金属有机化学国家重点实验室 学科带头人现状与需求 现有人员 目前学科方向 陆熙炎院士 戴立信院士 麻生明院士 侯雪龙研究员 施敏研究员 丁奎玲研究员 唐勇研究员 刘元红研究员 陈耀峰研究员 游书力研究员 刘国生研究员 邓亮研究员 李玉学副研究员 段伟良副研究员 过渡金属有机化学 不对称催化 过渡金属有机化学 不对称催化 过渡金属有机化学 不对称催化 不对称合成,高分子化学 钛锆金属有机化学 稀土金属有机化学 不对称催化 过渡金属有机化学 过渡金属配合物及其反应化学 金属有机计算化学 不对称催化 发展学科方向 需求计划人数 金属催化的小分子活化 金属络合物及反应化学 后过渡金属有机化学 前过渡金属有机化学 主族元素金属有机化学 金属有机计算化学 1 1 1 1 1 1 2OO9 年重大记事 一.实验室开放课题和自主课题 按照国家科技部最新要求和规定,2009 年实验室面向所外单位设立的开放基金 项目有 4 项,资助总额 90 万。实验室设立自由探索课题 10 项,资助总额 151 万; 团队重点课题 5 项,资助总额 670 万。 二.新一届领导班子及学术委员会的换届 2009 年,实验室顺利完成了领导班子及学术委员会的换届及工作交接,唐勇研 究员任金属有机国家重点实验室新一届主任,施敏研究员和游书力研究员任副主任, 麻生明院士任新一届学术委员会主任,侯雪龙研究员、谢作伟教授和金国新教授任 副主任。 三. “基于组合方法与组装策略的新型手性催化剂研究”项目获得国家 自然科学二等奖。 现代合成化学、药物化学和材料科学的发展使人们越来越认识到手性的重要性, 不对称催化是获得光学纯手性物质最有效的方法之一,其核心问题在于设计和选择 合适的催化剂。丁奎岭研究员及其领导的团队围绕手性催化剂这一核心问题,(1) 系统地将不对称活化和毒化、手性传递和放大等概念与组合化学方法结合进行手性 催化剂库的设计与评价,发展了多个系列新型、高效、高选择性手性催化剂,发现 并阐明了催化体系中的不对称放大效应、添加物的活化作用及其机理等;(2)突破 传统思路,基于分子组装原理,首次提出了手性催化剂自负载的概念,实现了包括 羰基-烯、氧化和氢化等在内的多个非均相催化反应的高选择性、高活性,为手性催 化剂的负载化开辟了新思路;(3)发展了一系列结构可调的新型手性配体,实现了 多个不对称反应的高活性和高对映选择性以及底物的普适性,为多种手性氨基酸等 药物关键中间体的合成提供了有效的方法。 该成果共发表论文 61 篇(其中 SCI 53 篇,SCI-E 5 篇),其中影响因子>5 的有 18 篇,包括 J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 5 篇、ANGEW. CHEM. 3 篇、CHEM. EUR. J. 8 篇;被他引 1183 次,最高单篇他引 111 次,篇均他引 19 次;多篇论文被选为 HOT PAPER 或被 国际刊物专题评论、被 HIGHLIGHTS 栏目摘录;在 4 本国内专著中撰写 4 个章节;获 得授权专利 11 项;所发展的概念、方法、配体或催化剂被国内外同行应用于研究工 作 50 多次;在包括 IUPAC 在内的重要系列国际和国际双边会议做大会和邀请报告 36 次;培养 13 名博士、3 位博士后,其中 1 人获全国百篇优秀博士论文、1 人获中 科院院长优秀奖。 四. 实验室承担的科研项目运行正常 2009 年实验室主持的国家和省部委的在研重大重点项目有:(1)国家基金委创 新群体项目 1 项、重点项目 3 项、重大新药创新专项 1 项、国际合作重大项目 1 项; (2)中科院知识创新方向性项目 2 项;(3)上海市科委 6 项,其中重点项目 1 项、人 才计划 2 项。作为课题骨干参加的国家和省部委的重大重点项目有:(1)973 项目 2 项;(2)国家基金委重点项目 2 项;另外实验室还承担了(1)国家基金委其他项目 15 项;(2)其他省部委项目 4 项。 实验室 2009 年共发表了 265 篇论文,其中 Acc. Chem. Soc. 1 篇,Chem. Rev. 1 篇,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 9 篇,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 15 篇。其中金属室固定成员发表 了 106 篇论文,其中包括 Chem. Rev. 1 篇,Chem. Soc. Rev. 1 篇,Coord. Chem. Rev. 1 篇,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 5 篇,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 6 篇,Chem. Eur. J. 12 篇,Adv. Synth. Catal. 7 篇,Org. Lett. 14 篇等。 2009 年度,以丁奎岭研究员为项目首席科学家的科技部 973 项目“手性催化的 重要科学基础”获得立项批准,于 2010 年正式启动。丁奎岭研究员主持的重大新药 专项“手性药物及其中间体的不对称合成与生物活性评价技术以及丁奎岭研究员主 持的国家基金委优秀实验室重点项目“基于金属催化的选择性控制”获得立项批准, 今年启动;唐勇研究员主持的国家自然科学基金委的重点项目“调控有机合成反应 选择性的新方法”于 2010 年启动。中科院知识重要方向性项目“超高分子量聚乙烯 纤维制备与应用”的课题之一 “结构可控 UHMWPE 催化剂技术的研制”获得批准立 项,于 2009 年 6 月启动。 唐勇研究员领衔的国家自然科学基金委创新群体项目“化学键活化与可控性重 组研究” 进展顺利。中科院方向性重大项目“新型乙烯聚合催化剂技术的工业化应 用研究”于 2009 年顺利通过了中科院组织的中期答辩。丁奎岭研究员主持的基金委 重点项目“手性催化剂负载化中若干新方法研究”和国际合作交流重大项目“不对 称催化反应研究”以及中科院方向性项目“手性诱导、传递与放大中的科学问题研 究”;施敏研究员主持的基金委重点项目“有机合成中的串联及多组分反应”今年 均进展良好。实验室主持的 973 项目“物质创造与化学转化过程中的若干前沿科学 问题研究”中的两个课题“金属参与的化学键断裂和形成研究”和“手性分子的构 筑及相关规律研究”以及 973 项目“惰性化学键的选择性激活、重组及其控制”中 的课题四“小分子二氧化碳、一氧化碳和氧气等的活化”均顺利完成了 2009 年度的 工作计划。 侯雪龙研究员主持的基金委重点项目“有机化学反应中的选择性控制”已经结 题,顺利通过验收。唐勇研究员主持的基金委国际合作项目“用于制备结构可控聚 烯烃/烯烃共聚物的催化材料”已经完成预定目标,于 2009 年年底结题。 2009 年 12 月 22-23 日中国科学院上海有机所“均相催化研究”国际合作伙伴计 划团队在苏州召开了 2009 年学术交流会,会议邀请到了国家自然科学基金委化学部 陈拥军和杜灿屏老师参加。团队 6 位海外成员中的 5 位:美国 The State University of New Jersey 的张绪穆教授、美国 The Ohio State University 的王鹏教授、美国 Texas Tech University 的李桂根教授、香港中文大学的谢作伟教授、香港科技大学的贾国 成教授和团队有机所全体成员:麻生明、侯雪龙、施敏、丁奎岭、唐勇、刘元红 6 位研究员参加了本次会议并汇报交流了近一年来的研究工作和合作进展。会上基金 委化学部副主任陈拥军和基金委化学部二处处长杜灿屏均发言希望团队成员要在自 身发展的同时关注、引导青年人,做好承上启下的工作,推进有机化学学科的发展。 参会的团队成员一致认为应该结合国家需求开展研究工作,团队通过合作发挥每人 的专长,做一些有国际影响的原创性工作。 五.对外交流 实验室今年分别接待了美国、俄罗斯、德国、法国、英国、加拿大等国的 15 位科学家来室访问进行了学术交流;另外,包括台湾在内的 7 位国内专家应邀到实 验室作了精彩学术报告,具体情况见 17-20 页。同时实验室学术带头人积极参加国 际国内的重要学术会议,应邀在国际学术会议上作邀请报告 11 次,在国内学术会议 上作特邀报告 3 次。 六.实验室学术委员会工作 2009 年 10 月 16 日-20 日,在成都召开金属有机化学国家重点实验室 2009 年学 术委员会第二届学术委员会第五次会议和实验室成立 20 周年庆典大会暨学术报告 会。会议邀请到了中国科学院高技术与发展局综合处杨永峰老师和化工处白路娜、 唐清老师,国家自然科学基金委化学部副主任陈拥军及二处处长杜灿屏参加。在实 验室成立 20 周年庆典大会暨学术报告会上,麻生明院士总结了金属有机开放实验室 20 年来的历程,并展望了金属室未来的发展。会议还邀请了 T. Hayashi 教授,G. Helmchen 教授、谢作伟教授、侯雪龙研究员、丁奎岭研究员和席振峰教授分别作了 学术报告,具体题目为: 1. T. Hayashi 教授,Recent Advances in Chiral Diene Ligands for Asymmetric Catalysis 2. G. Helmchen 教 授 , Iridium-Catalyzed Allylic Substitutions-Fundamentals and Applications 3. 侯雪龙研究员,钯催化不对称烯丙基取代反应中的“硬”亲核试剂 4. 谢作伟教授,Unique Chemical Properties of Non-Traditional Metal-Carbon Bonds 5. 席振峰教授,Cooperative Effect: Development of Organo-bi-Lithio Reagents 6. 丁奎岭研究员,不对称催化研究:从组合到组装 在学术委员会会议上,时任实验室常务副主任唐勇研究员向委员会汇报了金属 室 2009 年度的工作总结,席振峰、游书力、刘国生及唐勇教授分别介绍了第十届 Tetrahedron Symposium、第十三届亚洲大会、第十五届 OMCOS 及 ICHAC-9 的会议情 况。麻生明、王绍武、周锡庚、曹卫国和段伟良等在会上分别汇报了各自的工作。 与会老师进行了充分的交流。2009 年 10 月 17 日,到会的学术委员及被邀请的领导、 专家就实验室今后的人才引进、课题组队伍梯队建设、研究方向和客座课题资助力 度等方面展开了热烈讨论,并提出了建设性的意见。 七.获奖情况 获奖成果表 序号 1 获 奖 题 目 基于组合方法与组装策略的新 型手性催化剂研究 类别(国家/部 委) 国家自然科学奖 个人(包括研究生)获奖表 序号 获奖姓名 获奖名称 1 崔鹏 中国科学院院长优秀奖 2 陆平 中国科学院院长奖优秀奖 3 姜雪峰 中国科学院优秀博士学位论文奖 4 顾振华 全国优秀博士学位论文 5 麻生明 全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师 6 麻生明 中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师奖 7 麻生明 宝洁优秀研究生导师 8 唐勇 中国科学院“朱李月华优秀教师”奖 9 王庆刚 中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖学金 10 林芳 中国科学院研究生院三好学生标兵 11 王庆刚 中国科学院研究生院三好学生标兵 12 唐翔鹰 中国科学院研究生院优秀学生干部 13 阴国印 08-09 年度院三好学生 14 郭胜海 08-09 年度院三好学生 15 李跃辉 08-09 年度院三好学生 16 陆平 08-09 年度院三好学生 17 李毅 08-09 年度院三好学生 18 蒋敏 08-09 年度院三好学生 19 陆而立 08-09 年度院三好学生 20 陈建平 08-09 年度院三好学生 21 郑素清 08-09 年度院三好学生 22 郑素清 中国科学院研究生院优秀毕业生 23 林芳 20009 年度上海市高校优秀毕业生 24 戴伦治 GSK 奖学金 25 刘海林 GSK 奖学金 26 付晓平 GSK 奖学金 27 李跃辉 GSK 奖学金 28 汪日新 GSK 奖学金 29 刘文博 GSK 奖学金 30 阴国印 GSK 奖学金 等 级 二等 承担 类别 A 等级 一等 一等 一等 二等 二等 二等 二等 完成 时间 19962006 获奖 时间 2009 获奖时间 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009.12 2009.12 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 2009.6 金属有机化学国家重点实验室 第二届学术委员会第五次会议简报 10 月 16 日-20 日,在成都召开金属有机化学国家重点实验室 2009 年学术委员 会第二届学术委员会第五次会议和实验室成立 20 周年庆典大会暨学术报告会。除 3 名学术委员因故未能参加外,其余委员均参加了会议。会议邀请到了中国科学院高 技术与发展局杨永峰副处长和化工处白路娜研究员、唐清副处长,国家自然科学基 金委化学部副主任陈拥军及二处处长杜灿屏参加。会议上麻生明主任总结了金属有 机开放实验室 20 年来的历程,并展望了金属室未来的发展。会议还邀请了 T. Hayashi 教授,G. Helmchen 教授、谢作伟教授、侯雪龙研究员和席振峰教授、丁奎 岭教授分别作了学术报告,题目分别为: 1. T. Hayashi 教授,Recent Advances in Chiral Diene Ligands for Asymmetric Catalysis 2. G. Helmchen 教授,Iridium-Catalyzed Allylic Substitutions-Fundamentals and Applications 3. 侯雪龙研究员,钯催化不对称烯丙基取代反应中的“硬”亲核试剂 4. 谢作伟教授,Unique Chemical Properties of Non-Traditional Metal-Carbon Bonds 5. 席振峰教授,Cooperative Effect: Development of Organo-bi-Lithio Reagents 6. 丁奎岭研究员,不对称催化研究:从组合到组装 在学术委员会会议上,时任实验室常务副主任唐勇研究员向委员会汇报了金属 室 2009 年度的工作总结,席振峰、游书力、刘国生及唐勇教授分别介绍了第十届 Tetrahedron Symposium、第十五届亚洲大会、第十五届 OMCOS 及 ICHAC-9 的会议情 况。麻生明、王绍武、周锡庚、曹卫国和段伟良等在会上分别介绍了各自的工作。 与会老师进行了充分的交流。2009 年 10 月 17 日,与会委员与专家、领导就实验室 今后的人才引进、课题组队伍梯队建设、研究方向和客座课题资助力度等方面展开 了热烈讨论,并给出了建设性的意见。 