No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name Laboratory of Structural Methods of Data Analysis in Predictive Modeling (abbreviated as PreMoLab) Laboratory of Mathematical Modeling of Nonlinear Processes in Gaseous Media Laboratory of Experimental Economics Research and Education Center for Supercomputing Technologies Joint R&D&E Laboratory, Moscow Exchange–PhysTech List of laboratories, thematic areas and heads of laboratories (research supervisors) * Head of the laboratory Field of research Email Contact person (research supervisor) Structural methods of data analysis in predictive Vladimir spokoiny@wiasAleksandr modeling (statistics and optimization, their Grigorievich Vladimirovich applications) Spokoyny, Gasnikov Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor Hypersonic flows, numerical modeling, spacecraft design, CAD systems Study of market mechanisms and decision-making processes in economic situations Sergey Vladimirovich Utyuzhnikov, Professor, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) Aleksandr Nikolaevich Chaban Email of contact person S.Utyuzhnikov@m Sergey Sergeevich Simakov, chaban@mail.mipt. ru Aleksandr Nikolaevich Chaban Konstantin Alekseevich Konkov, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) Yuriy Vladimirovich Maximov, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) Research and educational activities in the area of supercomputer technologies Konstantin K.A.Konkov@yand Alekseevich Konkov, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) Study of efficient algorithms, programs and data warehouses for heavily loaded real-time systems. Creation and study of algorithmic and software content relating to the security and control of distributed heavily loaded real-time systems using advanced technologies of mining of exchange and technological data. Development of innovative IT-technologies in the field of modeling and monitoring the behavior of exchange trade participants. Creation of highprecision mechanisms for continuous monitoring of behavior of an indefinitely large number of agents, Yuriy Vladimirovich Maximov, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) yury.maximov@ph K.A.Konkov@yandex.r u yury.maximov@phystec 6 Laboratory of Brain Stem Cells 7 MIPT-NUMECA Laboratory of FAFE Computer Modeling Department Laboratory of Astrophysics and Physics of Nonlinear Processes Laboratory Topological Quantum Phenomena in Superconducting Systems 8 9 10 11 12 Laboratory of Quantum Nanostructures Laboratory of Artificial Quantum Systems Laboratory of Structural Biology of aimed at identifying unscrupulous bidders. Development of new and optimization of existing methods of testing, verification and validation of software to investigate real-time exchange systems. Stem cells; neurogenesis; tissue-specific stem cells of an adult organism; molecular biology; behavior; radiobiology; preventive medicine; regenerative medicine Computational aerodynamics Relativistic and plasma astrophysics (neutron stars, radio pulsars, black holes, active galactic nuclei, stellar dynamics), plasma in superstrong magnetic fields. Theoretical and experimental studies of physical properties of superconducting nanostructures, including development of a quantitative microscopic theory of quantum processes in these systems and its comparison with the results of experiments on quantum tunneling, electron transport, atomic force and high-frequency spectroscopy. Experimental studies of quantum phenomena in electronic hybrid nanostructures at low temperatures and in high magnetic fields. Quantum optics on artificial (macroscopic) quantum systems (artificial atoms). Quantum informatics. Coherent effects in superconducting nanosystems. Detectors of single quanta, particularly detectors of photons in a gigahertz frequency range. Metrology (development of a standard of current). Structural biology of G protein-coupled receptors Grigoriy Nikolaevich Yenikolopov, Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor. Ivan Viktorovich Voronich, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) Vladimir Sergeevich Pavlov voronich@phystech Ivan Viktorovich .edu Voronich, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) Vasily Semenovich Beskin, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor. Aleksandr Avraamovich Golubov, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) a.v.panchenko@gmail.c om a.a.golubov@utwen Elena Aleksandrovna Bolbot Mikhail Ryurikovich Trunin, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) Oleg Vladimirovich Astafev, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) mikhail_trunin@m Vadim Sergeevich Khrapay Oleg.Astafiev@rhu Konstantin Yurievich Arutyunov konstantin.yu.arutyunov Vadim Gennadyevich vcherezo@scripps. edu Vladimir Viktorovich Aleksandr Vladimirovich Panchenko G Protein-Coupled Receptors 13 Laboratory of Nanophotonics and Plasmonics 14 Laboratory of Terahertz Spectroscopy 15 Laboratory for Advanced Studies of Membrane proteins Laboratory of Theoretical Nanophysics 16 Study of generation, propagation and detection of photons and surface plasmon polaritons in nanoscale solid waveguide structures and cavities, focused on the development of energy-efficient ultra-compact electro-optic and optic components for information processing devices. Development of graphene nanobiosensors based on surface plasmon resonance phenomenon. Development of highperformance numerical methods for the calculation of resonance processes of radiation, propagation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in the optical range of complex composite structures. Study of the nature of collective electron interactions in promising new materials. Investigation of physical properties of objects at nano and sub-nano scale. Terahertz spectroscopy of bio-molecules, materials and systems. Characterization and diagnosis of industrial materials and structures. THz spectroscopy in geophysical and astrophysical research. Apparatus and method of terahertz