for the III International Junior Competition of Classical Dance Performers
"Schelkunchik" Invites"
24-28 March, 2016
Municipal Ballet Theater "Schelkunchik”, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Competition Foundation and Organization Bodies.
1.1. Competition Foundation Bodies:
 The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;
 FGBUK “The State Russian House of Folk Art”;
 Culture Administration Authority of Yekaterinburg;
 The Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of the Russian public organization "Union of Theatre
Professionals of the Russian Federation (Russian Theatrical Society)"
 Yekaterinburg Municipal Ballet Theater "Schelkunchik"
 Yekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet House
1.2. The rights, responsibilities and interactions of the founders are determined by the Foundation
1.3. The body of founders could be changed due to the solution of the general meeting of the
founders of the competition.
Aims and Objectives of the Competition.
2.1. The competition pursues the following aims:
 attraction of the media and public attention to theater arts aiming children, youth and family
 the development and popularization of classical choreography;
 strengthening of professional and artistic contacts between Russian and foreign performers of
classical dance in order to create future prosperity of ballet arts;
 public recognition of creative groups and companies, individual performers and motivation for
further development and self-improvement;
The objectives of the competition:
 formation and strengthening of professional and cultural connections, the establishment of
creative and business contacts between the groups, children's and youth organizations and
educational institutions;
 exchange of work experience with children in the classic trends and styles of choreography;
 identification and recognition of talented creative young people;
 support of choreographic art in general and individual creativity;
 maintenance and development of traditions of international culture, the classic heritage of the
participating countries.
 Participation Terms.
To participate in the competition the following materials must be submitted to the
organizational committee before February, 20, 2016:
 application for the competition (should be filled in the electronic form on the website:
www.dbalet. ru or sent to e-mail: mtbshelkunchik@mail.ru, filling in Attachment №1 )
 video - material competition program (available options: on DVD, flash cards, via the server
www.youtube.ru or any other Internet resource);
 a copy of the document proving the identity and age of the participants (certificate of birth,
 two digital photos (portrait and artistically staged in costume) for publication in the
booklet. Photos must be sent along with the application on a digital media or e-mailed;
3.2. Application for participation in the competition shall be made separately for each participant
(the word "participant" means each solo, duo, trio, quartet or ensemble).
3.3. Application signed by the participant wishing to take part in the festival-competition is an
indication that the future participant takes full terms and conditions of the competition.
3.4. Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered.
3.5. Application materials are not reviewed and returned to the applicants.
3.6. Board of Directors has the right to use applications data in information and analytical
materials of the competition, as well as part of events in a special program of the competition.
3.7. The audio recording of each choreographic works should be on a separate audio medium in
CD-R format, indicating the title of the performance, first name and surname of the participant,
age category and the city.
3.8 The order of appearance in the competition program is determined by open public drawing of
lots and remains unchanged.
3.9. Performance program of the participant is specified in the application and further refined
until February, 20, after which one do not have the right to change it.
3.10. During the competition the use of lighting effects is prohibited.
3.11. Stage floor dimensions of MBUK MBT "Schelkunchik":
Mirror Stage: 4, 6 x 10 m, 6 m; Depth of stage with a proscenium stage - 9, 2 m;
Proscenium(depth) - 1, 2 m; Depth of pockets - 2, 620 m; Height up to the teleclimber - 6 200 m;
Rise of teleclimber is up to 3 m; Number of teleclimbers - 13 pcs, distance between teleclimbers 30 cm.
3.12. Gala concert of the competition is on March, 28, 2016 and is held on the stage of
Yekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet House.
3.13. Participants, winners and awardees are required to act in the gala concert with the program,
approved by the jury, pay-free.
3.14. Participants in the gala concert with the lighting effects support of their performance should
present it in advance.
