Rubric for assessment of Earth Alert task and student checklist RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT OF EARTH ALERT TASK CHECKLIST AREA WIKI CONTENT Chosen environmental problem is: HIGH QUALITY Always gave accurate background information. Gave detailed background information. Outlined problem clearly and fully. Explored an excellent range of solutions. WIKI STRUCTURE GOOD QUALITY Mostly accurate background information. Usually gave detailed background information. Outlined problem in a somewhat clear and full way. Explored a good range of solutions. and STUDENT SATISFACTORY QUALITY Background information of mixed accuracy. Background information too inaccurate too often. Background information varied in detail, sometimes too basic. Background information lacked detail too often. Problem was stated but needed to be more clearly and fully outlined. Problem was alluded to or not mentioned. Explored a limited range of solutions; more needed. Excellent justifications for choosing the best solutions. Good justifications for choosing the best solutions. Justifications for the best solutions were of varying quality. "Your Questions" section done in very accurate and impressive detail. "Your Questions" section done in mostly accurate and good detail. "Your Questions" section of mixed quality; needed more care and detail. Excellent use of headings and subheadings to divide information. Good use of headings and subheadings to divide information. Better headings and subheadings needed to divide information. Some hyperlinks worked. All hyperlinks worked. Excellent choice of words and phrases for hyperlinking. Excellent spelling, punctuation, arrangement of words, sentences and paragraphs. Most hyperlinks worked. Good choice of words and phrases for hyperlinking. A few errors in spelling, punctuation, arrangement of words, sentences and paragraphs. Choice of words and phrases for hyperlinking required more thought. Check many small errors in spelling, punctuation, arrangement of words, sentences and paragraphs. Vocabulary varies in effectiveness. Excellent vocabulary chosen. TEAMWORK All understood their responsibilities and carried them out. LOW QUALITY Good vocabulary chosen. Most understood responsibilities and usually carried them out. Some understood responsibilities and carried them out; some did not. Most solved Some solved Too few solutions offered. Solutions unconvincing. Unconvincing justifications for the best solutions. "Your Questions" section not done, or was too inaccurate or basic. Little or no use of headings and subheadings to divide information. Poor titles for headings and subheadings. No or too few hyperlinks worked. Poor choice of words and phrases for hyperlinking. Too many errors in spelling, punctuation, arrangement of words, sentences and paragraphs. Poor vocabulary chosen for task. Not enough understood responsibilities and/or carried them out. All solved problems cooperatively. All listened attentively to each other at all times. All contributed constantly. All members always used time wisely. problems cooperatively. problems cooperatively. Most listened attentively to each other on most occasions. Some listened attentively to each other on occasion. Most contributed constantly. Some contributed constantly; some did not. Most members regularly used time wisely. Some members used time wisely on various occasions Not enough members solved problems cooperatively. Too often members did not listen attentively to each other. Not enough members contributed constantly. Not enough members used time wisely Published 2007 © Authorised by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002 (2007)