10. Flight This topic on the wickED website contains a wide range of New Zealand curriculum based activities which involve the science of how things fly, the history of powered flight, and practical activities involving the making and testing of flying machines. http://www.tki.org.nz/r/wick_ed/themes/flight.php 40. Aeronautics Classroom Activities This website provides a variety of classroom activities involving aeronautics which have been developed by teachers, educators, and NASA engineers and scientists for the NASA Glenn Learning Technologies Project. Includes topics such as buoyancy, air, lift, and convection activities which are suitable for students 8-13 years. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K-12/TRC/Aeronautics/AeronauticActivitiesHome2.htm 50. Celebrate the Centennial of Flight! This page from the Franklin Institute website has historical information on the 1911 Model B Flyer with film footage, the Wright Brothers aeronautical engineering collection, instructions to make a magnus flyer, and further educational resources. http://www.fi.edu/wright/ 60. Dragonfly Magazine The website Dragonfly supports articles in the magazine of the same name. The 19 topics on this interactive site for children include monarch butterflies, people and plants, using tools, camouflage, sports in space, and taking flight. There are links to other sites on the topics, and to activities including challenges, experiments, surveys, and animal sounds. http://www.units.muohio.edu/dragonfly/ 70. Frisbee This site provides a brief history of how the frisbee originated, and an explanation of the science behind how a frisbee flies. Includes lesson plans and links to other curriculum areas. http://wings.avkids.com/Book/Sports/intermediate/frisbee-01.html 80. Fun and Games with Planes This U.S. web page for students has activities related to the topic of flight and planes. It includes links to information about the history of flight, aeroplanes, engines, UEET (ultra efficient engine technology), aeronautics, and the dynamics of flight. http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/StudentSite/funandgames.html#planegame 90. How Things Fly This online exhibition from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum provides information on how things fly. Includes facts about air, gravity, balloons, birds, aeroplanes, spacecraft, the Wright brothers, simple experiments, a resource center, and the option to look at real exhibits. http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/gal109/NEWHTF/HTF030.HTM 100. How Things Fly This site, from the National Air and Space Museum, explores and explains phenomena relating to flight. Includes facts, experiments, artefacts, explanations of physical phenomena, and definitions of key terminology. http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/gal109/NEWHTF/HTF030.HTM 110. How Things Fly: Airplanes This part of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum website provides scientific explanations with diagrams at primary school level of the four forces involved in flying airplanes: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/gal109/NEWHTF/HTF500.HTM 130. Paper Airplane Education Resources This site provides education resources on the basics of flight. There are interactive activities and experiments that involve constructing paper planes and links to related sites. http://www.paperplane.org/Education/education.html 140. PlaneMath Enterprises This website provides interactive mathematics activities related to plane building and design. Requires Shockwave. lncludes links to information for teachers, parents, and further activities for students. http://www.planemath.com/activities/pmenterprises/index.html 150. The Wright Stuff This website presents a brief account of Wilbur and Orville Wright's lives. Includes a quicktime movie reinacting their first controlled plane flight, and an audio interview. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/wright/glider.html 160. Ultra-efficient Engine Technology - Kids' Page This website is designed for students and explores aeronautics, the study of flight. The site covers the history of flight, dynamics of flight, aeroplanes, and engines, and includes activities and games for students, as well as educational links and lesson plans for teachers. http://www.ueet.nasa.gov/StudentSite/index.html 170. Try this: Make a boomerang This web page provides instructions for making a returning boomerang out of cardboard. Includes tips for flying a boomerang. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/trythis/try11.html 180. Universal Leonardo - Play This section of the Universal Leonardo website provides interactives that explore some of the thinking behind Leonardo da Vinci's approach to art. Includes answering questions about the Mona Lisa to make her smile, creating monsters using parts from animals, writing in mirror image using a feather, exploring platonic solids, pulleys, flight, perspective, and the flow of liquids and wind. Has links to more information on da Vinci. http://www.universalleonardo.org/activitiesSingle.php?id=526 190. Vertebrate Flight This site from the University of California Museum of Paleontology, provides an overview of flight in vertebrates. Includes information the physics of flight, gliders and parachuters, the evolution of flight, the origins of flight, and 'the three solutions to flight'- pterosaurian, avian, and chiropteran flight. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vertebrates/flight/enter.html