Bartsch vitae Oct 2008 - University of Houston

Bartsch, R. A. 1
Curriculum Vitae
Robert Allen Bartsch
University of Houston – Clear Lake
Box 15
2700 Bay Area Blvd
Houston, TX 77058-1098
Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder (1996). Dissertation Title: The
Effect of Coherence of Disconfirming Members on Stereotype Change.
M.A. in Social Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder (1993).
B.A. in Psychology, Statistics, and Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, Texas (1991).
Professional Positions
Division Chair – Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Human Sciences and Humanities –
University of Houston – Clear Lake (2007-present)
Associate Professor, School of Human Sciences and Humanities, University of Houston – Clear
Lake (2005-present)
Convener, Teaching-Learning Enhancement Center, University of Houston – Clear Lake (20052007)
Assistant Professor, School of Human Sciences and Humanities, University of Houston - Clear
Lake (2001-2005).
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Rice University (Spring 2004; PSYC 339, Psychological
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Houston (Fall 2003; PSYC 6338, Foundations
of Social Psychology).
Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Kinesiology, University of Texas of
the Permian Basin (1996-2001).
Bartsch, R. A. 2
Program Head for Applied Research Psychology M.A. Program, University of Texas of the
Permian Basin (1997-2001).
Research Activities
Honors and Recognitions
First Place Poster at Southwestern Conference on Teaching of Psychology (2003).
First Place Poster at Southwestern Conference on Teaching of Psychology (2002).
Golden Windmill Award from the La Mancha Society and the University of Texas of the Permian
Basin (1999).
Bartsch, R. A., Bittner, W. M. E., & Moreno, Jr., J. E. (in press). A design to improve internal
validity of assessments of teaching demonstrations. Teaching of Psychology.
Case, K. A., Bartsch, R. A., McEnery, L., Hall, S. P., Hermann, A. D., & Foster, D. A. (2008).
Establishing a comfortable classroom from day one: Student perceptions of the
reciprocal interview. College Teaching, 56, 210-214.
Revere, L., Elden, M., & Bartsch, R. A. (2008, January). Designing group examinations to
decrease social loafing and increase learning. International Journal for the Scholarship
of Teaching and Learning, 2(1). Retrieved January 23, 2008 from http://
Hentges, B. A., Meier, J. A., & Bartsch, R. A. (2007, December 16). The effect of race, gender,
and bias on liking of commercials with perceived stereotypes. Current Research in Social
Psychology, 13(6). Retrieved January 23, 2008 from
Bartsch, R. A. (2007). Social psychology and instructional design. In T. T. Kidd & H. Song (Eds.)
Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems and Technology (pp. 944-951). IGI
Global: Hershey, NY.
Bartsch, R. A. (2007). Misuse of online databases for literature searches. In T. T. Kidd & H. Song
(Eds.) Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems and Technology (pp. 373-380). IGI
Global: Hershey, NY
Hentges, B. A., Bartsch, R. A., & Meier, J. A. (2007). Gender representation in television
commercials as a function of audience age. Communication Research Reports, 24, 1-8.
Bartsch, R. A. 3
Bartsch, R. A. (2006). Improving attitudes toward statistics in the first class. Teaching of
Psychology, 33, 197-198.
Cheurprakobkit, S. & Bartsch, R. A. (2005). Security measures on school crime in Texas middle
and high schools. Educational Research, 47, 235-250.
Bartsch, R. A., & Cheurprakobkit, S. (2004). The effects of amount of contact, contact
expectation, and contact experience with police on attitudes toward police. Journal of
Police and Criminal Psychology, 19, 128-134.
Bartsch, R. A., & Tydlacka, B. L. (2003). Student perceptions (and the reality) of percentage of
journal articles found through full-text databases. Research Strategies, 19, 128-134.
Bartsch, R. A., & Cobern, K. (2003). Effectiveness of PowerPoint presentations in lectures.
Computers and Education, 41, 77-86.