frequency band. Use of THz radiation and its properties in the educational process. Advanced studies of membrane proteins Mesoscopic electronic systems. Superconducting hybrid structures. Quantum phase transitions. Spintronics. Two-dimensional electron gas. Quantum Hall effect. Quantum magnetism and systems with "topological order." Physics of quantum computing. Cherezov, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor Valentin Sergeevich Volkov, Ph.D. Chupin, Dr.Sc. (Chem.), Professor Aleksey Vladimirovich Arsenin m Gorshunov Boris Petrovich, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Researcher bpgorshunov@gma Elena Sergeevna Zhukova zhukovaelenka@gmail.c om Georg Bueldt, Doctor, Professor Valentin Ivanovich Borshchevskiy borshchevskiy@gmail.c om Mikhail Viktorovich Feigelman, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor u 17 Laboratory of Functional Materials and Structures for Nanoelectronics Center for Molecular Electronics Development of nonvolatile memory elements based on functional materials, namely ferroelectric materials (FeRAM) and materials with variable resistance (ReRAM). Creation of motion sensors based on the principles of molecular electron transfer in electrochemical microsystems. Andrey Vladimirovich Zenkevich, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) Vadim Mikhailovich Agafonov, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) andreizenkevich1@ 19 Center for Testing of Functional Materials Development of polishing technology of oxide ceramics with nano-dispersed suspensions, development of methods and technologies of printed electronics with the use of nanoparticles and nano-dispersed suspensions Viktor.Ivanov@rus 20 Laboratory of Quantum Electronics Department Development of lasers of various types and operating modes using traditional and new materials. Viktor Vladimirovich Ivanov, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), RAS Corresponding Member Georgiy Mitrofanovich Zverev, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) 21 Laboratory of Vacuum Electronics Department Development of carbon materials, cold cathodes and devices based on them Laboratory of Computational Materials Discovery Development and applying new methods for predicting materials with desired properties for various applications, and exploring matter at extreme conditions where traditional rules of chemistry break down. Evgeniy Pavlovich Sheshin, Dr.Sc. (Phys.Math.) aroganov@hotmail. Aleksandra Komarova com 22 Evgeniy Pavlovich Sheshin, Professor Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) Artem Romaevich Oganov 23 Laboratory of cellular and molecular techniques Development of innovative biomedical technologies. Stem Cells. Personalized medicine of socially significant human diseases, organoids, liver cells, tissue engineered structures, induced pluripotent cells Avgustinus Bader, Dr.Sc., Professor (research supervisor) aug.bader@gmail.c om m 18 agvadim@yandex.r u (marked as “For Zverev”) Aleksey Vasilevich Zablotskiy, Ph.D. (Phys.Math.) Vadim Mikhailovich Agafonov, Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.) Yuriy Matveevich Tokunov, Ph.D. (Phys.Math.) Aleksey Alekseevich Fomichev, Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) Elena V Petersen MD, PhD 24 Laboratory impulse plasma systems 25 Laboratory for Innovative Drug Products 26 Laboratory highresolution infrared spectroscopy of planetary atmospheres 27 Laboratory of the sequencing and mathematical modeling of the transcriptome Experimental and theoretical researches with computaional analysis in the field of physics of impulse gas discharges (electric spark from streamers to lightning, barrier discharge, etc.) and processes in them, studying of the influence of plasma nanosecond gas discharge on processes of ignition and combustion of fuel mixtures, controlling of gas flows using nonequilibrium plasma, atmospheric electricity. Development of innovative medicines based on ‘click – chemistry’; development of drugs that slow down the aging process and increase life expectancy; development of phage therapy as a means of supporting human and animal resistance to infectious diseases; a new generation of plant protection products to meet the challenges of food security in Russia. - Numerical modeling of the general circulation of planetary atmospheres; development of non-hydrostatic general circulation models of the atmospheres of Mars, Venus and Titan. Interpretation of the results of missions "Mars Express" and "Venus Express" - Development of infrared laser and heterodyne spectrometer, including remote sensing satellites and space probes. Development of laser spectrometer for the international mission "EkzoMars" - Data processing spectroscopic sensing of planetary atmospheres. Working with Data of missions "Mars Express", "Venus Express", the development of algorithms and software data of the mission "EkzoMars" Theoretical and experimental studies of human molecular genetics. Diagnosis of hereditary diseases using next-generation sequencing technologies. Study of the effect of mutations on the structural and functional properties of proteins. Predicting the phenotypic significance of mutations using theoretical methods Aleksandrov Nikolay Leonidovich Professor, Dc.Sc. (Phys.-Math.) nick_aleksandrov@m Anokhin Evgeniy Mikhailovich (495)408-63-47 Leonov Sergey Victorovich, PhD (Biol.), Professor Barry Sharpless, Profwssor, Nobel laureate (Scientific Adviser) Professor Vladimir Anatolievich Krasnopolski Marysich Elena Ivanovna PhD (Biol.) vlad.krasn@verizon.n et Alexander Rodin Manager of the laboratory Anna Budovay alexander.rodin@phystech .edu Phone: +7-498-744-6524 Sergey Petrovich Kovalenko Ph.D. (biology) Assosiate Professor Sergey Petrovich Kovalenko * If you want to add a laboratory, where the research will be carried out, to this list, please send us email to the address and specify in your letter the name of the laboratory, its thematic area, full name and contact details of its Head.