Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects __________ Household Questionnaire to Assess the Demand for Yard Taps Non-connected households 1. Town: 4. Date: 2. Name of residential area: 5. Interviewer: 3. Type of residential area: 6. Kiosk number: 8. O Female: O (Number of nearest kiosk, NA = Non applicable) What is the most important source of drinking water of your household? 1. House tap 6. Hand pump 9. 7. Gender interviewee: Male: 2. Yard tap 7. Open well 3. Public/communal tap 8. Protected yard well 4. Leak in network 9. Stream/lake 5. Kiosk 10. Other source What are the most important sources of water you use for bathing, washing clothes, washing dishes, etc.? 1. House tap 6. Hand pump 2. Yard tap 7. Open well 3. Public/communal tap 8. Protected yard well 4. Leak in network 9. Stream/lake 5. Kiosk 10. Other source 10. What do you think of the quality of the water (taste, appearance, smell) you use for drinking? 1. Good 2. Fair 3. Poor 4. It varies 5. No opinion/don’t’ know Comments: 11. Do you treat the water you use for drinking before consuming it? (treat = tibu) 1. Yes 2. No 3. At times 4. Under special circumstances 12. What is, according to you, the major problem, as far as water supply is concerned? (Read out the various answers) 1. Quantity of water available 5. Waiting time at the source 13. 2. Distance (house - water source) 6. Interruptions in supply 3. Water quality 7. No problems 4. The price of water 8. Other/No opinion Who is taking care (operation, maintenance and repair) of your most important source of drinking water? (Read out the various answers) 1. The WSP 6. The owner(s) 2. A special committee 7. The Chief 3. The users 8. The Council 4. Private plumber 9. Other 5. No one 10. Don’t know 14. What is your opinion concerning the way in which your most important source of water is taken care of? 1. Good 2. Fair 3. Poor 4. It varies 5. No opinion/don’t’ know 15. Do you have any comments or opinions regarding the current water supply, sanitation or waste collection situation in this part of town? Water supply: Sanitation: Waste collection: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects Assessment of Demand for Yard Taps 16. Do you visit the office of the WSP to report problems? Yes: O 17. No: O Sometimes: O Respondent does not know the WSP: O Were you pleased with the Company’s response to your problem? Yes: O No: O Non applicable: O 18. Status of the interviewee (please read out the answers we have formulated) 1. Owner residing on the plot 3. Tenant Comments: 2. Owner residing elsewhere 4. Other Note for the interviewer: Please ask the remaining questions only to the owner of the plot (the landlord) 19. Would you be willing to pay for a yard tap? Yes: O 20. No: O Don’t know: O If the answer is No; why are you not willing to pay for a yard tap? 1. No need for a yard tap 3. Difficult to pay the water bill 5. Other reason Explain: 21. 2. Yard tap is too expensive 4. Difficult to manage the yard tap if the answer is Yes (see question 19); How would you prefer to pay for a yard tap? 1. Single payment 3. Combination of deposit and monthly instalment 2. 4. Monthly instalment Other form of payment Comments: 22. 23. How much would you be willing and able to pay for a yard tap? 1. KSh Single payment 2. KSh Monthly instalment 3. KSh Deposit Monthly instalment How many households are living on your plot? Number: 24. + KSh Don’t know (please tick): How many persons are living on your plot? Number: Don’t know (please tick): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Toolkit for Urban Water Supply Projects Assessment of Demand for Yard Taps