Signpost - Forest of Dean District Council

A Guide to Services
For Older and Disabled
People in the Forest of
Updated June 2009
This Guide has been produced as a result of partnership working
between a number of organisations in the Forest of Dean. It is
designed to do two things - firstly, raise awareness of the services
available to older and disabled people in the Forest of Dean, and
secondly to offer information to service providers.
The booklet gives a brief overview of a range of organisations along with
contact details for you to get more information. It is arranged in the
following sections:
Leisure, learning and volunteering
Health & Wellbeing
Dealing with Loss
Ethnic & Multi-faith contacts
General Advice, Advocacy & Representation
We hope that you will find this guide useful. If you have any comments,
feedback or ideas on how we can improve this booklet, please get in
touch using the contact details at the back.
Forest Voluntary Action Forum (FVAF)
01594 822073
A local development agency for the voluntary sector that offers support,
advice, training and information. They also maintain a database of
contacts for Older Peoples Groups, Luncheon Clubs, and Venues etc.
Forest Fitness Centre
01594 826979
The Centre provides facilities for exercise and fitness training. Most
equipment can be used by all abilities. The Centre specialises in
exercise for the over 50’s.
Forest of Dean District Council Leisure Services
01594 812379
Residents that receive means tested benefit can apply for a leisure
discount card, giving a 50% reduction on most activities. A 25%
discount is available for residents over 60. Carers or helpers assisting a
disabled person do not have to pay for themselves. Dean Heritage also
offers discount to cardholders.
Forest of Dean District Council Sport and Leisure
This website offers information on council run leisure centres in the
district, including swimming timetables, holiday activity clubs and a
disabled sports directory 2006.
Leisure centres can also be contacted directly on the following
Five Acres Leisure Centre
01594 835388
Heywood Leisure Centre
01594 824008
Newent Leisure Centre
01531 821519
Whitecross Leisure Centre
01594 842383
Timeline (Talking swimming timetable)
01594 812600
Coleford, Newent and Cinderford Tourist Information Centres (TIC)
01594 812388
01531 822468
Accommodation booking line only: 01594 812386
Coleford TIC can help you book accommodation, provide information on
local events and places to visit, allow you to book coach trips, and
purchase theatre tickets. Newent and Cinderford TICs are located in the
Forest of Dean District Council’s one stop shops. They can provide
information on events and places to visit.
Visit the Forest of Dean
Official tourist information website for the Forest of Dean. Includes
information on accessible tourist attractions, pubs, hotels, restaurants,
and information on local events.
Forest Theatre
Booking information 01594 833416
Local entertainment venue that hosts professional artists, plays,
concerts, groups, and celebrities.
Royal Forest of Dean College
01594 833416
The college offers education, training, and a range of non-vocational
classes for adults over the age of 16.
Artspace (Cinderford)
01594 825111
A community arts organisation offering a regular program of arts classes
and workshops suitable for all ages.
Gloucestershire Dance
01452 550431
Offers dance opportunities to a range of community groups. They can
recommend dance and movement for disabled and older people.
01594 827711
The Centre provides information about living with a sight problem. It has
resources concerned with visual impairment and low vision, including
aids and equipment, support, benefits, carer support, employment etc.
Produces ‘Forest Talk’ a talking newspaper. The centre also offers
education and training.
Foxes Bridge Day Centre
01594 825484 or 01594 827148
The Centre provides two main services for people living within the
district – life skills training and rehabilitation, e.g. respite care. The
centre can also provide additional care for disabled people living alone.
Age Concern Newent & District
01531 820306
A charity offering practical help & advice. They also run a lunch club at
St Bartholomew’s church in Newent.
Age Concern Forest of Dean
01594 827927 or 01594 845621
A Charity operating a hot meal delivery service for individual people and
luncheon clubs across the Forest of Dean. Special diets can be catered
for. They have advocacy, Home-from-Hospital and befriending services.
Forest of Dean University of the Third Age
01594 841317
A self-help organisation, providing daytime educational, creative and
leisure activities for anyone over the age of 50, no longer in full time
employment. Members organise their own activities.
Library Services For Housebound Readers
01452 425373
All local libraries are willing to deliver books to housebound readers.
Some organise door-to-door lifts to the library once a month, so
housebound readers can choose their own books.
