Document Type: PROCEDURE Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Unique Identifier: CORP/PROC/577 Version Number: 2 Scope: Trust Wide Status: Ratified Classification: Organisational Author/Originator and title: Responsibility: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Trinity Pharmacy Hospice Task Group Replaces: Description of amendments: Version 1 Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Corp/Proc/577 Name Of: Divisional/Directorate/Working Group: Date of Meeting: Validated by: A Gibson, Director of Pharmacy Validation Date: 21/06/2012 Ratified by: Medicines Management Committee Ratified Date: 21/06/2012 Review dates may alter if any significant changes are made Risk Assessment: Not Applicable Financial Implications Not Applicable Which Principles of the NHS Constitution Apply? Principle 1-4 Issue Date: 21/06/2012 Review Date: 01/06/2015 Does this document meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 in relation to Race, Religion and Belief, Age, Disability, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Pregnancy & Maternity, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Carers, Human Rights and Social Economic Deprivation discrimination? Initial Assessment Contents 1 PURPOSE..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Professional Responsibilities/Training and Competency ................................................. 5 2.2 Training package ............................................................................................................ 5 2.3 Updates .......................................................................................................................... 5 3 PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 Obtaining a CME T34 Syringe Pump .............................................................................. 5 3.1.1 Hospital ................................................................................................................. 5 3.1.2 Community ............................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Medication ...................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Setting up the Syringe Pump .......................................................................................... 6 3.4 Equipment ...................................................................................................................... 6 3.5 Overview of CME T34 ................................................................................................ 7 3.5.1 Syringe recognition system .................................................................................... 7 3.5.2 Keypad .................................................................................................................. 8 3.6 Safety check prior to use ................................................................................................ 8 3.6.1 Battery life ............................................................................................................. 8 3.7 Preparation of medication for administration by syringe pump ........................................ 9 3.8 Infusion Site Selection .................................................................................................. 10 3.9 Attaching the Syringe to the CME T34 ........................................................................ 111 3.10 Connect the Infusion to the Patient ............................................................................. 122 3.11 Starting the Infusion ...................................................................................................... 12 3.12 The Giving Set .............................................................................................................. 13 3.12.1 Siting a new giving set during an infusion ............................................................ 13 3.12.2 Siting a new giving set at the end of an infusion .................................................. 13 3.13 Keypad Lock ................................................................................................................. 14 3.14 Lock box ....................................................................................................................... 14 3.15 Monitoring the Infusion.................................................................................................. 14 3.16 Infusion Completion ...................................................................................................... 15 3.16.1 Discontinuation .................................................................................................... 15 3.16.2 Continuation of Infusion ....................................................................................... 15 3.16.3 Temporary Discontinuation .................................................................................. 16 3.16.4 Resuming of Infusion after Temporary Discontinuation ........................................ 16 3.17 When a Patient Dies ..................................................................................................... 17 3.18 Discharge from Inpatient Unit........................................................................................ 17 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 2 of 55 3.19 Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 17 3.19.1 Hospital ............................................................................................................... 17 3.19.2 Community/Trinity ................................................................................................ 18 3.20 Infection Control/ Decontamination ............................................................................... 18 3.21 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 18 3.21.1 Pump will not start ............................................................................................... 18 3.21.2 Infusion Running Too Fast ................................................................................... 18 3.21.3 Infusion running too slow ..................................................................................... 19 3.21.4 The pump has stopped infusing, but contents remain in the syringe .................... 19 3.21.5 Site Irritation ........................................................................................................ 19 3.21.6 Precipitation, cloudiness or colour change in syringe contents or giving set ........ 19 3.21.7 Syringe becomes displaced ................................................................................. 20 3.21.8 Alarms and Alerts ................................................................................................ 20 3.22 Medication errors involving the CME T34 syringe pump. .............................................. 20 4 ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 21 5 ELECTRONIC AND MANUAL RECORDING OF INFORMATION . Error! Bookmark not defined. 