Monday 08000845 09000945 10001045 11001145 11451215 12151300 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday General part General part Fieldwork Labanimals Fieldwork Labanimals Fieldwork Labanimals Introduction to experimental animal science Pain and stress physiology in animals- general introduction 3 Rs in wildlife studies Rodent biology, anatomy, physiology and genetics Pain recognition and stress physiology of wildlife Housing, care and environmental factors Application process and reporting field research General experimental techniques and surgery Legislation and regulations I Effect of different procedures in animals – general aspects Guidelines and web resources for field experiments Rodent biology, anatomy, physiology and genetics Diseases and zoonoses in wildlife Housing, care and environmental factors Reporting result of field work in scientific literature General experimental techniques and surgery Legislation and regulation II The application process and reporting - FOTS Statistical design of field experiments I Sedation, immobilization and anaesthesia Health hazards in laboratory facilities Fieldwork, wildlife and the press media Humane endpoints The new EU directive on animal experimentation The application process and reporting -FOTS Statistical design of field experiments II Pig biology, anatomy, physiology and genetics Choice of animal model General procedures for capture of large terrestrial mammals Anaesthesia and analgesia in rodents and rabbits Presentation of group work Humane endpoints Presentation of group work Euthanasia LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Alternatives to the use of animals LUNCH Fieldwork Introduction – challenges in field experiments Labanimals Experimental design and statistics I LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Wildlife research and management challenges and current controversies Laboratory animal quality Capture, tagging, and sampling techniques for marine mammals Anaesthesia and analgesia in rodents and rabbits Alternatives to the use of animals Field work specific legislation Experimental design and statistics II 13151400 14151500 Case study: an interdisciplinary marine ecology project using telemetry Health monitoring I Capture, tagging, and sampling techniques for birds Anaesthesia and analgesia in rodents and rabbits Planning of experiments (guidelines, web resources, GLP) General part Ethics Visit to the Department of Arctic Biology, UiT Health monitoring II Scientific papers for discussion – group work Anaesthesia and analgesia in pigs In vivo imaging techniques Ethics Visit to the Department of Arctic Biology, UiT Scientific paper for discussion – group work Scientific papers for discussion – group work Presentation of group work Summary and questions EXAM 15151600 Summary and questions EXAM