Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. G. Marangoni December 12, 1996. Answer the following questions in the time allotted. CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN EACH QUESTION. Cheat sheets are permissible. There are no tricks on this exam, so don’t look for any. Marks for each question are indicated in the [ ]. Chemistry 434 Students are to write the 3 hr. written section ONLY. Chemistry 534 students are to complete this section as well as a take home section. Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Marks /14 /10 /8 /14 /5 /8 /14 /12 /10 /10 /105 Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 1. 2 Given the following data on interfacial tensions (mN/m) (note: VA = valeric acid) [14 marks] Interface air/water /(mN m-1) 72 Interface Hg/water /(mN m-1) 415 air/VA air/hexane air/Hg 25 18 485 Hg/VA Hg/hexane Water/hexane 329 378 50 a) b) c) d) e) f) Will hexane spread at the air/water surface? Will hexane spread at the air/Hg surface? Will hexane spread at the Hg/water interface? Will VA spread at the air/water interface? Will VA spread at the Hg/H2O interface? If the answer to e) is yes, what will be the orientation of VA at the Hg/water interface? (note: assume that d (VA) = d (H2O) = 22 mN/m). a) S H 2O Hex Hex / H 2O 72 18 50 4 mN m mN spontaneou s spreading m b) S Hg Hex / Hg Hex 485 378 18 89 mN m mN spontaneou s spreading m c) S Hg / H 2O Hex / Hg Hex / H 2O 415 378 50 13 mN non spontaneous spreading m mN m Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. d) 3 2 S H 2O VA / H 2O VA need to calculate VA / H 2O VA / H 2O VA H 2O 72 25 222 x 22 1/ 2 S 72 53 25 6 d VA dH 2O 1/ 2 mN mN 53 m m mN m mN non spontaneous spreading m e) S Hg / H 2O VA / Hg VA / H 2O 415 329 53 33 f) mN m mN spontaneou s spreading m Note since the VA/H2O is significantly smaller than VA/Hg, it is quite likely that the orientation of the VA at the water/Hg interface is one where the carboxylic acid groups are in contact with water, but the chain is essentially flat at the interface (i.e., since the interfacial energy between VA/Hg is large, having the chain in contact with the Hg significantly increases the Gibbs energy of the system). Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 2. 4 The Gibbs energy change for micelle formation is generally written in the form for ionic 1:1 surfactants [10 marks] mic G o 2RT ln( X cmc ) a) b) a) Use the following equation derived from the data by Burrows et al.i to estimate the thermodynamic parameters of micelle formation at 298.15 K and 308.15 K. Comment on the results. ln( X cmc ) 0.6401 0.05565 T 9.49x10 5 T 2 One may naively expect that the process of micelle formation would be accompanied by a decrease in entropy (i.e., micS is negative). Is this what we observe? Explain. i) Burrows, J.C.; Flynn, D.J.; Kutay, S.M.; Leriche, T.G.; Marangoni, D.G. Langmuir 1995, 11, 3388-3394. mic G o 2RT ln( X cmc ) 2R 0.6401T 0.05565 T 2 9.49x10 5 T 3 mic G o o o 5 2 mic S mic S 2R 0.6401 0.1130 T 28.47 x10 T T p mic H o mic G o T mic So Temp. /K 298 308 298 308 298 308 Property micG micG micH micH micS micS -43.62 kJ/mole -44.98 kJ/mole -1.34 kJ/mole -4.15 kJ/mole 142 J/(K mole) 132 J/(K mole) Comment: even though the Gibbs energy change is essentially invariant with temperature, there are large changes in the value of the enthalpy and entropy of micelle formation and these changes are compensatory in nature. b) For the surfactant, we would expect a large decrease in entropy as we transfer the monomer from the bulk of the solution to the aggregated state (the micellar interior). However, since we see large, positive entropy changes upon micelle formation, the partial molar entropy change for the water must be very large and positive. This is consistent with the dissolution of the surfactant molecules in water having an ordering effect on the water molecules (i.e., the ‘iceberg effect’). Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 3. a) 5 Calculate the thickness of the diffuse double layer for a negatively charged solid in contact with aqueous solutions of the following concentrations at 25oC. [8 marks] a) 0.010 M KCl; b) 0.0010 M KCl; c) 0.0010 M K2SO4; d) 0.0010 M MgCl2. 