Policy Guidance: Everything that is new in the policies is underlined in red. The portions that are to be removed from the policies are struck through and are in blue. Policies that are new are underlined in red. Policies Changed or added: 1.2—BOARD ORGANIZATION and VACANCIES - What started out to be a simple deletion of an extra "runoff election" in the first paragraph triggered an in depth examination of the policy resulting in a better, more comprehensive policy that addresses vacancies as well as general board organization. 4.2—ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS—A legal reference was added. This does NOT change the policy and does not require board approval. 4.5—SCHOOL CHOICE—Some tweaking was done to the body of the policy and substantial clarification was made to the policy's first footnote. 4.5F--SCHOOL CHOICE CAPACITY RESOLUTION—We greatly simplified the Form. We intentionally kept the strikethroughs (rather than sending our an all new version) so that if you prefer, you can retain the individual grade capacity determinations. 4.5F2--SCHOOL CHOICE PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER—This Form was also amended based on comments we received over the past year. 4.5F3--SCHOOL CHOICE ACCEPTANCE LETTER—An entry was added to the form explaining that even the acceptance given by the letter could have to be withdrawn if the resident district's capacity determination made the withdrawal necessary. 4.5F4--SCHOOL CHOICE REJECTION LETTER—A few tweaks were made to the Form. 4.29—INTERNET SAFETY and ELECTRONIC DEVICE COMPUTER USE POLICY—This policy was rewritten and reformatted to make it easier for districts the next time you have to submit your revised tech plan. Some language was taken from the Student Acceptable Use Agreement for inclusion in 4.29 so that all of the required language will now be in one policy. Additionally, for alignment purposes, "computer" was changed to "electronic device" along with its definition as used in the cell phone policy. 4.29F—STUDENT ELECTRONIC DEVICE and INTERNET USE AGREEMENT—The title was changed and "p" was amended in preparation for the next required submission of the tech plan along with the transition to "electronic device" from "computer". 4.45—SMART CORE CURRICULUM AND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASSES OF 2015, 2016, AND 2017—The title was changed due to the phase in of the digital learning course requirement for the class of 2018 that is addressed in 4.45.1. Language was also deleted to align with changes we made to No substantive changes were made to the policy. 4.45.1—SMART CORE CURRICULUM AND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CLASS OF 2018 AND THEREAFTER—This is fundamentally the same policy as 4.45 but with the digital learning course graduation requirement added. 4.48—VIDEO SURVEILLANCE AND OTHER STUDENT MONITORING—We added one legal reference, amended another one, and made a few grammatical changes to the footnotes. This does NOT change the policy and does not require board approval. 4.55—STUDENT PROMOTION AND RETENTION—This is a new policy that both combines and replaces what used to be policies 5.11 and 5.12. It also contains optional language laying out possible repercussions for a student willfully refusing either to take a state mandated assessment or make a good faith effort while taking such an assessment. There is also a background document that accompanies this policy that is designed to help you be better informed about and understand the issues involved with the national movement that has come to Arkansas to have parents opt their children out of Common Core State Standards assessments. 4.56—EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – SECONDARY SCHOOLS—This is a new policy that replaces what used to be policy 5.19. It also contains optional language laying out possible repercussions for a student willfully refusing either to take a state mandated assessment or make a good faith effort while taking such an assessment. 4.56.1—EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – ELEMENTARY—This is a new policy that replaces what used to be policy 5.19.1. It also contains optional language laying out possible repercussions for a student willfully refusing either to take a state mandated assessment or make a good faith effort while taking such an assessment. 4.56.2—EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY ELIGIBILITY FOR HOME SCHOOLED STUDENTS—This is the same policy as when it was the former 5.19.2 that was sent out on 7/24/13 after Act 1469's sponsor demanded our original policy be changed. The 7/24/13 version is NOT the one included in the July 2013 CD because the CD went out in early July. 5.8—USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS—This policy has been significantly expanded to incorporate the requirements of the TEACH act governing digitally transmitted copyrighted material. 5.11—DIGITAL LEARNING COURSES—This is a new policy that covers the new digital learning course requirements. The potential effects of Act 1280 on public education cannot be overstated. The policy attempts to help districts discuss its implementation options. 5.12—PROMOTION/RETENTION/COURSE CREDIT FOR K-? SCHOOLS – Policy Deleted Language moved to new policy 4.55—This policy has been combined with the previous version of 5.11, and moved to the student section as a new policy 4.55, which includes additional language relating to the pushback against the Common Core State Standards that did not lend itself to a Section 5 policy. The consolidation of the policies into the student section should also make it easier for districts to work from the policy manual when generating your student handbooks. We will retain the number 5.12 as a place holder for future model policy use. 5.16—GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS – Policy Deleted - Language moved to 4.45—This policy has been deleted because it is covered by the student section policies 4.45 and the new 4.45.1. The consolidation of the policies into the student section should make it easier for districts to work from the policy manual when generating your student handbooks. We will retain the number 5.16 as a place holder for future model policy use. 5.19—EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – SECONDARY SCHOOLS – Policy Deleted - Language moved to new policy 4.56—This policy, 5.19.1 and the 7/24/13 version of 5.19.2 have been moved to the student section as new policies 4.56, 4.56.1, and 4.56.2. Policies 4.56 and 4.56.1 include additional language relating to the pushback against the Common Core State Standards that did not lend itself to a Section 5 policy. The consolidation of the policies into the student section should also make it easier for districts to work from the policy manual when generating your student handbooks. We will retain the number 5.19 as a place holder for future model policy use but shall not retain the titles of 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 in the 2014 Master Manual. 