A program to help you move to the community
Coming home . . .
Choosing where to live is a basic right of all Americans. But for people with disabilities
who live in nursing homes, the opportunity to weigh community options is often limited.
Birmingham Independent Living Center (BILC) and its partners offer choices of living
options for people with disabilities. Partnerships to Independence is a BILC federallyfunded program designed to expand services for people with disabilities who live in
nursing homes.
Partnerships to Independence
BILC and its partners offer an array of services to help nursing home residents move to
the community including:
A Move-Out Plan
Identification of community resources such as housing, personal assistance
and transportation
Temporary housing subsidy up to one year
Move-Out subsidy
Ongoing advocacy and peer support
What do I need to do?
1. Contact Partnerships to Independence
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. Partnerships to Independence
205-251-2223, ext. 102
2. ________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
Moving Out
What would it take for me to move out of the nursing home?
Help moving out
A place to live
Help going to the bathroom
Somebody to do the cooking
Help with the cleaning
Somebody to write the checks to pay my bills
Lift-equipped transportation
Grab bars in the shower and beside the commode
Help with my bladder and bowel care
Someone to remind me to take my medicine
What do I need to do?
1. Contact Partnerships to Independence
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. Partnerships to Independence
205-251-2223, ext. 102
2 ________________________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
What are your rights as a person with a disability?
As a person with a disability, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that you have
the right to live in the community. The state of Alabama may have to pay for services
you need to live in the community. If you want to move out of the nursing home, you
have that right. You also have certain rights as a nursing home resident. Among those
are the right to talk to whomever you want and to have visitors. The nursing home
ombudsman program can assist you with your rights as a nursing home resident.
To learn more about your rights under federal and state laws you may contact a number
of different organizations including: Independent Living Center; Alabama Disabilities
Advocacy Program; and State Ombudsman Program.
What do I need to do?
1. Contact Partnerships to Independence
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. Partnerships to Independence
205-251-2223, ext. 102
2. Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program________
3. Nursing Home Ombudsman Program___________
4. _________________________________________
Where can I live?
Where can I live if I don’t want to live in a nursing home?
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsors federal housing
assistance for low income people. HUD’s voucher program allows renters to live in units
in privately owned and operated buildings. Income-based Section 8 housing pays a
percentage of your income toward your rent if you qualify. The government will pay the
rest. Contact local housing authorities to apply for a Section 8 voucher.
Partnerships to Independence may also provide rent subsidy for up to one year for people
moving out of nursing homes.
What do I need to do?
1. Contact Partnerships to Independence
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. Partnerships to Independence
205-251-2223, ext. 102
2. Housing Authority__________________________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
Modify your home
The Fair Housing Act of 1988 Section 6 (a) makes it illegal for landlords to refuse to let
tenants make reasonable modifications to their house or apartment if the tenant is willing
to pay for the changes. The law also requires new construction of buildings with four or
more units to include features such as wheelchair accessibility, reinforced walls to
accommodate later installation of grab bars in bathrooms and accessible outlets and
There are several ways to modify your home. You can:
Have a friend or relative do it;
Hire a contractor;
Residents of Birmingham can contact the Birmingham Independent Living
Center – Home Modification Program
The Community Transition Advocate can tell you about other programs.
What do I need to do?
1. Contact Partnerships to Independence
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. Partnerships to Independence
205-251-2223, ext. 102
2. Housing Modification Program_______________
3. _________________________________________
4. _________________________________________
Who is a Personal Assistant?
Personal assistants are used b y a variety of people, including people who are paralyzed,
elderly or chronically ill. A personal assistant (sometimes called a home health aide or
personal services assistant) provides a service to an individual who is unable to perform
that activity independently due to illness or injury. The Personal Assistant helps with
such services as bathing, skin inspection, dressing, meal preparation, light housekeeping,
laundry, transferring, and bladder and bowel care.
Who will pay for my personal assistant?
The State of Alabama provides personal assistance services through different State
agencies, including the Alabama Department of Senior Services, the Alabama
Department of Public Health, the Alabama Department of Mental Health and Mental
Retardation and the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services. These agencies
provide services through Medicaid funded “waivers.”
What do I need to do?
1. Contact Partnerships to Independence.
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. My Personal Assistant______________________
2. _______________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
Moving Expenses
What about moving expenses, costs of furniture and pots and pans? What about
The Community Transition Advocate from the Independent Living Center will help you
find a way to overcome the barriers to moving back to the community. The Community
Transition Advocate may be able to assist you with certain moving expenses or to seek
donations to help with furniture and moving costs.
What about my safety?
Some of the Section 8 apartment buildings have security staff. Other Section 8 buildings
employ a lobby registration desk where all visitors have to sign in and out. A Personall
Emergency Response (PER) System might be an option for some people moving out of
nursing homes. PER System is a quick, easy emergency messenger that alerts up to 10
programmed numbers to your phone if you need help. The Community Transition
Advocate is available to check on you if you wish.
What do I need to do?
6. Contact Partnerships to Independence, Community Transition Advocate.
7. ________________________________________
8. ________________________________________
9. ________________________________________
10. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. Community Transition Advocate
205-251-2223, ext. 102
3. _______________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
What about transportation?
People with disab ilities often rely on public transportation to get around. Accessible
public transportation will vary from region to region. In areas where public
transportation is available, the provider will usually operate a shared-ride, curb-to-curb
paratransit service. This means that riders who have completed the certification process
can call at least 24 hours in advance and request a ride. A lift-equipped van or mini-bus
will transport you to and from your destination.
The availability of public transportation or other accessible transportation should play an
important role in the choices you make. Your ability to participate in family, church and
community life willdepend on the availability of accessible transportation.
What do I need to do?
1. Contact Partnerships to Independence, Community Transition Advocate.
2. _____________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
Important Phone Numbers:
1. Community Transition Advocate
205-251-2223, ext. 102
2. _______________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
Additional Telephone Numbers
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________________
11. ____________________________________________________________________
12. ____________________________________________________________________
For more information about this program, contact:
Partnerships for Independence
Attention: Judy Roy
Birmingham Independent Living Center
206 13th Street
Birmingham, Alabama 35233
205/251-2223, ext. 102
205/254-7333 (TDD)
This document was developed under Grant No. 18-P-91656/4-01 from the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
However, the contents herein do not necessarily represent the policy of theU.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, and you should not infer endorsement by the
Federal government.