ONLY ONE COPY OF THIS CHECKLIST IS NEEDED!! Directions for Amendment Submission Any proposed modification to an HIC-approved research protocol or informed consent and authorization document must be approved by the HIC prior to implementation of the proposed change unless there is an urgent need to implement the change prior to HIC approval. To determine if a protocol amendment meets the criteria for expedited review, see HIC policy #202 “Amendment to the Protocol.” Expedited Review Submission Requirements: 1 Copy of Amendment Form with original signature(s) and when applicable: 1 copy of the amended, revised protocol with highlighted changes 1 copy of sponsor summary of changes (if available) 1 copy of the revised consent/assent/information sheet with tracked/highlighted changes; and 1 clean copy of the amended version 1 copy of revised advertisement/flyer/educational brochure(s), etc. with highlighted changes; and 1 clean copy of the amended version 1 copy of any new documents (consent forms, questionnaire, etc.) 1 copy of the revised/updated Investigator’s Drug Brochure(s)/Package Insert(s) 1 copy of Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form for each Key Personnel, and updated CV (if applicable) Full Board Review Submission Requirements: 4 collated packets containing the Amendment Form (one with original signature(s)), and when applicable: 1 copy of the amended, revised protocol version with highlighted changes 1 copy of sponsor summary of changes (if available) 1 copy of the revised consent/assent/information sheet with tracked/highlighted changes 1 copy of revised advertisement/flyer/educational brochure(s), etc. with highlighted changes 1 copy of any new documents (consent forms, questionnaires, etc.) 21 collated packets containing the Amendment Form and when applicable: 1 copy of sponsor summary of changes (if available) 1 copy of the revised consent/assent/information sheet with tracked/highlighted changes 1 copy of revised advertisement/flyer/educational brochure(s), etc with highlighted changes 1 copy of any new documents (consent forms, questionnaires, etc.) 2 copies of Investigator Brochure/Package Insert (if applicable) 1 copy of Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form for each new Key Personnel, and updated CV (if applicable) Advertisement/Notice/Flyer: Advertisement(s) (Total per packet: Notice(s)/Flyer(s) (Total per packet: ) ) Consent/Assent/Information Sheet: Consent(s) (Total per packet: ) Parental Permission (Total per packet: ) Assent(s) (Total per packet: ) Information Sheet(s) (Total per packet: ) Grant Application/Research Protocol Investigator Brochure for a drug/device (Total per packet: Page 1 of 6 ) Version 6/22/12 Amendment Request Form William Beaumont Hospital Human Investigation Committee Phone: (248) 551-0662 Fax: (248) 551-2884 Mail Code: 104 RBS All HIC Submission Forms must be the current form date and typed/computer generated Section A: Principal Investigator (PI) 1. 2. 3. 4. HIC #: Title of Project: Protocol #: Principal Investigator: Department: Phone / Pager: Fax: Email address: Mail Code or Off-Site Address: Form Completed By: Title: Phone / Pager: Fax: Email address: Mail Code or Off-Site Address: Send additional HIC response to: If offsite, provide email address N/A None Section B: Protocol Information 5. HIC Approval Expiration Date: 6. 7. Is this protocol closed to recruitment? Amendment originates from: No Yes Sponsor 8. Type of review requested: Expedited (Minor changes that involve no more than minimal risk and minor changes in approved research) Full Board Principal Investigator Section C: Key Personnel 9. Key Personnel Deletions: (Provide names) Page 2 of 6 Version 6/22/12 10. Key Personnel Addition(s): Complete table below. Provide Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form(s). CV’s (signed and dated) required for new Investigators. * Division 01 = RO Hospital Employee, Division 02 = Troy Hospital Employee, Division 03= Grosse Pointe Hospital Employee, Division 08 = Research Employee ** Research role responsibility delegation by the PI - use the following numbering system: 1 = Principal Investigator, 2 = Co-investigator, 3 = Research Nurse Manager, 4 = Research Nurse Clinician, 5 = Clinical Research Coordinator II, 6 = Clinical Research Coordinator I, 7 = Clinical Research Assistant II, 8 = Clinical Research Assistant I, 9 = Data Analysis, 10 = Data Collection, 11 = Specialist (include description), 12 = Other (include description) *** For Non-Division 08 Employees, percentage of time during a year spent on project Name (Alphabetize by Last Name) 11. Job Title Department Division* Percent of