Bartsch, R. A., Warren, T., Sharp, A. D., & Green, M. A. (2003). Assessment of psychology
graduate program information on the World Wide Web. Teaching of Psychology, 30,
Bartsch, R. A., & Cheurprakobkit, S. (2002). School problems and learning about crime and
justice systems: Principals’ views. Journal of Research in Education, 28, 275-285.
Cheurprakobkit, S., & Bartsch, R. A. (2001). Police performance: A model for assessing citizens’
satisfaction and the importance of police attributes. Police Quarterly, 4, 449-468.
Hansen, T., & Bartsch, R. A. (2001). The positive relationship between personal need for
structure and the mere exposure effect. Social Behavior and Personality, 29, 271-276.
Bartsch, R. A., Burnett, T., Diller, T. R., & Rankin-Williams, K. (2000). Gender representation in
television commercials: Updating an update. Sex Roles, 43, 735-743.
Cheurprakobkit, S., & Bartsch, R. A. (2000). School crime and education: Is there a need for
criminology/criminal justice courses in the high school curriculum. Journal of Security
Administration, 23(2), 1-12.
Bartsch, R. A., & Paton, V. I. (1999). The presence of odd pricing in the Texas State Lottery.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29, 2394-2409.
Cheurprakobkit, S., & Bartsch, R. A. (1999). Police work and the police profession: Assessing
attitudes of city officials, Spanish-speaking Hispanics, and their English-speaking
counterparts. Journal of Criminal Justice, 27, 87-100.
Bartsch, R. A. 4
Markestad, C. L., Montgomery, L., & Bartsch, R. A. (1998). Infertility and length of medical
treatment: Effects on psychological, marital, and sexual functioning. International
Journal of Rehabilitation and Health, 4, 233-243.
Bartsch, R. A., Judd, C. M., Louw, D. A., Park, B., & Ryan, C. S. (1997). Cross-national outgroup
homogeneity: United States and South African stereotypes. South African Journal of
Psychology, 27, 166-170.
Judd, C. M., & Bartsch, R. A. (1995). Cats, dogs, and the OH effect: A reply to Simon and to
Haslam and Oakes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 477-480.
Bartsch, R. A., & Judd, C. M. (1993). Majority-minority status and perceived ingroup variability
revisited. European Journal of Social Psychology, 23, 471-483.
Research Grants and Contracts
University of Houston – Clear Lake (2004-2005, summer salary). Development of Item Bank of
Questions for Assessment of Global Diversity Knowledge in UHCL Graduating Seniors.
Human Sciences Course Release (2005, course release). Proposal for Spring 2005 Course
Release for Research.
Faculty Research Support Fellowship (2002-2003, $1845). Gender representation in television
commercials as a function of audience gender and age (co-author of grant with Hentges
and Meier).
Psi Chi Faculty Advisor Award (1999-2000, $1500). Why do we have attitudes: Further
development of the functionality theory of attitudes.
Golden Windmill Award (1999-2000, $1000). Why do we have attitudes: Investigation of the
functionality theory of attitudes.
Center for Energy and Economic Diversification Grant (1998, $45,000) - School crime and
education: Is there a need of criminal justice and criminology courses in the school
curriculum (co-author of grant with Cheurprakobkit).
University Research Grant (1995-1996, $500) – The effect of coherence of disconfirmers on the
subtyping process.
Ford Foundation Grant (1990-1991, $750) – Stereotypes at Rice University.
Bartsch, R. A. 5
Conference Presentations
Bartsch, R. A., & Meerman, H. (2008, April). Use of vicarious experience to increase academic
self-efficacy. Poster presented at annual American Educational Research Association
conference. New York, NY.
Bartsch, R.A., Meier, J. A., & Hentges, B. A. (2008, February). An example of subtle bias in
gender representation in network television commercials. Poster presented at annual
Society of Personality and Social Psychology conference. Albuquerque, NM.
Bartsch, R.A. (2008, February). Analyzing the use of electronic classroom response systems. To
click or not to click. Paper presented annual Society of Personality and Social Psychology
conference. Albuquerque, NM.
LaBauve, R. J., & Bartsch, R. A. (2007, November). The effect taking the summer off has on
academic achievement at the university. Poster presented at annual Southwest
Teachers of Psychology conference. Houston, TX.