1/ 2 3.29 x10 9 cZ 2 m 1 1 1 Debye Length 9 3.29x10 0.010Mx12 1/ 2 m 3.0x10 9 m b) 1 1 9 3.29x10 0.0010Mx12 m 9.6x10 9 m 1 1 9 3.29x10 0.0020Mx12 m 6.8x10 9 m 1 1 3.29x10 9 0.0010Mx 2 2 1/ 2 c) 1/ 2 d) 1/ 2 m 4.8x10 9 m Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 6 4. In an electrophoresis experiment, spherical colloidal particles of diameter 0.5 m are dispersed in a solution of 0.10 mol/L NaCl. If the particles are observed to cover a distance of 120 m in 5.0 s, under a potential gradient of 10.0 V/cm, calculate: [14 marks] a) the electrophoretic mobility of the particles; b) an estimate of the zeta potential () of the particles; c) an estimate of the charge density at the surface of shear; d) an estimate of the error in the electrophoresis measurement arising from the Brownian displacement of the particle that occurs during the experiment. a) check a a 3.29x10 9 0.10Mx12 b) 1/ 2 m 1 x 0.25x10 6 m 260 Smoluchows ki equation is valid 120 x10 6 mx 5.0s m2 uE E 2.4x10 8 V cm E Vs 10.0 x100 cm m Using the Smoluchowski equation m 0.891x10 3 Pa s x 2.4x10 8 u E s 0.0308V 30.8mV F 78.5 o 78.5x8.854x10 12 m c) C2 o (note : assume d ) d o C 2 x o C 1/ 2 F o 2.280.10 x 0.0308V 0.0222 2 2 m m C2 d) x 2Dt 1/ 2 J 1.381x10 23 298K 2 k BT 13 m K D 9 . 81 x 10 6a 60.891x10 3 Pa s x 0.25x10 -6 m s m2 x 2Dt 2 x 9.81x10 13 5.0s s 6 3.13x10 m % error x100% 2.61% 120x10 6 m 1/ 2 1/ 2 3.13x10 6 m Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 5. True or False. If false, explain why. [6 marks] a) All colloidal systems are thermodynamically unstable. b) All foams consist of a gas dispersed in a liquid. c) Electro-osmotic flow is related directly to the streaming potential developed in the capillary. a) False. Micellar systems. Microemulsions, and a wide variety of polymer/surfactant complexes all form spontaneously (G < 0 kJ/mole). False. An excellent example is Styrofoam (a gas dispersed in solid). True b) c) 7 Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 6. 8 DO EITHER A OR B What do we mean by the terms mass average and number average molecular weights of a colloidal system? How does this define the polydispersity of the colloidal system? [8 marks] A certain polymer has 15% of its molecules having a mass of 10 kg/mol, 20% of it molecules having a mass of 20 kg/mol, 50% of its molecules with a mass of 25 kg/mol, and 15% of its molecules having a mass of 35 kg/mol. Is the system monodisperse? Explain. [8 marks] a) b) a) M r mass n M n j M 2r , j M r number j j j n jM r, j j r, j n j j Note: the ratio of the mass average to the number averaged molecular weight is a measure of the polydispersity of the colloidal system. b) M r mass n M n jM j j 25.4 kg j 2 r, j r, j 2 2 2 mole M r number n jM r, j j n j j 23 kg 2 20x 20 kg 50 x 25 kg 15x 35 kg 15x10 kg mole mole mole mole 20x 20 kg 50 x 25 kg 15x 35 kg 15x10 kg mole mole mole mole 20x 20 kg 50x 25 kg 15x 35 kg 15x10 kg mole mole mole mole 100 mole M r mass 25.4 polydisper sity index 1.09 M r number 23 monodisper se system Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 7. 9 A protein having a molecular weight of 60 kg/mol and a sedimentation coefficient of 4.1 Svedbergs (note: 1 Svedberg = 10-13 / s) has a density of 1.31 g/cm3. Given that the density and viscosity of water are 0.997 g/cm3 and 0.890 x 10-3 kg/(m s) at 298.2 K, respectively, calculate [14 marks] a) the frictional coefficient of the protein from the sedimentation coefficient; b) the ideal frictional coefficient, fo; c) can we deduce something about the shape of the protein in solution? a) S MD1 SRT D RT M 1 D 7.09 x10 11 m Df k B T f J 298K K mole kg 60 x 1 0.997 1.31 mole 4.1x10 13 / s 8.314 2 s 1.381x10 23 J x 298K K 5.81x10 11 kg s 11 m 2 7.09 x10 s b) f o 6a assume the protein particles are spherical 1.31 g cm 3 2.183x10 5 mole cm 3 60 x10 3 g mole 3 4.580x10 5 cm mole 7.61x10 20 cm 3 V 23 molecule molecule 6.022x10 mole 1 4 3 V a 3 7.61x10 20 cm 3 x a3 3 4 a 2.63x10 7 cm 2.63x10 9 m kg 9 fo 6 a 6 0.891x10 3 ms x 2.63x10 m kg fo 4.42 x10 11 s note : c) f 5.81x10 11 1.31 oblate spheroid f o 4.42x10 11 Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 8. 