2009 年自由探索课题(2008-2009 年) 序 号 姓 名 2008-01 陆熙炎 阳离子钯催化的芳基对碳-杂原子重键的加成反应 2008-02 麻生明 联烯的锂化反应及其金属参与的偶联反应研究 2008-03 侯雪龙 手性环钯催化的动力学拆分 2008-04 施 基于联萘胺的手性氮杂环卡宾配体的合成及其在不对称催化反应 敏 题 目 的应用 2008-05 丁奎岭 新型手性螺环配体的设计合成及其在不对称催化反应中的应用研究 2008-06 唐 勇 新型单中心聚烯烃催化剂的设计、合成及应用 2008-07 刘元红 金催化的新型有机反应研究 2008-08 陈耀峰 单茚基烯土烷基配合物的合成及其催化的烯烃聚合 (钱长涛) 2008-09 游书力 惰性碳氢键活化及选择性转化研究 2008-10 刘国生 金属催化烯丙位碳氢键活化反应的研究 2009 年实验室团队重点研究课题(2007-2011 年) (1) 惰性碳-碳键和碳-氢键的活化与官能团化中的金属有机化学 课题负责人:游书力 研究队伍:游书力,刘国生,段伟良 (2) 反应选择性的控制中的金属有机化学 课题负责人:侯雪龙 研究队伍:戴立信,侯雪龙,丁奎岭,王正,Christian A. Sandoval (3) 金属配合物的结构、合成及反应化学 课题负责人:刘元红 研究队伍:刘元红,施敏,李玉学,孙杰 (4) 含碳-过渡金属键的中间体的形成和反应研究 项目负责人:麻生明 研究队伍:麻生明,陆熙炎,韩秀玲 (5) 新型单中心烯烃聚合催化剂的研究 项目负责人:唐勇 研究队伍:唐勇,陈耀锋,孙秀丽 2009 年实验室开放课题(2007-2011 年) 项目一:碳-碳(杂)键形成的的过渡金属有机化学 项目负责人:黄宪 研究队伍:黄宪,吴劼,王佰全,朱成建,陈忠宁,王磊,郎建平,施章杰,张兆国 研究时间: 2007-2011 年 经费总额: 185 万 项目二:过渡金属卡宾化学 项目负责人:王剑波 研究队伍:王剑波,张俊良,余正坤,雷爱文,焦宁 研究时间: 2007-2011 年 经费总额: 102.5 万 项目三:主族金属有机化合物的反应化学 项目目负责人:席振峰 研究队伍:席振峰,周永贵,甘良兵,曹卫国 研究时间: 2007-2011 年 经费总额: 81.25 万 项目四:稀土金属有机物的合成、结构与反应化学 项目负责人:沈琪 研究队伍:沈琪,王绍武,苏成勇,周锡庚 研究时间: 2007-2011 年 经费总额: 81.25 万 2009 年全室专利申请、授权一览表 2009 年申请专利 编 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 专利名称 一种含有α手性的酰胺类化合物 的合成方法 一种光学活性 2-(2-硝基-乙 基)吡咯、合成方法和用途 一种合成 3-卤代中氮茚类化合 物的方法 一种合成 4,6-位取代 3,-4-二氢 -吡喃-2-酮衍生物的方法 新型三齿氮配体及其稀土金属配 合物 四氢喹晽和吲哚啉衍生的磷氮配 体、合成方法和应用 螺环骨架膦噁唑啉配体、合成方 法及其在不对称氢化反应中的应 用 含氮侧链 β 二亚胺配体金属催化 剂及在聚酯合成中的应用 α-萘甲基取代的螺环双噁唑啉 配体、合成及其在合成吡咯烷衍 生物中的应用 一种制备光学活性 3-(9-芴)- 吲哚类化合物的方法 3-二磺酰基氟甲烷取代-1-丙 烯类化合物、合成方法和用途 一种合成 1,6-烯炔类化合物的 方法 乙烯齐聚催化剂、合成方法和用 途 β-萘甲基取代的螺环双噁唑啉 配体、合成方法及其应用 一种合成氟代含氮杂环化合物的 方法 2,2-二取代-2,3-二氢喹啉酮类 手性化合物、制备方法和应用 申请日 申请号 发明人 2009-2-11 200910046081.8 2009-2-11 200910046082.2 2009-2-11 200910046083.7 2009-3-4 200910046987.X 2009-3-6 200910047182.7 2009-3-27 200910048438.6 2009-5-15 200910051314.3 丁奎岭、韩召 斌、王正 2009-5-22 200910051776.5 陈耀峰、徐信 2009-5-22 200910051785.4 麻生明、舒伟 2009-5-27 200910052117.3 2009-6-2 200910052377.0 2009-7-3 200910054359.6 2009-7-3 200910054361.3 陈耀峰、徐信 2009-9-23 200910196167.9 舒伟、麻生明 2009-10-15 200910197231.5 刘国生、吴涛 2009-12-4 200910199930.3 侯雪龙、雷柏 林、丁昌华 侯雪龙、吕伟 静 游书力、盛益 飞 游书力、夏纪 宝 游书力、李公 强、赵卓安 陈耀峰、陆而 立、甘伟 游书力、刘文 博 游书力、孙丰 来、顾庆 游书力、刘文 博 游书力、夏纪 宝 2009 年授权专利 编 号 1 2 专利名称 专利号 发明人 手性单膦配体、合成方法及其用途 一种合成 3-甲氨基吲哚化合物的方法 一种合成 1,3-二取代-4-烯-1-戊酮类化合物 的新方法 ZL200410066892.1 ZL200710036408.4 丁奎岭、赵宝国 游书力 ZL200710043018.X 游书力、贺虎 4 3-位取代中氮茚类化合物和高效合成方法 ZL200610117996.X 5 一类含杂原子的有机化合物及其在齐格勒- 纳塔催化剂中的应用 ZL200610026766.2 6 一类单活性中心齐格勒-纳塔烯烃聚合催化 剂 ZL200610026765.8 7 烯烃聚合催化剂 ZL200610025918.7 3 刘元红、宋智泉、 闫彬 唐勇、马志、杨小 红、刘博、孙秀丽、 高原、王聪 唐勇、孙秀丽、刘 博、马志、王聪、 高原、杨小红 唐勇、高明丽、王 聪、孙秀丽、谢作 伟、高原、马志 2009 年金属有机化学国家重点实验室来访人员报告目录 编 号 1 题目 报告人 单位 Palladium Complexes with Low Coordination Number for Catalysis Professor C. J. Elsevier Van’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, Universiteit Van Amsterdam, Netherlands 2 挤出法超高分子量聚乙烯制 品加工技术进展 王德禧 教授 中国科学院化学研究 所 唐勇 3 Asymmetric Synthesis of Organo Boron Compounds via Carbenoids Dr. Fang Guangyu University of Bristol 唐勇 4 Asymmetric Catalysis and Synthesis: from Small Organic Molecules to Bio-inspired Hyperbranched Polymers Dr. Robin Chi Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley 刘国 生 5 High Efficiency OLED Phosphors Prepared From Orthometalation; Bases and Applications Professor Yun Chi National Tsing University Hua 唐勇 6 Alternating Ethylene-Norbornene Co-polymerization Catalyzed by Cationic Organopalladium Complexes Bearing Hemi-labile Bidentate Ligands of alpha-Amino-Pyridines New P-Chiral Phosphine Ligands for Highly Enantioselective Catalyses Professor Jwu-Ting Chen National University Taiwan 唐勇 Professor Tsuneo Imamoto Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Chiba, Japan 侯雪 龙 Advances in the Chemistry of Polyhedral Boron Compounds Professor Vladimir 7 8 I. A.N.Nesmeyanov Institute of 主持 人 麻生 明 时间 2009 年 1 月 10 日 ( 周 六) 上午 10:00 2009 年 2月4日 ( 周 三) 上午 10:00 2009 年 2月9日 ( 周 一) 上午 10:00 2009 年 3 月 18 日 ( 周 三) 下午 15:00 2009 年 4月3日 ( 周 五) 下午 13:45 2009 年 4月4日 ( 周 六) 上午 09:30 2009 年 4月8日 ( 周 三) 上午 10:00 陈耀 2009 年 9 Transition Metal Complexes Stabilized by Various Rare C-centered Ligands: Synthesis, Mechanism, Dynamics and Catalysis 10 烯烃聚合多相催化计算机分 子模拟 11 The Use of Web Technology to Support the Research of Students and in their Personal Lives. How some of those Technologies Apply to the Professional Lives in the Future A Molecular Approach to Artificial Photosynthesis and the Light Driven Generation of Hydrogen from Water 12 13 Computational Prediction of Enantioselectivity in Asymmetic Synthesis Bregadze Organoelement Compounds Russian Academy Sciences 峰 Professor Rich Eisenberg University of Rochester, Editor of Inorganic Chemistry 侯雪 龙 Professor Olaf Wiest Department Chemistry Biochemistry, University of Dame 丁奎 岭 4 月 16 日 ( 周 of 四) 上午 10:00 李兴伟 博士 美 国 Scripps 研 究 所 游书 2009 年 (Florida 分院) 力 4 月 18 日 ( 周 六) 上午 10:00 刘柏平 教授 华东理工大学,化学工 唐勇 2009 年 程联合国家重点实验 4 月 20 室 日 ( 周 一) 下午 15:00 Dr. David P. Strategic Planning 侯雪 2009 年 Martinsen Group Publications 龙 4 月 21 Division, American 日 ( 周 Chemical Society 二) 上午 09:00 of and Notre 14 Natural Product Chemistry in Post-genome era: Metabolomics and Synthetic Biology Professor Pinghua Liu Department Chemistry, Univeristy of Boston 丁奎 岭 15 Transition Metal-Catalyzed Reaction of Diazo Compounds, Alkynes and Allenes 王剑波 教授 北京大学化学与分子 工程学院 唐勇 16 Alkene Metathesis : From New Catalysts to Plant Oil Applications Professor Pierre Dixneuf University of Rennes 丁奎 岭 H. 2009 年 4 月 21 日 ( 周 二) 上午 10:00 2009 年 5 月 26 日 ( 周 二) 下午 13:30 2009 年 7 月 24 日 ( 周 五) 上午 10:00 2009 年 8 月 25 日 ( 周 二) 上午 09:30 2009 年 9月7日 University of Rennes 唐勇 Department Chemistry, University, Canada of York Toronto, 麻生 明 Professor Carsten Bolm RWTH University Aachen 侯雪 龙 Mechanistic Aspects of Transition Metal Catalyzed Allylic Substitutions Professor Dr. Guenter Helmchen Organisch-Chemisches Institut der University Heidelberg 游书 力 21 Generation and Stereocontrolled Reaction of Some Cyclopropenes Professor Mark Baird School of Chemistry, University of Wales, UK 施敏 22 Oxidative Coupling, Chemistry between Two Nucleophiles 雷爱文 教授 武汉大学 侯雪 龙 23 杂原子桥连杯芳烃的超分子 化学 王梅祥 教授 清华大学化学系 丁奎 岭 17 C-H Bond Functionalisation with Ruthenium(II) Professor Pierre Dixneuf H. Pd N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalysts: How Much Bigger is Better? Professor Michael Organ G. 19 Iron Salts in Catalyzed Organic Synthesis 20 18 ( 周 一) 上午 10:00 2009 年 9月8日 ( 周 二) 上午 10:00 2009 年 9 月 17 日 ( 周 四) 下午 15:00 2009 年 9 月 22 日 ( 周 二) 上午 10:00 2009 年 10 月 14 日 ( 周 三) 上午 10:00 