Confirmation Preparation Exam A TWO YEAR COMPREHENSIVE

Confirmation Preparation Exam
This exam will test the student's knowledge of basic Catholic beliefs and practices. It will cover material
from all of the four pillars of the Catholic Faith: The profession of faith, liturgy and sacraments, the moral
life, and Christian prayer. A minimum grade of 80% is required to pass the exam.
The Profession of Faith
1. The central mystery of the Catholic faith is the ____________________________.
2. The Church teaches that God created everything that exists out of __________________.
3. Name the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity:
4. The Blessed Trinity can best be described as:
a) 1 God in 3 Persons b) 1 God in 1 Person c) 3 Gods in 3 Persons d) 3 Gods in 1 Person
5. A truth revealed by God, taught by the Church, and requiring all Catholics to believe is called a:
a) Doctrine b) Belief c) Dogma d) Agreement
6. God's existence can be known through his creation by means of human:
a) Faith b) Knowledge c) Reason d) Guessing
7. The fulness of God's Revelation was made known through the person of ________________.
8. Our personal response to God's Revelation of himself is called:
a) Faith b) Knowledge c) Reason d) Guessing
9. The story of the fall of Adam and Eve is contained in what book of the Bible?
a) Exodus b) Corinthians c) Genesis d) Revelation
10. The fall of Adam and Eve through disobedience is referred to as ______________ Sin.
11. Who did God command to build an ark in order to save creation from the flood?
a) Moses b) Noah c) David d) Abraham
12. Who did God call from his home in Ur and promise to make “father of many nations”?
a) Moses b) Noah c) David d) Abraham
13. To whom did God reveal himself as “I AM” in the form of a burning bush?
a) Moses b) Noah c) David d) Abraham
14. As slaves in Egypt, the Israelites were saved from the angel of death by
a) Hiding in caves b) Sacrificing a virgin c) The blood of a lamb d) White magic
15. On Mount Sinai, God established a covenant with his people and gave them the basics of the
moral life called the _____________________________.
16. Who killed Goliath and was made king over all of Israel?
a) Moses b) Noah c) David d) Abraham
17. The prophets foretold that God's “anointed one” or _______________ would one day come to
save his people.
18. What angel announced to Mary that she would give birth to the Messiah?
a) Michael b) Raphael c) Donatello d) Gabriel
19. This event is called called the
a) Assumption b) Ascension c) Annunciation d) Transfiguration
20. At the time, Mary was betrothed (engaged) to a man named ______________________.
21. The Messiah would be born in the city of David called:
a) Nazareth b) Bethlehem c) Galilee d) Jerusalem
22. The dogma of the Incarnation is best summarized in which of the following:
a) Jesus is fully God, but with a human appearance
b) Jesus is fully man, but is adopted as God's Son
c) Jesus is partially God and partially man
d) Jesus is fully God and fully man
23. Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb by the power of the ___________________________.
