Olmert Agreement to Tackle Core Issues

Bridges for Peace Australia Chai Prayer Points - July 2008
‘Chai’ is the Hebrew word for ‘life’ and ‘18’, and so we come together on the 18th of each month (or as close to then as
is possible) to pray life for the Lord’s land and people, and to ‘pray for the peace of Jerusalem’.
Please use as a resource the detailed Israel Current News Update & Prayer Focus from Bridges for Peace in
Jerusalem (available via e-mail or by mail from our Australian office).
For the latest BFP 24-hour prayer chain full update text, go to
To find out more about Bridges for Peace 24-hour prayer chain, go to
Pray for political diplomacy to find a solution in the Middle East conflict that will restore and maintain the integrity of
existing borders, in accordance with God’s purposes for Israel. Continue to pray for the safety of all those involved in
ongoing security and military operations, that God will protect and guide them daily (Psalm 5:11).
Pray that in the midst of continuing misleading media reporting the Lord will raise up clear biblical voices and "spiritual
statesmen" among "all in authority" (I Timothy 2:2).
Pray for the internal affairs of Jerusalem: honest and fair dealings among its citizens; no cheating, lying, stealing; that
unclean spirits would be kept from the city; the city’s government to have the mind of God in its administration in
accordance with God’s laws; adequate food and water supplies, and maintenance of city services and utilities.
Pray for those who support Israel financially. There are many Jews and Gentiles who buy Israeli bonds and support
Israeli charitable and mercy causes. They need rich blessings from God in order to continue their support.
Pray for security for those who love Jerusalem, in whose hearts Jerusalem holds a special place. Pray for their health,
their welfare, their families, their homes, their businesses, their enterprises, their activities, so they will be free and at
peace to pray for Jerusalem.
Pray for the victims of anti-Semitism who have been, and continue to be, impacted by the hatred of bigotry. Pray that
God will heal the wounds, both physical and psychological. Only God can heal the hurting hearts (Psalm 140:6).
Pray for Christians in Israel, that they might have a spirit of meekness toward the Jews and not be arrogant and boast
against the natural branches (Romans 11:20).
Pray for the various organizations that seek to build Christian-Jewish relations. Pray for harmony as each one fulfils its
unique calling. Pray that Bridges for Peace will have an increasing impact in Israel and in the nations.
Pray that many young people worldwide will develop a heart and passion to stand with Israel. Pray for Bridges for Peace
initiatives designed to encourage young people to visit Israel.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), and for the Lord to raise up intercessors and put more "…watchmen on
your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and
give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth" (Isaiah 62:6–7).
1. Israel Faces Water Crisis: Bridges for Peace Calls for Prayer
According to the Israel Water Authority, as of the morning of July 7 the Sea of Galilee was just 0.02 centimeters from its lower red
line, that's just 0.007 inches, meaning by the time you read this article it could already be at the limit. The water authority has three
lines it uses to monitor the lake: the upper red line stands at minus 208.9 meters [685.4 feet] below sea level, and when the water is
here the flood gates at the outlet of the Jordan River must be opened to prevent the lake from rising too high. The last time this
happened was in 1993.
The lower red line stands at minus 213 meters [698.8 feet] below sea level. When the water reaches this level it means that the
concentration of pollutants forbids further pumping of water from the lake. However, in recent years the government has also
designated a black line, at minus 215 meters [705.38 feet], one that truly cannot be breached. The Sea of Galilee, currently at minus
212.98 meters [698.75 feet] below sea level, only has a couple of months before that black line is reached, and the winter rains won't
begin for a couple of more months after that.
Right now Israel needs your prayers for its citizens to practice water conservation, and for its scientists and inventors to find new
ways to efficiently use the water we do have. Around the time of Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles], when the rainy season begins
around October time period, we will really need your prayers for lots of rain and snow to not only make up for the severe drought
this year, but also to provide for the next. We believe in the power of prayer. We exhort you to join with us to seek the Lord for a
breakthrough in this water crisis.
(By Will King, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, July 7, 2008)
Prayer Focus - Join with us to seek the Lord for a breakthrough in this water crisis.
Scripture - "Are there any among the idols of the nations that can cause rain? Or can the heavens give showers? Are You not He,
O LORD our God? Therefore we will wait for You, since You have made all these" (Jeremiah 14:22).