10 A Cahn DCA 312 was used to scan the surface of a new polymer that may be used to make extended-wear contact lenses. The experiment was carried out using artificial tears as the wetting liquid. The DCA force-distance profile is given below. [12 marks] a) Does the artificial tears solution wet the surface of the polymer? b) Estimate the contact angle hysteresis for the wetting liquid. c) Given that the surface tension of the wetting liquid is 45 mN/m, calculate the Wimm and the Gibbs energy of wetting of the polymer. d) Will contact lenses made from this new polymer be comfortable enough for extended wear lenses? Explain briefly. Wetting Experiment for Artifical Tears Solution on a Contact Lens Polymer Force / mg 450. 0 rec = 12.52 300. 0 150. 0 avd = 46.56 0.0 0 5 10 15 Immersion Depth / mm a) b) c) d) Note, since the advancing contact angle for the tears solution on the polymer is >> 0, this solution does not wet the polymer well. =adv - rec = 46.56 - 12.52 =34.04 Wimm = LG Cos (adv) = 45 mN/m x cos (46.56) = 30.94 mN/m immG = -Wimm x A = - 0.0309 J/m2 No! For a comfortable contact lens, the contact angle should be as small as possible (ideally 0). Since the artificial tears solution does not wet the polymer well, this polymer would not be a good candidate for contact lens manufacturing. Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 9. 11 It is well known that the electrical double layer contributes to the stability of inorganic colloids like alumina and zirconia. The following curves represent the internal energy of attraction, repulsive, and the overall stabilisation energy of the charged colloid as a function of interparticle separation. [10 marks] - + - + - - + - + - + - - + + - + + + + + + - + + + + -+ -- + + - + + + + + + + + - + - + + - + + + + + - + + + + - - + - - + + + + + - r - - b E c r a a) b) c) Identify the curves represented by a, b, and c. How will the addition of electrolyte to the solution affect the shape of the curves. Explain. Identify the region of maximum stability for the charged colloid. a) Curve a Curve b Curve c b) The addition of electrolyte has little effect on the shape of the attractive curve, however, the repulsive curve is changed in shape and moves closer to the origin. The net effect is that the attractive forces beginning to dominate. With sufficient electrolyte addition, the colloid will precipitate. attractive curve repulsive curve overall potential energy curve Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 10. 12 DO EITHER A OR B a) At 298 K, a solution of polystyrene in methyl ethyl ketone solution has a (dn/dc)o = 0.231 mL/g, I/Io = 0.9865, and no =1.377 at a wavelength of 436 nm. Calculate [10 marks] i) the scattering constant for this solution (b = 1.00 cm). ii) If 1.00 L of the solution contains 1.07 g of polymer, what is the molar mass of the polystyrene? b) Shibita et al.(1) determined the -A curves for a series of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (FC-10 FC18) and tetradecanoic acid in 0.10 mol/L HCl at 298.2 K. [10 marks] i) Identify the transitions indicated on the curves for the HC14 (tetradecanoic acid) and perfluorododecanoic acid (FC-12). ii) Calculate an estimate of the molar mass of the FC-12 using the surface pressure data at 1.0 nm2, given that 9.91 x 10-4 g of acid was spread per m2. iii) Give a plausible explanation as to why the transition to the condensed film occur at higher surface areas for the perfluorinated acids versus tetradecanoic acid. (1) Shibata, O.; Yamamoto, S.K.; Lee, S.; Sugihara, G. J Colloid Interface Sci. 1996, 184, 201-208. Chemistry 434/534 Final Exam, 1996. 13 a) Kc 1 I note 0.9865 e l M R 90o Io ln 0.9865 R 90o 1.359 m 1 3 0.0811 m -1 16 2 2 3 2 2 1.377 dn 5 mole m m 231 9 . 178 x 10 4 kg kg 2 dc 6.022 x10 23 mole 1 436 x10 9 m 0.0811/m 826 kg 2 Kc mole kg mole m 9.177x10 -5 1 . 07 kg 2 m3 K 2 2 n o2 N A 4 M R 90o b) 0.01 m i) 2 2 Transitions (1) (2) (3) gaseous liquid expanded liquid expanded condensed condensed close-packed ii) g 1 m2 9.91x10 4 2 A m 1.010 x10 4 Am g m 8.314 J x 298.2K RT K mole N 0.0040 M 0.614 kg 614 g 2 m mole mole A m m 0.040 N x1.010 x10 4 m g A m M RT from the curve iii) Larger electronegativity of the F atoms compared to the H atoms leads to significant repulsions in the surface layer. Hence, we observe much larger than expected film areas for the FC film vs. the HC film. Have fun. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.