Libraries in the Forest of Dean
Coleford Library
01594 833351
Cinderford Library
01594 822581
Bream Library
01594 563073
Mitcheldean Library
01594 544164
Newnham Library
01594 516296
Newent Library
01531 820447
Lydney Library
01594 842769
Libraries can be contacted for queries on resources, internet access and
borrowing books.
Fair Shares – Newent
Contact Newent library on 01531 820447
Fair Shares is a time bank. One Fair Share is earned for each hour
spent providing a service for another participant. You can spend your
Fair Shares when you need a service from someone else, or you can
give them to someone else that needs help. The group meets in Newent
Community Learning Disabilities Team (CLDT) – Forest of Dean
01594 827771
A team of Health Service professionals working to provide help and
advice to adults and children with learning disabilities that live in the
Forest of Dean.
Contact a Family
01594 826357
A UK-wide Charity providing advice, information and support to parents
of disabled children. It enables parents to get in contact with other
families, on a local and national basis. They offer a free phone helpline.
Forest of Dean Crossroads Scheme
01594 823414
A scheme offering respite breaks to any carers who are involved in the
care and support of someone with an illness or disability.
Fairtide Centre
01594 844636
The Centre operates programmes of activities, skill learning and social
events, in Blakeney, Beachley and St Briavels. A wide range of learning
disabilities can be accommodated. An employment service is available
and they can arrange opportunities for paid and voluntary work.
Gloucestershire Cloud 9
A children’s charity that runs a wish granting service for children with
disabilities, or problems that affect their freedom of childhood.
BSR Spain Supported Holidays
01292 266300
Offers holidays to people with special needs, learning disabilities or
mental health difficulties. They provide holidays in the village of San
Miguel De Salinas in Costa Blanca. Senior citizens, couples and single
travellers are all welcome.
The Good Access Guide
A website directory of services for people that have difficulty accessing
goods, services and amenities.
It includes information on
accommodation, leisure, independent living, holidays and Disabled
Drivers’ Association services in the UK and Ireland.
South West Tourism
A tourism directory to assist disabled people travelling in the South
It includes information on accessible places to eat,
accommodation, attractions, public toilets and beaches, and also on
groups that can assist disabled travellers.
Tourism for All
A charity providing information to disabled and older people in relation to
accessible accommodation and tourist services. Also help the tourism
sector make premises accessible.
Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust
08456 583800
The Trust aims to improve the health of local people by effective use of
resources, targeting health needs of the local population, and improving
access to health services.
Intermediate Care
Referral line 01594 820584
The Intermediate Care Team is made up of Health and social care
professionals/ therapists. They offer short term intervention following a
temporary deterioration in a persons ability to cope at home without
Patient Advice and Liaison Service
Hospital Services:
08454 226831
Community Services: 08000 151548
Confidential advice service for patients and their families relating to
hospital and community services.
Forest of Dean District Council Street Wardens
01594 812264
Wardens aim to improve the quality of life for local people. They offer a
range of services including the removal of abandoned vehicles, visiting
older people, tackling vandalism, visiting schools and dealing with fouled
Gloucestershire Lifestyles
01452 419300
A voluntary support organisation helping physically disabled people to
gain quality and equality of life. They can provide assistance with
practical tasks and long-term personal support.
Gloucestershire Podiatry Services
08454 228558 or 0845 422 8534
NHS podiatry (chiropody) is provided for patients with a medical and/or
podiatry need.
Rethink Gloucestershire Advocacy Service
08454 560455
National voluntary organisation, which actively represents and supports
people who experience severe and long-term mental illness (not
dementia or learning difficulties).
Dilke Hospital Day Unit
01594 598100
The unit offers rehabilitation services to older people within the Forest of
Dean, including the Falls Clinic. Treatment may be in unit or at home.
Lydney and District Hospital
01594 598220
The hospital has 24 hour minor injuries and illness unit. X-ray facilities
are available during normal office hours. It has beds for palliative care
and day surgery, and an outpatients’ department for physiotherapy and
occupational therapy.
GIS Healthcare
01594 822089
GIS has two factories, which are dedicated to the employment and
training of disabled people.
They are also responsible for the delivery, collection, and servicing of
medical equipment for the NHS and Social Services.
GIS Healthcare (Private sales)
01452 874971
GIS also has a private sales arm, which supplies member of the public
with aid appliances at reasonable prices.