2009 年 12 月 13 日 ( 周 日) 下午 15:00 2009 年 12 月 14 日 ( 周 一) 上午 10:00 2009 年 12 月 17 日 ( 周 四) 下午 15:00 24 Chemometrics Opportunities in Forensic Chemistry Professor Peter de Boves Harrington 25 高官能团化的噁唑啉配体的 合成及其在高极性溶剂中的 催化应用 康彦彪 博士 26 Development of Recyclable Chiral Organocatalysts for the Highly Asymmetric Michael Addition Reaction 倪步阔 博士 Center for Intelligent Chemical Instrumentation , Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Clippinger Laboratories Ohio University 德国海德堡大学 游书 力 2009 年 12 月 12 日(周 六) 下 午 15:00 唐勇 2009 年 12 月 25 日(周 五) 下 午 18:00 Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University-Commerce 刘国 生 2009 年 12 月 30 日 ( 周 三) 下 午 15:00 二 00 九年发表专著目录 专著(章节)题目 作者 Unsymmetrical 1,1’-Bidentate Shu-Li You Ferrocenyl Ligands Ji-Bao Xia, Monodentate Chiral Timothy F. Ferrocenyl Ligands Jamison, Shu-Li You 专著名称 Chiral Ferrocene Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis Chiral Ferrocene Ligands in Asymmetric Catalysis 出版社名称 年份 页码 主编姓名 215-2 Wiley-VCH 2009 Wiley-VCH Li-Xin Dai, 2009 55-71 Xue-Long Hou 56 Marco Catalytic Addition to Carbonyl Shu-Li You Compounds-Imines Friedel-Crafts Wiley-VCH 2009 119-1 44 Alkylations 组合酸催化剂在不 游书力,郑晓 对称催化中的应用 Asymmetric 建,康强 Asymmetric Catalysis of Haifeng Du, Diels–Alder Kuiling Ding Reaction 不对称催化—新概 丁奎岭,范青 念与新方法 华 绿色氧化 刘国生 不对称催化 新概念与新 方法 Handbook of Cyclization Reactions 不对称催化 新概念与新 方法 10000 个科学 难题 Li-Xin Dai, Xue-Long Hou Bandini, Achille Umani-Ro nchi 化学工业出 版社 Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2008 2009 化学工业出 版社 科学出版社 2008 2009 319-3 丁奎岭, 65 范青华 pp.1-5 Shengmin 7 g Ma 319-3 丁奎岭, 65 267 范青华 手性配体设计中的 不对称催化 对称性问题:从 C2 唐勇、孙秀丽 —新概念与 到 C3 的对称性 新方法 Xuefeng Handbook of Jiang and Cyclization Sheming Ma Reactions Cyclizations Based Handbook of Hao Guo and on Cyclization Sheming Ma Cyclometallation Reactions Intramolecular Handbook of 陆熙炎、 1,2-Addition and Cyclization 1,4-Addition 韩秀玲 Reactions Reactions Cyclic Coupling Reactions Furan and Benzofuran Xue Long Hou, Zhen Progress in Yang, Heterocyclic Kap-Sun Chemistry Yeung and H. N. C. Wong 化学工业出 版社 2009 142-1 62 Wiley-VCH 315-3 Verlag GmbH 2009 66 & Co. KGaA Wiley-VCH 407-4 Verlag GmbH 2009 56 & Co. KGaA 丁奎岭, 范青华 麻生明 麻生明 Wiley-VCH Vol. 1, 麻生明 Verlag GmbH 2009 pp. 169 & Co. -226 Elsvier 2009 Vol. G. W. 20, Gribble 152-1 and J. A. 89 Joule 二 00 九年论文目录 一、固定人员论文目录(按通讯作者姓氏首字母排序) 1. Xin Xu, Yaofeng Chen*, Jie Sun, Indenyl Abstraction vs Alkyl Abstraction of (Indenyl) ScR2(THF) by [Ph3C][B(C6F5)4]: Aspecific and Syndiospecific Styrene Polymerization. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 846-850. 2. Erli Lu, Wei Gan, Yaofeng Chen*, Monoalkyllanthanide Complexes with New -Diketiminato Derivative Dianionic Ligands, Organometallics 2009, 28, 2318-2324. 3. Guangyong Xie, Yuxue Li, Jie Sun, Changtao Qian*, Titanium Complexes with -ketoiminate Chelate Ligands for Ethylene Polymerization: The Significant Influence of Substitutes on Structures and Catalytic Activities” Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2009, 12, 796-799. 4. Zheng Wang, Hongji Li, Jiang Wu, Liting Yu, Kuiling Ding*, Development of a Continuous-Flow System for Asymmetric Hydrogenation Using Self-Supported Chiral Catalysts. Lei Shi, Xingwang Wang, Christian A. Sandoval, Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 9855-9867. 5. Zhaobin Han, Zheng Wang, Xumu Zhang, Kuiling Ding*, Spiro[4,4]-1,6-nonadiene-Based Phosphine-Oxazoline Ligands for Iridium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Hydrogenation of Ketimines. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5345-5349. 6. Zheng Wang, Gang Chen, Kuiling Ding*, Self-Supported Catalysts. Chem. Rev. 2009, 109, 322-359. 7. Haiming Wang, Zheng Wang, Kuiling Ding*, Self-supported BINOL-Zn catalysts for heterogeneous enantioselective epoxidation of (E)-α, β-unsaturated ketones. Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 2200-2203. 8. Kuiling Ding*, Zhaobin Han, Zheng Wang, Spiro skeletons, a class of privileged structure for chiral ligand design. Chem. Asian J. 2009, 4, 32-41. 9. Gang Chen, Zheng Wang, Kuiling Ding*, Asymmetric conjugate addition of unmodified cyclic ketones to nitroolefins using aminophosphonate as the organocatalyst. Chin. J. Chem. 2009, 27, 163-168. 10. Hai Lin Liu, XueLong Hou*, Lin Pu*, Enantioselective Precipitation and Fluorescent Enhancement in the Recognition of -Hydroxycarboxylic acids , Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 382-385 11. XueLong Hou*, Bao Hui Zheng, Kinetic Resolution of Indolines by Pd-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Amination. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 1789-1791 12. WeiJing Lu, XueLong Hou*,Highly Enantioselective construction of -Chiral Center of Amides via Iridium-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of α, β-Unsaturated Amides, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 1224-1228 13. ChunGen Chen, XueLong Hou*, Lin Pu*, Highly Enantioselective Cu-Catalyzed Conjugate Addition-Elimination of Activated Allylic Acetates with Glycine Derivatives,Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2073-2075 14. Wei Liu, Di Chen, XiaZhen Zhu, XiaoLong Wan, XueLong Hou*, Highly Diastereoand Enantioselective Pd-Catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Acyclic Amides with Substituted Allyl Carbonates , J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 8734-8735. 15. DongLiang Mo, LiXin Dai, XueLong Hou*, The Reaction of Terminal Alkynes with PhI (OAc) 2: A Convenient Procedure for the Preparation of -Acyloxy Ketones. Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 5578-5581 16. DongDong Chen, XueLong Hou*, LiXin Dai, A Facile and Regioselective Synthesis of 2,5-Disubstituted Pyrroles via Au-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization of Acetylenylaziridines, Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 6944-6946. 17. Ping Fang, XueLong Hou*, Asymmetric Copper-Catalyzed Propargylic Substitution Reaction of Propargylic Acetates with Enamines. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 4612-4615 18. BaiLin Lei, ChangHua Ding, XiaoFei Yang, XiaoLong Wan, XueLong Hou*, Highly Efficient Kinetic Resolution of 2-Substituted-2,3-Dihydro-4-Quinolones by Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 18250-18251. 19.Shuifa Qiu, Yunyang Wei, Guosheng Liu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Hydroamination of Allenes Coupled to Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation. Chem.Eur. J. 2009, 15, 2751-2754. 