Environmental Systems - University of Richmond Blogs

GEOG 380 / ENVR 300
Fall 2009
Environmental Gradients
GEOG 380 / ENVR 300
Dr. Todd Lookingbill
Office: 106 Weinstein Hall
Phone: 804.289.8265
Email: tlooking@richmond.edu
Office hours: M 11-12
Th 10-11
The web site for the class can be found on Blackboard
Course Schedule:
Class meets Mon/Wed, 3:00-4:15, Weinstein Hall 303.
Prerequisites: GEOG/ENVR 250, ENVR 201, BIOL 207, CHEM 110, or permission of
Course Objective:
This class is an investigation of the approaches, key concepts, and methods of studying
environmental gradients. An environmental gradient describes the continuous change of
an environmental variable with distance. Understanding the relationships between
gradients (e.g., between a species abundance and elevation) is essential to predicting
responses to environmental changes such as those predicted under global warming
scenarios. This course explores quantitative methods for describing different aspects of
climate, water, nutrient and biotic systems and their interactions. A modeling approach is
introduced and different types of conceptual, statistical and simulation models are used to
explore the different systems. Class exercises are developed for well-studied Long-Term
Ecological Research (LTER) sites in the southeast, northeast, west and northwest United
States. Group work is a critical component of many modeling efforts and will be
emphasized in the course.
Course Organization:
We will begin with a class discussion of the types of challenges that may be encountered
in trying to describe environmental systems quantitatively. We will introduce basic terms
and concepts essential to environmental modeling and systems analysis. These issues
will be revisited throughout the semester and will help guide our class assignments. The
remainder of the course will be divided into four units, each focusing on a different
environmental system: soil nutrient, climate, hydrologic and biotic. The final project will
be the development of a species habitat model based on the tools learned throughout the
course. An overnight field trip to Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, an LTER in
North Carolina, is a required part of the course.
GEOG 380 / ENVR 300
Fall 2009
Scientific Method; Earth’s Systems; Global Climate Change; Model Types, Concepts and
Considerations; Stella Modeling System; Introduction of LTER Study Sites.
Example Readings: Excerpts from “Modeling the Environment.” 2009. Andrew Ford.
 Kuhn, T.S. 1963. The function of dogma in scientific research. Pp. 347-69 in A.
C. Crombie (ed.). Scientific Change (Symposium on the History of Science,
University of Oxford, 9-15 July 1961). New York and London: Basic Books and
Heineman, 1963
Evaluation: mid-term, in-class exam consisting of multiple choice and short answer
questions (15% of final grade).
Students will select one of four study LTER sites. For each of the remaining units, groups will work
together to construct models of their site and will present the models to the rest of the class at the end
of the unit. Individual write-ups of the modeling assignment will be due for 3 of the 4 systems.
Why are some sites more fertile than others? Conceptual Models; Nutrient Cycling;
Weathering Processes; Small Watershed Technique; Input-Output Measurements.
Modeling tool: Stella
Example Readings: Excerpts from “Biogeochemistry of a Forested Ecosystem.” 1995.
Gene Likens and Herb Bormann.
 Vitousek, P.M. et al. 1997. Human alteration of the global nitrogen cycle: Sources
and Consequences. Ecological Applications 7:737-750.
Evaluation: 10-minute group presentation of conceptual nutrient model. Optional 5-page
written assignment (10% of final grade).
Each successive unit will begin with the construction of a conceptual model of the system being
studied via an in-class brainstorming exercise.
Why does is it colder in the mountains? Energy Budget; Radiation in Mountainous
Environments; Temperature Lapse Rates; Some Basic Statistics; Regression Models.
Modeling tool: Excel-based Regressions
Example Readings: Excerpts from “Primer of Biostatistics.” 2005. Stanton Glantz.
 Greenland et al. 2003. Long-term research on biosphere-atmosphere interactions.
BioScience 53:33-45
Evaluation: 10-minute group presentation of temperature regression model. Optional 5page written assignment (10% of final grade).
Water, water everywhere… or not? Hydrologic Cycle; Soil-Water Balance; Precipitation
Processes and Estimation; Streamflow and Hydrograph Analysis; Simulation Models.
Modeling tool: TOPMODEL
Example Readings: Excerpts from “Elements of Physical Hydrology.” 1998. George
Hornberger, Jeff Raffensperger, Patricia Wiberg, and Keith Eshleman
 Post, D.A. & J.A. Jones. 2001. Hydrologic regimes of forested, mountainous,
headwater basins in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, and Puerto Rico.
Advances in Water Resources. 24:1195-1210.