3.15. Participants will be given two rehearsals in a ballet class and on stage. Participants from the
city of Yekaterinburg may be provided with a rehearsal before the first day of competition by
3.16. Board of Directors has the right for broadcasting, recording all activities of the competition
on air, online, photo and video recording, recording on digital media and their subsequent
distribution by any means, without the consent of the participants and without paying them
3.17. Amateur and professional photo and video recording is allowed only with authorization
from the Board of Directors of the competition.
4. Competition Procedure.
4.1. The competition is carried out among two main categories:
 Non-professionals - students of choreographic schools, art schools, students of children's and
youth dance groups and ballet theaters.
 Professionals - students of secondary and higher educational institutions (specialized school,
college, institute, university, academy)
4.2. In each category contestants can perform in three nominations:
 Nomination “A” - Solo
 Nomination “B” - Small forms (duet, trio, quartet).
 Nomination “C” - Ensemble (from 5 to 12 performers). Age group is determined by the
average age of the participants. Principal performers are not evaluated.
4.3. In each nomination participants are divided by three age groups:
 Junior group - 10-12 years
 Middle group- 13-14 years
 Senior group - 15-17 years
Age of participants is determined at the time of the contest.
4.4. Competition has two rounds:
Round I – eliminatory – 20-28 February, 2016 - the selection of the participants is based on
the submitted documents and video content.
Participants, who passed round I, will receive:
• invitation to participate in round II;
• the additional form of application to settle organizational issues;
• application form to attend master classes;
• a list of documents required for payment of the registration fee and receiving the prize
money in case of winning .
Round II - takes place from March, 24 to March, 27, 2016 on stage of MBUK MBT
“Schelkunchik". In the second round the jury evaluates and makes the final decision at the end of
competition performances.
Nomination “A” - Solo.
1. A variation of classical dance from works of choreographers of XIX- early XX centuries
(versions of the classical heritage are also acceptable)
2. A performance of the original production of choreographers of late XX – early XXI centuries
based on the classical dance specifics (stylization of folk, historical, modern-dance,
contemporary and other genres are acceptable, except for performance in their "original" form).
Nomination “B” - The duet, trio, quartet:
1. Duet, Adagio, a trio or a quartet from works of choreographers of XIX - early XX centuries
(versions of the classical heritage are also acceptable);
2. A performance of the original production of choreographers of late XX – early XXI centuries
based on the classical dance specifics (stylization of folk, historical, modern-dance,
contemporary and other genres are acceptable, except for performance in their "original" form).
Nomination “C” – Ensemble (from 5 to 12 performers, excluding solo artists)
Two choreographic performances based on the classical dance specifics. Works of
choreographers of XIX - early XX centuries are accepted along with performances of the original
production of choreographers of late XX – early XXI centuries based on the classical dance
specifics (stylization of folk, historical, modern-dance, contemporary and other genres are
acceptable, except for performance in their "original" form).
4.5. Performance editing is allowed when performing the program from the versions of the
classical heritage due to the age characteristics of the contestant.
4.6. In the junior age group (10-12 years) performing without using a toe technique is allowed.
4.7. In the senior age group (15-17 years) in nomination "B" - The duet - performing the Pas de
deux is acceptable. In this case, the contestants are exempt from showing the second
4.8. Participants can perform with partners who do not participate in the competition.
5. Winners Awarding.
5.1. Criteria for evaluation of the contestants:
artistic expression;
technical skills;
level of performance in accordance with the school of classical dance;
the degree of detail in the performance;
compositional integrity;
attitude of care to the versions of the classical heritage;
scenic culture.
5.2. Grand Prix is awarded to the overall winner determined by the jury based on the performance
5.3. The title of winner of degrees I, II, III is awarded to participants in each category, each
nomination and each age group;
5.4. The jury reserves the right not to award all prizes, divide awards between several groups and
performers (except for the Grand Prix);
5.5. The jury's decisions are final and not subject to revision.
6. Financial Terms of Participation.
6.1. Financial terms of participation.
6.1.1. For participation in the competition the registration fee in the following amount should be
 Nomination “A” - Solo -2000 rubles
 Nomination “B” - duet, trio -3000 rubles
 Nomination “C” - Ensemble -5000 rubles
6.1.2. Payment is submitted in cash or by bank transfer. In case of non-cash payment, the
documents should be sent one month prior to the start of the competition. Payment must be made
30 days prior to the competition. In the event of refusal to participate in the competition
submitted documents are not returned and the registration fee is not refundable.