Great Oaks Dean Forest Hospice
01594 811910
The Palliative Day Care Centre provides care and support to those with
severe diseases such as cancer, and progressive conditions such as
motor neurone disease. It hosts a Parkinsons Disease Support Group.
The hospice also extends care, support and respite to families.
Dementia Care Trust
01452 550066 or 01452 550067
The trust offers relief caring services and luncheon clubs.
Hospital Mobility
To reserve the scooter ring:
0845 422 8218
Gloucester Shopmobility:
01452 302871
There is an electric scooter available for usage by patients attending
Gloucester Royal Hospital. Users must obtain a card from Gloucester
Shopmobility and reserve the scooter. It is possible for users with a
severe disability to be met at their car.
Alzheimer's Society
Forest of Dean:
01594 844234
Gloucester and District:
01452 525222
The society is the leading care and research charity for people with
Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, and also for their
families and carers. The Gloucester Branch hold regular carer’s support
group meetings, has an information line, and a luncheon club. The
Forest of Dean Branch has an information & advice line.
Royal Forest Of Dean & District Hard Of Hearing Club
01594 822007
The Club has informal meetings with speakers and they sometimes go
on social events and outings. The group aims to raise awareness of the
needs of local people with hearing difficulties, share information and
provide support.
Coleford Deaf and Hard of Hearing Club
01594 832758
The Club’s meetings include refreshments, games, speakers and
outings. A grant is helping to provide lunches, and transport.
01594 860143
The association runs Good Neighbour Schemes for the parishes of
Lydbrook, Ruardean and English Bicknor. They offer a variety of
assistance, for example, community transport, benefits advice and help
with form filling, short term equipment loans (forest-wide), basic garden
maintenance, outings and an art club. Luncheon clubs are also run in
Joys Green, English Bicknor, and Lydbrook.
Guideposts Trust
01452 410101
The Trust provides support for people who are vulnerable, have un-met
social needs and are dependent on others to live a reasonable quality of
life. The service includes day support, residential placement and
homes, activities in the community, friendships, carer’s support and
advice, and specialist training services in this field.
Gloucestershire Deaf Association (GDA)
Minicom: 01452 372999
An association providing a lifeline for the profoundly deaf and hard of
hearing. It provides support for older people, an information service,
pastoral and spiritual care and a Communication Support Unit where
interpreters, etc. are provided.
Women’s Royal Voluntary Service
01452 527391
A national organisation of women and men providing a range of caring
and welfare services, such as local clubs for older and disabled people,
Meals-on-Wheels (via Social Services), and voluntary transport (for
attendees of the luncheon clubs).
Victim Support - Forest of Dean
01594 810190
Part of a national organisation providing a service to all victims of crime,
their relatives and witnesses. Confidential support and advice is offered
on a wide range of issues e.g. domestic violence, sexual crime, and
support when attending court.
Community Fire Safety Office
0800 1804140
The Office offers free visits, by trained officers to community groups to
give advice on domestic fire safety. Staff are also available to give
advice to individuals and groups in their own homes.
Forest of Dean Safe Home Scheme
01452 335569
The Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) in conjunction with
Forest of Dean Care & Repair runs this Scheme. The Scheme allows
older, and vulnerable people to live more safely and securely in their
own homes.
Forest of Dean Health Forum
01594 833647
The Forum normally meets at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of every
month at the Bream Community Centre and gives local people the
chance to meet providers of Health and Social Services face to face.
These discussions between providers and the public help potential
problems and gaps in services to be identified and have led to a number
of improvements to both delivery and take-up of Health Service provision
in the Forest of Dean District. Meetings are open to anybody living or
working in the Forest. The centre is wheelchair accessible and a hearing
loop is always available. Ring for times and dates.
Newent Association for the Disabled
01531 821227
The Association enables physically disabled and frail older people to
meet and socialise. Assisted / therapeutic bathing is now available.
Gloucestershire Association for Mental Health – Forest of Dean
01594 837690
Association offering a friendly setting to meet and relax. Members are
encouraged to participate in activities, with support if necessary.
Activities include arts, crafts, keep-fit, swimming, outings, men and
women's group. Once a week there is a youth group.
Coleford House
01594 598200
Health service provision is offered to people aged between 18 and 65
who suffer from acute mental health difficulties. Referrals to the centre
need to be from a GP.
