June 2016 - Healthwatch Milton Keynes

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th June 2015
at 2 pm at the Peartree Centre, Peartree Bridge, Milton Keynes.
Management Board:Hilda Kirkwood (Chair) (HK)
Marion Wale (Deputy Chair)(MW)
Mike Newton (MN)
Nadia Shaw (NS)
Alan Hancock (AH)
Carolyn Peirson (CP)
Gail Hawks(GH)- Co-opted
Lesley Bell (LB)- Co-opted
Paul Griffiths (PG) - AUK. MK
Sue Graham (SG) -AUK. MK
Support Team:Diane Gordon (DG)-Support Team Manager
Phil Winsor– (PW) -Healthwatch Officer
Members of the public in attendance:None
Jane Palmer
Declarations of Interest
Issues raised by Members of the Public
Minutes of last meeting – 27th May 2015
Agreed and signed by the Chairperson as an accurate record.
Minutes - Healthwatch Milton Keynes Management Group
Matters Arising from minutes not elsewhere on the Agenda.
Minute 351
DG confirmed that she had attended training on the Mental Capacity
Act (MCA) and is going to attend training on Deprivation of Liberty
Safeguards (DOLS).
GH asked if information had been received regarding the changes to
the Mental Health legislation DG confirmed that this would be
Patient Congress (PC)
The Terms of Reference had been received and circulated. It was
agreed that there is a need to move to a more formal understanding
between HWMK and PC so a meeting between the respective Chairs,
Vice-Chairs and DG would be arranged through Paul Winter – July 13th
am and 14th pm were suggested.
Minute 352
Host structure
PG was asked if the new arrangements are available for circulation. As
they had just been finalised copies would be provided forthwith.
Minute 357
Issue 15 – no feedback has been received regarding access audit
results at hospital - work in progress
Issue 20 – Information regarding the new temporary hospital front
door, access and parking arrangements had been received by PG who
advised that the information had been emailed yesterday evening.
Hard copy maps could be circulated immediately. DG will talk to the
MKUH Communications Team about the lack of information in the
public domain on this issue.
Host Update
PG advised that there was nothing organisationally to report.
A house cleaning service is now available.
SG advised that the enhanced’ home from hospital ‘service volunteers
had flagged a number of unforeseen and challenging issues for the host
managers to deal with.
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Updates from Sub Groups
(a) Communications
AH advised that the Communications Strategy had been revised and a
draft will be discussed at a later date. It now links to the overall HWMK
AH suggested that the sub group look at the Communication report on
social media contacts etc produced by the Google Analytical format
without commentary.
HK commented that young people are using Facebook and Twitter less
with other formats such as Instagram taking a greater share. DG
confirmed that HWMK is signed up to Instagram but we need to
purchase a new phone.
A new Engagement and Relationship Group will need to be set up and
an inaugural meeting arranged once the Central Consultancy & Training
work has been completed. AH has prepared a draft strategy.
(b) November Event
DG confirmed that information on Market Research options are still
awaited from the centre: mk consultant. An alternative option would
be for HWMK volunteers to canvass the opinions of those attending with
the Support Team undertaking the analysis.
In order to make the event financially sustainable a revised fee
structure had been developed that was considered to be both fair and
Its was AGREED that the fees would be as follows:Small charity £25 inc VAT
Large charity £50 plus VAT
Statutory bodies etc £75 plus VAT
Commercial £100 plus VAT and
that The Support Team Manager would have devolved discretion on its
implementation in order that the overall financial objective is met so
far as is reasonably practicable.
DG circulated a draft budget for the event which showed a predicted
balance remaining in the fund however this was dependant on selling
the requisite number of stalls. The Board agreed to underwrite the
event from the general funds if there is an overall deficit.
DG would ensure that an explanatory note regarding the 2015 fees
would be included in the application pack.
A further meeting is to be arranged.
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(c) ICT
No meeting had taken place since the last Board Meeting. MN
expressed concern regarding the apparent slow progress being made by
Data Clarity will not be able to provide Portal Constructor from 31st
December 2015.
DG will forward the relevant emails to MN&AH regarding Web in a Box
and CiviCRM. Next meeting will be the 1st July -2 pm at Kiln Farm.
(d) MOU
This has been countersigned and returned by the MK CCG.
This concept needs to be discussed with other key partners e.g. MKUH,
CNWL etc.HK to draft a letter.
(e) Beds & MK Healthcare Review
HK advised that the Programme Board Meeting took place on the 17th
June 2015. Clare Steward is now Programme Director .There has been a
tripartite meeting of NHS England, Monitor and the TDA.A further
meeting is scheduled for the 29th July 2015 to discuss progress on key
It is anticipated that the next round of formal consultation will take
place January – March 2016.
The next Programme Board meeting is scheduled for the 22nd July 2015.
HK will advise if any further information is received.
