AGENDA/10/30 Brussels, Friday 24 September 2010 Top News from the European Commission 27 September to 24 October 2010 Background notes from the Spokespersons' service for journalists. The European Commission reserves the right to make changes Monday 27 September 2010: European Tourism Day and European Destinations of Excellence Awards 2 Monday 27 - Wednesday 29 September 2010: ICT 2010 - Digitally Driven: Europe's biggest forum for research and innovation in Information and Communication Technologies 4 Tuesday 28 September 2010: Energy labelling for televisions, washing machines, dishwashers and refrigerators 6 Wednesday 29 September 2010: Economic governance legislative proposals 7 Saturday 2 October 2010: Brussels: Job Days 2010 at the Berlaymont 8 Monday 4 – Thursday 7 October 2010: OPEN DAYS –the European Week of Cities and Regions 10 Tuesday 5 October 2010: Commissioner Piebalgs attends the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Pledging Conference 12 Wednesday 6 October 2010: Innovation Union 13 Tuesday 12 October 2010: Conference on the role of authorities in regulating gambling organised by the Belgian Presidency of the EU together with the European Commission 14 Thursday 21 October 2010: European Green Capitals winners for 2012 and 2013 to be announced at Stockholm conference 16 Editor Michael Karnitschnig +32 2 299 60 66 SPP Coordination and Planning Monday 27 September 2010: European Tourism Day and European Destinations of Excellence Awards The news: The 2010 European Tourism Day event will be entitled "The role of European Heritage and cultural itineraries in the renewed European tourism policy" and will be held on 27 September 2010, on the occasion of World Tourism Day. The conference will feature a number of ministers, Members of the European Parliament and high-level policy makers, as well as many other actors in tourism. The event will mainly be devoted to the promotion and valorisation of European citizenship and cultural and historical heritage and itineraries. Twenty five tourist destinations from across Europe will be awarded the title of ‘2010 European Destination of Excellence in Aquatic Tourism’ in Brussels. Scenic waterside locations in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, Slovenia and Turkey will receive the European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) award due to the innovative approaches and sustainable manner in which they managed and promoted their tourism offer. The background: The theme of cultural itineraries stems from the new communication entitled "Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe" adopted on the 30 June 2010, where the need of promoting cultural itineraries is specifically mentioned. EDEN is enhancing the visibility of emerging and less known destinations in the EU and candidate countries. Moreover the initiative spreads the message of sustainable practices in tourism, promotes under-visited locations and thereby helps to decongest over visited destinations. The event: 09h00: Opening speech by Vice-President Antonio Tajani at Conference "The role of European Heritage and cultural itineraries in the renewed European tourism policy", Charlemagne Building, Brussels 13h30: Press conference on cultural tourism to be held by Vice-President Antonio Tajani joined by Italian Tourism Minister Vittoria Brambilla, Spanish State Secretary for Tourism and Trade Joan Mesquida and French Tourism Minister Hervé Novelli in the Berlaymont Press Room, Brussels Official launch by Vice President Tajani and Commissioner Vassiliou of a photo exhibition on the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, to which belongs the "Via Francigena" (literally, pathway of the Franks), Berlaymont, Brussels EDEN Awards Ceremony at The Event Lounge, 16F Bld Général Wahis, 1030 Brussels Available on EbS: IPs and MEMOs will also be published on the day The sources: European Commission Communication on Tourism: "Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe": IP/10/858 - Tourism: keeping Europe the world's top destination MEMO/10/289 - Tourism: keeping Europe the world's top destination 2 Website of DG Enterprise and Industry dedicated to the event: For further information on the EDEN project and previous recipients of the awards: Website of Vice-President Tajani: I-066335 – Stockshots: Tourism Policy The contacts: Fabio Pirotta: Andrea Maresi: 3 +32 2 296 72 84 +32 2 299 04 03 Monday 27 - Wednesday 29 September 2010: ICT 2010 - Digitally Driven: Europe's biggest forum for research and innovation in Information and Communication Technologies The news: From 27th to 29th September, more than 5000 European researchers, business people, investors, and high-level policy makers will gather at Brussels Expo for Europe's largest forum for ICT research and innovation, "ICT 2010 – Digitally Driven". ICTs are the nervous system of our society - they make smart phones, smart houses and smart cars run and are integrated in most of our daily activities which is why research and innovation are key policy areas of the Digital Agenda for Europe. More than 100 exhibits will be showcased of the latest advances in EU-funded ICT research. For examples, visitors will be invited to meet intelligent robots able to detect and adapt to their emotions, step into a green home that analyses and alerts them to their energy consumption or ride a safe motorbike that reduces the risk of accidents. Major themes of the conference will be research for sustainable growth in a low-carbon economy, the constructive impact of ICTs in everyday life and the importance of public funding and support in ICT research and