Radar Keys
01594 810000
Radar Keys enable access to disabled toilets throughout the district.
The Keys can be purchased from Tourist Information Centres in
Coleford, Newent, Cinderford and Lydney (details on page 2), One Stop
Shops in Lydney, Cinderford and Newent (details page 14) and Coleford
Council Offices.
Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
01594 563691
The Forest of Dean Parkinson's Disease Support Group is a friendly
group of about 25 Parkinson's patients and their carers, who attend
meetings on the second Thursday of each month at Great Oaks Hospice
in Coleford. We aim to provide a forum for socialising, advising and
helping patients and/or their relatives and carers to cope with problems
arising from Parkinson's disease. The meetings are held from 2pm 3.30pm and we either invite a speaker or hold a social event. We also
have ample time for news and views and general chat. If you feel you
could benefit from being part of our group and would like more
information, please call Heather Cockbain on 01594-563691
Bream Voluntary Car Service
01594 562985
The Service offers assistance to attend medical appointments e.g.
hospitals, dentist.
01594 844558
01594 843809
Dial-a-Ride operates a transport service for older people, disabled
people and people that do not have access to a car in the Coleford and
Lydney area.
Newent Dial-a-ride
01531 821227
Dial-a-Ride offers transport for older people and people with disabilities.
This is run by Newent Association for the Disabled.
LydCare – Community Transport
01594 860143
A transport service for hospital, GP appointments and social journeys in
the parishes of English Bicknor, Lydbrook, Ruardean and Joys green,
plus hospital transport for patients eligible for the reimbursement of fares
(GP Surgeries in FOD area).
Sage – Road Safety Unit
01452 425557
Programme for older drivers. Provides support, guidance and coaching
necessary to continue driving for as long as it is safe to do so.
Blue Badge Scheme
01594 820500
The Blue Badge Scheme gives parking concessions to severely disabled
or blind people and their drivers. Badges, valid for a three-year period,
allow concessions in parking, and Severn Bridge Tolls, but not a right to
park anywhere.
Forest of Dean District Council Offices Concessionary Fares
01594 810000
Issues travel concessions to those eligible. Claimants have a choice of
either £25 tokens, which can be used in local taxis and some coaches,
or a Free Bus Pass allowing the claimant to travel within Gloucestershire
for free. From April 2008, those eligible will be able to receive a free bus
pass to use throughout England on scheduled services.
Mobilise Organisation (Gloucestershire)
01452 307082 or 07712 204769 (mobile)
Promotes and protects the interests of disabled drivers by helping them
to achieve greater mobility. People with mobility problems, or receiving
mobility allowance, are offered support and advice to identify suitable
Forest Mobility
01594 529772 (Di) 01594 562400 (Clifford)
A charity that enables and facilitates disabled rambling for wheel chair
users and those with walking difficulties. They provide off-road electric
scooters, training in their use and a chaperone service if required.
Two Rivers Housing
0800 316 0897
A housing company providing rented affordable homes within the Forest
of Dean. Accommodation provided covers all age ranges, including
Supported Housing for the over 60’s, and an Extra Care scheme which
has staff on site 24 hours per day.
Hanover Court
01594 826834
A rented housing development in Cinderford for older, frail people living
in the district, or with a strong local family connection. Offers extra-care
sheltered housing, with someone available on the premises 24 /7.
Wyedean Housing Association
01594 838000
An association providing accommodation for all needs including single
persons, families and older people in the Forest of Dean and South
Herefordshire. They work with the local authority and participate in the
Common Housing Register.
Forest of Dean District Council Housing Advice Centre
01594 812308
The centre offers free advice and assistance on a wide range of housing
related issues. They can also offer advice on other agencies that may
be able to help with housing needs.
Forest of Dean District Council Disabled Facilities Grants
01594 812420
Disabled Facilities Grants are available for housing adaptations to allow
disabled people to live independently in their homes. Types of work
include installation of stair lifts, widening of doors, ramped access and
specialist kitchens and bathrooms.
01594 812505
A 24-hour emergency monitoring and contact service for vulnerable and
disabled people. In an emergency they can trigger an alarm that makes
a direct call to Forest Linkline. An operator is then able to offer advice or
seek assistance.