5.19.1—EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES – ELEMENTARY Policy Deleted - Language moved to new policy 4.56.1—This policy, 5.19, and the 7/24/13 version of 5.19.2 have been moved to the student section as new policies 4.56, 4.56.1 and 4.56.2. Policies 4.56 and 4.56.1 include additional language relating to the pushback against the Common Core State Standards that did not lend itself to a Section 5 policy. The consolidation of the policies into the student section should also make it easier for districts to work from the policy manual when generating your student handbooks. We will retain the number 5.19 as a place holder for future model policy use but shall not retain the titles of 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 in the 2014 Master Manual. 5.19.2—EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY ELIGIBILITY FOR HOME SCHOOLED STUDENTS Policy Deleted – Language of the 8-1-13 version moved to new policy 4.56.2— The 7/14/13 version of this policy, 5.19 and 5.19.1 have been moved to the student section as new policies 4.56, 4.56.1, and 4.56.2. The 7/24/13 version of 5.19.2 is NOT the one included in the July 2013 CD because the CD went out in early July. Policies 4.56 and 4.56.1 include additional language relating to the pushback against the Common Core State Standards that did not lend itself to a Section 5 policy. The consolidation of the policies into the student section should also make it easier for districts to work from the policy manual when generating your student handbooks. We will retain the number 5.19 as a place holder for future model policy use but shall not retain the titles of 5.19.1, and 5.19.2 in the 2014 Master Manual. 5.19.2F— HOME SCHOOLED STUDENTS' LETTER OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN AN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY This Form has been Deleted—This Form was deleted after it was blended into the revised 5.19.2 that was sent out on 7/24/13 triggered by the legislator revolt against our original policy. The 7/24/13 version of 5.19.2 is NOT the one included in the July 2013 CD because the CD went out in early July. 5.26—ALTERNATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS—Changes were made to the policy to bring it up to date with Ark. statutes and current ADE Rules. Due to the large extent of the changes and reformatting of much of the policy, the deleted language was struck and the policy is written in red as all new language. 5.27—ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS—The The legal references were updated. This does not change the policy and does NOT require board approval. 5.28—NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH ACT FUNDING EXPENDITURES—The legal references were updated. This does not change the policy and does NOT require board approval. 6.4—VOLUNTEERS—For the sake of improved clarity, Options 1and 2 on the first page of the policy have been changed to A and B to avoid confusion with the numbered options on the second page. This does not change the policy and does NOT require board approval. 7.2—ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET—The first sentence in the last paragraph was deleted to give districts more flexibility on budget adjustments. 7.13—MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL OF DISTRICT PROPERTY - Act 318 of 2013 requires districts that have obtained school property through consolidation with another district to dispose of the property if it has not been used for educational purposes for two years from the effective date of the consolidation. New language was added to that effect and a few grammatical corrections were also made. 7.15—RECORD RETENTION AND DESTRUCTION - Act 608 of 2013 triggered a re-examination of the policy. Definitions were added and the timeline for the retention of documentation related to the statutorily controlled employment of board and/or staff member relatives was amended. Additionally, Act 444 of 2013 required districts to give a hiring preference to veterans. This necessitates districts retain application and hiring determination records to protect it from potential law suits. Language was added to this effect. Language was also added relating to the required IRS documentation contained in the new policy 7.23. 7.19—SERVICE ANIMALS IN DISTRICT FACILITIES - Questions received from a district triggered changes to the policy in an effort to better explain parameters available and not-available to districts. We also added two Arkansas statutes on service animals to the legal references. 7.21—NAMING SCHOOL FACILITIES—A footnote was added to explain how to interpret the policy. This does NOT change the policy and does not require board approval. 7.22—PRIVATE SPONSORSHIP OF EXTRACURRICULAR EVENTS - The increased popularity of organizations wanting to do promotional events during athletic event half-times triggered the creation of this policy. There is no statutory requirement for it, but it may become very useful to you when needing to respond to requests. 7.22F—EVENT SPONSOR AGREEMENT—This is the form for activities taking place under policy 7.22. 7.23—HEALTH CARE COVERAGE AND THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT—This policy lays out districts responsibilities regarding employee health insurance and especially the ACA. 7.23F—LICENSED PERSONNEL ELECTRONIC RECEIPT OF STATEMENTS CONSENT FORM—This is the form employees can use to allow the district to send to employees the Affordable Care Act's required paperwork in electronic format.