innovation. Conference keynote speakers include: Yves Leterme Prime Minister of Belgium Neelie Kroes European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda Jim Hagemann-Snabe Co-CEO of SAP Jan Zadak Managing Director of Hewlett-Packard Hans Vestberg CEO of Ericsson Prof. Henry Markram Blue Brain Project The background: ICT research is crucial to driving economic productivity and growth, improving quality of life and meeting social challenges. Today's high-tech world is the result of bright scientists who converted ideas into innovative technologies with financial support from the public and private sector. That is why improving and developing research and innovation in ICT is a key objective of the Digital Agenda for Europe. The EU has contributed more than €20 billion to ICT research funding in the past 25 years. But to be competitive in the 21st century means leading in ICT and making the right investments at the right time. Europe lags behind in investment to produce the growth needed for the future and spends just 40% as much as the US in ICT research. The Digital Agenda for Europe seeks a doubling of public spending on ICT research in the EU by 2020. The event: ICT 2010 will take place at Brussels Expo from 27 to 29 September 2010 in halls 7, 10, and 11. It is organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. ICT in Belgium will also be on display. More than 30 exhibits will put the spotlight on innovative digital solutions 'made in Belgium'. Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes will make her speech during the opening plenary which starts at 9.45 am on 27 September in the Auditorium 2000. At 12.30 pm, a VIP tour of the exhibition will take place with H.R.H. Prince Philippe of Belgium and Vice President Kroes, followed by a lunch break for journalists and a press tour of the exhibits starting around 1.15 pm from the European Commission stand. Journalists are invited to register online free of charge via Pre-registration is required for the press tour of exhibits via Journalists wishing to interview some of the conference keynote speakers and VIPs should contact 4 A press room will be available in hall 11on the 2nd floor. ICT 2010 Media Centre: ICT 2010 website: The sources: IP/10/966 - €6.4 billion for smart growth and jobs – Europe's biggest ever investment in research and innovation MEMO/10/339 - Europe’s biggest ever package of research and innovation investment IP/10/581 - Digital Agenda: Commission outlines action plan to boost Europe's prosperity and well-being MEMO/10/199 - Digital Agenda for Europe: what would it do for me? MEMO/10/200 - Digital Agenda for Europe: key initiatives Digital Agenda for Europe website: digital-agenda Commissioner Kroes' website: I-061097 – Stockshots: Future and emerging technologies I-065546 – Stockshots: Digital Agenda The contacts: Jonathan Todd Linda Cain 5 +32 2 299 41 07 +32 2 299 90 19 Tuesday 28 September 2010: Energy labelling for televisions, washing machines, dishwashers and refrigerators The news: The European Commissioner will propose four new energy labels for televisions, washing machines, dishwashers and refrigerators. This first energy label for TVs will allow consumers to identify and select highly energy efficient TVs. In addition, the Commission will update already existing energy labels for washing machines, dishwashers and refrigerators. The background: The electricity used by televisions accounts for a significant share of total household electricity demand in the Union and televisions with equivalent functionality have a wide disparity in terms of energy efficiency. The energy efficiency of televisions can be significantly improved. The recast Energy Labelling Directive provides a mandate for the Commission to adopt delegated acts for the indication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products during use. It requires the Commission to adopt such measures for products which have a significant potential for saving energy, and, where relevant, other resources, and a wide disparity of relevant performance levels for equivalent functionality. The publication in the official journal and entry into force of the four regulations is subject to the right of objection of the European Parliament and Council. The event: IP, Memo and technical briefing on the day The sources: Website of DG Energy: Commissioner Oettinger's website: The contacts: Marlene Holzner Nicole Bockstaller 6 +32 2 296 01 96 +32 2 295 25 89 Wednesday 29 September 2010: Economic governance legislative proposals The news: European Commission presents legislative proposals (1 Directive, 5 Regulations) in the area of economic governance to follow up the proposals in the 30 June Communication on “Enhancing economic policy coordination for stability, growth and jobs”. The background: First steps were taken in the spring with the strengthening of Eurostat's audit powers to ensure accuracy and reliability of the Member States' public accounts. The strategic elements of stronger economic governance were outlined in the Communication in May and the concrete roadmap in the Communication in June. The first European Economic Semester will be introduced as of January 2011. The Commission will adopt on 29 September a package of legislative proposals transforming the most urgent policy proposals into concrete legal instruments. The European Semester brings together all elements of economic surveillance: the fiscal discipline of the SGP, the structural reforms of Europe 2020 and a new mechanism to prevent macro-imbalances which will be fully embedded in the surveillance cycle. The semester aims at prior policy guidance