“Is approved” “Is verified” by the Head of Sumgayit city Executive Power by the Chairman of Control Committee of Sumgayit city Ecology and Nature nature ________________ T.Y.Mammadov ________________ T.Y.Mammadov “____” ____________ 2001 “____” ____________ 2001 The Programme of ecological measures the execution of which is considered for years 2001-2005 in Sumgayit city № 1 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Name of the measures Use of the measure Funds Volume in mio AZM 2 3 4 I. Generally useful measures for the city The reconstruction interTo stop the flow of sewage water On the regional treatment/cleaning into the Caspian Sea by means of Project installation in Sumgayit city, increase of the power and use of its increase and the exploited installation in accidental construction of sewage condition in the industrial region of system Sumgayit Construction of treatment The elimination of flow of domestic On the installation of domestic sewage into the Caspian basin project waste water generated in the without treatment residential area of Sumgayit city The regular passage of city To stop the non-regular pollution of On the seaside/beach zone domestic the Caspian Sea project sewage to Haji valley The cleaning work in city The improvement Caspian coast On the beach and resort zones beach and resort zones project Implementation period Executor 5 6 To change the sewage line To stop spread of sewage in the beginning from domestic environment and to follow waste water pump house # 6 ecological rules (J.Mammadguluzadeh street) till the Palace of chemists 2001 On the project 2001-2005 With the participation of industrial complex 2001-2005 City Basic Reconstruction Office/Enterprise 2001-2002 City Basic Reconstruction Office/Enterprise Utilities Production Union (UPU) Water Channel Office 2001-2005 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. 1.9. 1.10. 1.11. 1.12. To change the sewage collector going from Azadlig street till S.Vurgun street (passing along Haji valley) Full treatment of “Haji Dara” channel To install a pipe for the water running along “Haji Dara” channel To complete the reconstruction works in central fekal water pump house No 2 The basic repair and exploitation of fekal pump station No 1 located in the district of “Chemists” To take the domestic sewage generated in district of Z.Tagiyev into the sewage lines and direct them in to the inter-regions treatment installation Regular collection, transportation and processing of generated domestic waste in the To stop spread of sewage in the environment On the project 2001-2005 Water Channel Office To stop spread of sewage in the environment To stop spread of sewage in the environment 100,0 2002 KTIB On the estimate 2002-2004 To stop spread of sewage in the environment On the project 2001-2003 City Basic Reconstruction Office/Enterprise City Basic Reconstruction Office/Enterprise To stop spread of sewage in the environment On the project 2001-2002 City Basic Reconstruction Office/Enterprise To stop the flow of waste water of the district into Caspian Sea On the project 2001-2005 Ali Zeynalabdin Municipality To eliminate the pollution of the region from domestic waste On the Contract constantly AzerbaijanGerman Joint Venture (ADES), KTIB, territory of the city 1.13. Construction of repeated processing in domestic waste polygon Repeated processing and treatment of waste 1000,0 1.14. To conduct inventorization of harmful waste in separate enterprises and industrial region of the city and to implement the measures on utility of them To conduct and exploit the polygon of the storage and being dug of not utilized toxic waste To construct the installation for treatment of soil from mercury in the territory of active substances, the transportation of mercury containing sludge from salt storages and their being dug To complete the construction and exploit the installation on repeated utility of marten sludge To eliminate the harmful waste and their useful utility On projects 2001-2005 and contracts To eliminate On projects 2001-2005 and contracts Industrial enterprises To eliminate the mercury pollution of environment 8,1 mio USD 2001-2005 SAM Factory, executors defined as a result of tender of State EcoCommittee To clean the territory from waste On the contract 2002-2005 “Azer Pipe” Jont Stock Company 1.15. 1.16. 1.17. 2001-2005 MTIB (offices and enterprises) Industrial enterprises, ADES, city ecology committee Industrial enterprises, ADES, city ecology committee 1.18. 1.19. 1.20. 1.21. 1.22. 1.23. 