2. Iran Tests Missile That Could Reach Israel
The Iranian military has reportedly tested a longer-range "Shahab-3" missile, which has a range that puts Israel within reach. An
Arab channel said that the missile could carry a conventional warhead weighing one ton and had a 2,000 kilometer [1,243 mile]
range. In total nine missiles were tested, state-run English language channel "Press TV" reported. Along with the "Shahab-3",
shorter-range missiles were also test-fired by the Revolutionary Guards, the Iranian military's elite troop.
Meanwhile, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tried to play down the threat of an armed conflict between his country and
the United States or Israel. "I assure you ... there won't be any war in the future," he said during a visit to Malaysia. Earlier, an aide
to Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei said that Tehran would strike Israel or the US Navy in the Persian Gulf if it was attacked
over its nuclear program.
(By Staff, The World Jewish Congress, July 9, 2008)
Prayer Focus - Pray that the increasing capacity of the Iranian arsenal will not be ignored by the world peacemakers.
Scripture - "They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, saying, 'peace, peace!' When there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14).
3. Iran, US Flex Muscles with Gulf Drills
Iran and the United States are both conducting military exercises in the Gulf area, prompting speculation that they are preparing for
a military showdown. The US vowed the week of July 6 that it would not let Iran block the strategic waterways, which are used to
transport significant parts of the Gulf's oil to the rest of the world….. The Fifth Fleet said the current exercise was planned a long
time in advance and like many other exercises, aims to maintain coalition proficiency.
Analysts say this heightened military activity in the Gulf area could be the precursor to a military standoff between the US and Iran.
But the US insists the current drills are routine and the navy does not comment officially on speculation regarding military strikes
on Iran. "The interaction we have with the regular Iranian forces is usually routine, correct and very professional," Christensen said.
"The US and coalition forces intersect with Iranian forces almost on a regular basis."
Reports of a recent extensive Israeli military drill over Greece was thought to be a simulation of an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities,
given that the distance between Israel and Greece is similar to the distance between Israel and Iran.
(By Rachelle Kliger, The Media Line, July 8, 2008)
Prayer Focus - Pray that the fear-filled speculation will not be treated as truth. Pray that no incident will occur to provoke war.
Scripture - "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they
were drawn swords" (Psalm 55:21).
4. Israel Accused of Nazi-like Medical Experiments by PA Press
Once again people who live in the Palestinian community are being subjected to twisted propaganda. According to a Special Report
issued July 10 by the Palestine Media Watch (PMW) the blood-libel campaign against Israel continues with the latest claims
accusing the Israelis of conducting horrific Nazi-like medical experiments on Palestinian prisoners. "These fabrications have been
featured repeatedly in the Palestinian Authority's official newspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, which is under the direct authority of
Mahmoud Abbas [Abu Mazen]," wrote Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook in the PMW Special Report….
The PMW analysis suggests that such incitement leads the Palestinian people to place a high priority on the release of prisoners held
in Israel and also causes them to condone the kidnapping of Israelis to be used for bargaining leverage to obtain that goal.
Visit www.bridgesforpeace.com and hear our interview with Itamar Marcus, director of the Palestine Media Watch, a Bridges for
Peace Audio feature.
(By Ron Ross, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, July 10, 2008)
Prayer Focus - Pray that the vigilance of groups like the Palestine Media Watch will continue to expose the deception used by the
Palestinian leaders to manipulate and deceive their people.
Scripture - "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them" (Ephesians 5:11).
5. Israel-Syria: Hizbullah-Golan Heights On the Table
Israel-Syria peace talks have very high stakes on the table. While the much publicized Syrian claim on the Golan Heights is well
known, Israel has countered that demand with its own - Syrian co-operation in ending the influence and power of Hizbullah. Israel
is asking Syria to crack down on the terrorists who rely on the Syrian flow of weapons and armaments to grow their arsenal….
A Turkish official, involved in the negotiations has told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, direct talks will cover security arrangements,
the creation of a buffer zone in the Golan Heights and normalization of ties between Israel and Syria…. If Syria chooses to make
peace with Israel and seek a more prominent place in the international area, Hizbullah and the Golan Heights may pay the price.
(By Ron Ross, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, July 10, 2008)
Prayer Focus - Pray that the sensitive negotiations that take place "behind the scenes" will not sell out on the security of Israel.
