Cancer Rehab Mapping Toolkit

Unit D521 Design, agree and adapt a physical
activity programme to aide cancer
Mapping Version
Element 1 – D521.1 Design and agree a physical activity programme for
patients/clients recovering from cancer and its treatments
What you must do
Mapped Against
Agree to a standard criteria for definition of those living with cancer
eligible for exercise programme
Demonstrate a reliable standardised system to establish an
effective working relationship with your patients/clients
Determine a reliable system for confidential communication with
your clients referring health care professional
Have written protocols in place to deal with potential medical
Demonstrate a system to collect, record and interpret information
about your patients/clients including their previous cancer
treatments, co-morbidities and how these could effect their abilities
and/or risks to exercise
Demonstrate a robust system for data protection and patient/client
Establish and agree the patient/client’s readiness to participate
Establish a system of assessment of your clients abilities and
stratified risks to exercise, consider the acceptability of risk at all
Plan and agree goals that are appropriate to your clients and their
current level of ability
10 Plan and prepare objectives, activities and delivery methods that
are appropriate to your client’s goals and condition
11 Design and agree a programme adapted to your patient/client using
relevant principles of training
What you must cover
Mapped Against
Referral form
Client’s medical history including medication and co-morbidities
Other health professionals, if required
Informed consent to participate and to transfer personal/medical
Current and previous physical activity history and preferences
Unit D521
Mapping Version
Specific disabilities and points of specific concerns for exercise
Relevant social and psychological considerations
Personal goals and expectations for the forthcoming programme
9 Ongoing behavioural changes
1. Reports
2. Interview
3. Questionnaires
4. Observations
5. Validated functional assessments
Element 2 – D521.2 Deliver, review and adapt a physical activity programme for
patients/clients recovering from cancer and its treatments
What you must do
Mapped Against
Deliver planned activities with your patient/client (and carer if
appropriate), predetermined in the referral and assessment
Have an ongoing system of monitoring and assessment in order to
ensure activity goals are met and/or adapt them according to
clients evolving needs and abilities
Have an ongoing system of monitoring in order to assess the risk of
continuing exercise programme
If necessary manage medical emergencies until appropriate
medical help is available
Communicate and consult with your patients/clients with sensitivity
and empathy on issues to do with their physical activity
programme and progress
Provide appropriate attention to your patients/clients with common
Support your patient/client in a way which will motivate and
promote sustained change in physical activity levels whether within
a structured exercise programme or elsewhere
Enable your patients/clients to take part in unsupervised exercise
on their own
Monitor your patient/client’s progress against agreed goals and
adapt the programme accordingly
Communicate adverse events with the referring clinician
What you must know and understand
Mapped Against
Relevant current government and NHS policy and guidelines for
living with cancer
Awareness of national agencies and organisations relating to
living with cancer
Unit D521
Mapping Version
Relevant medico-legal issues
The structure of UK cancer services and the roles of different
professionals involved in the care of the patient at the various
stages in their management pathway
How to interact and communicate appropriately with the
referring clinician or other relevant professional particularly the
specialist nurses
How to ensure the patient’s condition meets the recommended
guidelines for eligibility for referral to community based exercise
The physiology and pathology of cancer
The environmental/risk factors that can cause cancer and the
factors which help our bodies defend against it
The main cancer treatments and management pathways
particularly surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy,
chemotherapy and biological therapies
K10 The potential effects of cancer surgery and how these can
influence the safety and ability to exercise
K11 The potential side effects of chemotherapy and how these can
influence the safety and ability to exercise
K12 The potential side effects of radiotherapy and how these can
influence the safety and ability to exercise
K13 The potential side effects of hormone therapies and how these
can influence the safety and ability to exercise
K14 The potential side effects of biological therapies and how these
can influence the safety and ability to exercise
K15 The published evidence that exercise and lifestyle can reduce
the short and long term risk of relapse after initial treatments and
improve long term survival
K16 The published evidence that exercise and lifestyle can reduce
the risk of cancer, reduce the risk of relapse after initial
treatments and improve long term survival
K17 The underlying mechanisms of how exercise and lifestyle helps
improve morbidity and outcomes after cancer treatments
K18 Demonstrate communication skills and compassion for
patients/clients who have suffered the physical and
psychological trauma of cancer and its management
K19 Motivational processes, models and techniques involved in
behavioural change for the referred patient/client who have
suffered the physical and psychological trauma of cancer and its
K20 How to establish a safe and stimulating activity environment
sensitive to the physical and psychological, confidentially needs
of patients/clients within cancer including the appropriateness of
group or individual therapies
K21 How to assess, interpret and record a clients baseline
parameters within the categories of cardio-respiratory
endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, range
Unit D521
Mapping Version
of motion, balance, body composition based on their physical
and psychological parameters related to their cancer but also
considering other associated medical conditions such as
diabetes, anxiety, depression, hypertension, arthritis,
osteoporosis, cardiac disease which may be associated with
cancer treatments
K22 Individual risk stratification using recognised guidelines
K23 How to design an individualised exercise programme based on
the initial assessment
K24 How to determine which baseline parameters can be monitored
during the forthcoming exercise program in order to assess
ongoing effectiveness and if necessary modify the programme
and offer alternative exercises
K25 How to prepare and undertake appropriate ongoing screening in
order to detect a change in their condition; what to look out for
during exercise
K26 How to identify when to consult the relevant health care
K27 How to ensure carers are comfortable with the principles of the
exercise prescription
K28 How to respond safely, appropriately and manage medical
complications until appropriate medical help is available
K29 General advice to motivate and encourage increased physical
activity for the long term
K30 The important general lifestyle factors after cancer and the
ability to signpost clients to suitable written materials regarding
weight control, adequate protein intake relevant to the level of
exercise, healthy and unhealthy diets, supplements, smoking,
sun exposure, carcinogens and environmental pollutants
K31 The management, evaluation and reporting of information, in
verbal and written formats
Unit D521
Mapping Version