SATURDAY 3rd May Jo Graham 8.45 9.30 10.15 11.00 Jane Bartle-Wilson 9.00 9.45 10.30 11.15 Sonnie Rozenbroek P Joanna Brooke M Alice Elliot N Sue Stowell P Clarissa Hall E/M Sarita Setterington N Sharon Nicholson P 1.15 2.00 Deborah Sellers P LUNCH 12-1.30 Mo Baker P Catherine Cundall P 2.45 3.30 Moira Richardson M Justine Thornton E Vivien Whitfield M SH Margot 10.30-12.15 1.15-3.00 ARENA Gallery under CAFÉ Group 2 discussing way of going of lessons as they happen. Any judge questions. CAFÉ AREA UPSTAIRS Group 1 DVD training using some of their own DVDs from morning session 11.45 Daniel Phillips P Charlotte Cundall P Claire Suggitt P Lydia Ebdon E Jane Lee N Sarah Ramsden 12.00 N LUNCH 12-1.30 1.30 Susan Peart E 2.15 Diane Vardey N Clarissa Hall E / 3.00 M 3.45 Set up CAFÉ AREA UPSTAIRS for Scales of Training evening 7pm start Heather Ketley P Alison Clayton E Sharon Wharton N Heidi Stembridge N Corinne McNamara E Gill Wiles N Natasha Al Egaily E SUNDAY 4th May Jo Graham Jane Bartle-Wilson 8.45 9.30 10.15 Claire Suggitt P Joanna Brooke M 11.00 Jane Lee N 11.45 Deborah Sellers P LUNCH 12-1.30 Mo Baker P Diane Vardey N Moira Richardson M 1.15 2.00 2.45 3.30 Margot 10.30-12.15 1.15-3.00 Heather Ketley P Sarita Setterington N Sharon Nicholson P Daniel Phillips P Gill Wiles N Vivien Whitfield M 9.00 9.45 10.30 Sonnie Rozenbroek P Lydia Ebdon E Sue Stowell P Alison Clayton E 11.15 Alice Elliot N Sharon Wharton N 12.00 Sarah Ramsden N LUNCH 12-1.30 1.30 Susan Peart E 2.15 Charlotte Cundall P 3.00 Natasha Al Egaily E 3.45 RA Heidi Stembridge N Corinne McNamara E Catherine Cundall P Justine Thornton E CAFÉ AREA UPSTAIRS Group 2 DVD training using some of their own DVDs from previous day's session ARENA Gallery under CAFÉ Group 1 discussing way of going of lessons as they happen. Any judge questions.