6 LOCATIONS THIS DOCUMENT ISSUED TO ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 7 OTHER RELEVANT/ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 8 SUPPORTING REFERENCES/EVIDENCE BASED DOCUMENTS ............. Error! Bookmark not defined. 9 CONSULTATION WITH STAFF AND PATIENTS ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 10 DEFINITIONS/GLOSSARY OF TERMS ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11 AUTHOR/DIVISIONAL/DIRECTORATE MANAGER APPROVAL . Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix 1 Drug Information .......................................................................................................... 24 Appendix 2: Patient Information Leaflet........................................................................................... 25 Appendix 3 - Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart ................................................. 29 Appendix 4: ............ Subcutaneous ‘as required’ & Syringe Driver Prescription Administration Record (JiC4CD MAR) .............................................................................................................. 30 Appendix 5: Equality Impact Assessment Tool ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.4 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 3 of 55 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to inform authorised healthcare professionals how to configure, manage and discontinue a continuous subcutaneous infusion (CSCI) via a CME T34 syringe pump. It does not cover the use of syringe pumps for administration of drugs by the epidural or intravenous route. Background The CME T34 syringe pump is a portable battery operated medical device used to administer medication to patients via a CSCI, providing symptom management for patients who are unable to tolerate oral medication. Other routes of administration may be appropriate in certain cases. Nonetheless, the use of a CSCI ensures continuous delivery of medication over 24 hours, maintaining consistent control of symptoms. Typical indications for the use of a CSCI include: nausea and vomiting intestinal obstruction suspected malabsorption difficulty or inability to swallow (e.g. mucositis, stomatitis) severe weakness or unconsciousness There are advantages and disadvantages to the use of the syringe pump: Advantages provides a steady plasma level of drugs rather than peaks and troughs of using “as required” (PRN) medication a combination of different drugs (always check for compatibility) can be used in one syringe covering a variety of symptoms e.g. pain, nausea and agitation daily renewing of syringe pump medication means patients can forget about regular medication times the device is lightweight and compact which is beneficial for ambulatory patients Disadvantages some patients may become “dependant” on the device. may be problems with local skin reactions patients may feel restricted at home if requiring daily changes of medication risk of loss of symptom control in obese or oedematous patients The administration of medication via a CSCI should not be viewed as a convenient alternative to oral medication. Other routes should also be considered and may be more appropriate in some cases e.g. rectal or sublingual. However, one advantage of using the CME T34 syringe pump is that it delivers continuously over 24 hours and avoids “peaks and troughs” of drug delivery which may cause difficulties in maintaining consistent control of symptoms. This can be reassuring to patients and their carers. 2. SCOPE The document applies to all practitioners within Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTH NHS FT) and Trinity Hospice. This policy is in response to the Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 4 of 55 National Patient Safety Agency Rapid Response Report (NPSA/2010/RRR019) alert. Across the above organisations only the CME T34 syringe pumps will be used to deliver CSCIs. The policy should be read in conjunction with the relevant and up to date Infection Prevention and Control policies, Medicines Management Policies, Medical Devices Policies as well as Mandatory Training policies. For prescribing refer to the latest Lancashire and South Cumbria Palliative Care Prescribing Guidelines. 2.1 Professional Responsibilities/Training and Competency All authorised staff that use the CME T34 syringe pump must have completed approved training in the safe use of medical devices and have been assessed as competent to use the CME T34 specifically. Each professional is responsible for his/her own competencies and knowledge and maintaining their competency record. The individual user is responsible for ensuring they keep up to date with device/equipment competency and maintaining personal records of competency and training on any equipment. 2.2 Training package A training package and workbook is available via key trainers in all areas. Training in the use of CME T34 syringe pumps must be provided by authorised key trainers and an assessment of competencies undertaken. The date and outcome of assessment must be made and recorded as per local policy and electronic learning management systems (if appropriate). 2.3 Updates Key trainers are required to complete updates every 2 years. A professional accepts accountability for his/her competency and must review the need for CME T34 updates on at least an annual basis or as required. Each professional is responsible for their own level of knowledge and competency when using any medical device and medicine. 3. PROCEDURE 3.1 Obtaining a CME T34 Syringe Pump 3.1.1 Hospital A CME T34 syringe pump can be obtained by contacting the Medical Equipment Library Service: Monday-Friday 08.00 – 16.00 hours call ext. 5323 Monday-Friday 16.00 – 20.30 hours, bleep 675 Saturday and Sunday 08.00 – 13.00 hours, bleep 675 Outside these hours contact 002 bleep holder for all loan requirements To request an equipment loan you will be asked to provide the following information: a) Name of the requesting person b) Location where equipment is to be used c) Type of equipment required d) Patient Name e) Patient Hospital Number and/or NHS number f) The time the loan is required g) Expected loan period Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 5 of 55 3.1.2 Community CME T34 syringe pumps are obtained from District Nursing Teams during normal working hours. Out of hours, these are available from the Urgent Care Centre (for the Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde area) or from the District Nurse evening/night services based at QVC (for the Lancaster area). 