The Arkansas Kennel Club, Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas Membership Application 1. Name(s) of Applicants: ________________________________________________________________ 2. List the dates of three (3) Arkansas Kennel Club General Membership Meetings you have previously attended: a. __________________________________________________ b. __________________________________________________ c. __________________________________________________ 3. Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Street City State ZIP Code If you have resided at this address for less than two (2) years, list previous address below: _______________________________________________________________________________ Street City State ZIP Code 4. Phone Numbers: ______________ Residence 5. Occupation(s): Employer(s): __________________ Work (Optional) ___________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you own dogs? ________Do you show dogs? _______How long have you shown dogs?__________ 7. What breed(s) do you own? ____________________________________________________________ 8. List kennel or breed clubs you are, or have been a member of (use reverse if necessary): Club's Name: ______________________________________ Period of Membership: _____________ Club's Name: ______________________________________ Period of Membership: _____________ 9. In what capacities have you served the above listed clubs (list committees or offices held)? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. In what specific capacities are you willing to serve the Arkansas Kennel Club in its purpose to do everything in its power for the betterment and protection of dogs; to advance the study, breeding, exhibiting, running, and maintenance of pure bred dogs; and to hold annually at least one dog show? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Why do you desire to become a member of the Arkansas Kennel Club (use reverse if necessary)? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 12. How did you learn of the Arkansas Kennel Club? ___________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ By affixing your signature to this Application, you thereby affirm that the information you have provided on this Application is true and correct and that you agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Arkansas Kennel Club and the Rules of the American Kennel Club and agree to the Arkansas Kennel Club Code of Ethics. Enclosed are dues in the amount of $_________(cash/check). Signature of Applicant Signature of Applicant _________________________________________Date _____________________ _________________________________________Date _____________________ -1- The Arkansas Kennel Club, Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas Membership Application YOU ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE THE ENDORSEMENT OF TWO MEMBERS OF THE ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB TO EXECUTE THIS APPLICATION. How long have you known the Applicant(s)? __________________________________________________ Why do you feel the Applicant(s) will be an asset to the Arkansas Kennel Club? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ I HEREBY SPONSOR ____________________________________ FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB. _________________________________________________________________ Signature of Member Date How long have you known the Applicant(s)? __________________________________________________ Why do you feel the Applicant(s) will be an asset to the Arkansas Kennel Club? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ I HEREBY SPONSOR ____________________________________ FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB. _________________________________________________________________ Signature of Member Date ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date Application Received: _________________________________________________ Date Read to Membership: _________________________________________________ Date Voted on by Membership: ______________________________________________ APPLICANT(S) [HAS BEEN ACCEPTED FOR] [HAS BEEN DENIED] MEMBERSHIP. Date Notification Sent: _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Club Secretary Date (Form per Board of Directors Meeting 4/15/87) -2- The Arkansas Kennel Club, Inc. Little Rock, Arkansas Membership Application Arkansas Kennel Club Code of Ethics This code is set forth with the realization that ethics cannot be legislated and that most individuals strive to do what is right. The purpose of the code is to provide a set of principles of practice that the Arkansas Kennel Club Board recommends it's members adhere to as they strive to preserve the quality of pure bred dogs. The code represents the minimum in ethical practices, not rules or laws, and carries no sanctions other than the dictates of one's conscience as he or she strives to promote and protect purebred dogs. The Arkansas Kennel Club will retain the right to expel from membership anyone who fails to follow these principles. l. Members will refrain from any activities which would be detrimental to any dog or to the Arkansas Kennel Club, Inc. They will abide by and uphold the principles of the By-laws of the Arkansas Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club. 2. Members will maintain their dogs in a healthy condition and in a healthy environment and insure that their dogs are not a nuisance to their neighbors or community. 3. Members are urged to foster friendship and offer educational advice and guidance to newcomers and novices, observing the rules of good sportsmanship at all times. 4. Members are strongly urged to join their individual breed clubs and to be familiar with the breed standard, genetic screening recommendations, and code of ethics of said club. 5. Members are encouraged to keep abreast of AKC information on all facets of dog ownership and competition. 6. Members will not breed for, sell, consign or give puppies or adults to pet shops, brokers (retailers), commercial dog wholesalers, dealers, or commercial research facilities. Members shall not purchase puppies from brokers for resale or breeding purposes. 7. Members will consider, primarily, the betterment of the breed when allowing any breeding to take place, both as owner of the stud or the bitch. 8. Members should, to the best of their ability, place puppies only in homes where the owners understand and are prepared to undertake their commitment to responsible dog ownership for the life of the dog. Members are encouraged to use a contract with a take-back/buy-back clause on all dogs bred by them. Owners of stud dogs are encouraged to be mutually responsible for all offspring throughout their lives. 9. Members will use a spay/neuter contract or limited registration in the sale of pet puppies. 10. Members will keep accurate breeding records and furnish each buyer with a signed registration form unless written agreement is made that such papers be withheld and will also furnish a three generation pedigree. 11. All advertising will be honest and not in any way be misleading, misrepresentative, or fraudulent. 12. Any action on the part of the American Kennel Club against a member of the Arkansas Kennel Club will result in expulsion from the Arkansas Kennel Club when all appeals have been exhausted. Voting privileges will be suspended during any appeal period. -3-