Scripture - "The LORD said to my Lord, 'Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool'" (Psalm 110:1).
6. Emotional, Captives' Families Welcome Deal
"After this difficult week we've just been through-my heart aches, it's very hard for me, I'm very tired and drained inside. I don't
know how to process everything, I need at least two days of quiet to sit with myself and try to understand what's going to happen,
how it will all turn out," said a distraught Karnit Goldwasser, as she came out of her meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on
the afternoon of June 29, after the cabinet voted in favor of the proposed prisoner exchange deal with Hizbullah.
Olmert invited the families of captive soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev to his Jerusalem office and embraced them
warmly before explaining the details of the agreement and his own internal indecision prior to the vote…. "This decision to bring
the boys home is a very important moment for the State of Israel," Olmert told the families
(By Ronen Medzini, Ynetnews.com, June 29, 2008) - http://m1e.net/c?80088330-3jupYQRx/XYfE%403447497-MVHdXutvoAaaI
Prayer Focus - The family and close friends of Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev are in need of our prayer support right now.
Pray for them as some cling on to slender hope that the men may be alive. God has designated the ministry of comfort to all of us.
Scripture - "Comfort, yes, comfort My people!" says your God" (Isaiah 40:1).
7. Report: Egypt got Shalit Videotape from Hamas
Hamas has succumbed to Cairo's demands and handed over a new videotape of kidnapped Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit
along with a handwritten letter from him, diplomatic sources told the weekly al-Ahram al-Arabi. This is the second tape of Shalit,
following an audiotape that was transferred a year ago.
The diplomatic sources also said that former Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti, currently serving five consecutive life terms in an
Israeli prison, is among the prisoners Hamas wants in exchange for Shalit. The sources added that Israel is demanding that Egypt
and Hamas guarantee that the prisoners, if released, will not renew their terror career.
(By Roee Nahmias, Ynetnews.com, July 1, 2008) - http://m1e.net/c?80088330-AcrsFEiMtT0Uk%403447498-7aAqLpxr260x6
Prayer Focus - Israelis are increasingly impatient with the delaying tactics regarding the Shalit situation. They are also frustrated by
the continued terrorist attacks within Israel. Pray that the right balance will be achieved in providing protection and security for the
nation while retaining hopes for a successful homecoming for Gilad.
Scripture - "Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy" (Psalm 33:18).
8. Bill Approved Calling for Israeli Withdrawals Only by Referendum
A bill stating that a referendum will be held before the ceding of any land belonging to the State of Israel has been approved in its
preliminary reading by the Knesset [Parliament] on June 30. The motion was approved with a majority of 65 MKs [members of
Knesset], and was opposed by 18. According to the bill, if the government approves the ceding of Israeli land the decision will be
brought before the Knesset, and if it is approved by the Knesset, a referendum will be held within 180 days. However, should a
withdrawal be supported by at least 80 MKs, the matter will not be brought to a referendum.
The bill refers to areas that Israel has full sovereignty over, such as the Golan Heights and east Jerusalem. The West Bank [Judea
and Samaria] does not fall under this category…. Knesset House Committee Chairman David Tal (Kadima) said the preliminary
vote was an important step "in preventing Israel from making dangerous concessions".
(By Amnon Meranda, Ynetnews.com, June 30, 2008) - http://m1e.net/c?80088330-dsSigzqiQS3tA%403447499-NYGgkksCqAak6
Prayer Focus - Praise God that Knesset (Parliament) members moved to contain any wild plans to return the Golan Heights to
Syria without public approval.
Scripture - "The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me" (Leviticus
9. Anglicans Declaration "Back to Our Jewish Roots"
The Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) concluded June 29 when the leaders issued what they called "The Jerusalem
Statement." The conservative church leaders threatened to boycott the Lambeth conference to be held in a few weeks in Canterbury,
England…. "The uniqueness of the Jerusalem Declaration is that the Africans are sending out a clear message to England saying in
essence, that this is our church," said Rev. Dr Arne H. Fjeldstad, Head of Communications for GAFCON.
He said, the importance of Jerusalem was central the GAFCON message. "Jerusalem was the natural place for us to go back to our
Jewish roots and our Christian heritage. It is a way of reaffirming that we are Bible-believing Christians," Fjeldstad said.