3.2 Medication The CME T34 syringe pump is most commonly used to deliver compatible combinations of up to four drugs via CSCI over a 24 hour period. Various combinations of drugs used together in a single syringe can allow a number of different symptoms to be controlled with minimum inconvenience for the patient. Drug combinations should be reviewed on a regular basis to assess the continued need for each drug and the appropriateness of the doses being used. All prescribers are responsible for ensuring their own knowledge and skills relating to the prescribing of drugs for use in a syringe pump. Refer to (Appendix 1) for common drugs used in syringe pumps. The prescriber is responsible for ensuring patient consent is obtained should any drugs be used for an unlicensed (or off-label) indication. If there are any problems or questions relating to prescribing, contact the prescriber and / or specialist palliative care services for advice: within working hours please contact ext. 3670 or bleep Specialist Palliative Care CNS via hospital switchboard out of hours – contact Trinity Hospice (01253 359359) In the community, contact CNS team at Trinity on 01253 359359 or St John’s Hospice 01524 382538 Healthcare professionals must be aware of the compatibility of drugs used in the syringe pump. It is the responsibility of the healthcare professional involved to ensure that he/she has up to date knowledge and understanding of the drugs used, including appropriateness and safety of doses as per professional guidance. Refer to Lancashire and South Cumbria Palliative Care Prescribing Guidelines (2012), or contact the Palliative Care Team or Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services for further information. Prescribing guidelines are available for Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust via the intranet homepage. For the latest information, refer to (registration required). 3.3 Setting Up The Syringe Pump Before setting up the CME T34 syringe pump, discussions should occur with the patient and family/carer as to the reasons for its use, how it works and (if applicable) how to respond to any incidents which may occur. Ensure the patient and/or carer receives the patient information leaflet (see Appendix 2). In addition, refer to local policy for consent. When a patient lacks capacity best interest decisions must be used. The setting up of the syringe pump should only be undertaken by, or under the supervision of, appropriately trained personnel (see section 2.1) 3.4 Equipment CME T34 Syringe Pump and 9 volt PP3 alkaline battery with lockbox and key Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 6 of 55 A spare battery must always be available 20mL OR 30mL Luer lock syringe (20mL syringe as minimum; larger syringe may be necessary for large volume infusion) As per local policies, blunt end filter needles, where available, should be used when drawing from glass ampoules (not required when drawing through a rubber bung) 1mL/ 2mL/ 10mL Luer lock syringes for reconstituting and drawing individual medicines prior to adding to larger syringe CME cannula and giving set. For example, the code for the giving set (with butterfly) is FKA350 and the BD 20 ml syringe is FWD018. Where necessary, Sof- Set® may be used. 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe Semi permeable dressing to secure needle Label for syringe barrel Valid prescription and appropriate documentation Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (see Appendix 3) For community patients, the Subcutaneous ‘as required’ and Syringe Driver Prescription and Administration Record (Appendix 4) 3.5 Overview Of CME T34 3.5.1 Syringe recognition system 1 3 2 Figure 1 - Illustration of where the syringe attaches to the pump 1. Barrel clamp arm – (detects syringe size / width of barrel, securing clamp arm) 2. Syringe ear / collar sensor (detects secure loading of syringe collar) 3. Plunger sensor (detects secure loading of syringe plunger) 4. Actuator All these areas need to be able to register the syringe before the pump will function Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 7 of 55 4 3.5.2 Keypad 8 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 2 - Control buttons INFO Key - access event log/Set Up (code protected)/battery status ▲ + / ▼ - arrow keys – increase / decrease parameters / scroll options YES / START key - confirms selection / starts infusion NO / STOP- step back a screen / stops infusion FF ◄◄ (forward) - moves actuator forward BACK ►► - moves actuator back ON / OFF LED indicator 3.6 Safety Check Prior To Use Insert battery, check the battery level before ( see battery life below ) use. Ensure the barrel clamp arm is down then press and hold the “ON / OFF” key until the “pump identification” screen appears (shows model and software version). The LCD display will show “PRE-LOADING” and the actuator will start to move (see Figure 3). Wait until it stops moving and the syringe sensor detection screen (syringe graphic) appears. Figure 3 - Pre-loading screen During pre-loading the actuator always returns to the start position of the last infusion programmed. If the actuator is not in the correct position to accommodate the syringe, leave the barrel clamp arm down and use the “FF ◄◄” or “BACK ►►” buttons on the keypad to move the actuator. Forward movement of the actuator is limited, for safety; therefore repeated presses of the “FF ◄◄” key may be required when moving the actuator forward. Backwards movement is not restricted Always check the battery power before commencing the infusion. Press the INFO key until the battery level option appears on the screen (see Figure 4) and then press YES to confirm. The average battery life, commencing at 100%, is approximately 3-4 days depending on use. 3.6.1 Battery life In the inpatient setting, if the battery has less than 10% power remaining at the start of an infusion then consideration should be made to discarding the battery and installing a Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 8 of 55 new one (as recommended by CME). In the community, if the battery has less than 40% power remaining at the start of an infusion then consideration should be made to discarding the battery and installing a new one. Document the battery level on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (see Appendix 3). The battery should be removed from the syringe pump when not in use. Figure 4 - Battery level indicator 3.7 Preparation Of Medication For Administration By Syringe Pump As a rule, no more than three drugs should be mixed in one syringe. If four or more drugs are thought necessary, refer to section 3.2 for further guidance. It is considered good practice to make the solution as dilute as possible to reduce the likelihood of drug incompatibility and minimise site irritation. The following should be followed: The principles of Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT) must be followed in the preparation of all injectable medicines. To be prepared as per local policies Each drug must be reconstituted as per manufacturer’s recommendation. Prepare a clean, clear area to work on. Wash and dry hands as per local hand hygiene policy. Check compatibility and choose appropriate diluents. Calculate the expected volume of infusion and select appropriate size syringe. The recommended maximum fill volume for a 20mL syringe is 17mL; for a 30mL syringe this is 22mL. In most cases a 20mL syringe will suffice, however 30mL can be used for larger volume infusions. Assemble the correct number of ampoules/vials of drugs required, including the diluents and a medicinal waste bin. Ampoules/vials containing liquid preparations nearly always contain an overage, so