1.24. Draining of muddy places in Sumgayit administrative region and the re-cultivation of the territory To take away illegal objects from city territory and to clean the territory To conduct the inventorization of greenery works, to prepare greening maps, according measures and to apply To establish a new green area in the second part of “Heydar” Park, 1,37 ha, 47th area, 1,35 ha To establish 4,32 ha greenery in the religious centre of the city To establish a new greenery line in 5,5 ha territory between 10th and 13th microdistricts of the city To establish a new greenery line in 4,52 ha territory between 16th and 17th microdistricts of the city To bring the territory to the condition meeting sanitaryhygienic, ecological requirements To bring the territory to the condition meeting architectural, sanitary-hygienic, ecological requirements Exact record, reporting on greening and to be based on the measures to be implemented 40,0 2001-2005 KTIB 2001-2002 Architectural Office, MTIB, KTIB, police office Greening Office, Ecological Committee, city enterprises and organizations Greening Office, KTIB By means 2001-2002 of contracts and internal possibilities To increase greening area and to establish health zone 23,3 2001-2002 To increase greening area and to clean the air environment 37,5 2001-2005 Greening Office, KTIB To increase greening area and to clean the air environment 44,5 2002-2004 Greening Office, KTIB To increase greening area and to clean the air environment 39,1 2003-2005 Greening Office, KTIB 1.25. 1.26 1.27. 1.28. 1.29. 1.30. 1.31. To increase the Jeyranbatan forest line 10 ha To establish greenery in districts and micro-districts of the city and to improve the agro-technical service in existing greenery To conduct the service to greenery at general educational institutions, to plant new trees and bushes To increase greening area and to clean the air environment To increase greening area and to clean the air environment 150,1 To increase greening area By means Every year of weekly gatherings and internal possibilities By means Every year of weekly gatherings and internal possibilities On the confirmed draft To increase the greenery in To increase greening area the territory of city health organizations and to conduct agro-technical service to already existing greenery To conduct “Clean Air” To reduce the atmosphere pollution monthly meetings on the from transport means atmosphere protection To stop the production of irregular food products without origin and certificate in the territory of the city To prohibit the construction and exploitation of 2003-2005 KTIB Every year MTIB The protection of environment and health of people Regularly To prohibit the ecologically harmful activity regularly City educational dept., secondary schools, kindergartens City health Dept. City Ecology Committee, State Traffic Police City Ecology Committee, hygienicepydemiological centre (HEC) City Ecology Committee, 1.32. 1.33. 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. production and service objects without a positive ecological expertise in the territory of the city To prepare ecological passports, ecological normative documents on all the enterprises of the city To conduct analytical observations on the stationery sources polluting the water and air basin in the city, to implement according measures and to inform the publicity Enterprises and organizations Presence of ecological, legal documents Assessment of ecological situation and implementation of measures On the contracts regularly Enterprises and organizations According to the draft City Ecology Committee, HEC II. MEASURES ON THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES OF THE CITY. THE FACTORY OF ACTIVE SUBSTANCES To install 1 (one) sanitary To stop the pollution of atmospheric On estimate 2001 column in dichlorethane air by chlorus and hydrogene factory No 11 chlorus gas To start the production of To provide the protection of On the 2002-2005 chlorus (detergents) without environment project mercury To reconstruct and increase To provide the full neutralization of On the 2003 the neutralization acid water estimate installation in dept. No 124 of chlorus (detergent) No3 SAM factory “Azer-Chem” State Company, SAM factory SAM factory 11.4. 11.5. 11.6. 11.7. 11.8. 11.9. and ………….. To stop the accumulation of chlorus gas in the territory of enterprises and the city, the evacuation in cases of accidents and to establish the neutralization condition To stop the pollution of atmosphere with accident charactered waste ORGANIC SINTHESIS PLANT To repair 3 (three) furnaces To reduce the pollution of 1400,0 in chalk milk atmosphere by waste To exploit the horizontally To reduce the pollution of 1500,0 circulating furnaces with the atmosphere by polutors productivity 38t/a day in chalk milk factory To re-install 4 gradirnis in circular water system No 1, to change communication lines To study the production process of propylene oxide without chlorus and to conduct the reconstruction works in the factory To start the production of new type of varnish and varnish-paint on the basis of 2001-2005 SAM factory 2001 Organic synthesis factory “Azer-Chem” State Project Institute, Organic synthesis factory Organic synthesis factory 2003-205 Proper utility of water reserves 1200,0 2001-2005 To stop the pollution of atmosphere On the project 2003-2005 To stop the pollution of atmosphere using the repeated utility of waste 50,0 2001-2002 “Azer-Chem” State Project Institute, Organic synthesis factory “Azer-Chem”, “Olefyns” Institute, propylene oxide waste 11.10. 