Ref Project title Name of the Candidate Recruitment of the Technical Assistance Team for the implementation of the regional programme “Coastal, marine and Island specific Biodiversity Management in the Eastern and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean (ESA-IO) Coastal States” Country Overall project value (EURO) Proportion carried out by candidate (%) No of staff provided Name of client Origin of funding Dates (start/end) Name of partners if any ESA-IO Coastal States 3,398,700 23 5 Indian Ocean Commission EU-EDF 04.201401.2018 LANDELL MILLS (UK) - Leader PROMAN (LUX) Detailed description of project Type of services provided The Overall objective of the project is to contribute to regional integration by ensuring more effective, coherent, coordinated and adaptive biodiversity management in line with internal and regional agreements and priorities for sustainable development and to improve livelihood. The expected results at regional, national and community level are: - Result 1: improved and harmonised policies, and legal and institutional frameworks for the sustainable use of biodiversity are developed across the region - Result 2: Education, sensitisation, communication and information tools for the management of the use of bio-diversity are developed, enhanced and applied in support of decision-makers at regional, national and community level. - Result 3: Improved system for networking and exchange of data, statistics and other bio-diversity-related information are established - Result 4: Bio-diversity thematic centres are created or enhanced as mechanism for exchanging information and experience and best practice in the sustainable use of biodiversity. - Result 5: the contribution of bio-diversity to sustainable economic development and sustainable livelihood is supported or enhanced. The Specific objective is to develop and strengthen national and regional capacity to manage the direct and indirect use of coastal, marine and island-specific eco-system toward the sustainable conservation of biodiversity. The ultimate beneficiaries of the Programme are the ESA-IO Coastal States comprising Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Kenya and Tanzania