measure the exact volume required. Complete additives label for the syringe barrel, which must be signed by staff involved in process. Details required: o patient’s name Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 9 of 55 o o o o o ward (where appropriate) drug(s) and dose(s) diluent date and time prepared signature/initial of staff preparing Check the drug concentration, expiry and the volume of each drug to be used. In the community, the batch number of each ampoule/vial should then be recorded on The Subcutaneous ‘as required’ and Syringe Driver Prescription and Administration Record (Appendix 4) and the ampoules/vials should be retained for the final check. Once completed, draw a little air into the syringe, invert it gently several times to mix the contents, and then expel air, taking care not to expel any of the medication. If using a new giving set, attach it to the syringe and prime. If the giving set is in situ, do not attach to the syringe (see section 3.16.2). Needles must never be re-sheathed. Observe for any signs of incompatibility, such as crystallisation or cloudiness. If this occurs discard the medication and seek advice regarding an alternative combination of medication. 3.8 Infusion Site Selection Discuss with the patient preferred sites, if possible. Choose a suitable site (examples of which are illustrated in Figure 5). The site should be in an area with a good depth of subcutaneous fat. Both the outer arm and upper thigh are commonly used, but avoid the upper arm in bedbound patients who require frequent turning. In other patients, the chest or abdomen may be more suitable. Avoid the chest wall in cachetic patients (danger of causing pneumothorax). The scapula may be considered for confused or delirious patients who may pull on the line. Areas to be avoided include: o oedematous areas (poor absorption and leaking) o broken skin o areas that have recently received radiotherapy o bony prominences o possible sites of tumour or infection o skin folds o areas of inflammation Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 10 of 55 Figure 5 - Site selection 3.9 Attaching The Syringe To The CME T34 Before attaching the syringe to the pump, ensure the line is not connected to the patient. Check the patient’s name against the identification wrist band (if appropriate) and verbally where possible against the prescription. Lift the barrel clamp arm and seat the filled syringe collar/ear and plunger so the back of the collar/ear sits in the central slot (see Figure 1) and ensure correct placement; the syringe collar/ear should be vertical with the scale on the syringe barrel facing forward Click the syringe plunger (see Figure 1) into the actuator; this may require some pressure Lower the barrel clamp arm; the syringe graphic on the screen ceases to flash when the syringe is correctly seated at all three points The syringe size and brand option will then be displayed as shown in Figure 6. If the syringe size and brand match the screen message, press the YES key to confirm If the syringe size and/or brand do not match, scroll with ▲ / ▼ keys until the correct selection appears, then press the YES key to confirm. Figure 6 – Example of syringe identification screen After confirming the syringe type, an example of the next screen message that appears is displayed below (in Figure 7): Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 11 of 55 Figure 7 - Example of confirmation screen The pump calculates and displays the total volume, duration of infusion (24 hours) and rate of infusion (mL per hour). After pressing YES, refer to Figure 8 for the display on the LCD screen. Figure 8 - Start infusion screen 3.10 Connect The Infusion To The Patient Explain the procedure to the patient. Cleanse the skin using a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe (where appropriate) Grasp the skin firmly but gently. Insert the winged infusion subcutaneous line needle with the bevel side down at a 45º angle and release grasped skin. The winged device should be firmly secured using a sterile, semi-permeable transparent dressing to allow easy site inspection. If using Sof-Set®, follow manufacturer’s advice. Record the location of the infusion site when the syringe pump is set up and when the line is changed (this reduces disturbance to the patient during monitoring) within the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (Appendix 3) and within the patients record. 3.11 Starting The Infusion Check the line is connected to the pump and patient. The device display will look as shown in Figure 8. Press YES to start infusion When the syringe pump is running, the green LED indicator (above the ON/OFF switch – refer to button 8 in Figure 3) flashes and an example of what the screen displays is shown in Figure 9. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 12 of 55 Figure 9 - LCD display during operation If the infusion has not been started and a button has not been pressed for more than two minutes, an alarm will sound. The message `Pump Paused Too Long Confirm, Press YES will show on the LCD display. To stop the alarm, press YES and continue programming the infusion. To reduce the risk of syphonage, ensure the syringe pump is placed at the same height, or lower than the infusion site. 3.12 The Giving Set It is considered good practice to change the giving set and use a fresh site when the patient’s prescribed medication has been changed, or the site has to change to the development of a site reaction (i.e. the site is red, painful or swollen). The giving set should be routinely re-sited at least every 72 hours. If alternative sites are limited, e.g. in cachectic patients, or prolonged use, it would be in the patient’s best interests to continue to use the existing site if it is viable and any newly prescribed medicines are compatible. 3.12.1 Siting A New Giving Set During An Infusion Follow the instructions in section 3.16.3 to temporarily discontinue the infusion. The following procedure should then be used: o wash hands as per local policy, take the medicinal sharps bin, a spare giving set, semi-permeable dressing, gauze and tape or a plaster to the patient o without removing the syringe from the pump, disconnect the cannula from the syringe and dispose immediately into the sharps bin o use gauze and tape or a plaster to cover the previous site, if appropriate o remove syringe from the CME T34 but DO NOT turn the pump off o connect a new giving set to the current syringe and prime o replace the syringe back into the pump o prepare new site as per section 3.10 Follow section 3.16.4 to recommence the infusion, but note that the syringe pump will not deliver medication over the full 24 hour period due to priming of the new giving set Document the time the cannula and giving set are changed on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (see Appendix 3) 3.12.2 Siting A New Giving Set At The End Of An Infusion If the infusion has already completed, and a new giving set and site are required for a subsequent infusion, refer to section 3.16.2. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 13 of 55 3.13 Keypad Lock The CME T34 syringe pump allows users to lock the operation of the keypad during infusion. The function should be routinely used to prevent tampering with the device. To activate the keypad lock, press and hold the INFO key until a chart is displayed showing a `progress` bar moving from left to right (see Figure 10). Hold the key until the bar has moved completely across the screen and a beep is heard to confirm the lock has been activated. Figure 10 - LCD display with keypad lock When the keypad lock is activated the INFO, YES/START and NO/STOP buttons are still active. To deactivate the keypad lock (pump must be infusing) repeat the above procedure. The `progress` bar will now move from right (lock on) to left (lock off) and a beep will be heard. 3.14 Lock Box Every CME T34 syringe pump will be supplied with a lockbox. After starting the infusion, check the syringe pump is set correctly and place it in the lockbox and use the key to lock it. Universal keys are available. Replacement keys, if required, are the responsibility of individual teams. 3.15 Monitoring The Infusion For inpatient use, following the siting of the CME T34 syringe pump the site must be checked for signs of leakage, inflammation, blanching or pain. This must be undertaken after 15 minutes or as per local policy and recorded on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (see Appendix 3). Subsequent observations must be made and recorded on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (see Appendix 3) every 4 hours. In the community, on initial set up the syringe pump must be checked within 12 hours and recorded on the infusion monitoring chart. The infusion monitoring chart must be completed at each community nursing visit. The following observations should also be made and entered on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (see Appendix 3): o the time the observation is made o check the battery light is flashing; record the battery power remaining o ensure the giving set remains securely attached to both the syringe and the patient and that it is not leaking, kinked or trapped o check the solution in the syringe and the giving set for cloudiness, presence of large air bubbles (indicates syringe may be cracked; small air bubbles are not significant), precipitation or colour change Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 14 of 55 o record the flow rate and check it is correct o record the volume of solution to be infused, the volume infused at the time of checking and use this information to determine whether the syringe pump is delivering the medication at the desired rate Document on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart that checking has occurred, along with any discrepancies (Appendix 3). 3.16 Infusion Completion 3.16.1 Discontinuation If the patient has died, go to section 3.17. When the infusion is nearing completion, the LCD will display “Syringe nearly empty” 15 minutes before the end of the infusion, together with an audible intermittent alarm. When the infusion is complete and the syringe is empty, the pump will stop automatically and an alarm will sound. The LCD will show “End Program. Press YES to confirm” Press YES to confirm the end of the infusion, disable the keypad lock and press and hold the ON/OFF switch to ensure the pump is switched off. If the infusion is to be stopped before the syringe is empty (press STOP, deactivate the keypad lock, as described in section 3.13, then press and hold the ON/OFF button) the giving set must be disconnected from the patient before removing the syringe from the pump to avoid an accidental bolus dose of drug(s). Record the remaining volume on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (Appendix 3). Removal of the cannula and/or discontinuation of the infusion should only be carried out by appropriately trained staff. Refer to the following procedure to remove the giving set: o wash hands as per local policy, take the medicinal sharps bin, semi-permeable dressing, gauze and tape or a plaster to the patient o without removing the syringe from the pump, disconnect the giving set from the syringe and dispose immediately into the medicinal sharps bin o use gauze and tape or a plaster to cover the previous site if appropriate Clean the pump and lockbox as detailed in section 3.20. 3.16.2 Continuation Of Infusion If the syringe pump is still required, press YES to confirm the end of the infusion, disable the keypad lock and press and hold the ON/OFF switch to ensure the pump is switched off. If a new giving set and site are required: o removal of the cannula and/or discontinuation of the infusion should only be carried out by appropriately trained staff o wash hands as per local policy, take the medicinal sharps bin, semi-permeable dressing, gauze and tape or a plaster to the patient o without removing the syringe from the pump, disconnect the giving set from the syringe and dispose immediately into the medicinal sharps bin Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 15 of 55 o use gauze and tape or a plaster to cover the previous site, if appropriate o refer to sections 3.7 - 3.13 to set up a new infusion If medication is to remain the same and the line is to remain in situ: o wash hands as per local policy o disconnect giving set from the previous syringe before removing the syringe from the pump (preventing inadvertent bolus) o remove the previous syringe from the pump o prepare the new syringe as per sections 3.7-3.9 but do not attach the giving set o after attaching the syringe to the syringe pump, check the giving set is full of fluid; if not, a new giving set will be required o connect the giving set to the new syringe ensuring the Luer-lock is fully screwed on to the thread of the syringe tip o follow section 3.11 to commence the infusion 3.16.3 Temporary Discontinuation This is not normal practice and should only be used in exceptional (this should not be used for priming a second giving set) circumstances Press STOP, deactivate the keypad lock (as described in section 3.13) and press and hold the ON/OFF button. Do not remove the syringe from the syringe pump. Note the time the syringe pump was stopped Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (see Appendix 3) 3.16.4 Resuming Of Infusion After Temporary Discontinuation To resume the infusion, check the prescription and syringe label match the patient’s details. Press and hold the ON button until a beep is heard. The screen will request confirmation of the syringe size and syringe brand. Press the YES key to confirm if the syringe size and brand match the screen message Should the syringe size and/or brand not match, scroll down with the ▲ / ▼ keys until the correct selection appears, then press the YES key to confirm. The LCD will display the following message (Figure 11): Figure 11 - Resuming an infusion Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 16 of 55 Press the YES key to resume the previous programme. The screen will `volume, duration and rate. ` display Pressing NO will instruct the CME T34 to begin a completely new 24 hour infusion. If this is pressed in error, the pump would deliver the remaining contents of the syringe over the next 24 hours. The current syringe would need discarding and a new one would have to be prepared. Check against the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (Appendix 3) that the duration, rate and remaining volume are correct. Press YES to confirm and the screen will display `Start Infusion?