Sustanon 100 or

Sustanon 100 or
What you should know about your medicine
This leaflet was written to help you understand your
medicine. If you have any questions or worries, ask your
doctor or a pharmacist. At the end of the leaflet you will
find a list of things to remember about your medicine.
Please keep this leaflet until you have finished your
medicine. You may want to read it again.
What is Sustanon 100 or 250?
Each Sustanon 100 injection contains: 20 mg
testosterone propionate (PhEur), 40 mg testosterone
phenylpropionate (BP), and 40 mg testosterone
isocaproate (BP).
Each Sustanon 250 injection contains: 30 mg
testosterone propionate (PhEur), 60 mg testosterone
phenylpropionate (BP), 60mg testosterone isocaproate
(BP) and 100 mg testosterone decanoate (BP).
The injection fluid also contains benzyl alcohol (PhEur)
and arachis oil (PhEur).
It is packed in a glass 1 ml ampoule, and comes in
packs of 3 ampoules
Your body turns the active ingredients in Sustanon
(testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate,
testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate)
into testosterone.
Testosterone is a natural male hormone known as an
androgen which controls normal sexual development in
The product licence is held by: Organon Laboratories
Ltd, Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge,
CB4 4FL.
Sustanon is made by: Organon Laboratories Ltd.,
Newhouse Industrial Estate, Newhouse, Motherwell.
ML1 5SH, or N.V. Organon, P.O. Box 20 5340BH, Oss,
The Netherlands.
What is Sustanon used for?
Sustanon is used in testosterone replacement therapy
for male sexual problems for example:
 after castration or a similar problem called
 impotence caused by hormonal disorders
 decreased sex drive
 infertility caused by low sperm count
 bone loss caused by low hormone levels
 when the pituitary gland cannot work as well as it
should (hypopituitarism); this can cause decreased
sexual ability in males.
Before this medicine given to you
 Do you have cancer of the breast or prostate?
 Are you pregnant?
 Are you breast-feeding?
 Are you allergic to any of the ingredients in Sustanon?
If the answer to either of these questions is YES:
 Did you tell your doctor at the last visit or an earlier
 If you did NOT then you should do so as soon as
Even so, your doctor may still want to give you
What other medicines are you taking?
Other medicines may affect how Sustanon works or
Sustanon may affect how they work.
Certain types of drugs can cause more enzymes to
be made in the liver. These are called "enzyme inducing
drugs", for example medicines used to treat epilepsy,
If you are taking any other medicines, tell your
doctor before Sustanon is given to you.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
If you are pregnant or think that you might be pregnant,
Sustanon should not be given to you.
Sustanon should not be given to you if you are
What about allergies?
Sustanon contains benzyl alcohol and arachis oil. If you
are allergic to either of these, tell your doctor
How should Sustanon be given?
How much?
Adults: The dose is chosen by your doctor.
For Sustanon 100 usually one injection of 1 ml every
two weeks is given.
For Sustanon 250 usually one injection of 1 ml every
three weeks is given.
However, the dose given depends on the individual.
Elderly: Smaller and less frequent doses may be given
to the elderly.
Children: Smaller and less frequent doses may be given
to children.
How Sustanon injections are given
The injections are given by your doctor or nurse.
Sustanon is given deep into a muscle.
What to do if someone accidentally takes too much
If this happens tell your doctor.
What to do if you miss a dose
Don't worry if you miss a dose. Ask your doctor for
What about side effects?
Sustanon sometimes causes side effects in some
If you have any of the following side effects, tell
your doctor:
 prolonged painful erection
 increased sexual desire
 decreased amounts of ejaculation fluid
 water retention
 low sperm count
 in young boys, early sexual development, erections
occurring more often than normal, enlarged penis,
delayed growth
 hoarseness of the voice
Tell your doctor if you have side effects which are
serious or troublesome, and if side effects continue, he
may decide to stop your treatment for a while.
How should Sustanon be stored?
Do not use Sustanon injection after the "use by" date on
the pack.
Store between 15-25°C (room temperature) away
from the light.
Sustanon should be kept in a place where children
cannot see or reach it.
This information was written in August 1995.
What do I need to know before my medicine is given
to me?
Extra supervision may be necessary in some cases,
particularly the elderly. Tell your doctor if you have ever
 kidney disease
 heart disease
 epilepsy
 migraine
 high blood pressure
Other things to remember about medicines
1. Only use this medicine for your current medical
problems. Do not use it for other medical problems.
2. Do not allow other people to use your medicines and
do not use medicines meant for other people.
3. Tell any doctor treating you what medicines you are
taking. Always carry a medical information card
showing which medicines you are using. This can be
very important in case you are involved in an accident.
4. Return any medicines that you do not use to the
 bone cancer.
Sustanon may affect some blood tests.
Extra supervision by the doctor is necessary in the
treatment of young boys since male hormones may
cause early sexual development and delay growth.
pharmacy, they will get rid of them safely.
5. Make sure the people you live with or who look after
you read this information.