(By Ron Ross, BFP Israel Mosaic Radio, June 30, 2008)
Prayer Focus - Praise God for church leaders who identify the Hebraic Roots and culture of the Bible and the centrality of
Jerusalem to the Word of God.
Scripture - "Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him"
(Isaiah 51:2).
10. Thousands Gather for London's "Salute to Israel"
Some 45,000 people took part in the "Salute to Israel" parade in Britain on June 29, celebrating Israel's 60th anniversary. The
parade, an annual staple in New York, was brought to the United Kingdom through the collaborative efforts of the Zionist
Federation and the Israeli Embassy in London…. Guests of honor at the rally in Trafalgar were Israeli Diaspora Minister Isaac
Herzog, London Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and British Education Minister Ed Balls.
Minister Herzog delivered a speech that touched on the Iranian threat and efforts to secure the release of captive Israeli soldiers
Eldad Regev, Ehud Goldwasser, and Gilad Shalit. Israeli Ambassador to Britain, Ron Proser, also addressed the… crowd. "It warms
our hearts to see thousands of blue and white flags filling London's streets," he said. A parallel event was held in Manchester.
(By Hagit Kleiman, Ynetnews.com, June 30, 2008) - http://m1e.net/c?80088330-uZTJARj0sootc%403447501-29He7qPjGeRlk
Prayer Focus - Praise God for this public display of support for Israel. Pray that the people of London and Manchester will be
blessed accordingly.
Scripture - "'He bows down, he lies down as a lion; and as a lion, who shall rouse him?' Blessed is he who blesses you, and cursed
is he who curses you" (Numbers 24:9).
11. Poll: 77 Percent of Arabs say Israel Best
Seventy-seven percent of the State of Israel's Arab citizens would rather live in the Jewish state than in any other country in the
world, according to a new study titled "Coexistence in Israel." The survey was conducted by the John Kennedy School of
Government at Harvard University with the assistance of researchers from Haifa University….
The findings also revealed that a great majority of Israel's citizens (73% of the Jews and 94% of the Arabs) want to live in a society
in which Arab and Jewish citizens have mutual respect and equal opportunities.
(By Reuven Wiess, Ynetnews.com, June 23, 2008) - http://m1e.net/c?80088330-NZdlOWG0jYN5E%403432654-BLExNlJ951wrw
Prayer Focus - Praise God for this amazing report. Pray for the media networks that did not cover this story but prefer to search for
negatives to continue Israel-bashing.
Scripture - "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing" (Gen 12:2
Extract from “Pure and Undefiled Religion” - Becky Brimmer
From Bridges for Peace website – www.bridgesforpeace.com
It is so easy to act religious: attending church regularly, carrying our Bibles, even fasting. But what does God expect from the
true believer? It isn’t only religious discipline, but righteous, compassionate action.
In Isaiah 58, the prophet talks about fasting, and then says that the fast the Lord has chosen is this: “Is this not the fast that I
have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break
every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when
you see the naked, that you cover him, and not hide yourself from your own flesh?
“Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go
before you; the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry and
He will say, ‘Here I am’…If you extend your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul, then your light shall dawn in
the darkness, and your darkness shall be as the noonday. The LORD shall guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in
drought, and strengthen your bones” (vv. 6–11a).
We recognise the importance of continuing to build bridges of love and reconciliation with the
Jewish people, who for centuries have endured so much persecution from Christians, those who
perhaps more than anyone should be reaching out to them in friendship and support. I believe that it is in God's heart that
we do all we can to build and strengthen our relationship as Christians with the Jewish community wherever we live.
Israel has blessed the world through her God-given enterprise and creativity in countless fields of human endeavour. Keep
praying for the nation of Israel - so tiny physically, yet with such a huge place in the purposes of God, and therefore so
unceasingly misrepresented, threatened and attacked. She is in the crosshairs of major spiritual conflict, and as believers
we have the awesome privilege of interceding for Israel and the Jewish people, and supporting them as God calls us to.
The Lord will surely bless you as you respond to His leading in standing with and blessing our Jewish brothers and sisters.
Keith Buxton
1. Pray that many Aussies will join those already registered
for our “Standing With Israel” Tour at the end of this year
(also including an optional 4 days in Poland). See next page
5. Pray that contacts this year with Jewish community
leaders in various Australian states, and future contacts later
this year, will lead to deeper levels of openness and trust.