McEnery, L., Case, K. A., Bartsch, R. A., Hall, S. P. (2007, November). The Class Interview:
Creating Community from Day One. Paper presented at the annual Southwest Teachers
of Psychology conference. Houston, TX.
Case, K. A., Bartsch, R. A., McEnery, L. (2007, October). Building Classroom Community: Student
Perceptions of the Reciprocal Interview. Poster presented at annual Professional
Organizational Development conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Bartsch, R. A. (2007, October). Comparing different methods of student classroom response
systems. Roundtable presented at annual Professional Organizational Development
conference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Moran, J., Bartsch, R. A., Case, K. A., & Stewart, B. (2007, April). Women with Shaved Heads and
Discrimination: Three Field Studies. Poster presented at annual Southwestern
Psychological Association conference. Ft. Worth, TX.
Luu, T., & Bartsch, R. A. (2006, August). Acculturation and Vietnamese American Attitudes
toward Gay Men and Lesbians. Poster presented at the annual American Psychological
Association conference. New Orleans, LA.
Bartsch, R. A. (2006, January). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: How to Do and Publish
Research on Teaching Activities. Paper presented at the annual Society for Personality
and Social Psychologists conference. Palm Springs, CA.
Bartsch, R. A. 6
Bartsch, R. A., Bittner, W. E. B., & Moreno, Jr., J. E. (2005, November). Evaluating Learning
Demonstrations in Psychology: Current Status and Suggestions. Paper presented at the
Southwestern Conference on Teaching of Psychology. Seguin, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2005, June). The effect of interleaved vs. blocked lectures on performance in
statistics class. Paper presented at the annual CASTL Institute: Developing Scholars of
Teaching and Learning. Chicago, IL.
Bartsch, R. A. (2005, January). Two heads are better than one: But do they learn more? Poster
presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach,
Bartsch, R. A., Meier, J. A., Shelley, K, & Tillman, L. (2004, October). Teaching a combined
research methods and statistics class. Poster presented at conference on Best Practices
in Teaching Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Bartsch, R. A. (2004, July). Applying the technology acceptance model to electronic journal
searches. Poster presented at annual American Psychological Association conference,
Honolulu, HI.
Bartsch, R. A., & Tydlacka, B. L. (2004, July). Percentage of references in electronic full-text
databases: Perceptions and reality. Poster presented at annual American Psychological
Association conference, Honolulu, HI.
Hentges, B. A., Bartsch, R. A., & Meier, J. A. (2004, April). Gender stereotyping in commercials:
Impact of audience age and product. Paper presented at first Gender Development
Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Bartsch, R. A. (2004, January). Increasing organizational commitment and seeking professional
mental help while discussing the theory of evolution with gay men and lesbian parents.
Paper presented at annual Social Psychologists in Texas conference, Corpus Christi, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2003, November). Using the technology acceptance model to predict student
choice of abstract or full-text databases in literature searches. Poster presented at
annual Southwestern Conference on Teaching of Psychology, Seguin, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2003, November). Examining personal space in the opening lecture. Paper
presented at annual Southwestern Conference on Teaching of Psychology, Seguin, TX.
Bartsch, R. A., Hentges, B. A., & Meier, J. A. (2003, November). Psychology courses from two
universities focusing on skill development. Paper presented at annual Southwestern
Conference on Teaching of Psychology, Seguin, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. 7
Hentges, B. A., Bartsch, R. A., & Meier, J. A. (2003, April). Gender representation in television
commercials as a function of audience age. Poster presented at bi-annual Society of
Research on Child Development, Tampa Bay, FL.
Bartsch, R. A., & Hinsz, D. (2003, February). Investigation of attitude change by attitude function
in two classroom settings. Poster presented at annual Society of Personality and Social
Psychologists, Los Angeles, CA.
Bartsch, R. A., & Tydlacka, B. L. (2002, November). Percentage of references in electronic fulltext databases: Perceptions and reality. Poster presented at annual Southwestern
Conference on Teaching Psychology, Houston, TX.