24. What are the four marks of the Church?
a) One, holy, fruitful, missionary
b) One, missionary, apostolic, holy
c) One, holy, Catholic, apostolic
d) One, Catholic, eternal, missionary
25. An __________________ is a pure spirit with intelligence and will that acts as God's messenger.
26. Human nature is a composition of:
a) body/soul b) soul/spirit c) spirit/heart d) body/heart
27. The Bible is divided into what two main parts:
28. What four books contain an account of the life of Jesus Christ?
__________________, _________________, _________________, ________________
29. These books are also called __________________ meaning “good news.”
30. The dogma of the Immaculate Conception teaches that
a) Jesus was born without any stain of Original Sin
b) Mary was born without any stain of Original Sin
c) Mary was a good and holy woman
d) Jesus was a good and holy man
31. The dogma of Mary's perpetual virginity teaches that
a) Mary was a virgin before, but not after the birth of Jesus
b) Mary was a virgin before and during, but not after the birth of Jesus
c) Mary was a virgin before, during, and after the birth of Jesus
d) Mary was after the birth of Jesus, but not before
32. Which of the following is not an infallible (certain) teaching of the Church about Mary:
a) Mary was conceived without Original Sin
b) Mary was the Mother of God
c) Mary was the New Eve
d) Mary was all powerful
33. The event in which an angel tells Mary she will be the Mother of the Messiah is called the:
a) Ascension b) Assumption c) Annunciation d) Transfiguration
34. Jesus was perfectly obedient to the will of his Father, so we call him the New ___________.
35. For what three primary reasons did the Son of God become a man?
36. The many followers of Jesus are called:
a) Disciples b) Apostles c) Deacons d) Jesuits
37. The twelve men selected by Jesus and given authority to act in his name are the:
a) Disciples b) Apostles c) Deacons d) Jesuits
38. List the names of six of these twelve:
___________________, _____________________, ______________________
___________________, _____________________, ______________________
39. The suffering, death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus into heaven is called the
__________________ Mystery.
40. Jesus was crucified by order of the Roman governor _______________________________.
41. A spear was thrust into Jesus side after his death causing what to flow out?
a) Brilliant light b) Blood and water c) Liquid gold d) Ashes
42. After Jesus death he descended into...
a) Heaven b) Hell c) Purgatory d) Limbo
43. On the “third day” Jesus rose from the dead. This event is called the __________________.
44. Jesus remained with his Apostles for ______ days.
a) 30 b) 40 c) 50 d) 60
45. After this time, Jesus went up to heaven, body and soul. This event is called the:
a) Assumption b) Transfiguration c) Ascension d) Crucifixion
46. What “Advocate” did Jesus promise to send to the Apostles?
a) The Son b) The Archangel Michael c) King David d) The Holy Spirit
47. This “Advocate” descended upon the Apostles in tongues of fire on the day of...
a) Annunciation b) Pentecost c) Easter d) Good Friday
48. This event marked the beginning of what human and Divine institution?
a) The Church b) Israel c) Old Covenant d) Solomon's Temple
49. To whom did Jesus give the “keys to the kingdom” making him our first Pope?
a) John b) Paul c) Timothy d) Peter
50. When the Pope speaks in his official role as Vicar of Christ or with a Church council his teaching is
considered incapable of error, or:
a) Logical b) Trustworthy c) Infallible d) Inspiring
51. The teaching of the Catholic Faith rests on what three pillars? Briefly describe each.
_____________ - ________________________________________________________
_____________ - ________________________________________________________
_____________ - ________________________________________________________
52. What are the traditional “four last things” at the end of earthly life?
__________________, ___________________, _________________, _________________
53. What happens to a person that dies in a state of mortal (serious) sin?
a) Goes to purgatory b) Goes to hell for a time c) Spends eternity in hell
Liturgy, Morality, and Christian Prayer
1. List the three Sacraments of Initiation:
_____________________, _____________________, _______________________
2. List the two Sacraments of Healing:
_________________________, ____________________________
3. List the two Sacraments of Mission:
_________________________, ____________________________
4. Which Sacrament is considered the entrance to the Christian life?
a) Baptism b) Confirmation c) Eucharist d) Holy Orders
5. What are the three Theological Virtues received at Baptism?
a) Faith, Hope, Honesty b) Faith, Hope, Charity c) Hope, Love, Courage d) Hope, Love, Honesty
6. Which three Sacraments cause a permanent, irremovable change in the person?
a) Baptism, Penance, Eucharist
b) Holy Orders, Eucharist, Confirmation
c) Confirmation, Baptism, Eucharist
d) Holy Orders, Baptism, Confirmation
7. What are the three degrees of Holy Orders?
________________________, ________________________, ________________________
8. Which sacrament is necessary for the removal of Original Sin?
a) Penance b) Eucharist c) Baptism d) Confirmation
9. List two of the effects of Baptism:
10. What terms is used to describe the Divine power of God's love acting within us?
a) Actual grace b) Sanctifying grace c) Sacramental grace d) Habitual grace
11. Which sacrament gives the strengthening of the Holy Spirit to bear witness to the Catholic faith in
one's daily life?
a) Baptism b) Confirmation c) Eucharist d) Holy Orders
12. What are the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
_____________________, ______________________, _______________________,
_____________________, ______________________, _______________________,
13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Christian marriage?