Evaluation: oral or written presentation (10%) of water dynamics using TOPMODEL
simulation model.
GEOG 380 / ENVR 300
Fall 2009
Gradient Analysis; Statistical Techniques for Detecting Watershed Associations;
Feedbacks between Vegetation, Soils, Climate, and Hydrology; Species Distribution
Models; Ordination Analysis
Modeling tool: PC-Ord
Example Readings: Excerpts from “Analysis of Ecological Communities.” 2002. Bruce
McCune and James Grace.
 N.L. Stevenson 1998. Actual evapotranspiration and deficit: Biologically
meaningful correlates of vegetation distribution across spatial scales. Journal of
Biogeography 25:855-870.
Final Evaluation: 15-minute oral presentation (10%) and 10-page written assignment
(20%) describing the distribution of a tree species or community in the study watershed.
The final will address how the combined influences of the physical environment shape
the distribution of vegetation.
Student Evaluation:
The course grade will be based on the following components. A mid-term, in-class exam
will be worth 15% of the final grade. The exam will consist of multiple choice and short
answer questions related to the scientific method, modeling, systems analysis, and the
small watershed approach. A final, in-class exam will be worth 25% of the final grade.
This exam also will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions, but will be
cover material from the entire semester.
Working groups will be assigned following the mid-term exam. Each group will choose
an LTER study site to analyze for the semester. Three assignments will be given related
to climate, hydrologic, and nutrient modeling. Each assignment will be worth 10% of the
final grade. Individual 5-page written reports must be submitted for two of these three
assignments. The final project will be worth 30% of the final grade and will address how
the combined influences of the physical environment shape the distribution of vegetation
in the group’s study site. A final paper (10 pages) and oral presentation (15 minutes) will
be required from each individual.
15% mid-term
30% soil nutrient, climate and hydrologic assignments
10% final presentation (vegetation model)
20% final paper (vegetation model)
25% final exam (cumulative)
The grading scheme will follow standard University of Richmond guidelines.
Late work: Unless permission has been granted ahead of time, all late work will be
penalized one letter grade for day it is late including weekend days. Extra credit
assignments will not be accepted late.
GEOG 380 / ENVR 300
Fall 2009
Note: Student’s with learning, physical, or psychiatric concerns that may require
classroom accommodations or an academic adjustment should arrange a meeting with me
at your earliest convenience.
Fall 2009 Schedule:
This schedule will be followed approximately. Some changes may be made as the class
proceeds. We will spend three weeks covering each unit, concluding the unit (with the
exception of Unit 1) with a modeling exercise that will be specific to the student’s study
site. In addition, short (~ 1 page) write-ups related to Discussion topics will be due on
Discussion days for 1 pt of extra credit.
M Aug 24
Introduction to course
W 26
Discussion – Scientific Method
M 31
W Sept 2
Physical Geography – history, concepts, terms, and tools – review
Intro to systems principles and the Earth’s systems
Models – terms, concepts, and stages of model development
Types of models and considerations;
Discussion – Modeling Environmental Systems
(each unit will start with a class effort to identify the system components we will need to consider)
M 14
W 16
Small watershed technique; Hubbard Brook EF
Other small watershed sites
Discussion – Long-term Studies and Cross-site Comparisons
M 21
W 23
Mid-term Exam
Conceptual nutrient model: Inputs/outputs, internal loops…
(at this date, students should select their study watershed)
M 28
W 30
Extreme events (e.g., landslides) and global change (e.g., acid rain);
In-class time to prepare presentations
Nutrient Model Presentations
M Oct 5
W Oct 7
Earth’s energy and radiation budgets
Temperature in mountain environments
M 12
W 14
Fall Break
Regression modeling of temperature in HJA
M 19
GCMs and how do we represent a changing climate;
Final Paper Assignment Distributed and Discussed
Temperature Model Presentations
W 21
GEOG 380 / ENVR 300
Fall 2009
M 26
Hydrologic cycle, soil-water balance
W 28
Precipitation: formation, measurement, and areal estimation techniques
M Nov 2
Streamflow and hydrograph analysis
W 11
More sophisticated hydrologic simulation models
Hydrology Model Presentations
M 16
Terrestrial vegetation and associations with physical template
Discussion - Feedbacks between Soils, Climate, and Hydrology
W 18
Multivariate statistical techniques for detecting watershed associations
M 23
W 25
Projecting global climate change effects on vegetation
Thanksgiving Break
M 30
W Dec 2
Final Presentations
Final Presentations;
Last Class Overview
Deadline for Handing in Final Paper
F 4
M Dec 14 (9:00 am) Final Exam