Elliot, K., Bartsch, R. A., Shelley, K., & Tillman, L. (2002, November). Using concept maps to
assess students’ knowledge of statistics. Poster presented at annual Southwestern
Conference on Teaching Psychology, Houston, TX.
Green, M. A., & Bartsch, R. A. (2002, April). Assessment of psychology graduate program
information on the internet. Poster presented at annual Southwestern Psychological
Association conference, Corpus Christi, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2002, April). Effectiveness of power point presentations in lectures. Poster
presented at annual Student Conference for Research and Creative Arts, Houston, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2001, November). Active practice in persuasion: “Can I get one more point on
this quiz?”. Poster presented at annual Southwestern Conference on Teaching
Psychology, Houston, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2001, April). Reducing fear and increasing self-efficacy in introductory statistics
courses. Poster presented at annual Southwestern Psychological Association
conference, Houston, TX.
Bryden, J. R. T., & Bartsch, R. A. (2001, April). Relationship between university involvement
while attending and after graduation. Poster presented at annual Southwestern
Psychological Association conference, Houston, TX.
Sarabia, J. M. , & Bartsch, R. A. (2001, April). Applying attitude functionality theory to individuals
seeking professional psychological help. Poster presented at annual Southwestern
Psychological Association conference, Houston, TX.
Bartsch, R. A., & MacDonald, A. (2001, February). The application of attitude functions to the
study of job attitudes. Poster presented at annual Society for Personality and Social
Psychologists conference, San Antonio, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. 8
Bartsch, R. A. (2000, August). Students successfully applying to graduate school: Establishing a
tradition. Paper presented at annual American Psychological Association conference,
Washington, D. C.
Bartsch, R. A., Benningfield, A. C., MacDonald, A., Morales, J., & Myers, J. (2000, April). What
you can do after you graduate: Methods and results. Symposium presented at annual
Southwestern Psychological Association conference, Dallas, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2000, January). New directions in attitude functionality research. Paper
presented at annual Social Psychologists in Texas conference, San Antonio, TX.
Markestad, C. L., Montgomery, L. M., & Bartsch, R. A. (1999, August). Infertility: Length of
medical treatment on psychological, marital, and sexual functioning. Poster presented
at annual American Psychological Association conference, Boston, MA.
Bartsch, R. A., & MacDonald, A. (1999, June). Predicting attitudes from perceived typicality of
events and attitude functionality. Poster presented at annual American Psychological
Society conference, Denver, CO.
Bartsch, R. A. (1999, June). Different strategies for teaching social psychology and other
courses. Poster presented at annual American Psychological Society Institute on the
Teaching of Psychology, Denver, CO.
Bartsch, R. A., & Rankin-Williams, E. (1999, April). Gender bias in television commercials in
1998, 1988, and 1976. Poster presented at annual Southwestern Psychological
Association conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Bartsch, R. A., Winger, C. A., Johnson, J. W., & Williams, P. (1999, April). Perceptions of the
severity of the Year 2000 problem. Poster presented at annual Southwestern
Psychological Association conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Schitoskey, A., Bartsch, R. A., & Rathbun, S. (1999, April). Similarity with fictional and nonfictional role-models. Poster presented at annual Southwestern Psychological
Association conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Cheurprakobkit, S., & Bartsch, R. A. (1999, March). School crime and education: Is there a need
of criminal justice and criminology courses in the school curriculum. Paper presented at
annual Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meeting, Orlando, FL.
Cheurprakobkit, S., & Bartsch, R. A. (1998, March). Citizens' attitudes about police work and the
police profession: A comparison between non-English speaking Hispanics and their
English-speaking counterparts. Paper presented at annual Academy of Criminal Justice
Sciences meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Bartsch, R. A. 9
Bartsch, R. A., & Tan, A. (1998, January). More data on how stereotype activation affects social
behavior. Paper presented at annual Social Psychologists in Texas meeting, Houston,
Bartsch, R. A. (1997, May). Another effect of individuating information on stereotypes:
Increased consistency. Poster presented at annual American Psychological Society
meeting, Washington, D. C.
Bartsch, R. A. (1997, April). The effect of coherence of disconfirming members on subtyping.