20. Liang Wu, Shuifa Qiu, Guosheng Liu*, Bronsted Base-Modulated Regioselective Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Aerobic Oxidative Amination of Alkenes: Formation of Seven-Membered Amides and Evidence for Allylic C-H Activation. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2707-2710. 21.Tao Wu, Guoyin Yin, Guosheng Liu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Aminofluorination of Alkenes. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 16354-16355. 22. Xiaoping Fu, Jingjin Chen, Guangyu Li, Yuanhong Liu*, Diverse Reactivity of Zirconacyclocumulenes Derived from Coupling of Benzynezirconocenes with 1,3-Butadiynes towards Acyl Cyanides: Synthesis of Indeno[2,1-b]pyrroles or [3]Cumulenones. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5500 –5504. 23.Yifeng Chen, Yuhua Lu, Guijie Li, Yuanhong Liu*, Gold-Catalyzed Cascade Friedel-Crafts/Furan-Alkyne Cycloisomerizations for the Highly Efficient Synthesis of Arylated (Z)-Enones or –Enals. Org. Lett., 2009, 11, 3838-3841. 24. Hongfeng Li, JingyuYang, Yuanhong Liu*, Yanzhong Li, Iron-Catalyzed Cascade Arene-Aldehyde Addition/Cyclizations for the Highly Efficient Synthesis of Xanthenes and Its Analogous: Observation of a C-C Bond Cleavage in Indole-Based Triarylmethanes. J. Org. Chem, 2009, 74, 6797-6801. 25. Yebing Zhou, Jingjin Chen, Chunbin Zhao, Erjuan Wang, Yuanhong Liu*, Yuxue Li, Stereoselective Synthesis of β-Hydroxyallenes with Multiple Contiguous tereogenic Centers via Aldehyde Addition to -alkenyl-Substituted irconacyclopentenes. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 5326–5330. 26. 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Chem. 2009,694, 1571-1574. 3.Jinqiang Kuang, Shengming Ma*, An Efficient Synthesis of Terminal Allenes from Terminal 1-Alkynes. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 1763-1765. 4. Youqian Deng, Xin Jin, Chunling Fu, Shengming Ma*, Efficient Highly Selective Synthesis of Methyl 2-(Ethynyl)alk-2(E)-enoates and 2-(1’-Chlorovinyl)alk-2(Z)-enoates from 2-(Methoxycarbonyl)-2,3-allenols. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2169-1272. 5. Guangke He, Hao Guo, Rong Qian, Yinlong Guo, Chunling Fu*, Shengming Ma*, Studies on Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Selenohydroxylation Reaction of 1,2-Allenyl Phosphine Oxides with PhSeCl. Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 4877-4889. 6. Shengming Ma*, Electrophilic Addition and Cyclization Reactions of Allenes Acc. Chem. Res. 2009, 42, 1679-1688. 7. Lianjun Liu, Feijun Wang*, Min Shi*, Elimination of an Alkyl Group from Imidazolium Salts: Imidazole Coordinated Dinuclear Monodentate NHC-Palladium Complexes Driven by Self-assembly and Their Application in Heck Reaction. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2009, 1723-1728. 8. FangFang Yu, WangGui Yang, Min Shi*, Photolysis of Diarylvinylcyclopropenes for the Construction of 1-Methylene-8a-aryl-1,8a-dihydroazulene Skeletons. Chem. Commun. 2009, 1392-1394. 9. Guangning Ma, Tao Zhang, Min Shi*, Catalytic Enantioselective Arylation of N-Tosylarylimines with Arylboronic Acids Using C2-Symmetric Cationic N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs) Pd2+ Diaquo Complexes. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 875-878. 10. Xingxing Gu, Feijun Wang*, Minghui Qi, Lixiong Shao, Min Shi*, Synthesis of 2 Promoted Ring-Opening Reactions of Vinylidenecyclopropanes and Their Application in Suzuki Coupling Reaction. Organometallics 2009, 28, 1569-1574. 11. ShiJia Liu, Lianjun Liu, Min Shi*, Preparation of Novel Axially Chiral NHC-Pd(II) Complexes and Their Application in Oxidative Kinetic Resolution of Secondary Alcohols. Applied Organometa. Chem. 2009, 23, 183-190. 12. ZhiBin Zhu, LiXiong Shao*, Min Shi*, Bronsted Acid- or Solid Acid-Catalyzed Aza-Diels-Alder Reactions of Methylenecyclopropanes with Ethyl (Arylimino)acetates. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 2576-2580. 13. Wenfeng Wang, Tao Zhang, Min Shi*, Chiral Bis(NHC)-Pd(II) Complexes-Catalyzed and Diethylzinc-Mediated Enantioselective Umpolung Allylation of Aldehydes. Organometallics 2009, 28, 2640-2642. 14. Guangning Ma, Shuhua Cao, Min Shi*, Chiral phosphine-catalyzed regio- and enantioselective allylic amination of Morita-Baylis-Hillman acetates. Tetrahedron : Asymmetry 2009, 20, 1086-1089. 15. Zhiliang Yuan, Jiajun Jiang, Min Shi*, The Application of Chiral Phosphine-Schiff base Type Ligands in Silver(I)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Vinylogous Mannich Reaction of Aldimines with Trimethylsiloxyfuran. Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 6001-6007. 16. Zhibin Zhu, Yin Wei, Min Shi*, Acid-Catalyzed Cascade Reactions of Arylvinylcyclopropenes with Acetals and Aldehydes for the Construction of Different Aromatic Systems. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 7543-7548. 17. Lianjun Liu, Feijun Wang* , Min Shi*, Synthesis of Chiral Bis(N-Heterocyclic Carbene) Palladium and Rhodium Complexes with 1,1’-Biphenyl Scaffold and Their Application in Asymmetric Catalysis. Organometallics 2009, 28, 4416-4420. 18. Guangning Ma, Jiajun Jiang, Min Shi*, Yin Wei, Recent extensions of Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction. Chem. Commun. 2009, 5496-5514. 19. Liangfeng Yao, Min Shi*, Nd(OTf)3 Catalyzed Cascade Reactions of Vinylidenecyclopropanes with Enynol, A New Method for the Construction of 5-7-6 Tricyclic Framework and Its Scope and Limitations. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 4036-4040. 20. Liang-Feng Yao, Min Shi*, Lewis Acid-catalyzed Reactions of Bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)methanol with Methylenecyclopropanes. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 4971-4983. 21. Xuguang Liu, Yin Wei*, Min Shi*, The Reaction of Acyl Cyanides with “Huisgen Zwitterion”: an Interesting Rearrangement Involving Ester Group Migration between Oxygen and Nitrogen Atoms. Org. Bio. Chem. 2009, 7, 4708-4714. 22. Zhibin Zhu, Min Shi*, Palladium(II) Acetate-catalyzed Tandem Cycloisomerization and Oxidation of Arylvinylcyclopropenes Using p-Benzoquinone as Oxidant and Pro-nucleophile. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 5278-5281. 23. Liangfeng Yao, Yin Wei, Min Shi*, Silver and Gold-Catalyzed Intramolecular Rearrangement of Propargylic Alcohols Tethered with Methylenecyclopropanes: Stereoselective Synthesis of Allenylcyclobutanols and 1-Vinyl- 3-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-8-one Derivatives. