DOG FOR STAFF/RECEPTION USE ONLY Name of Dog applying for: _________ Date/time application was turned in: _______________________________ : ___________ Description of animal applying for:___________________ ID#_________-_______ Animal’s Name: _________________ Sex:_______Age:_______ Spay/Neutered: Yes No Spay/Neuter Voucher Provided: Yes No Heartworm test results: n/a negative positive Staff Adoption Coordinator Initials ___________ Date:_______________ PLEASE COMPLETE IN ITS ENTIRETY. DOG ADOPTION APPLICATION (Please Print Clearly & Answer all Questions.) The Darlington County Humane Society has the right to refuse adoption to anyone. Applicant's Name_____________________________Driver’s License #:____________________ Local Address______________________________________________________Apt#___________ City_______________________________________State____________________Zip___________ Is your home near a busy highway or road?_______Yes ___________No Home Phone ________________Cell Phone __________________ Work Phone ______________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION OF RESIDENCE: Do you Rent?________Own?_________ ___House Property owner's name:_________________________Phone____________ ___Apartment How long have you lived here?______________________________ ___Mobile-Home ___Duplex #Adults in house______#Children______Children's Ages____________ WHAT PETS DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD? KIND SPAY/NEUTER KEPT WHERE? TIME OWNED Yes____ ___ AGE NO____ Name of pet Dog__Cat__ | Yes___No___ | In____Out___ |___________________|__________|______________ Dog__Cat__ | Yes___No___ | In____Out___ |___________________|__________|______________ Dog__Cat__ | Yes___No___ | In____Out___ |___________________|__________|______________ Other_____ | Yes___No___ | In____Out___ |___________________|__________|______________ LIST PREVIOUS PETS KIND SPAY/NEUTER WHAT HAPPENED KEPT WHERE? TIME OWNED TO PET______ Name of pet Dog__Cat__ | Yes___No___ | In____Out___ |___________|__________________|______________ Dog__Cat__ | Yes___No___ | In____Out___ |___________|__________________|______________ Revised March 2013 B. Poston Are you at least 18 years old?______Yes_________No What is the name of your veterinarian?______________________________________ Veterinarian's address______________________________________________________ i IS THE VET REFERENCE UNDER ANOTHER NAME? IF SO, NAME AND REASON:_____________________________________________________________________ How long have you used this Vet? ___________________________________________ DOES THIS VET DO EVERYTHING FOR YOUR PET OR DO YOU USE OTHER RESOURCES SUCH AS CARA-VAN? YES( ) NO ( ) EXPLAIN:____________________________________________ Who will be responsible for the daily care/feeding of this dog? ____________________________________________________________________________ Who will financially support this dog?______________________________________ Reason for wanting this dog?________________________________________________ Where will you keep this dog?_______________________________________________ Do all members of this household WANT this dog?_____________________________ If you have young children, they need to be educated on how to interact with the dog in order to prevent dog bites, are you able/willing to do that? ___Yes ___No How many hours will your dog spend alone?____________________________________ If you must give up this dog, what would you do with it?_____________________ Would you object to a follow-up home visit by the Darlington County Humane Society? Yes____ No_____ Best day/time: __________________________________ What amount of time will the dog be inside?______outside?______ If adopting an outside dog, do you have a doghouse? ______Yes_____No If adopting an outside dog, do you have a fenced yard?_____Yes_____No Height of fence?____________________ If adopting an outside dog, do you have a shaded area?_____Yes_____No Do you plan to chain your dog outside?_______Yes_______No Do you realize that an outside dog may entertain itself by digging, chewing home items and/or escaping and wandering? ___Yes ___No What will you do if your dog shows destructive behavior? (Digging, chewing, jumping, tearing up plants/furniture or running off) ________________________________________________________________________________ Do you realize that you will probably have to housetrain your new puppy/dog? ____Yes____No Revised March 2013 B Poston Would you like information on how to housetrain a new puppy or dog? ____Yes____No If adopting an adult dog, how many times per day will you exercise it? 1 What form of exercise will you provide for your dog? _________________________ Will you have this dog vaccinated annually, by a veterinarian, against infectious disease?__________ Veterinarian:_________________________ Are you familiar with heartworm disease?______Yes______No Will you maintain your dog on heartworm preventative? _____Yes_____No Do you realize that dogs often live longer than 10 years and are you willing to assume responsibility for that long?______Yes_____No How will you keep the dog confined to your property? (Check all that apply) ___House____Kennel____Fence____Chain___Patio_____Garage___Leash____Other Where did you hear about the Darlington County Animal Shelter? ___Friend____TV___Newspaper___Relative___Radio___Billboard___Petfinder ___Internet ___Other Have you applied to adopt from this shelter before today? ___Yes ___No Date:________________ Pet Adopted? Yes 2 3 No If yes, where is this animal now? _______________________________________________ Additional notes or comments:__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I certify the above is true and that false information may result in nullifying this adoption. I understand that Darlington County Humane Society will verify my references provided above and it may take up to 96 hours for verifications to be completed and for me to be notified of the decision. I also understand that Darlington County Humane Society has the right to refuse adoption to anyone. I understand that no animal can be held for me. I also understand that if for ANY reason, I can’t keep the animal adopted from the Darlington County Humane Society, I will return it to the shelter. I understand that I am prohibited from re-homing the animal to anyone and I must return the animal to the shelter if I can’t continue to keep and care for the animal. Signature_________________________________________Date_____________________________ Shelter Use Only: Confidential Adoption Counselor Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Application Approved _______________________ Application Denied_______________________ Signature______________________________________ Date_____________________________ Revised March 2013 B Poston