a) Life-long b) Between 1 man and 1 woman c) Open to children d) Created by Society
14. Marriage is a living, sacramental sign of the relationship between:
______________________ and ________________________
15. The Church teaches that the Eucharist is the:
a) symbol of Jesus Christ
b) actual presence of Jesus Christ
c) bread and wine eaten by the people
16. A sacrament is best defined as :
a) A sensible sign that gives grace and causes an invisible reality
b) A sensible sign that is symbolic of an invisible reality
c) A sensible sign that reminds us of Jesus
d) A sensible sign that recalls the mysteries of salvation
17. All of the sacraments consist of both:
a) Matter and Words b) Words and Form c) Form and Signs d) Matter and Form
18. Which of the following sacraments is the source of the Church's entire life?
a) Baptism b) Confirmation c) Eucharist d) Penance
19. The Mass is divided into what two main parts:
______________________________, ___________________________________
20. The reading proclaimed by the priest is always from the:
a) Old Testament b) Gospels c) Epistles d) Revelation
21. Prayers on behalf of the Church and the world are offered during the:
a) Penitential rite b) General intercessions c) Collection d) Consecration
22. True or false: Participation at Mass is required on all Sundays and holy days of obligation.
23. List the six feasts which are holy days of obligation in the United States:
_______________________, _______________________, _________________________
_______________________, _______________________, _________________________
24. Which of the following is not prayed during Mass?
a) Nicene Creed b) Gloria c) Stabat Mater d) Sanctus
25. Catholics are obliged to receive holy Communion and the Sacrament of Penance...
a) Once a week b) Once a month c) Once a year d) Once in a lifetime
26. In the Sacrament of Penance, which sins must be confessed specifically regarding the kind of sin
and the number of times committed?
a) Venial sins b) Mortal sins c) Imperfections d) Personal faults
27. What is the assigned prayer or action given by the priest to the person confessing?
a) Devotion b) Penance c) Good intention d) Absolution
28. How long should a person ordinarily fast before receiving holy Communion?
a) One hour b) One day c) One week c) One year
29. What three conditions must all be present at the same time for a sin to be mortal?
1) _________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________
30. The Church teaches that the end (intention) ___________ justifies the means.
a) Always b) Sometimes c) Never d) Often
31. What are the three elements of every moral act?
______________________, ______________________, _______________________
32. For an act to be considered good...
a) All 3 must be good b) 2 of 3 must be good c) 1 of the 3 must be good. d) None
33. The Church teaches that sexual activity outside of Marriage is...
a) Never immoral b) Always immoral c) Depends on the circumstances
34. The Church teaches that killing someone is...
a) Never immoral b) Always immoral c) Depends on the circumstances
35. The Church teaches that the use of contraception is...
a) Never immoral b) Always immoral c) Depends on the circumstances
36. The Church teaches that persons with homosexual attractions are...
a) Made in God's image b) Have great dignity c) Must be respected d) All of the above
37. The Church teaches that homosexual attractions are...
a) Seriously disordered b) Sometimes disordered c) Well ordered d) None of the above
38. The Church teaches that abortion is...
a) Always okay b) Okay in cases of rape or incest c) Always gravely immoral
39. List the 5 Precepts of the Church:
1) ______________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________
40. The judgment of our mind based on what we know to be right and wrong is called:
a) Intelligence b) Reason c) Conscience d) Sense
41. List the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy:
1) ______________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________
42. List the 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy:
1) ______________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________
43. List the following Liturgical seasons in order: Christmas, Ordinary time, Lent, Advent, Easter.
1) _______________________
2) _______________________
3) _______________________
4) _______________________
5) _______________________
6) _______________________
44. List the four Cardinal (Moral) Virtues:
1) ______________________
2) ______________________
3) ______________________
4) ______________________
45. Our conscience must be properly formed by:
a) Popular opinion b) Strong emotions c) Personal preference d) God's Revelation
46. List the Ten Commandments (first three involve relationship with God, rest involve relationship
with neighbor):
1) ______________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________
6) ______________________________________________________
7) ______________________________________________________
8) ______________________________________________________
9) ______________________________________________________
10) _____________________________________________________
47. What are the two “great commandments” which Jesus said are a summary of the whole law:
1) ____________________________________________________________
2) ____________________________________________________________
48. In the space below, write out the following prayers:
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
49. In the space below, please write an essay on why you want to receive the Sacrament of
50. Jesus gave this warning to those who follow after him: “You will be hated by all because of my
name... No disciple is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you...
For, if the world hates you, know that it hated me first.” The Catholic Church is criticized on all sides
because of her traditional pro-life, pro-family teachings which condemns abortion, contraception,
euthanasia, premarital sex, homosexual activity, etc., etc. As a young Catholic, how will you
courageously live and defend the faith in a culture that is increasingly anti-Catholic and anti-God?
51. Please write down any additional questions, doubts, uncertainties or clarifications you still have as
you make your final preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation: