, LB Richmond upon Thames, Civic Centre 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZ; or hand deliver your completed form to the ground floor reception in the Civic Centre. Any response must be received by 5pm on 31 August 2012. This form has three parts: Part A – Personal Details Part B – Your representation(s). Please fill in a separate sheet for each representation you wish to make. Part C – Monitoring information Publication Consultation - Twickenham Area Action Plan - Comment Form Part A: Personal Details 1. Personal Details * 2. Agent’s Details (if applicable) Title First name Last name Job title (where relevant) Organisation (where relevant) Address Postcode Telephone Fax E-mail address * If an agent is appointed, please complete only the Title, Name and Organisation boxes but complete the full contact details of the agent in 2. Publication Consultation - Twickenham Area Action Plan - Comment Form Part B – Please use a separate sheet for each representation Sheet 1 of Please mark in the box above how many additional ‘Part B’ sheets you are using, and return them with Part A and C. Name or Organisation: 3. To which part of the AAP does this representation relate? Please indicate the document and the specific paragraph number, policy, map or table you are commenting on. Document Section Area Action Plan Page number Paragraph number Policy Table Proposal site Sustainability Appraisal Report Page number Paragraph number Other (for example an omission or alternative approach) 4. Do you consider the AAP is: 4. (1) Legally compliant Yes No 4. (2) Sound * Yes No * The considerations in relation to the AAP being ‘Sound’ are explained in the National Planning Policy Framework in paragraph 182. Further details on soundness and legal compliance are also in our own guidance note. If you have entered No to 4. (2), please continue to Q5. In all other circumstances, please go to Q6. 5. Do you consider the AAP is unsound because it is not: (1) Positively prepared (2) Justified (3) Effective (4) Consistent with national policy 6. Please give details of why you consider the AAP is not legally compliant or is unsound. Please be as precise as possible. If you wish to support the legal compliance or soundness of the AAP, please also use this box to set out your comments. Publication Consultation - Twickenham Area Action Plan - Comment Form Please continue on a separate sheet / expand box if necessary. 7. Please set out what change(s) you consider necessary to make the AAP legally compliant or sound, having regard to the test you have identified at 5 above where this relates to soundness. You will need to say why this change will make the AAP legally compliant or sound. It will be helpful if you are able to put forward your suggested revised wording of any policy or text or any changes to the maps. Please be as precise as possible. Please continue on a separate sheet / expand box if necessary. Publication Consultation - Twickenham Area Action Plan - Comment Form Please continue on a separate sheet / expand box if necessary. Please note your representation should cover succinctly all the information, evidence and supporting information necessary to support / justify the representation and the suggested change, as there will not normally be a subsequent opportunity to make further representations based on the original representation at publication stage. After this stage, further submissions will be only at the request of the Inspector, based on the matters and issues he / she identifies for examination. 8. If your representation is seeking a change, do you consider it necessary to participate at the oral part of the examination? No, I do not wish to participate at the oral examination Yes, I wish to participate at the oral examination 9. If you wish to participate at the oral part of the examination, please outline why you consider this to be necessary: Please continue on a separate sheet / expand box if necessary. Publication Consultation - Twickenham Area Action Plan - Comment Form Please note the Inspector will determine the most appropriate procedure to adopt to hear those who have indicated that they wish to participate at the oral part of the examination. 10. Would you like to be kept informed of the progress of the AAP, including notification of submission? Yes No Signature: Date: Publication Consultation - Twickenham Area Action Plan - Comment Form Part C – Monitoring information This information will be treated as confidential. If you are responding as an individual rather than on behalf of a group/organisation, we would be grateful if you could tell us a bit more about yourself so that we can ensure we have representative feedback. The information will be used in a statistical format only and will help us to assess diverse needs. It is not essential that you complete the following questions. What is your gender? Male Female What is your age? Under 16 56-65 16-25 56-65 26-35 66-75 36-45 Over 76 46-55 What is your ethnic group? White Mixed Asian/Asian British Black/Black British Other Do you consider yourself to have a disability or impairment as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995? None Mobility Visual impairment Hearing loss Other* * Please state: What is your religion? Christian Jewish Buddhist Muslim Hindu Sikh No Faith Other* * Please state: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME! Publication Consultation - Twickenham Area Action Plan - Comment Form