Poster presented at annual Southwestern Psychological Association meeting, Forth
Worth, TX.
Shepherd, J., & Bartsch, R. A. (1997, April). The use of physiological responses to validate selfreport measures. Poster presented at annual Southwestern Psychological Association
meeting, Fort Worth, TX.
Bartsch, R. A., & Healy, A. F. (1995, April). Precategorical Acoustic Storage and Perceptual
Grouping as Explanations of the Suffix Effect. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Boulder, CO.
Bartsch, R. A. (1995, November). How a teacher's stereotypes can unknowingly affect students.
Paper presented at the annual National Conference on the Education and Employment
of Graduate Teaching Assistants, Denver, CO.
Bartsch, R. A. (1994, October). Applying Functionality Theory to Stereotypes and Prejudice: A
New Direction in Stereotype Research. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
National Association of Graduate and Professional Students, Tucson, AZ.
Invited Presentations
Bartsch, R. A. (2007, October). The Science of Happiness. Presented at the Clear Lake
Association of Senior Programs. Houston, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2005, June). Using abstract and full-text databases in literature searches.
Presented at the University of Texas School of Health Information Sciences at Houston.
Houston, TX.
Non-refereed publications
Bartsch, R.A. (2000). Why do we have attitudes? Further development of the functionality
theory of attitudes. Eye on Psi Chi, 5(1), 13.
Bartsch, R. A. 10
Peer Reviewer
Consulting Editor for Teaching of Psychology (2008-present)
Reviewer for Teaching of Psychology (1999-present)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences (2007, 2008)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Computers and Education (2006, 2008)
Ad-hoc reviewer for 2004 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Institute (2004)
Reviewer for Psi Chi: Journal of Undergraduate Research (2000-2001)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Sex Roles (2001)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (1999)
Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of Experimental Social Psychology (1993)
Teaching Activities
Honors and Recognitions
Nomination for Piper Award (2007)
Chancellor's Council Outstanding Teacher’s Award (1998)
Graduate Teacher Program Certification (1996)
Lead Graduate Teaching Assistant - Psychology Department (1995-1996)
Pew Teaching Leadership Award (1995)
Courses taught – Undergraduate level
Research Design and Statistical Measurement (6 hour integrated course)
Research Methodology/Experimental Psychology
Social Psychology
Social Psychology of Good and Evil
Introduction to Statistics/Psychological Statistics
Research in Social Psychology
Introduction to Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Orientation to Psychology
Psychological Thinking
Advisor for 37 completed Senior Theses
Courses taught – Graduate level
Research Design and Statistical Measurement (6 hour integrated course)
Advanced Statistics
Advanced Social Psychology
Social Psychology of Good and Evil
Organizational Behavior
Bartsch, R. A. 11
Health Psychology
Foundations of Social Psychology
Applied Practicum
Advisor for 5 completed Master’s Theses
Advisor for 1 completed Master’s Project
Committee member for 3 Doctoral committees
Advisor for Student Conferences
8 undergraduates for 2 projects
approximately 98 individual or group graduate student projects
Comparing Media Reports with Original Studies (2004) - included 35 small student posters
Service Activities
Honors and Recognitions
Nominated member of Omicron Delta Kappa (2007)
Certificate of Appreciation from UTPB Alumni Association (2001)
Student Senate Appreciation Award (2000)
Student Senate Appreciation Award (1999)
Graduate Student Service Award (1996)
Media Activities
Psychological Consultant for television show, Mental Engineering (Seasons 2-11)
Academic consultant for Mental Engineering: A Superbowl Special (January 2002)
Conference Presentations
Peres, C., & Bartsch, R. A. (2007, November). Teaching Statistics in Psychology. Roundtable
presented at annual Southwest Teachers of Psychology conference. Houston, TX.
Scharff, L., Bartsch, R. A., & Cirillo, J. (2006, November). Developing Faculty Teaching: Exchange
of Ideas. Paper presented at the annual Southwestern Teachers of Psychology
conference. Houston, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (2002, November). A beginner’s guide to publishing research on teaching. Paper
presented at annual Southwestern Conference on Teaching Psychology, Houston, TX.