6.1.3. Board of Directors doesn’t provide the participants, their partners and teachers with any
kind of insurance.
6.1.4. Board of Directors doesn’t provide the participants with onstage costumes and shoes.
6.2. Travelling Expenses.
6.2.1. Transportation, accommodation, meals are at the expense of the sending party. The
Organizing Committee may provide participants with information about hotels and places to eat.
There is a café with a children's menu in the theater. Participants can get the discount at 20%.
6.2.2. The organizing committee offers for consideration various options for accommodation and
food provision by attracting sponsors and providing certain participants with accommodation
in families.
6.2.3. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to pay for travel, accommodation and meals
expenses of certain participants.
6.3. Prizes and Awards.
6.3.1. The winners of the competition receive certificates and cash prizes as follows:
GRAND PRIX – 50 000 ruble voucher from “GRISHKO” company.
DIPLOMA of DEGREE I - 30 000 ruble voucher from “GRISHKO” company.
DIPLOMA of DEGREE II, III – memorable gifts.
6.3.2. The jury may award the contestants with special prizes, diplomas and prizes of the
competition partners.
6.3.3. Participants of Round II get the Diploma of Participation in the competition.
6.4. Qualification Training Course.
6.4.1. The competition provides qualification training course in the field of classical dance.
6.4.2. The qualification training course program: seminars and master classes run by teachers of
the leading choreographic schools and institutions.
6.4.3. Tuition fee – 1000 rubles for a course (6 academic hours). Payment is due on arrival at the
competition upon registration of participants.
6.4.4. To enter the course you need to send the Application Form to the Organizing Committee.
6.4.5. Upon the completion of training, teachers receive a Qualification Certificate.
6.4.6. The Organizing Committee has the right to limit attendance of master classes for infantparticipants due to the overcrowding of the hall.
Attachment 1
Application for Participation in
the International Junior Competition of Classical Dance Performers
"Schelkunchik" Invites"
Full name of the applicant - organization, company or individual (for indication in
The head of the group (teacher)
Contact information of the applicant - organization, group or individual (postal
address, phone number, e-mail)
Category (professionals/amateurs)
Nomination (A-solo, B- small scale production, C – Ensemble)
Age group (Junior age group – 10-12 years, Middle age group- 13-14 years, Senior
age group – 15-17 years).
Participation program:
I performance
• Name of composer
• Name of performance
• Name of choreographer (production, editor’s name)
• Timing
II performance
• Name of composer
• Name of performance
• Name of choreographer (production, editor’s name)
• Timing
Full Name of the participant (solo, duet, trio, quartet, ensemble)
Full name of teachers, heads of companies, accompanists (for indication in
* Application for participation in the competition shall be submitted separately for each
contestant (the term "contestant" applies to each solo, duet, trio, quartet or ensemble) .
** Application filed not in full, or in any other form is not accepted.
*** Application for participation in the competition (should be filled in the electronic form
on the website: www.dbalet. ru or sent to e-mail: mtbshelkunchik@mail.ru
Phone / fax: +7 (343) 282-98-00
Contact phone: +7 (343) 282-98-12, +7 (343) 282-98-13
Required Attachments:
 video - material competition program (available options: on DVD, flash cards, via the server
www.youtube.ru or any other Internet resource);
 a copy of the document certifying the identity and age of the participants (Birth Certificate or
 two digital photos (portrait and artistically staged in costume) for publication in the
booklet. Photos must be sent along with the application on a digital media or e-mailed;