Care & Repair (Forest of Dean)
01594 812422
A home improvement agency helping people remain in their own homes.
Provides help with repairs, improvements and adaptations. Also
technical support, benefits advice and assistance with funding options.
Gloucestershire Warm and Well Scheme
0800 512012
This scheme offers free, impartial energy advice to individual
householders, including information on local and national grants and
discounts for insulation and heating measures, free home energy
surveys and personalised energy saving reports. Warm and Well is
managed by the Severn Wye Energy Agency and receives funding from
all the local authorities in the county.
Age Concern Forest of Dean Meals Service
01594 827927
Provision of quality, hot meals, 5 days per week, prepared by
professional chefs. Special diets catered for.
Gloucestershire Social Services
01452 426868
Home Care Services are offered for people who are at risk of not being
able to continue living independently in the community or not being able
to return home from hospital.
Forest of Dean District Council
01594 810000 Minicom: 01594 812500
The Forest of Dean District Council is the local authority for the
administrative area of the Forest of Dean. Services provided include
housing, transport, leisure, community services, benefits, concessionary
fares, recycling and waste, environmental health and pest control.
Penderels Trust
01452 411 000
A charity offering support to people who receive a direct payment in
Gloucestershire. Pendrels can help with recruitment, CRB checks,
payroll calculations and ongoing help and advice.
Meals On Wheels
01452 426868
The Women’s Royal Voluntary Service deliver meals to people living in
their homes. The days meals are available each week varies according
to the area. Special dietary needs can be catered for.
01452 426405
A voluntary service provided by engineers, who are able to design and
manufacture one-off customised equipment aimed at improving the
quality of life for disabled individuals.
Bogus Callers Helpline
0808 1000 777
Free helpline for checking validity of cold calling.
Village Agents
Contact Gloucestershire Rural Community Council to find out more
on 01452 528491 or visit them at
The Agents work in local communities that have little or no access to
services locally. They provide older, and disadvantaged, isolated people
with access to information and promote the range of services available
to them.
Carers Gloucestershire
01452 386283
A charity aiming to raises awareness of the needs of carers. The group
helps to make contact with hidden carers who may experience
discrimination, and also develops support services for carers. Works
closely with the Black Carers’ Forum.
Gloucestershire Black Carers Forum
01452 386283
The Forum develops support and information for black carers.
Forest of Dean Crossroads Scheme for Carers
01594 823414
This Scheme offers respite to carers of those with severe physical
disabilities and mental health problems. Both practical help and
emotional support are offered.
Forest of Dean Bereavement Support
01594 822014
This is a voluntary group that meets at the Dilke hospital. Support is
offered to the bereaved, through group or one to one befriending.
National Association of Widows
Gloucester: 01452 523402
08458 382261
Provides help, comfort, support and advice to all widows.
BBC Losing your partner
You can also get a booklet by ringing the BBC’s helpline:
0800 068 0062
A section of the BBC’s website offering help, advice and useful contact
details for bereaved people. They also have a free downloadable
booklet that offers advice and information for people that have lost their
Rethink Gloucestershire Advocacy Service
01452 891539
National voluntary organisation, which actively represents and supports
people who experience severe and long-term mental illness (not
dementia or learning difficulties).
Forest of Dean District Council - Council Tax and Housing Benefit
01594 810000 (main switchboard)
Assessment of means tested benefit for people on low income who pay
rent or council tax.
Forest of Dean District Council – Council Tax Section
01594 810000 (main switchboard)
Offering non-means tested council tax discounts and exemptions.
Examples of council tax payers who may qualify include; people living
alone, students, disabled people and those who have property which is
The Pension Service (part of Department for Work and Pensions)
0845 606 0265
The Pension Service offers information and support to those aged 60
and over in respect of state retirement pension. They will assist people
in completing claim forms and provide information with regard to a range
of other DWP benefits.
The Department for Work and Pensions publish direct dial phone
numbers, which you can call if you know the type of benefit you
Pension Credit
0800 991 234
Winter Fuel/Cold Weather Payment 0845 915 1515
Attendance Allowance
0800 882 200
Disabled Living Allowance
0800 882 200
Carers Allowance
01253 856123
Coleford Credit Union
01594 837788
This is a non-profit making financial co-operative, which offers a
convenient savings and low interest loans service to its members.
