18 Oct 2010/LB Advanced Hydrology 2010 Contact: Lars.Bengtsson@TVRL.LTH.se Objectives: The student should obtain an understanding of the physics behind hydrological processes, be able to use theoretical approaches on real data, read scientific literature and put it into a context. Requirements: For a pass the student should be able with deep understanding to explain how water is stored and moves in nature of different character. The student should be able to approach hydrological problems of complex character and critically analyze them relying on findings from the literature and on theoretical evaluations. The problem analysis should be presented in a clear scientific way orally and in writing. Contents: Cold climate hydrology, evapotranspiration, hillslope and basin runoff processes, urban hydrology, extreme events. Essay; applied assignment. Literature: Journal papers (from the web or protected hompage for the ourse), handouts, W. Brutsaert: Hydrology An Introduction, Cambridge Press 2005 (handous and journal papers are sufficient). Exrecises are found on the home page: Examples and Examplessoil. Lectures (V-building) Please double check for the correct lecture room. Lecture 1 Cold climate (Lars Bengtsson) Course introduction, Importance of snow on the hydrology, snow properties, metamorphism, snow distribution, simple snow modeling. (Q1, 26 Oct 13-15) Lit: Lecture notes on Cold Climate, SNOW (handwritten covers the course in short) and DegreeDAy. Journal papera on Energy balance (Snow NH76), refreezing (RefreezeNH1982), Melt runoff (Encyc) and scales (Snowscale NH2000). Lecture 2, Elements of meteorology (Cintia Uvo) Climate of the world, circulation pattern, NAO, ENSO. (N1, 27 Oct 8-10) Lecture 3 Cold climate (Lars Bengtsson) Energy balance, sublimation, comparison snow models, time resolution. (N2, 28 Oct 10-12). Lit: see above. Lecture 4 Cold climate (Lars Bengtsson) Water movement through snow, frozen soil, runoff from basins of different character, urban snow, glacier runoff. (Q2, 2 Nov 13-15). Lit: see above, UrbanSnow(Encycl). Lecture 5 Evapotranspiration (Magnus Persson) Energy balance, potential and actual evaporation, transpiration, different equations, Monin-Obukov theory, stomata resistance, evapotranspiration from different kinds of vegetation, influence of interception. (P1, 3 Nov 10-12). Powerpoint Evapotr. Lecture 6 Infiltration and subsurface hydrology (Magnus Persson) Soil physics, pF and Richards equation. (N2, 4 Nov 10-12). Powerpoint Soil Physics. Lecture 7 Infiltration and subsurface hydrology (Magnus Persson) Preferential flow, solute transport. (P2, 9 Nov 13-15). Powerpoint Subsurface. Lecture 8 Infiltration and subsurface hydrology (Magnus Persson) Soil water measurement techniques, modeling. (R1, 10 Nov 10-12). Soil examples. Lecture 9 Infiltration and subsurface hydrology (Magnus Persson) Modeling, irrigation. (N2, 11 Nov 10-12). Handouts on unprotected site. Lecture 10 Lakes(Lars Bengtsson) (R1, 16 Nov 13-15) River routing, series of reservoirs, flooded areas, lake water balance. Lit: see below. Lecture 11 Stream flow and lakes (Lars Bengtsson) Energy balance lakes, water temperature, ice growth, real time forecasting. (R1, 17 Nov 10-12). Lit: Lakes (Bengtsson course on Lake Hydrology), Lakes (Encycl text book Circulation, Thermal regime, Water balance, Thermal bar) Lake heat balance (example hand written), Lake Poopo (journal paper terminal lake), Lake water balance (excel lake routing, but water balance better on Lakes), Ice covered lakes (journal paper mixing), Ice(Encycl; two parts Ice formation and general about Ice covered lakes), ThermalIceLake (Enc. Text book heat balance under ice) Lecture 12 Runoff processes (Lars Bengtsson) Hillslope processes, hillslope – river basin relation, origin of stream water, kinematic wave approach, particle movement age of water. (R1, 18 Nov 10-12). Notes Hillslope., Melt runoff (Encyc) Lecture 13 Runoff processes (Lars Bengtsson) Hillslope hydrology (cont), model distribution, drainage. (O1, 23 Nov 13-15) Lit: HBVTop. Lecture 14 Stream flow and lakes (Linus Zhang) River basin management (E-building 0522, 24 Nov 10-12). Lit: IntRiverBasinMan. Lecture 15 Extreme events (Cintia Uvo) Flood risk and mitigation, extreme value analysis (N2, 25 Nov 10-12) Lecture 16 (Cintia Uvo) Flood risk and mitigation, extreme value analysis. (E-building 0522, 30 Nov 13-15) Lecture 17 Urban hydrology (Lars Bengtsson) Short-term rainfall, time of concentration, rational method, time-area concept, conduit design, pond-canal system, flood protection methods (R1, 3 Dec 8-10). Lit: Notes urban, urban design. Lecture 18 Urban hydrology (Justyna Berndtsson) Alternative storm handling methods, green roofs, rain water harvesting. (R1, 3 Dec 1012). Lit: notes urban-Justyna, greenroofs, urban water quality (exercise). Lecture 19 essays Essay presentations (6 * 15 min incl discussion) (R1, 7 Dec 10-12) Lecture 20 essays Essay presentations (6 * 15 min incl discussion) (Brand, 8 Dec 10-12) Lecture 21 Essay presentations (6 * 15 min incl discussion) (P1, 9 Dec 10-12) Individual essays (you can choose other topic yourself) (contact suggested supervisor to discussand email LB when topic has been chosen) (5 pages, scientific references are required, oral presentation) If the student has not decided on an essat 8 Nov, a topic will be given to him/her. 1. Glaciers of the world and climate change (CU). 2. Glacier dynamics (LB) 3. ENSO-effect on the hydrology of western South-America (CU). 4. Different climate phenomena and their effect on climate in different parts of the world (CU). 5. Flush floods (CU). 6. Proxis for determining pre-historic climate (CU). 7. Ongoing rising of the land in northern Sweden and Finland and consequences on bays and the living near the coast (LB). 8. Increasing of snow and ice melt (LB). 9. Snow distribution and melt in/from large river basins (LB). 10. Trends of ice covered period and ice thickness (LB). 11. Infiltration in frozen soils (MP). 12. Albedo of snow, ice, water and vegetation and its variation in time and with solar angle (LB). 13. Permafrost and hydrology (LB): 14. Irrigation methods (MP). 15. The Dead Sea in a historical perspective (LB). 16. Major flood events in Europe in a 1000 year perspective (LB). 17. Different types of wetlands (LB). 18. Lake classification based on origin, water balance, nutrients (LB) 19. Terminal lakes (LB). 20. Virtual water (JB) 21. Artificial wetlands (JB) 22. Multiple use of stormwater ponds (JB). 23. Urban agriculture (JB) 24. Agricultural rain water harvesting (MP). 25. Antarctic lakes (LB). 26. The Yellow river – hydrology, utilization, problems (LZ). 27. Environmental problems related to hydro-power (JB). 28. Real time river flow forecasting (LB). 29. Comparison of different evaporation models (MP) 30. Long term trends in evaporation (global dimming) (MP) 31. Factors that influence the resistance to transpiration (MP) 32. Groundwater recharge in arid areas (MP) 33. Macroporosity and agriculture (MP) 34. Flood protection (Magnus Larson) Assignments (others can be chosen) Work on a consultant like problem (group of two persons, scientifically written report) 1. Extreme daily rainfall in a Swedish city over the last 90 years – trends, probability (CU). 2. The influence of the city of Lund on the Höje river discharge (JB). 3. Urban snowmelt with hourly time resolution (LB). 4. Consequences on a shallow lake (to be chosen) of changed climate (LB). 5. Rain water harvesting for water supply - roof area and tank volume (JB). 6. River regulation for hydropower for specific river (LB) 7. Annual northern river peak flows with changing temp and precip (LB) 8. Design of an urban pond in a botanical garden (LZ) 9. T-year flood in a river with limited data (LB or CU) 10. Snowmelt runoff from a large northern basin under different climatic scenarios (LB). There can be more than one group on each assignment if the study area is different. Examination 3 hours Monday 13 Dec 14.00-17.00 Eden26 Written test: questions and exercises, valued 50% for the final grade. Exame examples are found on the home page of the course Essay: individual valued 25% for the final grade Examples are found on the home page. Assignment in group of two valued 25% for the final grade Examples are found on the home page.