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 9466-9469. 二、客座人员论文目录(按通讯作者姓氏首字母排序) 1. Lei Lu, Weiguo Cao*, Jie Chen, Hui Zhang, Jiaping Zhang, Huiyun Chen, Jiamei Wei, Hongmei Deng, Min Shao, A Facile Steroselective Synthesis of 2-Perfluoroalkyl-3a,4,5,6-tetrahydroimidazo[1,5-b] isoxazoles. J. Fluorine Chem. 2009, 130, 295-300 2. Ying Liu, Dong Zhou, Zhongjiao Ren, Weiguo Cao*, Jie Chen, Hongmei Deng, Qing Gu, A Green Efficient Synthesis of Spiro[indoline-3,4’(1H’)-pyrano-[2,3-c]pyrazol]-2-one Derivatives. J. Chem. Res. 2009, 3, 154-156. 3. Weiqi Tong, Changqing Wang, Wenwen Zhao, Jie Chen, Xiaoyu Wu, Min Zhang, Hongmei Deng, Min Shao, Zhongjiao Ren, Weiguo Cao*, Facile, Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of Cyclopropyl Benzoimidazoles via Cyclopropanation of Olefin with Arsonium Ylides. Synth. Commun. 2009, 39, 3471-3481. 4. Lei Lu, Jiamei Wei, Jie Chen, Jiaping Zhang, Hongmei Deng, Min Shao, Hui Zhang, Weiguo Cao*, A Simple and Convenient Synthesis of 2-(Perfluoroalkyl)-4H-chromenes from Salicyl N-Tosylimines or Salicylaldehydes with Methyl 2-Perfluoroalkynoates. Tetrahedron 2009, 65, 9152-9156. 5. 王猛, 张慧, 陈杰, 吴小余, 邓红梅, 邵敏, 曹卫国*, 氮叶立德高立体选择性地合成 螺[环丙烷-1,4’-吡唑啉-5’-酮]衍生物反应的研究, 有机化学 2009, 29, 1611-1616. 6. Qian Geng, Hui Zhang, Weiguo Cao*, Yali Chen. A Facile Synthesis of N-Aryl Substituted Piperidones. Chin. J. Chem. 2009, 27,1995-2000. 7. Na Zhao, Yuhui Wu, Huimin Wen, Xu Zhang, Zhongning Chen*, Conversion from ILCT to LLCT/MLCT Excited State by Heavy Metal Ion Binding in Iridium(III) Complexes with Functionalized 2,2’-Bipyridyl Ligands, Organometallics 2009, 28, 5603–5611. 8. Jun Ni, Yuhui Wu, Xu Zhang, Bin Li, Liyi Zhang, Zhongning Chen*, Luminescence Vapochromism of a Platinum(II) Complex for Detection of Low Molecular Weight Halohydrocarbon, Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 10202–10210. 9. Jun Ni, Liyi Zhang, Zhongning Chen*, Syntheses, Characterization and Sensitized Lanthanide Luminescence of Heteronuclear Pt-Ln (Ln = Eu, Nd, Yb) Complexes with 2,2’-Bipyridyl Ethynl Ligands, J. Organomet. Chem. 2009, 694, 339-345. 10. Jiayao, Yao, Zuo Xiao, Jianxin Zhang, Xiaobing Yang, Liangbing Gan*, Wenxiong Zhang*, Switched role of fullerene in the Diels-Alder reaction: facile addition of dienophiles to the conjugated fullerene diene moiety Chem. Commun. 2009, 4, 401-403. 11. Jiayao Yao, DazhiYang, Zuo Xiao, Liangbing Gan*, ZhemingWang*, Synthesis of Fullerene Oxides Containing Both 6,6-Closed Epoxide and 5,6-Open Ether Moieties through Thermolysis of Fullerene Peroxides J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 3528-3531. 12. Chunxiao Song, Guixin Cai, Thomas R. Farrell, Zhongping Jiang, Hu Li, Liangbing Gan*, Zhangjie Shi*, Direct functionalization of benzylic C-Hs with vinyl acetates via Fe-catalysis. Chem. Commun. 2009, 40, 6002-6004. 13. Feng Sha, Xian Huang*, A Multicomponent Reaction of Arynes, Isocyanides, and Terminal Alkynes: Highly Chemo- and Regioselective Synthesis of Polysubstituted Pyridines and Isoquinolines, Angew. Chem.Int. Ed., 2009, 48(18), 3458-3461. 14. Ruwei Shen, Xian Huang*, Unexpected Multiple Electrophilic Addition Reaction of (Z)-Alk-2-en-4-ynoates with N,N-Dibromo-p-toluenesulfonamide (TsNBr2): A Highly Diastereoselective Synthesis of Densely Functionalized Aziridines, Org. Lett. 2009, 5698-5701. 15. Chenliang Su, Xian Huang*, Lewis Acid-Mediated Selective Cycloadditions of Vinylidenecyclopropanes with Aromatic Aldehydes: An Efficient Protocol for the Synthesis of Benzo[c]fluorene, Furan and Furo[2,3b]furan Derivatives, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 135-140. 16. Ruwei Shen, Linzhu Chen, Xian Huang*, Facile Synthesis of Polycyclic Fluorene Derivatives via a Palladium-catalyzed Coupling, Propargyl-allenyl Isomerization and Schmittel Cyclization Sequence, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 2833-2838. 17. Xian Huang*, Shugao Zhu, Rugui Shen, Palladium-catalyzed Sequential Reaction via Allene Intermediates for the Rapid Synthesis of Fused Polycyclic Pyrrole Derivatives, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 3118-3122. 18. Ruwei Shen, Shugao Zhu, Xian Huang*, An Unexpected Pd-catalyzed Coupling, Propargyl-allenyl Rearrangement and Alder-ene reaction: Facile Synthesis of Some Not-readily Available 2,3-Dihydrofuran Derivatives, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 4118-4123. 19. Maozhong Miao, Xian Huang*, Organo-selenium Induced Radical Ring-Opening Intramolecular Cyclization cyclopropylaldehyde: A or Electrophilic Tunable Cyclization Synthesis of of 2- (Arylmethylene) 1-Naphthaldehydes or 3-Oxabicyclo[3.1.0]hexan-2-ols, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 5636-5639. 20. Chenliang Su, Xian Huang*, Qingyang Liu, Xin Huang, Facile Synthesis of Tetrahydrofurans from Cycloadditions of Vinylidenecyclopropanes with Aldehydes and Further Tunable Transformations for the Construction of Furan, Indene, and Benzo[c]fluorene Derivatives, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 8272-8279. 21. Xian Huang*, Jianfeng Xu, One-Pot Facile Synthesis of Substituted Isoindolinones via an Ugi Four-Component Condensation/Diels−Alder Cycloaddition/ Deselenization−Aromatization Sequence, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 8859-8861. 22. Xian Huang*, Jianfeng Xu, Solid-Phase Synthesis of 2,5-Dihydro-1H-pyrroles, 1,3-Dioxo-2,3,5,7a-tetrahydro-1H-pyrrolo[1,2-c]imidazoles and 1,4-Dioxo-1,2,3,4,6,8ahexahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazines Using a Supported Selenium Resin, J. Comb. Chem. 2009, 350-354. 23. Xian Huang*, Jian Cao, Jianqiang Huang, Solid-Phase Synthesis of Benzofused Tricycles Based on Benzimidazole from Resin-bound 3-(2-aminophenylamino)-2-seleno-ester, J. Comb. Chem. 2009, 515-518. 24. Jianfeng Xu, Xian Huang*, Solid-Phase Synthesis of 2-Pyridones, 1,4-Diazepines, and 1,4-Oxazepines from Resin-Bound 3-Amino-2-seleno Ester, J. Comb. Chem. 2009, 938-942. 25. Ruwei Shen, Xian Huang*, Lingzhu Zhen, A Facile and Efficient Synthesis of Dihydroisobenzofuran Derivatives via Tandem Pd-catalyzed Coupling, Propargyl-allenyl Rearrangement, [4 + 2] Cycloaddition and Aromatization Reaction, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2008, 2865-2870. 