A printed or saved copy of this document is not the official version QUEENSLAND CORRECTIVE SERVICES APPENDIX – INSTRUCTIONS FOR IDENTIFICATION CARD APPLICATIONS Availability: Public Implement Date: 4 August 2009 Refer procedures – Personal Identification; External Non-Government Service Providers 1. Relevant forms The following administrative forms, if relevant, are required for identification card applications— a) b) c) d) Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors; Authority to Issue Yellow Identification Cards; Criminal History Disclosure and Consent; and Form 27(a) - Application to Visit - Professional, Official or Other Business Purposes. 2. Eligibility for Identification Cards (ID Cards) All Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) staff must be issued with a QCS ID card as soon as practicable following commencement of employment. A person wishing to enter a facility for professional, official or other business purposes will come under one of a number of categories (refer Corrective Services Act 2006 (CSA) ss164-171). These visitors, if attending facilities on a regular basis should be issued a yellow ID card. 2.1 QCS and Offender Health Services Branch, Queensland Health staff Administrative form – Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors should be completed as per section 3 below. 2.2 Accredited and government visitors Accredited visitors include Official Visitors, Board Members and Child Safety Officers (refer CSA s 164). Accredited or government visitors who are regularly visiting facilities should be issued with a yellow QCS ID card with the approval of the chief executive or delegate. The following forms will be required— a) b) c) d) Form 27(a) - Application to Visit - Professional, Official or Other Business Purposes; (part A only); or Criminal History Disclosure and Consent; Authority to Issue Yellow Identification Cards; and Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors. Instructions for Identification Card Applications 116101310 Version 07 Page 1 of 4 A printed or saved copy of this document is not the official version All forms for these visitors must be completed and returned by certified mail to the Stakeholder Liaison Officer, who will liaise with the Human Resource Services Branch (HR) regarding the processing and issuing of the ID cards. The Stakeholder Liaison Officer must keep a register of all yellow cards and the date of issue. Official Visitors forms must be completed and returned to the State Coordinator Official Visitors in the Chief Inspectors Office who will liaise with the Chief Inspector and Human Resource Services Branch (HR) regarding the approval, processing and issuing of the ID cards. 2.3 Professional visitors Professional visitors include approved, external non-government service providers, teachers and health professionals (refer CSA s 169). Professional visitors who are regularly visiting facilities may be issued with a yellow QCS ID card. The following forms are required— a) b) c) Form 27(a) - Application to Visit - Professional, Official or Other Business Purposes; (part A and B); or Criminal History Disclosure and Consent; and Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors. All forms for these visitors must be completed and returned by certified mail to the Stakeholder Liaison Officer, who will liaise with Offender Intervention and Services and HR regarding the approval, processing and issuing of ID cards. The Stakeholder Liaison Officer must keep a register of approved professional visitors and complete administrative form – Authority to Issue Yellow Identification Cards in relation to these visitors. Teacher forms must be completed and returned to the Administrative Officer AEVET Branch who will liaise with the Director AEVET and Human Resources Branch (HR) regarding the approval, processing and issuing of the ID cards. Health professional forms must be completed and returned to the Senior Administration Officer, Queensland Health who will liaise with the Director, Strategic Performance and Development and Human Resources Branch (HR) regarding the approval, processing and issuing of the ID cards. 2.4 Religious Visitors Approved religious visitors recommended by the State Chaplaincy Board who regularly visit their nominated facilities may be issued with a yellow QCS ID card. The following forms are required— a) b) Criminal History Disclosure and Consent; and Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors. Instructions for Identification Card Applications 116101310 Version 07 Page 2 of 4 A printed or saved copy of this document is not the official version All forms for these visitors must be completed and returned by certified mail to the Stakeholder Liaison Officer, who will liaise with Offender Intervention and Services and HR regarding the approval, processing and issuing of ID cards. The Stakeholder Liaison Officer must keep a register of approved professional visitors and complete administrative form – Authority to Issue Yellow Identification Cards in relation to these visitors. 2.5 Commercial visitors Commercial visitors include regular maintenance workers (eg Honeywell, Arunta technicians) and QBuild officers that are based within a facility (refer CSA s 170). Commercial visitors who are regularly visiting facilities may be issued with a yellow QCS ID card. The following forms are required— a) b) c) d) Form 27(a) - Application to Visit - Professional, Official or Other Business Purposes (part A only); or Criminal History Disclosure and Consent; Authority to Issue Yellow Identification Cards; and Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors. All forms for these visitors must be completed and returned by certified mail— Identification Card Processing Human Resource Services Branch GPO Box 1054 BRISBANE Q 4001 HR must keep a register of yellow cards provided to commercial visitors and is responsible for advising these visitors one month prior to renewal of their cards. 3. Completing Identification Card Applications This section refers to the completion of administrative form – Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors. Photographs of staff and approved accredited visitors must be taken using a digital camera, if possible, and images saved onto disk. Facilities must provide their own disks. Ensure that a pale (preferably white) backdrop is used for photographs. If a digital camera is not available, a passport type photograph may be taken and the name of the person clearly marked on the back of the photograph. The completed administrative form – Identification Cards for Staff and Approved Visitors and must be attached to the photograph or disc. The completed form must indicate— Instructions for Identification Card Applications 116101310 Version 07 Page 3 of 4 i) j) A printed or saved copy of this document is not the official version ID number (for digital camera usage only) – this is the file name assigned to the image, preferably using numerical sequence i.e. 1,2,3,etc. This can be repeated on each disk; disk number (for digital camera usage only) – if more than one disk is used; full name; date of birth; place of birth – include town/city and country; date security clearance received (if this information is not available, HR must conduct a security check, based on the information provided); signature in black ink only - these will be scanned by HR; If an old card is held, indicate card number (old cards must be retained by the cardholder until a new card has been issued and then must be returned to HR where it will be recorded and destroyed); Initials of cardholder when card is received; and Initials of cardholder where old card is attached. 4. Transfer of staff within QCS a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Staff members transferring to another location on a permanent basis should carry their existing card with them to the new location. The new location must request an updated card. This does not apply to secondments from within QCS. The application form should be completed, indicating the existing card number and location changes. A photograph and signature is not required. 5. Issue of identification cards HR must process identification photos. Forms must be returned with the card for the cardholder to sign when received. Completed forms must then be returned to HR for entry on the relevant database. Further information may be obtained from the Stakeholder Liaison Officer on (07) 3227 6611 or the Human Resource Services Branch on 07-3239 0552 or email Photo.IDAdministrator@correctiveservices.qld.gov.au. Instructions for Identification Card Applications 116101310 Version 07 Page 4 of 4