Please read the rules before entering the show Rules The judge’s decision is final. Only dogs 6 months of age and over can enter the show. Bitches in season should not be brought to the show. Only undocked or legally docked dogs can enter the show. No flexi or extending leads. All dogs must be kept on the lead and under control. The show is held on a working farm and there will be livestock in the vicinity. 7. No dogs to be left in a vehicle during the day. Dogs can die very quickly in raised temperature even on a warm day. 8. The organisers have the right to refuse entry under Kennel club rules. 9. All poo must be picked up and put in a bin. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We reserve the right the change the schedule according to circumstances arising. The Committee or Show Management cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to Persons, Dogs or Property. Dogs which have won any of the following awards are not eligible for entry at the Companion Dog Show. Challenge Certificate (or any award that counts towards the title of champion under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club). (Pedigree classes only).Reserve Challenge Certificate, (Pedigree classes only). Onecote Village Hall Trust ‘Companion Dog Show’ Sunday 15th September 2013 Douse lane, Onecote, Staffordshire ST13 7RQ To be held under Kennel Club rules and regulations. Registration starts at 10 am and will run all day. Pedigree classes start at 11 am Novelty classes start at 1pm Entry fee £1.50 Rosettes to 6th place . Lots of prizes Stalls and demonstrations Refreshments For more details contact Karen Landon 01538 703568 Pedigree Classes 11am (please note your dog does not have to be registered with the kennel club to enter.) 1. 2. 3. 4. a/v hounds, terriers, gundogs a/v utility, working, pastoral a/v Toy Companion dog class, best condition/best turned out. (This class is limited to members of the Kennel club Companion Dog Club please bring membership Certificates or copy’s as proof of membership) Novelty classes, for all breeds and cross breeds. 1pm 5. Prettiest bitch 6. Handsome dog 7. Cutest Puppy - 6 months – 12 months old 8. Golden Oldie 7+ years old 9. Best Terrier type 10. Best Rescue 11. Dog with the waggiest tail 12. Tricks/ obedience or anything you can do with your dog and would like to show us. 13. Sweetest Expression 14. Junior handler- up to 16 years old very small handlers with large dogs must be accompanied by an adult 15. Loveable rogue 16. Dog the judge would like to take home. Classes 1&2, 5&6, 7& 8 will be run at the same time in different rings