Contexts Prenegation: List of words or phrases that occur before a keyword or concept that indicate a negated concept (i.e. no pneumonia) Postnegation: List of words or phrases that occur after a keyword or concept that indicate a negated concept (i.e. pneumonia not present) History: List of words or phrases that occur before a keyword or concept that indicate a historical concept (i.e. history of pneumonia) Family: List of words or phrases that occur before or after a keyword or concept that indicate a family historical concept (i.e. Mother with pneumonia) Ambiguous: List of words or phrases that occur before or after a keyword or concept that indicate an uncertain concept (i.e. possible pneumonia) PreMicro: List of words or phrases that occur before a keyword or concept that indicate a negated concept (i.e. no MRSA) that are specific for microbiology reports PostMicro: List of words or phrases that occur after a keyword or concept that indicate a negated concept (i.e. MRSA not present) that are specific for microbiology reports Concept data Concept_Name Name that gets placed onto report for positive findings Code Standardized code for this concept name Format: code|codeSystem Name Name of the concept Absolutes Patterns that indicate a keyword match to a concept in regular expression format Abs_Except Patterns that indicate an exception to keyword match to a concept in regular expression format and that can occur anywhere in the sentence AltNum Number of alternate patterns for concept keywords (deprecated) PreConcept Patterns that occur before an alternate keyword match of a concept in regular expression format PostConcept Patterns that occur after an alternate keyword match of a concept in regular expression format AltCon1 First alternate keyword pattern that indicate a keyword match to a concept in regular expression format (combines with PreConcept and PostConcept as in Pre + AltCon1 + Post) AltCon2 Second alternate keyword pattern that indicate a keyword match to a concept in regular expression format (combines with PreConcept and PostConcept as in Pre + AltCon2 + Post) AltCon3 Special case alternate keyword pattern that indicate a keyword match to a concept in regular expression format (is a standalone alternate does not combine with PreConcept and PostConcept) Alt_Except Terms that indicate an exception to an alternate keyword match to a concept that can occur anywhere in the sentence (terms delimited by _ ) Neg_Except_Con ‘Undoes’ a negation -negation terms that are not to be negated for this concept that can occur anywhere in the sentence (combines with Neg_Ex_Neg) (terms delimited by _ ) Neg_Ex_Neg Combines with Neg_Except_Con to cause an exception to a negation (terms delimited by _) On_off Terms which turn on and off text extraction in a report Format: on|off (terms delimited by _) Report_Extraction Term or Phrase which must be present in a report for report to be considered valid (terms delimited by _ and are case sensitive) Section_Extraction Term or Phrase which must be present in a section of report for section to be considered valid (terms delimited by _ and are case sensitive) Section_Start Term or Phrase indicating the beginning of a target section (terms delimited by _ and are case sensitive) Section_End Term or Phrase indicating the end of a target section (terms delimited by _ and are case sensitive) Special_negs Term or Phrase that indicates negation that occurs anywhere within the sentence (terms delimited by _ ) Sml_window_neg Term or Phrase that indicates negation that occurs within a 3 word window of words around a concept (terms delimited by _ ) absolute_negs Term or Phrase that indicates negation that occurs anywhere within a report (terms delimited by _ ) paragraph Term or Phrase that must be found within 4 sentences before and 2 sentences after a concept sentence else the concept is excepted (terms delimited by _ ) Contexts Contexts that are to be analyzed when processing this concept (terms delimited by _ )