Date: November 25, 2014 ENRICHED FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING 2013-15 Project WORKSHOP #2: The World Café Questions: 1) What can we, as a language expert group, offer? 2) To whom? 3) What makes us different? The World Café GROUP 1: 1. & 2. 3. / Answers Experience of KnowHow→ everyone in the world Tourism → for company Education professional café →for company English for computer professionals and end users Intercultural consultancy →international business Workshops/student training at university level →to UNI students, lectures universities GROUP 2: 1. 2. 3. Answers Tourism/International project exchange International pub/café + book shop Agricultural options / imports International vrtec Abroad services/Embassy Language school to go mobile (home and school classroom) International camps Proofreading and translating (all: private companies, student work, teacher materials, CVs resumes/ professionals) Performances/recitals Sports (ex. Rugby, American football, cricket, baseball, curling, lacrosse, horses + team up with nature camps) Licensing agreements for educational programs TV show/You Tube/radio → tuji učitelj super star Language project management Parents Adults (retirement homes, clubs, ex. Sila) Businessman: factories, workers, cooperate, workers kids Teachers: language teachers, refresher course, language and culture, other subject for crosscurricular Kids like us (learning is emotional) PLC (professional learning community) Native speakers Cultural Embassadors Variety and diversity of talent/people Project management Experts in being different (we need to prove every schoolyear) Operacijo delno financira Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada ter Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport. Operacija se izvaja v okviru Operativnega programa razvoja človeških virov v obdobju 2007-2013, razvojne prioritete: Razvoj človeških virov in vseživljenjsko učenje; prednostne usmeritve: Izboljšanje kakovosti in učinkovitosti sistemov izobraževanja in usposabljanja. We are not afraid of bureaucracy GROUP 3: 1. 2. 3. Answers Out of the box assessment (e.g. creative writing, dramatic play, etc.) Bilingual courses adopted to various levels/subjects, languages, participants Coordinating international exchanges, study trips, cultural weekends (e.g. end of language course) Informal meeting of teachers/tours of schools Camps Proofing Translating Guiding Personal assistant duties “Kid” factor – communicating with the foreigner Collaboration of languages (e.g. clarification, comparison, enrichment) Kindergarten Primary school High school College/university Slovene Chamber of commerce Language culture-specific organizations (zavodi, društva, gledališče, Zveza prijateljev mladine) Professionals Students with special needs Improvisation Our various connections/contacts from previous experiences Cultural knowledge + experience and the ability to communicate that experience (digging dipper in the issues) Now, here, future →up-to date content Cultural background Think differently GROUP 4: Samuel 1 & 2 & 3 On-line learning for matura: program designed for different languages and focused on essay writing for example ( step by step approach based on autonomy: discovering different types of essays, writing parts of an essay, designing a proper conclusion, and introduction...: all of it with a time schedule and deadlines for students and a proper site and chatroom where teachers and students can communicate) For professionals, firms: Language courses for specific target groups (mainly professional): ask Soizic about it, she knows a lot about it. The course she went through last year is the same I did this year (long distance with a french university) It may be very relevant to know more about Deana Kodele, she is a Slovene foreign language teacher and was last year awarded for the most innovative language programs in Slovenia: very relevant!!!! Inside the Slovene school system, personally I sustained any idea of a group of foreign teachers providing added value programs sustaining autonomy among students and the use of ICT: this is at the core of what has to be done in the EU and it brings concrete results for our students. The best of both worlds. 2