and preventive budgetary surveillance, with the crucial role of European and national parliaments. As part of the legislative package, a new “toolbox” of sanctions will be proposed and incentives for compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). Strengthened enforcement mechanisms for fiscal rules are a central element of the proposals. The event: 12h30: Press Conference by President José Manuel Barroso and Commissioner Olli Rehn at the Berlaymont Press room in Brussels. IP and the Communication on the day Video and photo coverage by EbS The sources: Website of DG ECFIN: Website of Commissioner Rehn: The contacts: Amadeu Altafaj Catherine Bunyan 7 + 32 2 295 2658 + 32 2 299 6512 Saturday 2 October 2010: Brussels: Job Days 2010 at the Berlaymont The news: October 2010 will see more than 500 events such as job fairs, seminars, lectures, workshops and cultural events all aimed at improving labour mobility in Europe. Under the banner of “European Job Days 2010”, a wide range of organisations such as local businesses, public and private employment services, social partner organisations, universities, learning and training centres and chambers of commerce will be taking part. The 2010 European Job Days are part of the EU’s commitment to providing more and better jobs for Europe’s citizens. The main focus is on providing a forum for employers and jobseekers to meet each other, exchange information and – most importantly – promote onsite recruitment. For many young workers, attending an event may be the first step towards their own mobility experience. More than 200 European cities have signed up to participate in the 2010 European Job Days, including in Austria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, UK, Sweden. Job Days 2010 at the Berlaymont A specific Job Day event will take place in the European Commission's Berlaymont building in Brussels on 2 October. The Brussels Job Day will be an excellent opportunity for job seekers to meet with 40 employers from all over Europe. Employers will have first contact with interested candidates on the spot. Participants will also be able to meet EURES advisers from 21 countries and consult the million vacancies accessible from the EURES portal. Information on mobility practices and opportunities will be presented on the stands of the participating organisations. The background: Job Days are designed to explain the benefits of job mobility within the EU to both employers and employees, and give them the opportunity to meet and talk to each other. Job Days also provide factual and unbiased information about moving to work in other countries in Europe. More than 200,000 people took part in Job Days in 2009, including 10,000 at the Brussels event in the Berlaymont. The events are being organised in co-operation with EURES, the Europe-wide employment service, and its network of more than 700 EURES advisers. EURES enables every European citizen to access in his/her language an average of almost one million jobs online every day. Jobseekers can post their CVs directly on-line (currently more than 480,000) to be searched by the over 21,000 registered employers. The event: Saturday 2 October, European Job Days 2010 in Belgium: Berlaymont building, Brussels attended by MrLászló Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion. 10h30: Press opportunity with Mr Andor in Berlaymont Available on EbS The sources: The European Job Mobility Portal EURES: EURES event calendar: Brussels Jobday 2010: 8 Website of Commissioner Andor: The contacts: Cristina Arigho Maria Javorova 9 +32 2 298 53 99 +32 2 299 89 03 Monday 4 – Thursday 7 October 2010: OPEN DAYS –the European Week of Cities and Regions The news: Organised by the European Commission's Regional Policy Department and the Committee of the Regions, the 8th annual "Open Days – the European Week of Cities and Regions" takes place on 4-7 October under the heading “Europe 2020: competitiveness, cooperation and cohesion for all regions”. More than 130 seminars will be organised, presenting good practice from EU-funded regional development programmes. Competitiveness day (5 October): focus on innovation, regional development and green economic growth in Europe's cities and regions; Cooperation day (6 October): focus on interregional, cross-border and macro-regional cooperation; Cohesion day (7 October): focus on territorial and social cohesion and how to better integrate different policies at local and regional level. The background: One of the biggest events of its kind, Open Days brings together regional and local stakeholders from across Europe to share good practice and exchange ideas. Over 6 000 European, national and regional policy-makers and representatives of academia, business and civil society will be taking part. On the eve of the debate on the future EU budget, OPEN DAYS will provide an ideal forum for sharing ideas on the shape of the post-2013 European cohesion policy and on the role of Europe's cities and regions in delivering the Europe 2020 strategy. The event: Selected highlights: 4 October at 15.00 - 17.00: Opening Session in the European Parliament's Hemicycle. Keynote speakers will include: José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission; Rudy Demotte, Minister-President of the Walloon Region; Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy; Mercedes Bresso, President of the Committee of the Regions; Danuta Hübner, Chair of the European's Parliament's Committee on Regional Development; Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou, Vice-President of the European Parliament, and; Philippe Maystadt, President of the