`, press the YES key to confirm Note the time infusion resumed on the Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart (Appendix 3) 3.17 When A Patient Dies Once verification of death has taken place, stop the syringe pump by pressing STOP. If in any doubt about the circumstances of the death leave the pump in place and refer to your line manager. Switch off the syringe pump by disabling the keypad lock and then press and hold the ON/OFF button. Record the date, time and amount of solution remaining to be infused (in mL). The syringe pump can be disconnected from the patient and the contents managed according to local guidelines. 3.18 Discharge From Inpatient Unit The doctor must complete the “Subcutaneous ‘as required’ and Syringe Driver Prescription and Administration Record” (Appendix 4). If discharging a patient with a syringe pump the patient and/or carer must be given clear guidance on what to do, and who to contact, in the event of a problem arising. This information will be available in the patient information leaflet (Appendix 2). 3.19 Maintenance All medical devices must be maintained and serviced in accordance with local policy. Users must ensure that new device settings are added to the patient’s record. Ensure medical devices are cleaned in accordance with local policy on decontamination prior to use or servicing and repair. Undertake day-to-day care and maintenance of medical devices. When not in use each syringe driver, appropriate infusion lines, syringes, spare batteries and adhesive dressings should be stored and transported in a sealable waterproof container. The container must be restocked each time any of the contents have been used. 3.19.1 Hospital Report medical device malfunction or unsatisfactory performance to the Medical Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 17 of 55 Equipment Library through the Estates Helpdesk System as per local policy, marking the device as faulty and making it available for repair in a clean condition and labelled with a ‘Medical Device/Equipment Repair Label’ and decontamination certificate. Report adverse incidents or suspected faults in line with Trust procedure and MHRA reporting procedure. Make medical devices available for Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) on time and in clean condition. Keep records of devices loaned between departments. Check device functionality, including that of alarms, whenever the device is switched on. 3.19.2 Community/Trinity The syringe driver must have its performance checked annually by the medical electronics department EBME at Victoria Hospital. Telephone Estates Help Desk on 01253 306002 to book syringe driver for maintenance and to obtain a job number. Staff must ensure the syringe driver has been decontaminated, and the decontamination certificate must be sent with the syringe driver. Community staff must ensure that faulty or problematic medical devices are reported the NHSB Risk Management Department via an untoward incident report as per local policy. 3.20 Infection Control/ Decontamination Never dip or submerge the syringe pump in water. Staff handling used medical equipment should assume that it is contaminated and take precautions to reduce the risk to themselves and others. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL-BASED PRODUCTS TO CLEAN THE SYRINGE PUMP. This will damage the LED screen. Reusable medical devices will be properly decontaminated prior to use or repair. Medical devices should be decontaminated and stored in accordance with legislative and best practice requirements, taking into account any guidance supplied by the manufacturer of the device regarding decontamination and cleaning. Each syringe driver must be cleaned between patients .The outer surface of the driver should be kept clean by wiping with a soft damp cloth using a mild detergent. The driver should then be dried. 3.21 Troubleshooting 3.21.1 Pump Will Not Start No battery present. Fit a battery. Battery inserted incorrectly. Re-align battery terminals. Battery is depleted/very low. Fit a new battery. Pump is faulty. Service required (see 3.19). 3.21.2 Infusion Running Too Fast Complete untoward incident report and follow procedure as in 3.22 If over-infusion occurs, stop infusion, check condition of patient and seek medical advice. Check rate setting for accuracy. Check the correct brand or size of syringe has been programmed. Check for disconnection of giving set or cannula. Check syringe securely attached to pump. Check box is locked and no tampering has occurred. Check no air present in syringe (solution will syphon in if barrel cracked). Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 18 of 55 If syringe pump could be faulty return to the Medical Equipment Library, or EBME, as appropriate. 3.21.3 Infusion Running Too Slow Complete untoward incident report and follow procedure as in 3.22 Check patient, seek medical advice if required. Check the correct brand or size of syringe has been programmed. Has symptom control been lost, does patient require PRN medication? Check the syringe pump light is GREEN and flashing. Check the battery level. Check the rate setting is correct. Check that syringe is inserted correctly into syringe pump. Check if syringe pump has been stopped and restarted for any reason. Check contents of syringe/ giving set for any evidence of crystallisation/kinking of tubing? Check site for signs of inflammation/irritation Change site if necessary. Consider further dilution of drugs to minimise irritation by setting up a fresh syringe. Consider metal allergy from needle or other consumable – contact Palliative Care Team/Trinity for advice. If syringe pump continues to run through too slowly, change entire pump and return to the Medical Equipment Library, or EBME, as appropriate 3.21.4 The Pump Has Stopped Infusing, But Contents Remain In The Syringe Check battery has not exhausted. Fit a new battery, turn pump on and confirm syringe size and brand, then select “Resume‟ to continue infusion. WARNING – If you press NO, the pump interprets this as a completely new 24 hour period and the remaining contents of the syringe would be delivered over the next 24 hours from confirming “Start Infusion‟. The patient would not therefore receive the prescribed dose. If NO has been pressed in error, discard the remainder of the syringe contents, and prepare and set up a new syringe. Trapped/kinked giving set. Free line or kink and resume infusion if appropriate. If still not working, return to the Medical Equipment Library, or EBME, as appropriate. 