26. Xian Huang*, Tiexin Zhang, Multicomponent reactions of pyridines, alpha-bromo carbonyl compounds and silylaryl triflates as aryne precursors: a facile one-pot synthesis of pyrido[2,1-a]isoindoles, Tedrahedron Lett. 2009, 208-211. 27. Tiexin Zhang, Xian Huang*, Jian Xue, Sha Sun, Ring expansion reaction of alpha-sulfonyl cyclic ketones via insertion of arynes into C-C: a facile and mild access to medium- and large-sized benzannulated carbocycles, Tedrahedron Lett. 2009, 1290-1294. 28. Bo Meng, Lei Yu, Xian Huang*, Difunctional Additions to1-Cyclopropylallenes: An Efficient and Stereospecific Method for the Synthesis of 2,6- Difunctional-1,3-hexadienes, Tedrahedron Lett. 2009, 1947-1950. 29. Chenliang Su, Qingyang Liu, Yong Ni, Xian Huang*, An Efficient Synthesis of Polysubstituted Tetrahydrofuran and Indene Derivatives Via The Lewis Acid-Mediated Cycloadditions of VCPs with Aldehydes, Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 4381-4383. 30. Yewei Yang, Chenliang Su, Qingyang Liu, Xian Huang*, Halohydroxylation of alkylidenecyclopropanes using N-halosuccinimide (NXS) as the halogen source: an efficient synthesis of halocyclopropylmethanol and 3-halobut-3-en-1-ol derivatives, Tedrahedron Lett. 2009, 5754-5756. 31.Feng Sha, Ying Lin, Xian Huang*, High Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of (Z)- or (E)-N-Acryl Butenedioic Monoimide Derivatives by a Multicomponent Reaction, Synthesis, 2009, 424-430. 32. Anjun Chen, Riyuan Lin, Qingjian Liu, Ning Jiao*, Fe-catalyzed Highly Selective Ring Expansion of Alkynylcyclopropyl Alkanols to Cyclobutanols. Chem. Commun. 2009, 6842-6844. 33. Zhuangzhi Shi, Shengtao Ding, Yuxin Cui, Ning Jiao*, Pd-catalyzed Oxidative Cycloaromatization of Biaryls with Alkynes Using Dioxygen as Oxidant. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7895-7898. 34. Shikai Xiang, Li-He Zhang, Ning Jiao*, Sp-sp3 C-C Bond Formation via Fe(OTf)3/TfOH Cocatalyzed Coupling Reaction of Terminal Alkynes with Benzylic Alcohols. Chem. Commun. 2009, 6487-6489. 35. Wang Zhou, Liangren Zhang, Ning Jiao*, Direct Transformation of Methyl Aromatics to Aryl Nitriles at Room Temperature. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7094-7097. 36. Yijin Su, Ning Jiao*, Control of Chemo-, Regio-, and Stereoselectivities in Ligand-Free Pd-Catalyzed Oxidative Heck Reactions of Arylboronic Acids or Alkenylboronate with Allyl Esters. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2980-2983. 37. Zhuangzhi Shi, Chun Zhang, Si Li, Delin Pan, Sengtao Ding, Yuxin Cui, Ning Jiao*, Indoles from Simple Anilines and Alkynes: Palladium-Catalyzed C-H Activation Using Dioxygen as the Oxidant. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 4572-4576. 38. Wang Zhou, Liangren Zhang, Ning Jiao*, The Tandem Reaction Combining Radical and Ionic Processes: An Efficient Approach to Substituted 3,4-Dihydro- quinolin-2-ones. Tetrahedron. 2009, 65, 1982-1987. 39. Si Li, Wei Jia, Ning Jiao*, Copper/Iron Cocatalyzed Highly Selective Tandem Reactions: Efficient Approaches to Z-γ-Alkylidene Lactones. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 569-575. 40. Zhenhong Wei, Hongxi Li, Meiling Cheng, Xiaoyan Tang, Yang Chen, Yong Zhang, Jianping Lang*, Monomeric, Dimeric and Polymeric W/Cu/S Clusters based on [Et4N][Tp*W(μ3-S)3(CuBr)3] and Various Nitrogen Donor Ligands, Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48, 2808-2817. 41. Zhenhong Wei, Hongxi Li, Zhigang Ren, Jianping Lang*, Yong Zhang, Zhenrong Sun, Stepwise Addition of CuNCS onto [Et4N][Tp*WS3]: Design, Syntheses, Structures and Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties, Dalton Trans, 2009, 3425-3433. 42. Zhigang Ren, Junyi Yang, Yinling Song, Niya Li, Hongxi Li, Zhenhong Wei, Yang Chen, Yong Zhang, Jianping Lang*, From trans-[(η5-C5Me5)2Mo2S2(μ-S)4] to [(η5-C5Me5)2Mo2(μ3-S)4(CuMeCN)2]2+ to [(η5-C5Me5)2Mo2(μ3-S)4Cu2]-Based Polymeric and Dimeric Clusters: Syntheses, Structures and Enhanced Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Performances, Dalton Trans, 2009, 2578-2587. 43. Yang Chen, Ziou Wang, Zhigang Ren, Hongxi Li, Duanxiu Li, Dong Liu, Yong Zhang, Jianping Lang*, Solvothermal Stepwise Formation of Cu/I/S-Based Semiconductors from a Three-Dimensional Net to One-Dimensional Chains, Cryst. Growth & Des., 2009, 9, 4963-4968. 44. Liqun Jin, Hua Zhang, Peng Li, Sowa, J. R., Aiwen Lei*, What is the Rate of the Csp2-Csp2 Reductive Elimination Step? Revealing an Unusually Fast Ni-Catalyzed Negishi-Type Oxidative Coupling Reaction J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 9892-9893. 45. Liqun Jin, Chao Liu, Jing Liu, Fang Hu, Yu Lan, Batsanov, A. S.; Howard, J. A. K.; Marder, T. B.; Aiwen Lei*, Revelation of the Difference between Arylzinc Reagents Prepared from Aryl Grignard and Aryllithium Reagents Respectively: Kinetic and Structural Features J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 16656-16657 46. Qiang Liu, Yu Lan, Jing Liu, G.ang Li, Yudong Wu*, Aiwen Lei*, Revealing a Second Transmetalation Step in the Negishi Coupling and Its Competition with Reductive Elimination: Improvement in the Interpretation of the Mechanism of Biaryl Syntheses J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 10201-10210. 47. Haibo Wang, Jing Liu, Yi Deng, Tianyin Min, Ganxiang Yu, Xiaojun Wu, Zhen Yang, Aiwen Lei*, Pincer Thioamide and Pincer Thioimide Palladium Complexes Catalyze Highly Efficient Negishi Coupling of Primary and Secondary Alkyl Zinc Reagents at Room Temperature Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 1499-1507 48. Heng Zhang, Xiancai Luo, Wongkhan, K., Hui Duan, Qiang Li, Lizheng Zhu, Jian Wang, Batsanov, A. S., Howard, J. A. K., Marder, T. B.*, AiwenLei*, Acceleration of Reductive Elimination of [Ar-Pd-Csp3] by a Phosphine/Electron-Deficient Olefin Ligand: A Kinetic Investigation Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 3823-3829. 49. Xuehua Zhu, Zhu Du, Fan Xu, Qi Shen*, Ytterbium Triflate: A Highly Active Catalyst for Addition of Amines to Carbodiimides to N’,N’’ -Trisubstituted Guanidines J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 6347–6349. 50. Tao Cai , Xiaoniu Chen , Fan Xu , Yong Zhang , Yingming Yao , Qi Shen*, Synthesis and molecular structures of lanthanocene amide complexes and their catalytic activity for addition of amines to nitriles. J. Organomet. Chem. 2009, 694, 3167–3171. 51. Junfeng Wang, Junmei Li, Fan Xu, Qi Shen*, Anionic Bridged Bis(amidinate) Lithium Lanthanide Complexes: Efficient Bimetallic Catalysts for Mild Amidation of Aldehydes with Amines. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 1363 – 1370. 52. Junmei Li, Fan Xu, Yong Zhang, Qi Shen*, Heterobimetallic Lanthanide/Sodium Phenoxides: Efficient Catalysts for Amidation of Aldehydes with Amines J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 2575–2577. 53. Cunwei Qian, Xingmin Zhang, Junmei Li, Fan Xu, Yong Zhang, Qi Shen*, Trisguanidinate Lanthanide Complexes: Syntheses, Structures, and Catalytic Activity for Mild Amidation of Aldehydes with Amines. Organometallics 2009, 28, 3856–3862. 54.Bijie Li, Li Xu, Zhenhua Wu, Bingtao Guan, Changliang Sun, Biqin Wang, Zhangjie Shi*, Cross-Coupling of Alkenyl/Aryl Carboxylates with Grignard Reagent via Fe-Catalyzed C-O Bond Activation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 14656-14657. 55.Dagang Yu, Miao Yu, Bingtao Guan, Bijie Li, Yang Zheng, Zhenhua Wu, Zhangjie Shi*, Carbon-Carbon Formation via Ni-Catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling through C-CN Bond Cleavage of Aryl Nitrile. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 3374-3377. 56.Yizhou Li, Bijie Li, Xingyu Lu, Song Lin, Zhangjie Shi*, Cross Dehydrogenative Arylation (CDA) of a Benzylic C-H Bond with Arenes by Iron Catalysis. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3817-3820. 57. Haiying Deng, Jianrong He, Mei Pan*, Lei Li, Chengyong Su*, Synergistic metal and anion effects on the formation of coordination assemblies from a N,N-bis(3-pyridylmethyl)naphthalene diimide ligand, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 909-917. 58. Yongru Liu, Lei Li, Tao Yang, Xingwen Yu, Chengyong Su*, Dehydration and rehydration behavior of a trinodal topological 3-D framework of Cd(II) benzimidazole-5,6-dicarboxylate, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 2712–2718. 59. Yongru Liu, Lisi He, Jianyong Zhang*, Xiaobing Wang, Cheng-Yong Su*, Evolution of Spherical Assemblies to Fibrous Networked Pd(II) Metallogels from a Pyridine-Based Tripodal Ligand and Their Catalytic Property, Chem. Mater. 2009, 21(3), 557–563. 60. Yongru Liu, Tao Yang, Lei Li, Junmin Liu, Chengyong Su*, Two-Dimensional Layered Metal–Organic Frameworks of Lanthanum(III) Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate, Aust. J. Chem. 2009, 62, 1667–1674. 61. Shuang Luo, Bo Shen, Bin Li, Haibin Song, Shansheng Xu, Baiquan Wang*, Synthesis, structures and polymerization catalytic properties of doubly bridged biscyclopentadienyl dinuclear (μ-oxo) titanium complexes, Organometallics 2009, 28, 3109-3112. 62. Kun Xu, Bin Li, Shansheng Xu, Haibin Song, Baiquan Wang*, Reactions of dihydrooctamethyl-s- indacene and 1,2,3,4,7-pentamethylindene with Ru3(CO)12: Intramolecular sp3 CH activation, Organometallics 2009, 28, 4438-4442. 63. Shuang Luo, Xi Zhao, Bin Mu, Haibin Song, Shansheng Xu, Baiquan Wang*, Diels-Alder reactions of benzyne with indenyl and fluorenyl ruthenium complexes, Organometallics 2009, 28, 4602-4605. 64. Congying Zhang, Yang Zhao, Bin Li, Haibin Song, Shansheng Xu, Baiquan Wang*, The intramolecular sp2 and sp3 C-H bond activation of (p-cymene)ruthenium(II) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes, Dalton Trans. 2009, 5182-5189. 65. Congying Zhang, Feng Luo, Bin Cheng, Bin Li, Haibin Song, Shansheng Xu, Baiquan Wang*, Reactions of indenyl-functionalized imidazolium salts and N-heterocyclic carbenes with Ru3(CO)12, Dalton Trans. 2009, 7230-7235. 66. Qing Xiao, Jian Ma, Yang Yang, Yan Zhang, Jianbo Wang*, Pd-Catalyzed C=C Double Bond Formation by Coupling of N-Tosylhydrazones with Benzyl Halides. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 4732-4735. 67. Changkun Li, Fanyang Mo, Weibin Li, Jianbo Wang*, AuPPh3Cl/AgOTf-Catalyzed Reaction of Terminal Alkynes: Nucleophilic Addition to Activated C=O Bond. Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 6053-6056. 68. Changkun Li, Yi Zeng, Jianbo Wang*, Au-catalyzed isomerization of cyclopropenes: a novel approach to indene derivatives. Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 2956–2959. 69. Yan Zhang, Jianbo Wang*, Recent Development of Reactions with alpha-Diazocarbonyl Compounds as Nucleophiles. Chem. Commun. 2009, 5350-5361. 70. Pinhua Li, Yicheng Zhang, Lei Wang*, Iron-Catalyzed Ligand-Free Three-Component Coupling Reactions of Aldehydes, Terminal Alkynes, and Amines. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 2045–2049. 71. Yicheng Zhang, Pinhua Li, Min Wang, Lei Wang*, Indium-Catalyzed Highly Efficient Three-Component Coupling of Aldehyde, Alkyne, and Amine via CH Bond Activation. J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74(11), 4364–4367. 72. Min Wang, Kai Ren, Lei Wang*, Iron-Catalyzed Ligand-Free CSe (Te) Coupling of Arylboronic Acids with Diselenides and Ditellurides. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 1586–1594. 73. Min Wang, Kai Ren, Lei Wang*, Lewis Acid InBr3-Catalyzed Arylation of Diorgano Diselenides and Ditellurides with Arylboronic Acids. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 4858–4861. 74. Lei Wang*, Hongji Li, Pinhua Li, Task-specific Ionic Liquid as Base, Ligand and Reaction Medium for the Palladium-catalyzed Heck Reaction. Tetrahedron 2009, 65(1), 364–368. 75. Jincan Yan, Lei Wang*, Asymmetric Aldol Reactions Catalyzed by Efficient and Recyclable Silica-supported Proline-based Peptides. Chirality 2009, 15, 413–420. 76. Zuli Wang, Jincan Yan, Xiuli Zhang, Lei Wang*, Merrifield Resin Supported Ionic Liquids/L-Proline as Efficient and Recyclable Catalyst Systems for Asymmetric Aldol Reaction. Synthesis 2009, (22), 3744–3750. 77. Xiaofang Chen, Lei Wang*, Homo-coupling of Aryl Iodides and Bromides Catalyzed by Immobilized Palladium with a Bidentate Nitrogen Ligand. Chin. J. Chem. 2009, 27, 2037–2042. 78. Xiaofang Chen, Lei Wang*, Jie Liu, Kumada Cross-Coupling of Aryl Grignard Reagents with Aryl Halides Catalyzed by an Immobilized Nickel Catalyst. Synthesis 2009, (14), 2408–2412. 79. Xiancui Zhu, Jiaxi Fan, Yunjun Wu, Shaowu Wang*, Lijun Zhang, Gaosheng Yang, Yun Wei, Chengwei Yin, Hong Zhu, Shihong Wu, Hongtao Zhang, Synthesis, Characterization, Selective Catalytic Activity, and Reactivity of Rare Earth Metal Amides with Different Metal-Nitrogen Bonds. Organometallics 2009, 28, 3882-3888. 80. Yunjun Wu, Shaowu Wang*, Lijun Zhang, Gaosheng Yang, Xiancui Zhu, Chao Liu, Chengwei Yin, Jiewei Rong, Efficient guanylation of aromatic and teterocyclic amines catalyzed by cyclopentadienyl-free rare earth metal amides. Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2009, 362, 2814-2819. 81. Yimin Hu*, Fengfa Song, Fenghua Wu, Dong Cheng, Shaowu Wang*, An Efficient Construction of Tri- and Tetracyclic Heterocycles from Linear 1,6-Dienes by Domino Reaction. Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 3110-3117. 82. Zhiyuan Chen, Xiaodi Yang, Jie Wu*, AgOTf-Catalyzed tandem reaction of N'-(2-alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazide with alkyne, Chem. Commun. 2009, 3469-3471. 83. Shengqing Ye, Ke Gao, Haibo Zhou, Xiaodi Yang, Jie Wu*, Synthesis of 1-methyleneindenes via palladium-catalyzed tandem reactions, Chem. Commun. 2009, 5406-5408. 84. Zhiyuan Chen, Qiuping Ding, Xingxin Yu, Jie Wu*, Silver triflate-catalyzed or electrophile-mediated tandem reaction of N'-(2-alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazide with dimethyl acetylene dicarboxylate, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 1692-1698. 85. Zhiyuan Chen, Xingxin Yu, Mingchao Su, Xiaodi Yang, Jie Wu*, Multicatalytic tandem reactions of 2-alkynylbenzaldoximes with isocyanides, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2009, 351, 2702-2708. 86. Qiuping Ding, Zhiyong Wang, Jie Wu*, Tandem electrophilic cyclization-[3+2] cycloaddition-rearrangement reactions of 2-alkynylbenzaldoxime, DMAD, and Br2, J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 921-924. 87. Yong Luo, Jie Wu*, Palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions of aryl imidazolylsulfonates with H-phosphonate diesters, Organometallics 2009, 28, 6823-6826. 88. Qiuping Ding, Xiaodan He, Jie Wu*, Synthesis of 2-aminobenzothiazole via copper(I)-catalyzed tandem reaction of 2-iodobenzenamine with isothiocyanate, J. Comb. Chem. 2009, 11, 587-591. 89. Xingxin Yu, Jie Wu*, Synthesis of functionalized isoquinolines via sequential cyclization/cross- coupling reactions, J. Comb. Chem. 2009, 11, 895-899. 90. Qiuping Ding, Xi-Gen Huang, Jie Wu*, Facile synthesis of benzothiazoles via cascade reactions of 2-iodoanilines, acid chlorides and Lawesson’s reagent, J. Comb. Chem. 2009, 11, 1047-1049. 91. Zhiyong Wang, Qiuping Ding, Xiaodan He, Jie Wu*, Palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative cross-coupling reaction of acrylic acid with aryl iodide, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 863-865. 92. Xingxin Yu, Xiaodi Yang, Jie Wu*, Multicatalytic tandem reaction of N'-(2-alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazide with indole, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 4526-4530. 93. Zhiyuan Chen, Mingchao Su, Xingxin Yu, Jie Wu*, Synthesis of functionalized H-pyrazolo[5,1-a]isoquinolines via sequential reactions of N'-(2-alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazides, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 4641-4646. 94. Qiuping Ding, Zhiyong Wang, Jie Wu*, Tandem cyclization-[3+3] cycloaddition reactions of 2-alkynylbenzaldoxime: synthesis of fused 1,2-dihydroisoquinolines, Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 198-200. 95. Qiuping Ding, Zhiyuan Chen, Yiyuan Peng, Jie Wu*, Highly efficient electrophilic cyclization of N'-(2-alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazides, Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 340-342. 96. Yong Luo, Jie Wu*, Palladium-catalyzed direct arylation of 4-hydroxycoumarins with arylboronic acids via C-OH bond activation, Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 2103-2105. 97. Xingxin Yu, Qiuping Ding, Zhiyuan Chen, Jie Wu*, Lewis acid-catalyzed reactions of N'-(2-alkynylbenzylidene)hydrazides with diethyl phosphite, Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 4279-4282. 98. 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Wei Liu, Di Chen, XiaZhen Zhu, XiaoLong Wan, XueLong Hou*, Highly Diastereoand Enantioselective Pd-Catalyzed Cyclopropanation of Acyclic Amides with Substituted Allyl Carbonates , J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 8734-8735. 5. BaiLin Lei, ChangHua Ding, XiaoFei Yang, XiaoLong Wan, XueLong Hou*, Highly Efficient Kinetic Resolution of 2-Substituted-2,3-Dihydro-4-Quinolones by Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Alkylation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 18250-18251. 6. Tao Wu, Guoyin Yin, Guosheng Liu*, Palladium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Aminofluorination of Alkenes, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 16354-16355. 7. Xiaoping Fu, Jingjin Chen, Guangyu Li, Yuanhong Liu*, Diverse Reactivity of Zirconacyclocumulenes Derived from Coupling of Benzynezirconocenes with 1,3-Butadiynes towards Acyl Cyanides: Synthesis of Indeno[2,1-b]pyrroles or [3]Cumulenones. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5500 –5504. 8. Wei Shu, Guochen Jia, Shengming Ma*, Palladium-Catalyzed Three-Component Cascade Cyclization Reaction of Bisallenes with Propargylic Carbonates and Organoboronic Acids: Efficient Construction of cis-Fused Bicyclo [4.3.0] nonenes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 2788-2791. 9. Tao Bai, Shengming Ma*, Guochen Jia*, Insertion Reactions of Allenes with Transition Metal Complexes, Coord. Chem. Rev. 2009, 253, 423-448. 10. Xiao-Hong Yang, Chun-Rong Liu, Cong Wang, Xiu-Li Sun, Yang-Hui Guo, Xin-Ke Wang, Zheng Wang, Zuowei Xie, Yong Tang*, [O-NSR]TiCl3-Catalyzed Copolymerization of Ethylene with Functionalized Olefins, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 8099–8102. 11. Sunewang R. Wang, Chun-Yin Zhu, Xiu-Li Sun, Yong Tang*, Reaction of Allylic Phosphoranes with Iron Porphyrin Carbenoids: Efficient, Selective, and Catalytic Intermolecular Formal Carbenoid Insertion into Olefinic C-H Bonds, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 4192-4193. 12. Shuli You*, Quan Cai, Mi Zeng, Chiral Brønsted Acids Catalyzed Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Reaction, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2009, 38, 2190-2201. 13. Hu He, Wenbo Liu, Lixin Dai, Shuli You*, Ir-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Styrene Derivatives with Allylic Carbonates: Free Amine Assisted Vinyl C-H Bond Activation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 8346-8347. 14. Quan Cai, Zhuoan Zhao, Shuli You*, Asymmetric Construction of Polycyclic Indoles through Olefin Cross-Metathesis/Intramolecular Friedel-Crafts Alkylation under Sequential Catalysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 7428-7431.