European Investment Bank. 5 October 12.30-13.00: Press Panel on the "EU Strategy for the Danube Region" in the Schuman room, Berlaymont building, European Commission 5 October 14.30-16.00: "How do EU funds deliver in your country" (meetings with Commission experts arranged upon registration) in the European Commission, Directorate General for Regional Policy, Avenue de Tervuren 41 6 October 12:30-13:00: Press panel on "cohesion policy uniting divided communities: the experience of football" in the Schuman room, Berlaymont building, European Commission, Rue de la Loi 200 6 October 16:00-18:30: Special plenary on "Promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth: a challenge for all Europe's regions" in the Charlemagne building, European Commission, Rue de la Loi 170 Available on EbS The sources: See the Open Days website for the full Open Days and media programme: 10 For accreditation: Website of Commissioner Hahn: The contacts: Ton Van Lierop Malgorzata Miazek 11 +32 2 29 66565 +32 2 29 84449 Tuesday 5 October 2010: Commissioner Piebalgs attends the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Pledging Conference The news: The European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs will take part in the pledging session of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Third Voluntary Replenishment Conference. Participants of the UN High-level Plenary Meeting on Millennium Development Goals have just committed to accelerate progress to achieve MDG6 – Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases by providing adequate funding among others to the Global Fund. Commissioner Piebalgs will confirm the full support of the European Union to the work of the Global Fund, recognising its results, and welcoming its ability to adapt to a changing environment both at global and local level. The background: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) is a financing mechanism and global partnership established in 2001 as part of the international response to the global emergency caused by the three communicable diseases. From 2002 to 2009, the Global Fund has committed $19.3 billion for 572 grants in 144 countries and had disbursed $10.3 billion to grant recipients (53%). It has put over 2.5 million people on HIV/AIDS treatment, 6 million people on anti tuberculosis treatment and distributed 104 million insecticide-treated bed nets for malaria prevention. The European Commission is a founding member of the Global Fund and has been providing strong political and financial support to the Global Fund since 2002. From 2002 to 2010, the European Commission has provided a total contribution of €972.5 million representing the fifth donor to the fund (after the USA, France, Italy and Japan). Over the same period, the donors of the European Union have contributed more than $9 billion or 52% of the GFATM resources. The event: The Third Voluntary Replenishment (2011-2013) Conference of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria will take place from 4 – 5 October 2010 in New York. The pledging session of the Conference (Tuesday, 5 October, in the morning) will be chaired by Mr Ban Ki Moon, the UN Secretary General. Commissioner Piebalgs will address the conference as a speaker on 5 October. Press Release and MEMO ahead of the visit. The sources: Website of the DG Development on combating HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria: Website of Commissioner Piebalgs: The contacts: Catherine Ray Wojtek Talko 12 +32 2 29 69921 +32 2 29 78551 Wednesday 6 October 2010: Innovation Union The news: Innovation speeds up and improves the way we conceive, develop, produce and access new products and services. It enables economies to create more jobs, improve people's lives and build better and greener societies. Boosting our research and innovation performance is the only way for Europe to create good and well-paid jobs that will withstand the pressures of globalisation and support sustainable growth. The Innovation Union is key to achieving the goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy. It aims to transform Europe into a truly world-class science performer and remove bottlenecks that prevent innovation, by using targeted public investment and intervention to release private sector potential. The Commission's policy document will cover areas such as intellectual property, access to finance, innovative public procurement and removing barriers to the free movement of researchers and their ideas. It will present a broad concept of innovation, which is not only technological, but also in business models, design, branding and services. Social innovation will be a strong theme. Examples of social innovation include citizen participation in public budget decisions, social networks to provide community-based support to the elderly, and ethical financial products. An important and groundbreaking aspect of the Innovation Union will be European Innovation partnerships. These partnerships will provide a framework for pooling resources and bringing together key actors, European and national, public and private. Each partnership will focus on a specific issue key to tackling major societal challenges such as climate change, energy and food security, health or an ageing population. The Innovation Union will also include a new innovation indicator, allowing better comparisons between Member States and with third countries. The background: Europe 2020 is a 10-year strategy proposed by the European Commission in March 2010 for reviving the European economy. It aims at "smart, sustainable, inclusive growth" with greater coordination of