Teacher: Dobson - Mr. Exner`s Class

Teacher: J Exner
Lesson Plans for Week of: 10.26-30.15
Curriculum Standards
Class: Advanced Biology
QC-A5.g. Describe the general structure and function(s), including common functional groups, of monosaccharides,
disaccharides, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycerol, glycerides, lipids, amino acids, dipeptides,
polypeptides, proteins, and nucleic acids
50 min..
Lesson Content:
Draw Structures
Presentation Method
□ Lecture
□ Guided Practice
□ Discussion
□ Independent Work
□ Collaborative Work
□ Lab Activity
□ Video/DVD
□ Reading Strategy
□ Other:
Assessment Method
□ Assignment
□ Quiz
□ Exam
□ Teacher Observation
□ Oral Questions
□ Presentation
□ Report
□ Admit Slip
□ Exit Slip
Learning Target(s):
Describe the structure and function of lipids
Lipids & Nucleic Acids
Vocabulary: fatty acid, glycerol, saturated fatty acid, unsaturated fatty acid, triglyceride, phospholipid, steroids
Curriculum Standards
QC-A5.g. Describe the general structure and function(s), including common functional groups, of monosaccharides,
disaccharides, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycerol, glycerides, lipids, amino acids, dipeptides,
polypeptides, proteins, and nucleic acids
50 min.
Lesson Content:
Nucleic Acids
Draw Structures
Presentation Method
□ Lecture
□ Guided Practice
□ Discussion
□ Independent Work
□ Collaborative Work
□ Lab Activity
□ Video/DVD
□ Reading Strategy
□ Other:
Assessment Method
□ Assignment
□ Quiz
□ Exam
□ Teacher Observation
□ Oral Questions
□ Presentation
□ Report
□ Admit Slip
□ Exit Slip
Learning Target(s):
Describe the function and structure of Nucleic Acids
Vocabulary: nucleotide, adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine, ribose, phosphate
Enrichment: Review 3.2
Curriculum Standards
QC-A5.g. Describe the general structure and function(s), including common functional groups, of monosaccharides,
disaccharides, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycerol, glycerides, lipids, amino acids, dipeptides,
polypeptides, proteins, and nucleic acids
50 min.
Lesson Content:
Testing for the Presence of Biomolecules
Presentation Method
□ Lecture
□ Guided Practice
□ Discussion
□ Independent Work
□ Collaborative Work
□ Lab Activity
□ Video/DVD
□ Reading Strategy
□ Other:
Assessment Method
□ Assignment
□ Quiz
□ Exam
□ Teacher Observation
□ Oral Questions
□ Presentation
□ Report
□ Admit Slip
□ Exit Slip
Learning Target(s):
Focus on the properties and functions of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
Perform confirmation test for the presence of glucose, starch lipids and protein from fa
food source
Curriculum Standards
50 min.
QC-A5.j. Explain how cells store energy temporarily as ATP
QC-A5.g. Describe the general structure and function(s), including common functional groups, of monosaccharides,
disaccharides, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycerol, glycerides, lipids, amino acids, dipeptides,
polypeptides, proteins, and nucleic acids
QC-A5.h. Describe the function of enzymes, including how enzyme-substrate specificity works, in biochemical reactions
Lesson Content:
Chapter Review/Review: Biochemistry
Presentation Method
□ Lecture
□ Guided Practice
□ Discussion
□ Independent Work
□ Collaborative Work
□ Lab Activity
□ Video/DVD
□ Reading Strategy
□ Other:
Assessment Method
□ Assignment
□ Quiz
□ Exam
□ Teacher Observation
□ Oral Questions
□ Presentation
□ Report
□ Admit Slip
□ Exit Slip
Learning Target(s):
Formative Chapter Assessment
Catch up day
Enrichment: skills worksheet 3, assessment 3, standard test 3
Curriculum Standards
50 min.
QC-A5.j. Explain how cells store energy temporarily as ATP
QC-A5.g. Describe the general structure and function(s), including common functional groups, of monosaccharides,
disaccharides, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycerol, glycerides, lipids, amino acids, dipeptides,
polypeptides, proteins, and nucleic acids
QC-A5.h. Describe the function of enzymes, including how enzyme-substrate specificity works, in biochemical reactions
Presentation Method
□ Lecture
□ Guided Practice
□ Discussion
□ Independent Work
□ Collaborative Work
□ Lab Activity
□ Video/DVD
□ Reading Strategy
□ Other:
Lesson Content:
Learning Target(s):
Summative Chapter Assessment
Special Notes and Comments:
Assessment Method
□ Assignment
□ Quiz
□ Exam
□ Teacher Observation
□ Oral Questions
□ Presentation
□ Report
□ Admit Slip
□ Exit Slip