Bartsch, R. A., Meier, J. A., McNaughton-Cassill, M. E., Ziemer, H., & Dougherty, T. M. (2002,
April). Prospering as assistant professors: Stories from the front lines. Chair and
participant of symposium at annual Southwestern Psychological Association
conference, Corpus Christi, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. 12
Bartsch, R. A., & Wilson, N. (1999, April). Workshop of the whole: League of Women Voters:
Role Model to the World! Long Range Planning. Workshop completed at the annual
meeting of the Texas League of Women Voters, Midland, TX.
Bartsch, R. A. (1994, March). Survey Construction and Implementation. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the National Association of Graduate and Professional Students,
Newark, NJ.
Conference Services
Coordinator of Texas Faculty Development Network conference (May)
Reviewer for Teaching section of SWPA conference
Chair of Teaching Paper Session for SWPA conference
University and School Committees
Faculty Advisor for Omicron Delta Kappa
Curriculum Committee
Committee on Education Policy
co-faculty advisor for UHCL Gamer’s Guild
3rd year review committee (Dean’s designee)
3rd year review committee (chair for 2 individuals)
New Student Orientation, Member of Faculty Panel
Dean’s Marshall at Commencement
Promotion and Tenure Committee (one individual)
Committee on Education Policy
University Planning Committee
Faculty Senate
Curriculum Committee
Grade Appeal Committee
Promotion and Tenure Committee (one individual)
Behavioral Science Diversity Requirements ad-hoc committee
Sub-committee to Develop Assessment Instrument for Global Perspectives
Web Standards Committee
Lab Safety committee
Institutional Data committee
Faculty Affairs committee
Enrollment Management committee
College Curriculum Committee
Student Union Building Committee
Information Resources Division committee
Faculty advisor to the Student Senate
SACS committee on Student Affairs
Search committee for Student Activities Director
Bartsch, R. A. 13
Nominating Committee for Chair of Behavioral Science Department
Ad-hoc committee on Retention
Faculty Instructional/Development committee
Academic Affairs committee
University of Colorado System Wide Executive Committee for the Graduate
Boulder Faculty Assembly - Athletic Committee
Statistical Consultant to the Coalition for Student Parents
United Government of Graduate Students Officer
Standing Committee on Research Misconduct
National Association of Graduate and Professional Students - Board of
Internal Review of the Humanities Department
Psychology Committees
2002-05, 2006
Coordinator of Graduate Student Orientation
General Psychology Search Committee, chair
Psychology Scholarship Committee
Participant Pool coordinator
Industrial/Organizational Search Committee
Teaching of Psychology Conference committee
Convener of General Psychology Program
General Psychology Search Committee, chair
Industrial/Organizational Search Committee
General Psychology Search Committee, co-chair
General Psychologist Search Committee
Developmental Psychologist Search Committee
Subcommittee on Participant Pools
Coordinator of the Psychology Program Participant Pool
co-Faculty Advisor for Psi Chi
co-Faculty Advisor for Psychology Club
Professional Memberships
American Educational Research Association
American Psychological Association
APA Div. 2 - The Society for the Teaching of Psychology
APA Div. 8 - Society for Personality and Social Psychology
American Psychological Society
Council of Teaching Undergraduate Psychology
Professional and Organizational Development Network
Social Psychologists in Texas
Texas Faculty Development Network
Bartsch, R. A. 14
Other Activities
Texas Faculty Development Network, Member of Executive Committee (2007-present)
Teaching of Psychology in Secondary Schools Speakers’ Bureau (2005-present)
Houston Science Fair Judge (2003, 2008)
Community Associate to Wiess College, Rice University (2004-2008)
Dissertation Committee Member at University of South Australia (2006-2007)
Member of the Graduate Faculty at the University of North Texas (2000-2006)
Reviewer at UHCL Student Research Conference (2002-2005)
Reviewer for two textbooks (2004)
Coordinator of Graduating Senior Survey data (1998-2001)
University of Texas of the Permian Basin Science Fair Judge (1998-2001)