3.21.5 Site Irritation Refer to Lancashire and South Cumbria Palliative Care Prescribing Guidelines (see 3.2) Change site (use a new giving set when changing site) leave at least 3cm away from original site. Consider a change of cannula if metal (nickel) allergy is suspected. For severe site reactions which persist despite usual measures such as increased dilution of drugs(s), consult Palliative Care Team for advice or Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services (see section 3.2). Document incident in patient record. 3.21.6 Precipitation, Cloudiness Or Colour Change In Syringe Contents Or Giving Set Stop infusion and inform prescriber. Seek advice from pharmacist/Palliative Care Team/ Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services. Discard the contents of the syringe as per local policy. Ensure syringe pump is not in direct sunlight, or close to a heat source (e.g. hot pack/heat pad or hot water bottle) Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 19 of 55 Commence new infusion at a different site (at least 3cm away) with new giving set. Document incident in patient record. 3.21.7 Syringe Becomes Displaced The alarm will sound and the infusion light will turn red. “Check Syringe Loaded Correctly” will be displayed in the LCD. Check that the prescription, syringe label and patient details match, to ensure that this is correct syringe for this patient. Ensure the syringe is fitted correctly. Refer to 3.16.4 Complete untoward incident report and follow procedure as in 3.22. 3.21.8 Alarms And Alerts ALARM The pump will activate an alert (Continuous alarm) for the following: End of infusion Pump paused too long End of battery Syringe displaced Occlusion/empty syringe Occlusion check line System error When the alarm activates the infusion will stop. The LED light will turn from green to red, and the alarm will sound continuously until the fault is rectified. An error message will be displayed indicating the alarm cause. (See Operation manual for troubleshooting) ALERT The pump will activate an alert (three beeps, approximately every 3-4 minutes) for the following: Program nearly complete Low battery Please note: warn and reassure patients and carers of the alarms and the actions to take where necessary. 3.22 Medication Errors Involving The CME T34 Syringe Pump. In the event of a medication error/incident where a CME T34 syringe pump is part of the medicines administration process investigation must be made into both the process, human error and the equipment used. This includes administration errors e.g. too fast/slow, dislodgment, failure of alarms and display errors. In the event of an incident:o Stop the infusion o Ensure the patient is safe, reassure and provide emergency care where appropriate o Inform the Doctor in charge and / or the Prescriber o Complete an untoward incident form immediately o Follow local policy regarding medication errors and medical devices Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 20 of 55 4. ATTACHMENTS Appendix Number 1 2 3 4 5 Title Commonly used Drug List The Syringe Pump prescribing and administration record Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart Patient Information Leaflet Equality Impact Assessment Tool 5. ELECTRONIC AND MANUAL RECORDING OF INFORMATION Electronic Database for Procedural Documents Held by Policy Co-ordinators/Archive Office 6. LOCATIONS THIS DOCUMENT ISSUED TO Copy No Location 1 Intranet 2 Wards and Departments Date Issued 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 7. OTHER RELEVANT/ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS Unique Identifier Title and web links from the document library Corp/proc/133 Staff Training And Competency Assessment In The Use Of Medical Devices http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_133.pdf Corp/proc/473 Performing an Aseptic Technique http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_473.pdf Corp/proc/418 Hand Hygiene Procedure http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_418.pdf Corp/pol/056 HandHygiene Policy http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Policy/ documents/Policy/Corp_Pol_056.pdf Corp/proc/101 Untoward Incident And Serious Incident Reporting http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_101.pdf Corp/Proc/310 Management of Procedure medication errors http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_310.pdf Corp/Proc/430 Patients Discharged from Hospital with a Loaned Medical Device http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_430.pdf Corp/Pol/036 Management of Medical Devices http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Policy/ Corp_Pol_036.pdf Corp/Proc/307 Administration of Medicines http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_307.pdf Corp/Proc/107 Repair and Maintenance of Medical Devices and Equipment http://bfwnet/departments/policies_procedures/documents/Proced ure/Corp_Proc_107.pdf Health and Safety No Health and Safety Policy and Procedures No 7 Untoward Incident Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 21 of 55 7 NHSB/Clin054 NHSB/Clin061 NHS-BNL/Clin006 NHSB/Clin110 NHSB/Clin130 NHSB/Clin133 NHSB/Clin146 NLTPCT/Clin49 Reporting and Investigation Infection Prevention and Control Manual Procedure for verification of expected deaths Aseptic technique policy and procedure for community setting Administration of medicines Procedure for hand hygiene and hand care Policy and Guidance for obtaining consent to examination and treatment for Adults and Children Safe handling of controlled drugs Decontamination of Medical Devices Prior to Inspection, Service or Report 8. SUPPORTING REFERENCES/EVIDENCE BASED DOCUMENTS References In Full Dickman A, Schneider J. The Syringe Driver. 3rd Edition OUP. 2011 Lancashire and South Cumbria Palliative Care Prescribing Guidelines 2012 (available from homepage on the Intranet) Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008) Standards for Medicines Management NMC Oxford Handbook of Palliative Care 2nd Edition 2009 Palliative Care Formulary 4th edition 2011 British National Formulary – current edition (drug compatibility table) 9. CONSULTATION WITH STAFF AND PATIENTS Name Designation Andrew Dickman Consultant Pharmacist - Palliative Care, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Kathryn Smith Clinical Lead, End of Life Care Providers, Community Health Services, Blackpool Locality Cherith Medicines Management Specialist Nurse, Blackpool Teaching Haythornthwaite Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Janet Purdie End of Life Care Development, NHS Blackpool Lynn Atcheson Practice Development Practitioner, Community Health Services, Lancaster, Morecambe, Fylde and Wyre Locality Julie Huttley Matron, Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services Colin Norris Health and Safety Officer, Community Health Services, Blackpool Gary Jackson Patient Safety Advisor, GS&P Division, NLTPCT Dr Sarah Wenham Community Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Trinity Hospice and Palliative Care Services Dr Andrea Whitfield Hospital Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Helen Hindle Locality Manager – South, Community Nursing, Blackpool Locality Wendy Johnson Head of Care, St John’s Hospice Lancaster Lisa Drinkwater Medicines Management Advisor, NHS Blackpool 10. DEFINITIONS/GLOSSARY OF TERMS Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 22 of 55 11. AUTHOR/DIVISIONAL/DIRECTORATE MANAGER APPROVAL Issued By Andrew Dickman Checked By Alastair Gibson Job Title Consultant Job Title Director of Pharmacist – Pharmacy Pallative Care Date June 2012 Date June 2012 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 23 of 55 Appendix 1: Drug Information Taken from Palliative Care Prescribing, Lancashire and South Cumbria Specialist Palliative Care Services. Refer to for latest information. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 24 of 55 Appendix 2: Patient Information Leaflet Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 25 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 26 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 27 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump for Adult Patients Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Next Review Date:01/06/2015 Page 28 of 55 Appendix 3 - Continuous Subcutaneous Infusion Monitoring Chart Assess patient and complete this form: Each time the syringe pump is loaded When the giving set is re-sited In community setting – at each visit whilst the infusion is in progress In the inpatient setting – every 4 hours CME T34 Syringe Pump Patient Name: NHS NO: Date Of Birth: GP/Consultant Date & Time Lock box used Yes/No Volume left (in mL) Duration left (in hours) Rate set in mL/hours Battery power remaining as a % * Check infusion site** Location Condition Ward Check pump &line e.g. for leakage, not kinked** precipitation*** Action Taken Discontinued Date/Time *In community setting – at start of infusion the battery must have at least 40% battery power remaining to ensure there is enough power to last for 24 hours. In inpatient setting – change battery when less than 10% power left ** Site & Pump check: Location: Document insertion site of winged infusion devices e.g. Scapula region Condition: NP = No (no problem) P = pain I = inflammation SW = swelling B = Bleeding H = Hardening L=Leakage from site /pump/equipment (Please state) ***If contents of syringe look cloudy, precipitation has occurred. STOP infusion and refer to guidelines in the CME T34 Syringe Pump Policy Signature & Designation Appendix 4: Subcutaneous ‘as required’ Administration Record (JiC4CD MAR) & Syringe Driver Prescription Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 31 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 32 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 33 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 34 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 35 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 36 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 37 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 38 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 39 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 40 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 41 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 42 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 43 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 44 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 45 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 46 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 47 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 48 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 49 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 50 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 51 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 52 of 55 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 53 of 55 Appendix 5: Equality Impact Assessment Tool To be completed and attached to any procedural document when submitted to the appropriate committee for consideration and approval. Would the relevant Equality groups be affected by the document? (If Yes please explain why you believe this to be discriminatory in Comment box) Title & Identification Number of the Document: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Corp/Proc/577 Questionnaire 1 Yes/No Double click and select answer Grounds of race, ethnicity, colour, nationality or national origins e.g. people of different ethnic backgrounds including minorities: gypsy travellers and refugees / asylum seekers. No 2 Grounds of Gender including Transsexual, Transgender people No 3 Grounds of Religion or belief e.g. religious /faith or other groups with recognised belief systems No 4 Grounds of Sexual orientation including lesbian, gay and bisexual people Grounds of Age older people, children and young people No 6 Grounds of Disability: Disabled people, groups of physical or sensory impairment or mental disability No 7 Is there any evidence that some groups are affected differently? No 8 If you have identified potential discrimination, are any exceptions valid, legal and/or justifiable? No 9 Is the impact of the document/guidance likely to be having an adverse/negative affect on the person (s)? If so can the negative impact be No 5 10 No N/A Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 Comments ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 54 of 55 avoided? 11 Please Comment What alternatives are there to avoid the adverse/negative impact? 12 Please Identify How Can we reduce the adverse/negative N/A impact by taking different action? 13 Q1 (a) Is the document Q2 (b) (i) Is the document Q3 (c) Is the document directly discriminatory? indirectly discriminatory? intended to increase equality of No opportunity by positive action No b (ii) If you said yes , is this or action to redress (under any discrimination justifiable in meeting a disadvantage legislation) legitimate aim N/A Racial Discrimination N/A Please give details Age Discrimination To safeguard vulnerable adults Disability Discrimination Gender Equality Sexual Discrimination 14 If you have answered no to all the above questions 1-13 and the document does not discriminate any Equality Groups please go to section 15 If you answered yes to Q1 (a) and no to Q3 (b) this is unlawful discrimination. If you answered yes to Q2 (b) (i) no to Q2 (b) (ii) and no to Q3 (c), this is unlawful discrimination If the content of the document is not directly or indirectly discriminatory, does it still have an adverse impact? No Please give details If the content document is unlawfully discriminatory, you must decide how to ensure the organisation acts lawfully and amend the document accordingly to avoid or reduce this impact 15 Name of the Author completing the Equality Impact Assessment Tool. Name Cherith Haythornthwaite Signature Designation Medicines Management Specialist Nurse Date June 2012 Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Revision No: 2 ID No. Corp/Proc/577 Title: The Use of the CME T34 Syringe Pump Next Review Date: 01/06/2015 Do you have the up to date version? See the intranet for the latest version Page 55 of 55