11.11. 11.12. 11.13. 11.14. To exploit installation No 105 in order to catch the gas coming out of 1b absorber and not entering the reaction in the factory on iso-propyl spirit production To re-construct the technological system of installation No 19 for the condensing the ether vapour coming out 12/1-11 condensers in the factory on iso-propyl spirit production To reconstruct the scheme of cold water supply to condensers T-8, T-19, T-48 in depts.., KN- 4, T-13, T19, D-4 on the processing of latex, pyro-condensates The reconstruction of P-9a and J-29 circular water systems The repair of tan storing acid and tan storing liquid Organic synthesis factory SINTHESIS CAUCHUK PLANT To reduce the number of polluters On the into the atmosphere for 4 tons in gas estimate form 2001 SC Factory To reduce the number of ether into the atmosphere for 3 tons On the estimate 2001 SC Factory To reduce the number of gas form pollutors into the atmosphere for 15 tons On the estimate 2001 SC Factory To economize the usage of Ceyranbatan river in 1500 thousand m3/year To stop the access of acid water to waste water On the estimate 2001-1005 SC Factory On the estimate 2001 SC Factory 11.15. 11.16. 11.17. 11.18. 11.19 acid in the factory on isopropyl spirit production To exploit the installation for the bringing to liquid state the sulphate acid I vacuum vapour in the factory on iso-propyl spirit production The repair and reconstruction of sewage system where goes the chemical waste water in KN-2 factory The accumulation of fusel water in the factory and its re-utility in J-25 dept. To stop the access of sulphat acid to conditional clean water On the estimate 2001 SC Factory To stop the access of waste water to conditional clean sewage system On the estimate 2001 SC Factory 2001-2005 SC Factory 2002 EP plant 2003 EP plant As a result of repeated utility of On the water, to economize the waster of estimate Ceyranbatan river ETHILENE- POLIETHILENE PLANT To stop the throwing of 119,85 tons 125,0 of propylene into flame during the repair During the repair, the passage of propylene gas in K-17/1,2 columns and PSS system not to flame but to the storage of I-14 Isothermal factory During the repair, the To stop the throwing of 95 tons of passage of ethylene gas in ethylene into flame during the K-13 columns and ESS repair system, in two ethylene collectors not to flame but to 125,0 11.20 11.21. the storage of I-14 Isothermal factory To increase the sewage line till the station where at the exit of I-5 factory the J-28 waste water runs, due to the passage of waste water given to the sewage system by vapour generator installation of EP-300 production To apply the conditioning system to vapourizers of gradirnis 11.22. To change the T4 and T5 thermo-changing pipes 11.23. The check up of other thermo-changers and their repair To provide 2 (two) acid pumps with fridges in Absorption dept. To change the catalizator in contact installation 11.24. 11.25. To stop the flow of waste water into 480,0 conditionally clean sewage line and to provide the normal flow of waste water 2005 EP plant To stop approximately 100 m3/hr of 390,0 water loss 2004-2005 EP plant 32,0 2001-2002 SFP 4,0 2001-2005 SFP To stop the pollution of environment by cerum anhydride 349,6 2001-2005 SFP To stop the pollution of environment by economizing the raw material 131,5 2003 SFP SUPERFOSFAT PLANT To stop the pollution of environment with SO2 and So3 gases To stop the pollution of environment by cerum gas 11.26. 11.27. 11.28. 11.29. 11.30. 11.31. 11.32. 11.33. To reconstruct the sewage system of the plant Reconstruction of pipe lines joined to inter-regional treatment installation for the waste water generated in the plant To install sucking screw system and addition dust absorbing cyclones in recently built “perlit” factory Ro reconstruct the local treatment installation of the factory To improve the technology of condensing process in IXP-114(101) ashgar production To improve the cooling system in solluting installation To improve the water irrigation in methanol tans Repair of gradirni of circular water system in formalin To stop the irregular conditional flow of waste water To stop the flow of waste water into the open water basin On the estimate On the estimate 2001-2002 SFP 2001-2003 SFP 2001 Domestic Chemical Plant From the time the production activity started Domestic Chemical Plant 3,0 2002 Ashgar Plant To reduce the number of light carbo-hydrogenes into the air 4,0 2003 Ashgar Plant To reduce the number of methanol into the air To provide the normal working regime in circular water system 10,0 2002 Ashgar Plant 50,0 2001 Ashgar Plant DOMESTIC CHEMICAL PLANT To stop the pollution of atmosphere 10,0 with perlit dust To stop the flow of waste water into On the the open water basin estimate ASHGAR PLANT To reduce the pollution of atmosphere with ammoniac and formalin gas 11.34. 11.35. 11.36. 11.37. 11.38. 11.39. 