Forest & Gloucester Hate Crime & Incident Action Group
01594 812613
In the first instance you should report anything serious to the Police.
This group can be contacted to register an incident of hate crime. They
monitor incidence to prevent reoccurrence.
Linking Communities - Gloucestershire
01452 308448
Umbrella organisation for all black and minority ethnic community and
voluntary groups.
Asian Elders
01452 426074
A social contact group for Asian Elders aged 55 and over, in the
Gloucester area. Aims to increase awareness of statutory services
available to them, and to help resolve any problems they experience.
Diocese of Gloucestershire
01452 410022
This is part of the Church of England and encompasses most of
Gloucestershire. It aims to develop close links with churches of other
Christian denominations through ‘Churches Together’ and to build
understanding with members of other faiths.
Gloucester Hindu Elders Group
07973 544467
This is a voluntary group established to provide a culturally appropriate
meeting place for elderly and disabled Hindus.
GUIDE & PALS Information Service
01452 331131
Provides a free and confidential health, social care and disability
information service for both the public and professionals. Information can
be made available in other formats and languages as required.
Forest of Dean Citizens Advice Bureau
01594 823937
Offers free, impartial advice on a wide range of subjects, including
personal finances. It also operates an Outreach service in villages
across the Forest area.
Age Concern Forest of Dean Advocacy Service
A service representing the interests, rights and wishes of disadvantaged
individuals and groups. Offers information, advice, help with benefits
applications/form filling and can provide longer-term support for those in
financial difficulty.
Gloucestershire Older Persons Assembly (GOPA)
01452 313999
GOPA also has an advocacy number 01452 332830
GOPA aims to provide a voice for all older people living in
Gloucestershire. It promotes the needs and views of older people and
influences the services delivered by key agencies such as Social
Services and Primary Care Trusts.
Gloucestershire Rural Community Council (GRCC) ‘In Touch
01452 528491
The project was set up by GRCC in April 2001 and offers support,
advice and information to locally managed older people’s clubs and
groups in Gloucestershire.
Citizens Advocacy Trust in Forest of Dean (CATS)
01594 821121
CATS offers support to people living in the Forest of Dean and district,
and aims to help people with learning and physical disabilities, and older
Gloucestershire Pensioners Forum
01452 302685
This is an information forum, and campaigns on behalf of pensioner’s
rights. It arranges meetings and various other events, including
fundraising events, around the county.
Forest of Dean Pensioners Action Association
01594 840114
The FOD Pensioners' Action Association is run by pensioners for
pensioners. It campaigns for improvement in all matters that affect them,
including the State Pension, health and after-care, transport, and social
activities. They meet on the fourth Friday of the month in Lydney.
Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
Regional helpline: 0845 1203782
An independent service for anyone needing help or advice regarding a
complaint about NHS treatment. The service is impartial, nonjudgemental and confidential - no private/personal information is passed
onto anyone else without consent.
GAY-GLOS (Formerly, Gay and Lesbian Friend Helpline
01452 306800
This group supports the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
(LGBT) community, their families and friends. They provide support for
gay men and women, bisexual people, transgender people and their
families or friends, and anyone who needs to address LGBT issues.
Secret Longings Hidden Lives
01452 306800
A confidential friendship group for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender
people over the age of 55.
Information Service on Disability (ISD)
01214 141495
ISD aims to provide a service where people with disabilities and their
carers can obtain advice and information on a wide range of subjects.
There is a wide variety of publications currently available concerning all
aspects of disability.
National helpline: 0808 808 1111
Mencap is the UK's leading learning disability charity working with
people with a learning disability and their families and carers. They offer
help, advice and support on a range of issues.
Forest Rewards Card
As a holder you'll receive unique discounts and special offers in selected
local shops and services in the towns of Cinderford, Coleford, Lydney &
Newent. You can apply for a card online or by picking up a leaflet at the
Council Offices Coleford.
Notes & Contacts
Send new contacts to the Forest of Dean District Council, Council
Offices, High Street, Coleford, GL16 8HG. Tel: the Corporate Policy
Team on 01594 812607 or email
This document can be made available on audio tape, in Braille,
large print, a range of languages and in other formats if required.
For further information please contact the Forest of Dean District
Council on 01594 810000
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Produced in partnership with
of Dean
“Building Bridges in
the Community”