national and European policy. The "Innovation Union" is one of the seven flagship initiatives described by the Europe 2020 Strategy. The event: Joint press conference by Vice-President Antonio Tajani and Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn Available on EbS The sources: Website of Vice-President Tajani: Website of Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn: The contacts: Mark English Fabio Pirotta 13 +32 2 296 24 10 +32 2 296 72 84 Tuesday 12 October 2010: Conference on the role of authorities in regulating gambling organised by the Belgian Presidency of the EU together with the European Commission The news: On 12 October 2010, the Belgian Presidency of the EU, in cooperation with the European Commission and the Belgian Gaming Commission will organise a conference on the role that authorities can play in regulating gambling. This conference aims to advance the debate on the role of regulatory authorities, the prevention of illegal gambling, and the problems and solutions surrounding the social impact of gambling. The conference will include keynote addresses (see below) and discussions amongst participants from all sides (policy-makers, regulators and industry experts) which will provide valuable input on the following agenda items: Results of the French, Swedish and Spanish Presidencies on the social impact of gambling and on illegal gambling Legal aspects of gambling Regulatory perspective and European developments on gambling Political approach to gambling. The keynote speeches will be given by: Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Carl Devlies, Secretary of State for the Co-ordnation of the fight against fraud, Belgium Malcolm Harbour MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Internal Market and Consumer protection The background: The regulatory situation for gambling differs significantly between Member States. While some Member States restrict or even ban the offer of games of chance, others have more open markets. Many Member States have also recently reviewed their gambling legislation or are in the process of doing so in view of the development of on-line gambling services. The economic significance of the on-line gambling sector with a cross-border dimension is growing. In 2008, on-line gambling services accounted for annual revenues in excess of € 6.16 billion, 7.5% of the overall gambling market. This on-line market is the fastest growing segment and is expected to double in size in five years. The increasing importance of the on-line sector and the cross-border nature of this activity pose new challenges for regulators. A common understanding of the key issues and close cooperation between Member States is crucial to mastering these challenges. Later this year, the Commission intends to launch a broad consultation on the complex issues arising from the development of online gambling. The consultation will look at issues such as prevention of fraud, consumer information, prevention of problem gambling, protection of minors and enforcement. The consultation will help determine the potential responses that may be considered at European level. The event: 8h30-17h00: Conference at the ALBERT BORSCHETTE Conference Centre, Salle 0A, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels, Belgium To attend, prior registration is needed by sending an e-mail to Mrs Marjolein de Paepe ( ) 14 The sources: European Commission, Internal Market and Services Directorate General website: Commissioner Barnier's website: The contacts: Chantal Hughes Carmel Dunne 15 +32 2 296 44 50 +32 2 299 88 94 Thursday 21 October 2010: European Green Capitals winners for 2012 and 2013 to be announced at Stockholm conference The news: The two cities that will become European Green Capital in 2012 and 2013 will be named during the first European Green Capital Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, from 20-22 October 2010. EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik will announce the winning cities at an award ceremony on 21 October. The winners will be selected from the six finalists: Barcelona (Spain); Malmö (Sweden); Nantes (France); Nuremberg (Germany); Reykjavík (Iceland); Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain). The background: The European Green Capital competition is an annual award that was set up in 2010. Stockholm and Hamburg were the first cities to win the title; Stockholm for 2010 and Hamburg for 2011. The award stems from an initiative taken by 15 European cities and the Association of Estonian cities in 2006. The six finalists have been selected from 17 candidates by an international panel on the basis of a dozen environmental criteria. The award has three main objectives: to recognise cities that have a strong environmental record; to encourage cities to adopt ambitious long-term environmental and sustainable development goals; and to offer role models that can help promote exchange of best practices and experiences. Four out of five people in Europe now live in towns and cities. Considering that cities across Europe differ enormously in their size, priorities, resources and challenges, sharing concrete examples of visionary environmental initiatives can help raise standards across the continent. The event: On 21 October 2010, in Stockholm, the European Commissioner for the Environment, Janez Potočnik, will announce the two winning cities that will hold the title in 2012 and 2013. The sources: Website of DG Environment: Website of Commissioner Potočnik: More information on the European Green Capitals: The contacts: Joe Hennon Monica Westeren 16 +32 2 295 35 93 +32 2 299 18 30