11.40. production The organization of repeated To stop the pollution of utility of separated wasteenvironment with liquid waste mechanical mixtures in the production of IXP-114 (101) ashgar production THERMAL ELECTRIC CENTRE NO. 1 The technical-economical To reduce the pollution of 666,998 basis, construction and atmosphere with nitrogen oxide exploitation of new vapour- (500 t), cerum anhydride (350 t), gas thermal power station vanadium (5 t) and oxide (8 t) THERMAL ELECTRIC CENTRE NO. 2 Repair of convective mine, The intensification of flaming 260,0 smoke and air ways regime and reduction of number of harmful substances polluting the atmosphere Repair of flattor To stop the pollution of sea water 2,0 with oil products To change the pipe line the To stop the pollution of On the mazut water between environment with mazut estimate Thermal Electric Centres No 1 and No2 COMPRESSOR PLANT To change to the method in To stop the harmful influence to On the the enterprises without ozone layer project ozone destroying substances To complete the repair of To properly use the water reserves On the circular water system and to and to stop the pollution of project 2001-2005 Ashgar Plant 2001-2005 TEC No1 2001-2005 TEC No2 2001-2002 TEC No2 2001-2003 TEC No2 2001-2005 Compressor Plant 2001-2005 Compressor Plant 11.41. 11.42. 11.43. 11.44. 11.45. 11.46. 11.47. 11.48. re-install the sewage line environment “AZERIT “ CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS FACTORY To repair the cyclone at the To reduce the number of harmful 900,0 2002 exit of the mill in raw substances in the atmosphere material department Repair of rotating exit pipe To reduce the number of harmful 750,0 2003 substances in the atmosphere To change the dust To reduce the number of harmful 1800,0 2001 absorbing M1 and M2 fans substances in the atmosphere into new ones To provide the normal work To reduce the number of harmful 750,0 2001-2005 of fan nets substances in the atmosphere To repair the bunkers under To stop the pollution of 750,0 2001-2005 the cyclones environment “SUMGAYIT POLYMER” ATSC Reconstruction of penoTo liquidate liquid waste sources 20,0 2001 polesterol installation Production of pipes on the Collection of poly-ethylene waste 40,0 2001-2005 basis of without waste from environment and its technology from polyprocessing ethylene waste Reconstruction of KN-3 Production of various glues on the 20,0 2001-2002 installation without waste technology “Azerit” CMF “Azerit” CMF “Azerit” CMF “Azerit” CMF “Azerit” CMF Sumgayit Polymer ATSC Sumgayit Polymer ATSC Sumgayit Polymer ATSC Note: During the implementation of the programme the documents negotiated between the city Ecological Committee and enterprises and organizations of the city were taken into account including the ecological normative documents important for the measures to be implemented. At the same time, the measures that have been approved by several enterprises and organizations, but so far were not implemented for many reasons but still preserve their actuality were also added to this programme. Due to the fact that economical development programmes of production sites of Metallurgical and other factories of the city were not exactly defined, the ecological measures didn’t include the implementation of them in these enterprises. Measures programme on these enterprises will be finally defined during the ecological expertise of new production and reconstruction projects and the implementation of it will be under the supervision. The list and the signatures of the elaborators and executors of this programme is below-annexed to this document. THE LIST OF ELABORATORS AND EXECUTORS OF ECOLOGICAL MEASURES PROGRAMME THE IMPLEMENTATION OF WHICH IS PLANNED FOR 2001-2005 IN SUMGAYIT CITY Elaborators of the Programme (it was elaborated by city ecological committee) Full name Position Signature Mirzoyev Raqub Shukur Deputy Chairman Jamalov Salman Ali Chief of Department Fayrushin Tahir Safar Chief of Department Behbudova Zhanna Chief of Department Alexander Humbatov Arif Humbatali Chief of Department Kazimov Firdovsi Chief of Department Jafarkhan Executors of the Programme Full name Asgarov Goshgar Jahan Abbasov Aydin Tapdig Seyidov Miradil Mirish Hasanov Ilyas Shamil Dunyamaliyev Gadir Aziz Guliyev Jamil Damir Bagirov Vidadi Mirza Abbasov Karlen Abbas Quliyev Tabrik Muzaffar Mammadov Sabir Hasan Rashidov Said Seydi Imanov Gazanfar Musa Ismayilov Eldar Vekil Position Signature Chief engineer Chief of enterprise Director of KTIB Chief of IYTI Director of ADES Chief of MTIIB Chief of Education Department Chief of Health Department Director of “SAM” factory Director of “Organic Synthesis” plant Director of “SC” plant Director of “EP” Director of “SFP” Karimov Jumshud Bahman Samadov Elmurad Abish Mustafayev Rafig Mustafa Efendiyev Faig Tofig Mashiyev Mahir Madat Jahangirov Habil Eyyub Director of “Domestic Chemistry” plant Director of Ashgar plant Director of TES No 1 Director of TES No 2 Director of “Azerit CM Factory Chairman of “Polymer” ATSC