Rindelt tablet ENG PL

Package leaflet: Information for the patient
Rindelt 2,5 mg tablets
Rindelt 5 mg tablets
Rindelt 10 mg tablets
Rindelt 20 mg tablets
Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start taking this medicine because it contains important
information for you.
Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor have told you.
Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again.
Ask your pharmacist if you need more information or advice.
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side
effects not listed in this leaflet. See section 4.
What is in this leaflet
What Rindelt is and what it is used for
What you need to know before you take Rindelt
How to take Rindelt
Possible side effects
How to store Rindelt
Contents of the pack and other information
What Rindelt is and what it is used for
Rindelt belongs to a group of medicines called steroids (corticosteroids), which prevent and reduces allergic
disease, inflammation in the body and rheumatic diseases.
Rindelt is used by a number of diseases, where reactions from the body should be reduced, e.g. rheumatoid
arthritis. In other conditions, connective tissue diseases (SLE), inflammation in the blood vessels, changes in
the connective tissue, asthma, serious inflammation in the colon (colitis ulcerous), certain blood diseases,
serious allergic reactions and treatment of cancer.
Your doctor may have prescribed for another use. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.
What you need to know before you take Rindelt
Do not take Rindelt
- if you are allergic to prednisolone or any of the other ingredients in this medicine (listed in section 6).
- if you have an infection (including fungal infections) that affects the whole body, unless you are being
treated for the infection.
- if you have an ulcer in your stomach (peptic ulcer) or digestive tract area (duodenal ulcer).
- if you need to have a vaccination with a ‘live virus’ vaccine.
Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Rindelt, especially if you have, have ever had suffered from:
- Infection;
- Severe depression or manic-depressive illness (bipolar disorder). This includes having had depression
before or while taking steroid medicines like Rindelt);
- Stomach ulcer;
- Duodenal ulcer;
- Diabetes;
- Heart disease or recently suffered a heart attack;
- High blood pressure;
Thinning of bones which makes fractures more likely (oesteoporosis);
Newly established blood vessels or intestines;
Suspected or identified tumor in your adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma);
An eye disease caused by a rise of pressure within the eye (glaucoma) or if any in your family suffered
from glaucoma;
Muscle problems when steroids were taken before;
Renal failure;
Any liver problem;
An under-active thyroid (hypothyroidism);
Tuberculosis and viral and fungal infections of the eye.
Take particular care to avoid exposure of chickenpox, measles or herpes when treated with Rindelt. And if
exposed, seek medical advice urgently.
Contact your doctor in case you become ill or suffer an injury to see if there is the need to adjust the dose.
Mental health problems while taking prednisolone
Mental health problems can occur while taking steroids like prednisolone (see also section 4, ‘Possible side
These illnesses can be severe.
Usually they start within a few days or weeks of starting the medicine.
They are more likely to happen at high doses.
Most of these problems go away if the dose is lowered or the medicine is stopped. However, if problems do
occur, they might need treatment.
Talk to a doctor if you (or someone taking this medicine) show any signs of mental health problems. This is
particularly important if you are depressed or might be thinking about suicide. In a few cases, mental health
problems have also happened when the doses have been lowered or the medicine stopped altogether.
Other medicines and Rindelt
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken or might take any other
The treatment effect may be affected if this drug is taken simultaneously with:
- medicines to treat epilepsy (phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone and carbamazepine),
-antibiotics (rifampicin and erythromycin),
- all vaccinations and immunisation (antibody formation),
- mifepristone (used to terminate pregnancy),
- ritonavir (used in HIV treatment),
- oral contraceptives,
- somatropin (used to treat growth problems),
- medicines for diabetes (insulin, glibenclamide or metformin),
- medicines used to treat high blood pressure, such as diuretics (water tablets) like bendroflumethiazide or
- theophylline (used to treat asthma),
- medicines to treat fungal infections such as amphotericin, ketoconazole,
- acetazolamide (used to treat glaucoma),
- carbenoxolone (used to treat stomach ulcers),
- methotrexate (used for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and certain types of cancer),
- any medicine which belongs to a group of medicines called sympathomimetics,
- medicines used to treat myastenia gravis,
- medicines used to make x-rays clearer,
- ciclosporin (used to stop the body rejecting bone marrow or organ transplants).
Inform your doctor if you take medicines which influence the ability for your blood to coagulate, such as
The risk of ulcers is increased if you are in concomitant treatment with so-called non-steroid antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Aspirin and cortisone medicines.
Therefore, it is important that your doctor knows your entire consumption of medicine. This includes also
medicines without prescription.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your
doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
You should not take Rindelt, if you are pregnant, it might harm your baby. You should not take Rindelt
unless specifically advices by your doctor..
If you breast-feed your baby you should know that Rindelt passes to breast milk, but is not expected to harm
the baby. Always seek advice with your doctor before taking Rindelt during breast-feeding.
Driving and using machines
Rindelt has no or negligible effect on your ability to use machines or drive.
Rindelt contains lactose
If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before
taking this medicinal product.
How to take Rindelt
Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist, if you
are not sure.
Your doctor decides your dose, which is adjusted specifically for you.
Usually the treatment is started with a high dose which is then reduced until a specific maintenance dose
when the effect is satisfactory. When the treatment should end, the dose should be gradually reduced until it
is eventually stopped.
