Native Studies Research Network, UK

Native Studies Research Network, UK
Fourth International Conference
Indigenous Environments: Contested, Negotiated, Sustained
An international conference hosted by the Native Studies Research Network, UK,
University of East Anglia, Norwich, July 6-8, 2016
The Native Studies Research Network, UK, invites proposals for papers for its fourth
international conference and would especially welcome contributions from indigenous
Established in April 2006, the NSRN currently has 123 members, working at 43 UK
institutions in 14 academic disciplines. The NSRN has organised regular biennial colloquia
in London since 2006, and has hosted three international conferences:
‘Language, Silence, and Voice in Native Studies’ (U of Geneva, 2007)
‘Indigenous Bodies: Reviewing, Relocating, Reclaiming’ (U of East Anglia, 2009)
‘Indigeneity and the Arts: Visual Culture and Communication’ (U of Kent, 2011)
In the twenty-first century, indigenous environments have become more visible than ever
before, drawing attention to diverse historical and political events on a global scale. This
interdisciplinary conference seeks to explore indigenous environments in the widest possible
sense, in both historical and contemporary contexts.
Keynote Speakers:
Lisa Brooks
Margaret D. Jacobs
(Amherst College)
(University of Nebraska; Pitt Professor, Univ. of Cambridge, 2015-16)
We invite papers focusing on indigenous environments in the Americas, Australasia and
Europe, exploring a wide range of topics including but not limited to:
Ecology and environment
Land, community, and home
Sovereignty and survival
Healing and well-being
Knowledge and epistemologies
Carceral institutions (boarding/residential schools, prisons etc)
Art and creativity
Rural and urban
Papers should be 20 minutes long. Please email a 250 word abstract, accompanied by a
short curriculum vita to both:
Jacqueline Fear-Segal (
and Rebecca Tillett
The deadline for abstracts is:
All accepted contributors will be notified by:
February 12th 2016.
March 31st 2016.
A collection of selected papers from this conference will be published as:
Indigenous Environments: Contested, Negotiated, Sustained
All papers submitted will be under consideration for this volume and should not,
therefore, be submitted for publication/published elsewhere.
Indigenous Environments will be a sister volume to Indigenous Bodies:
Reviewing, Relocating, Reclaiming (SUNY Press, 2013), the published legacy of
the 2009 conference
Travel Arrangements: The University of East Anglia is in Norwich, just 20 minutes
from Norwich Airport with direct flights to Amsterdam, connecting to major world
cities. Full details can be found on the University of East Anglia website.