DG confirmed that she has requested copy of the new structure of the
Review team.
(f) C & YP
No meeting has taken place since the last Board Meeting.
The next event to be attended by YP HW is ‘My Say’ 8th July 2015
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Health update
DG advised that she attended the Prime Minister Challenge Fund
(PMCF) Collaboration Board as a substitute for NS. There are 3
Elements(work streams) :i) C& YP
ii) Rapid response
iii) GP access-extra appointments.
It was suggested that the PMCF Consultants be invited to address a
future Board meeting.
In order that NS can access and engage with GP surgeries during the
staff Protected Learning Time, a letter needs to go to MKCCG.
In respect of the joint working on GP surgeries there needs to be
further contact with Ros Bloor regarding an induction session for the
PDSICG volunteers prior to the letters going out.
Mental Health update
No meeting has taken place since the last Board meeting. However, the
liaison group has met, but to date there are no projects being undertaken.
GH has spoken to the Autism Partnership Board who has suggested doing
something more holistic.
It is anticipated that the Medical director for CNWL in Milton Keynes will
invite HWMK to a meeting regarding the mental health community services
that they provide.
Support Team Manager’s Report (previously circulated)
PPG Networking Meeting
The time available at the meeting on the 10th June was insufficient to
deal satisfactorily with all the questions regarding ‘Care Closer to
Home’. Another meeting will be arranged to deal with this important
issue. PG agreed to be an independent chair and the attendance by
members of the Management Board would be welcomed.( Post Meeting
Note - 15th July 5.30 pm at Peartree)
The MK Health & Wellbeing Board ( MKH&WB) & Strategy
Implementation Group (SIG)
The H&WB meets on the25th June and has a new Chair- Cllr Peter
Marland( Leader of MKC).They will consider the new 3 year Strategy
which has three distinct strands-Starting Well; Living Well; and Ageing
Well. A potential fourth strand “Healthy MK” will now become part of
the three strands in line with the SIG’s viewpoint that all matters
“Place” can be dealt with that way.
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Kingfisher Surgery
The procurement process is on going and should be completed by
October 2015.
Patient Experience Strategy
Remains on hold
Healthwatch England
 Seeking clarification regarding the most appropriate regional
interface. However it was agreed that we need to have good
links with our immediate geographical neighbours in the first
 Better information flows are a key issue.
 Healthwatch East of England meeting at Cambridge on the 19th
June 2015 was not attended due to other priorities.
 National HW conference on 30th June /1st July in Manchester. HK
- both days, DG - day 1.
 Annual Report – final draft completed.
AH suggested that we need to watch developments with NHS Citizen.
Further, there is a new Policy Group on ‘Yammer’ escalated issues
are referred to.
HK attended the CQC Summit meeting on the 18th .Although the overall
status for mental health for adults of working age is red, the CQC has
written to the MKCCG to say that they have no immediate concerns
about the Campbell Centre. All that was needed was to rehang some
doors to establish better privacy, which has now been done. The
situation of Red status for MK mental health- adults of working age has
now been clarified. Still waiting date to meet with Lorna Payne.
The MOU issue is now completed
Tara Richards is now responsible for overall communications &
engagement and Ruth Adams is leading on the B&MK Healthcare Review
– Communication & Engagement.
Operational Matters
Donna Ellis has been appointed as P/T administrator from the 20th July
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Newsletter and Strategy
 Newsletter- circulated
 Summary of Strategy – circulated,
 Members Survey is underway - Deadline 31st July 2015.
 Strategy printed and being launched with key partners.
Forward Planning for Dates
A quotation has been received from the MK Conference CentreOldbrook for the Annual Meeting on the 3oth September 2015 Lunch
1pm-till 2pm followed by the formal business and networking in the
Authorised Representatives
An induction meeting took place on Wednesday 24th June 2015. This
was successful and the AR’s to meet on a quarterly basis.
PLACE Assessments
PW led a debrief session on the 17th June, this provided some
interesting and helpful feedback which will be shared with CNWL and
Quality Accounts
SCAS to be chased up .( Post meeting note –author is on sickness
Operational Review Update
Will be fed into consultants meeting on the 29th June 2015.
Communications & Engagement Officer’s reports circulated.
Any Other Business
(a) CP advised that there is a new campaign regarding disability in
Milton Keynes through her participation in Disability Action.
(b) LB advised that the MKUH -AGM is on the 22nd September 2015 venue TBA.
(c) AH asked if further information had been received from the
MKCCG regarding the Neighbourhood localities. DG advised in the
(d) AH advised that HWE would like intelligence on complaints.
(Post Meeting Note). MKC have confirmed that the O&S work on GP
access and the B&MK Healthcare Review is on hold until such time that
there are formal consultation documents available to review
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Agenda items for the next meeting.
Annual Meeting -20th September 2015
NHS Citizen
Next meeting
July 2015 – 9.30am Kiln Farm
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