2. Give thanks for the recent Zealous Young Adult Tour to
Israel (22 June to 5 July), and for Lauren Bugler as she seeks
to develop our Young Adult ministry here in Australia. Pray
now that young people here will join the January 2009 tour.
6. The fall in value of the US dollar has had a major impact
on our capacity to meet needs in Israel. Pray that we will see
continuing generous support from Christians in Australia as
we seek to bless Jewish families throughout Israel.
3. Pray for a positive response from those invited to attend
the various church leaders’ seminars, small group meetings
and BFP supporters gatherings scheduled to be held in a
number of different states in the second half of this year.
7. Uphold in prayer our Australian office team - Fernanda
Skinner, Brenda Turner and Andrea Leckenby - as they
handle the daily demands of a busy office.
4. Pray for our representatives in various states, and ask the
Lord to raise up more representatives and key contacts with a
heart to establish and develop our ministry in their local area.
8. Please also uphold in prayer Ron and Yvonne Ross,
Rosemary Vagg and Alison Rennie, our current Aussie
volunteers with Bridges for Peace in Israel, and also those
who are currently considering volunteering.
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: may those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within
your citadels. For the sake of my brothers and friends I will say ‘Peace be within you’.
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.”
Psalm 122:6-9
Depart Wednesday 29 October
(Saturday 25 for Poland option)
Return Monday
17 November
Saturday 25 October
Sunday 26 October
Monday 27 October
Tuesday 28 October
Wednesday 29 October
Thursday 30 October
depart Australia (Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane/Perth)
early arrival Frankfurt via Singapore
morning departure for Krakow, bus to Oswiecim (rest)
visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum
half-day in Krakow
pm train Krakow-Warsaw
full day in Warsaw - sights, shopping
early departure Warsaw for Tel Aviv via Frankfurt
Hotel Galicja, Oswiecim
Hotel Galicja, Oswiecim
Gromada Centrum Hotel, Warsaw
Gromada Centrum Hotel, Warsaw
Wednesday 29 October
Thursday 30 October
Friday 31 October
Saturday 1 November
Sunday 2 November
Monday 3 November
Tuesday 4 November
Wednesday 5 November
Thursday 6 November
Friday 7 November
Saturday 8 November
Sunday 9 November
Monday 10 November
Tuesday 11 November
Wednesday 12 November
Thursday 13 November
Friday 14 November
Saturday 15 November
Sunday 16 November
Monday 17 November
depart Australia (Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane/Perth)
arrive Tel Aviv
then to Be’er-sheva
Light Horse Anniversary in Be’er-sheva
then to Kfar Hanokdim for desert camel ride
Masada, Dead Sea, Ein Gedi
Qumran, Beit Shean, Yardenit baptismal site
Golan Heights, Tel Dan, Kiryat Shmona, Hula Valley,
BFP Karmiel outreach centre
Tiberias, Galilee boat ride, Capernaum, Mt/Beatitudes,
tree project with Jewish National Fund
Nazareth, Megiddo, Mt Carmel, (Haifa), Caesarea
Hotel in Be’er-sheva
Bedouin tent, Kfar Hanokdim
Novotel Hotel, Dead Sea
Haon Kibbutz Hotel, Lake Galilee
Haon Kibbutz Hotel, Lake Galilee
Haon Kibbutz Hotel, Lake Galilee
Hotel in Tel Aviv
up to Jerusalem via Neot Kedumim, Temple Mount,
Western Wall, Mt Zion, Aliyah absorption centre The Olive Tree Hotel, Jerusalem
Knesset (Christian Allies Caucus), Yad Vashem,
Israel Museum (Shrine of the Book, Temple model) The Olive Tree Hotel, Jerusalem
Hezekiah’s Tunnel, Mount of Olives, Gethsemane,
Old City, Via Dolorosa, Garden Tomb
The Olive Tree Hotel, Jerusalem
free day in Jerusalem / Jewish Quarter / Shuk
The Olive Tree Hotel, Jerusalem
Bridges for Peace HQ & Food Bank / volunteers,
outreach orientation, Pavilion Prayer Tower
The Olive Tree Hotel, Jerusalem
Community outreach project
Community outreach project
Community outreach project
Community outreach project
special dinner together in Tel Aviv
morning in Tel Aviv
depart Tel Aviv
en route home
arrive Australia
Israeli family
Israeli family
Israeli family
Hotel in Tel Aviv