Contact your doctor in cases of strain as fever or stress, where change in dose may be relevant.
If you take more Rindelt than you should
If you have taken more of this medicine than directed, or if a child accidentally has taken this medicine,
please contact your doctor or emergency unit for judgement of the risk and advice.
If you forget to take Rindelt
Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose. Take the next dose as planned.
If you stop taking Rindelt
Rindelt is only prescribed to you if strictly necessary. Do not suddenly stop or make changes in your
treatment unless advised by your doctor. It may harm you or result in worsening of your condition.
If you have stopped taking Rindelt, contact your doctor or nurse immediately.
If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Possible side effects
Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Steroids including prednisolone can cause severe mental health problems, such as those listed below. If
you notice any of these problems talk to a doctor immediately:
- Feeling depressed, including thinking about suicide.
- Feeling high (mania) or having moods that go up and down.
- Feeling anxious, having problems sleeping, having difficulty in thinking or being confused and losing
your memory.
- Feeling, seeing or hearing things which do not exist (hallucinations). Having strange and frightening
thoughts, changing how you act or having feelings of being alone.
The following side effects may be signs of an allergic reaction. If you notice any of the below, stop
taking Rindelt and tell your doctor immediately:
- Itching or skin rashes;
- Swelling of the face, lips or throat;
- Difficulty in breathing or wheeziness.
Side effects normally occur during long-term treatment, but is also depending on dose and individual
Common side effects (occur in more than 1 of 100 patients):
- Oedema in the body
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Influence on the hormone release from the adrenal cortex
- Thinning of skin
- Delayed wound healing
- Disturbances in the salt balance, as e.g. high sodium levels or too low levels of potassium
- Too high content of glucose in blood and urine
- Thinning of bones which makes fractures more likely (osteoporosis)
- Muscular atrophy
- Prednisolone can reduce the body’s ability to react against inflammations and infections, resulting in
recurrence of infections and that local infections spreads. This medicine can make it easier for you to pick up
infections which may very rarely be fatal. Infections such as chickenpox and measles can be made worse or
TB (tuberculosis) may recur
- Growth inhibition in children
Less common side effects (occur in less than 1 of 100 patients):
- Glaucoma (increase eye pressure)
- Cataract (clouding of the eye lens)
- Elevated risk of blood clot
- Activation of mental disorders at high doses
Rare side effects (occur in less than 1 of 1000 patients):
- Benign increase of pressure in the skull
- Bone necrosis
- Tendon rupture
- Depression
- Mania
Side effects which frequency is not known:
- Episodes involving headaches, palpitations, sweating, pallor (pheochromocytoma related crisis)
The following side effects can occur if steroids are given in high doses for a long time:
- Generally feeling unwell
- Feeling sick (nausea)
- Hiccups
- Indigestion or stomach discomfort
- Stomach ulcer (which can rupture and bleed) or ulcer in the oesophagus (gullet)
- Thrush
Inflammation of the pancreas causing abdominal pain (pancreatitis)
Muscle weakness
Muscle pain
Damage to tendons
Feeling dehydrated
Bruising, acne, marks which look like stretch marks;
Small red, purple or blue spots found along the surface of the skin (caused by blood vessels under the
Irregular or stopped menstrual periods
Swollen round face (Cushingoid facies or moon-face)
Excess hair growth
Increased appetite and weight gain
Intolerance to carbohydrates
Mood changes, dependence, depression, difficulty sleeping, worsening of schizophrenia
Severe headaches with blurred vision or temporary visual problems in children (usually after stopping
Worsening of epilepsy
Thinning and inflammation of the cornea (part of the eye), worsening of viral or fungal eye diseases and
visual impairment
Heart attack (sudden severe chest pains)
Changes in body chemistry
An increase in the number of white blood cells
Long-term use of high dose steroids, may lead to a weakening of the immune system, which can increase
the risk of your condition getting worse (malignancy).
Reporting of side effects
If you get any of the side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side
effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly (see details below). By reporting side
effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
[To be completed nationally]
How to store Rindelt
Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Container: This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.
Blister pack: Do not store above 25ºC.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the label and carton after EXP (month/year).
The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw
away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.
Contents of the pack and other information
What Rindelt contains
The active substance (the ingredient that makes the tablets work) is prednisolone.
Each tablet contains either 2,5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg or 20 mg of prednisolone.
The other ingredients are: lactose, talc, magnesium stearate, potato starch and gelatin.
What Rindelt looks like and contents of the pack
Rindelt 2,5 mg: white, round, biplane tablet, scored on one side.
Rindelt 5 mg: white, round, biplane tablet, scored on one side.
Rindelt 10 mg: white, round, biconvex tablet, scored on one side.
Rindelt 20 mg: white, round, biconvex tablet, scored on one side.
Tablets can be divided in two equal parts.
Pack sizes
Container or blister pack with 20 tablets.
Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer
{Name and address}
<[To be completed nationally]>
<This medicinal product is authorised in the Member States of the EEA under the following names:>
< {Name of the Member State} > < {Name of the medicinal product} >
< {Name of the Member State} > < {Name of the medicinal product} >
This leaflet was last revised in 2015-10-21