Call for posters

Call for posters
Interdisciplinary congress
"Adapting to climate change: agriculture and ecosystems"
20-22 October 2010, Clermont-Ferrand
Send your submission to:
Before: Friday, June 18th 2010, making sure you complete the form attached.
Any submissions received after June 18th, 2010 and any hand-written or incomplete (i.e.
without an abstract) submissions cannot be accepted.
The scientific committee will select submissions based on how they fit with the congress
topics shortlist, and on the strength of the results presented.
Thesis students and post-doctoral researchers are actively encouraged to submit their work,
and they will be preferentially selected to deliver oral communications.
Multidisciplinary research will stand an excellent chance of selection for oral communications.
You will be given notification from the organizing committee before June 31th, 2010 if your
submission is selected.
The organizing committee will need to receive the text body for selected poster submissions
before 1st July 2010. Details on presentation format will be specified in the scientific
committee's response confirming your work has been selected.
The organizing committee will need to receive the text body for selected oral communications
before 15th July 2010. Details on presentation format will be specified in the scientific
committee's response confirming your work has been selected.
The organizing committee will need to receive the text body for guest communications before
1st September 2010. Details on presentation format will be specified in the scientific
committee's response confirming your work has been selected.
The scientific content of your text will be thoroughly scrutinized. All submissions will be
assessed by members of the scientific committee, who may elect to select your
communications as they stand or to ask for changes to be made.
The deadlines for submitted final-draft definitive texts to the organizing committee are 15
September for posters and oral communications and 30 September for guest communications.
Compliance with these deadlines will act as the guarantee that your work is definitively
accepted when the congress opens.
Address all correspondence to:
Colloque ACCAE, INRA-Unité de Recherche sur l’Ecosystème Prairial, 234 Av. du Brezet,
63100 Clermont-Ferrand cedex, France.
Communications submission form ― returned before 17 May 2010
Primary author:
Organisme (Institution):
Adresse (Address):
Type de communication: (Type of communication):
Target session for the communication: (select one of the three sessions)
 Session 1: The generic approach to adaptation: uncertainties, biodiversity dynamics, innovation,
 Session 2: Cross-disciplinary approach: cross-tabulating biomes (crops, forests, grassland, aquatic
environments, etc.) against farming sectors and geographic zones;
 Session 3: System-scale approach: socioeconomic, environmental and territorial consequences of
climate change adaptation;
Titre de la communication (Title): [20 mots maxi – 20 words max]
Mots clefs (Keywords): (4 max):
Co-Auteurs (Co-Authors):
Pour chacun, préciser le nom, prénom et l’organisme de rattachement
Detail the name and surname plus parent institution for each co-author
 The results presented are original results and have never been presented elsewhere;
 All or part of the results presented have been published elsewhere, in which case specify in which
journal and which language
 The results presented recap findings from collaborative research conducted through cross-disciplinary
projects, in which case specify project name(s) and framework (e.g. ANR-XXX Project YYY; FP6-ZZZ).
Abstract (in English): Background and issues, Research objectives, Methods and experimental principles,
Key findings, Conclusion, Outcome/Applications. (15 lines, Times 11, single-spaced, justified).