time*** Research Role** Obtain Consent Yes/No No Will there be a new Principal Investigator for the study? Yes (New PI must sign below) I verify that other than customary compensation for my clinical services, or the clinical services of other investigators or staff involved with this study, no other financial arrangements have been made to provide additional compensation. I also verify that no investigator or staff inducements, including a finder’s fee, will be used in the conduct of this study. I agree to take on the role of Principal Investigator for this study. Signature of New Principal Investigator Printed name Title Date Section D: Proposed Changes # Category: Description/Justification: 12. Advertising Materials: Please include information such as location of posting and/or name of radio station or newspaper, the intended audience and the means by which the information/brochure will be distributed. Any advertisements must be submitted to Marketing/Advertising for review. Advertisement Notice/Flyer Participant information/ brochure or pamphlet Press Release Website N/A Page 3 of 6 Version 6/22/12 13. Protocol Revisions: Administrative/editorial Study design Enrollment criteria (increase/decrease in accrual, change in sites, etc.) Addition of vulnerable participants Change in treatment Data collection methods Are there any new Risks and/or Benefits If Yes, is this risk minimal risk? Please address the reason for the revision, how it will change the study, if it will change the risk/benefit ratio and what safeguards will be implemented to protect the study participants from additional risks, if applicable. If the changes, increase risk/benefit ratio, study requires full board review No Yes (for more than minimal risk studies requires a full board review) If Yes, submit appropriate Appendix A, B, C No Yes Yes No (for more than minimal risk studies a full board review is required). Submit Full board! Please call if you need clarification. If there are any changes in risks please list them 14. 15. Other N/A Consent/Assent Forms(s)/Information Sheet(s): Consent Form(s) Parental Permission(s) Assent Form(s) Information Sheet(s) Addendum to consent(s) N/A Drug Brochures/Package Insert: Version Date: New IB with no risk to participants identified. New IB with new risks identified and consent revised. Additional side effects have the potential to change the risk/benefit ratio and require full board review. Describe proposed changes and justification. Page 4 of 6 Version 6/22/12 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. New IB with new risks identified and no consent form changes required. N/A Miscellaneous: Data Safety Monitoring minutes / memos Sponsor annual reports Study on-hold Study off-hold Other N/A Does this amendment affect currently or previously enrolled study participants? How will study participants be notified of the changes? Will any of the changes affect the budget? Does this amendment change the way the device is being utilized or modification to the device? Describe proposed changes and justification. Yes, please describe how this will affect participants No, skip to question 18 Does not affect study participants No participants enrolled Will be re-consented within (define time frame) Number of currently enrolled participants Number of participants in active treatment All participants have completed research activities and there are no possible long term effects Patient discussion documented in research record/source documents No Yes (Please submit a copy of this amendment to Research Accounting) No Yes (Please submit the IDE letter and the amendment to Clinical Engineering) N/A If available, attach the approval notification from Clinical Engineering & Technology Management. 21. Was this study initially reviewed by Biosafety? All studies initially reviewed by Biosafety require the PI to send Amendments to the Institutional Biosafety Committee. No Yes (If Yes, please submit a copy of this amendment to the Biosafety Committee) Research Nurse Manager Signature (If you do not have a research nurse manager for your department, please contact the Research Institute for sign off). In signing the description of this research project, I have reviewed the project and am aware of the budget considerations of this project. Signature of Research Nurse Manager Printed name Page 5 of 6 Title Date Version 6/22/12 Principal Investigator In signing this request to modify this research project, I have reviewed the changes, the delegation of responsibility to key personnel and any associated budgetary ramifications. Signature of Principal Investigator Printed name Page 6 of 6 Date Version 6/22/12