REPORT Planning Application No: 63/2010/10730 7 Day Notice: NO 1. Site Description 1.1 15 and 17 Keighley Road are two storey terraced buildings constructed of a combination of stone and rendered blockwork for the external walls under slate roofs. They are located approximately 30 metres south of the junction of Castle Street and Keighley Road to the south of Skipton Town Centre on land forming part of Skipton Conservation Area. The premises are currently vacant but have planning permission which allows them to be used for retail purposes at ground floor level and for residential purposes at first and second floor levels. 2. Proposal 2.1 Planning permission is sought to form an external access to the flats at the rear of the building, to install two rear facing dormer windows, to build a stone boundary wall along the rear boundary of the property, and to reposition two first floor windows which are also located to the rear of the property. 3. Planning History 3.1 63/2009/9956 – Existing retail unit sub-divided to form two retail units with alterations to provide two maisonettes over retail premises – Approved 13/10/09 3.2 63/2010/10380 – Amendment to previous planning permission to include 2 no. dormer windows to rear elevation and 2 no. rooflights to front elevation – Approved 31/03/10 4. Planning Policy Background 4.1 Craven District Local Plan:- The site is located within the Development Limits of Skipton and the Skipton Conservation Area. Policy H20, and Appendix F, are considered to be relevant to the consideration of this application. 4.2 PPS5 ‘Planning for the Historic Environment’ 5. Parish/Town Council Comments 5.1 Skipton Town Council:- No objections 6. Consultations 6.1 None 7. Representations 7.1 None 8. Summary of Principal Planning Issues 8.1 Design; Amenity (effect on light and privacy) 9. Analysis 9.1 Design – The proposals are considered to be acceptable in design and scale terms:a) the new stairway will occupy a secluded position to the rear of the premises, will be modest in size and will be constructed of matching stone. b) the only difference between the dormers now proposed, and those already approved under planning permission no. 63/2010/10380, is that one of them is now shown as being repositioned approximately 0.95 metres closer to the south western edge of the building than it was previously. In this position it is contended that it will still largely satisfy the requirements of Appendix F. c) the new boundary wall will be modest in size generally standing approximately 1.2 metres high and only rising to its maximum height of 2.2 metres where it is to directly adjoin the new stairway. It is also to be constructed of natural stone which should harmonise with the stone used in the construction of the host buildings, d) the existing first floor windows are each to be re-positioned by approximately 0.5 metres, one to the north east and the other to the south west of their current positions. In view of this, and provided that they are reformed using matching stone surrounds, it is contended that they should retain the character of the host buildings. 9.2 Amenity- Given the proposed design, position and relatively modest size of the various developments it is considered that they should not unduly affect the level of light currently received by, or unacceptably overlook, the surrounding properties. 10. Recommendation 10.1 Approve 11. Summary of conditions 1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason:- To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 2) The stone to be used in the construction of the external stairway shall match in type, colour, texture, and shall be laid in a manner to match, the stone used in the construction of the rear (south eastern facing) external wall of the host buildings. 3) The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the dormers hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing buildings. 4) All new heads, cills and jambs shall be constructed of natural stone. 5) All new boundary walls shall be constructed of natural stone. This shall match in type, colour, texture, and shall be laid in a manner to match, the stone used in the construction of the rear (south eastern facing) wall of the host buildings. Reason (2 -5):- To ensure that the proposed development is of high quality and appropriate appearance in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality, in accordance with the requirements of Policy H20 and Appendix F (Residential Extensions) of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan and PPS5 ‘Planning for the Historic Environment’. 12. Reasons for approval It is considered that the proposal will meet the requirements of Policy H20 and Appendix F of the Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan and PPS5 ‘Planning for the Historic Environment’. The proposed works are considered to be acceptable in design and scale terms and should not unduly affect the level of light currently received by, or unacceptably overlook, neighbouring properties.