Excel Formatting & Editing Worksheet

Microsoft Office 2007 Fundamentals
Excel Lesson 2: Formatting and Editing Worksheets
Excel Lesson 2: Formatting and Editing Worksheets
Multiple Choice
Select the best response for the following statements.
1. Many of the most common cell formatting options are located on the ____ tab of the Ribbon.
A. Home
B. Insert
C. Page Layout
D. Review
2. Font ____ are changes in the shape or weight of a font’s characters.
A. sizes
B. effects
C. styles
D. colors
3. Which button can be used to change the margin between the border and the text in a cell?
A. Orientation
B. Increase Indent
C. Text Wrap
D. Merge & Center
4. The cell styles available are determined by which ____ has been applied to the workbook.
A. conditional formatting
B. table style
C. number format
D. theme
5. When you create a new workbook, columns are set to a default width of ____ characters.
A. 8
B. 8.43
C. 12
D. 12.75
6. Excel changes the ____ automatically to accommodate the data and font size.
A. row height
B. column width
C. cell style
D. cell alignment
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Microsoft Office 2007 Fundamentals
Excel Lesson 2: Formatting and Editing Worksheets
7. When you insert a new column, it is inserted ____.
A. to the right of the current selection
B. to the left of the current selection
C. at the beginning of the worksheet
D. at the end of the worksheet
8. If you wanted to highlight the top 10 items in a range, which feature would you most likely
A. cell styles
B. table style
C. conditional formatting
D. Format Painter
9. To copy a selection, hold the ____ key while you drag and drop the selection.
A. Shift
B. Alt
C. Enter
D. Ctrl
10. In the Spelling dialog box, you can click the ____ button to correct all instances of the same
A. AutoCorrect
B. Change
C. Change All
D. Ignore All
Fill in the Blank
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct word or words in the blanks provided.
1. A(n)___template____ is a master copy of a certain type of worksheet that has predesigned
layout, style, and formatting.
2. Once you have applied formatting to cells, you can use the ____Format Painter____ button
to add the same formatting to other cells.
3. You can use the ___Text Wrap____ command to display text in a cell on multiple lines so it
is all visible.
4. When you enter a number in a cell, Excel automatically applies the ____General____
5. A(n) ____theme____ is a set of predesigned formatting elements—including colors, fonts,
and effects—that can be applied to an entire workbook
6. When data is formatted as a table, a contextual ____Table Tools Design____ tab is
displayed on the Ribbon
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Microsoft Office 2007 Fundamentals
Excel Lesson 2: Formatting and Editing Worksheets
7. ____Conditional formatting____ is a feature of Excel that enables you to apply specific
formatting to cells that meet specific conditions.
8. The ____Find____ command is useful for locating specific data or moving to a particular
location in the worksheet.
9. The ____Clipboard____ is an area of memory that temporarily stores up to 24 cut or copied
10. When you ____copy____ a selection, you duplicate the contents so you can paste it into
another cell or range without deleting it from its original location.
Step-by-Step EX 2.1
The solution for Step-by-Step EX 2.1 is named Time Sheet XXX.xlsx and is available under
Solutions to Exercises on the Instructor Resources CD.
Step-by-Step EX 2.4
The solution for Step-by-Step EX 2.4 is named Time Sheet2 XXX.xlsx and is available under
Solutions to Exercises on the Instructor Resources CD.
Step-by-Step EX 2.9
The solution for Step-by-Step EX 2.9 is named Team Stats XXX.xlsx and is available under
Solutions to Exercises on the Instructor Resources CD.
Project EX 2-1
The solution for Project EX 2-1 is named Bus Parts XXX.xlsx and is available under Solutions
to Exercises on the Instructor Resources CD.
Project EX 2-2
The solution for Project EX 2-2 is named Bus Parts2 XXX.xlsx and is available under
Solutions to Exercises on the Instructor Resources CD.
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Microsoft Office 2007 Fundamentals
Excel Lesson 2: Formatting and Editing Worksheets
Project EX 2-3
The solution for Project EX 2-3 is named Employee List XXX.xlsx and is available under
Solutions to Exercises on the Instructor Resources CD.
Project EX 2-4
The solution for Project EX 2-4 is named Employee List2 XXX.xlsx and is available under
Solutions to Exercises on the Instructor Resources CD.
Project EX 2-4 On Your Own
There is no solution file for this extended learning opportunity. Student solutions may vary.
Project EX 2-5
There is no solution file for Project EX 2-5.
Project EX 2-6
There is no solution file for Project EX 2-6.
Activity EX 2-1
There is no solution for Activity EX 2-1.
Activity EX 2-2
There is no solution for Activity EX 2-2.
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